Treacher Collins Syndrome Symptoms This syndrome which is also

Treacher Collins Syndrome Symptoms
This syndrome which is also referred to as mandibulofacial dysostosis, affects bone development and other
tissues in the head and face. Signs or symptoms vary greatly from individual to individual, ranging from hardly
noticeable to quite severe. Some individuals with this syndrome are also born with cleft palate which is an
opening in the roof of the mouth. In cases which are severe, the facial bones that are underdeveloped can
restrict an infant’s airway, causing respiratory problems that are life-threatening.
Characteristics can include:
Eyes are down-slanting
Few eyelashes
Lower eyelids are notched
Eye abnormalities can lead to vision loss
Large, beak-looking nose
Obstructed or small nasal passages
Absent or underdevelopment of cheekbones as well as the floor and side wall of socket of the eye
Lower jaw that is often slanting and small
Hairline is unusual with hair growing across the cheek like a sideburn
Malformed or underdeveloped and/or prominent ears
Defects in middle ear can lead to loss of hearing
In some cases, very small or missing thumbs
Treacher Collins Syndrome Causes
This syndrome is caused by a protein called treacle that is defective. This condition is passed on thru families –
inherited. More than half of the cases are believed to be caused by new gene mutations since there is no
family history of the disorder.
Research that is recent has isolated the cause of this syndrome to a problem with a gene on the number 5
chromosome. This is the gene that controls the development of bones as well as other structures of the head
and neck. When this gene is defective the bones in the facial area do not develop properly in the womb and
the baby is born with facial features characteristic of this syndrome. These abnormalities vary from individual to
individual, but often they will cause difficulties with breathing, eating as well as hearing.
Most children with this disorder pass milestones in development for instance beginning to talk and walk, at the
normal time and are of normal intelligence but problems with hearing can impede learning. The majority need
help with hearing aids that are specialized as well as speech therapy in order to develop language and
This disorder is dominantly inherited, meaning that an individual who is affected has about a 50% chance of
passing the disorder down to their children. Most individuals who have the disorder are able to trace this
condition back thru parents and grandparents. But, children with severe problems will often have a parent who
is affected only mildly and vice versa, so the disorder may have gone unnoticed.
Approximately 60% of individuals who are affected have no family history and the disorder is because of a new
mutation to the gene. In these cases, there is only a slight chance that a 2nd child with this disorder will be born
to these parents but the one child that is affected may pass the disorder down to their children.
Treacher Collins Syndrome Treatment
The treatment of Treacher-Collins syndrome is often lengthy and involves a multidisciplinary approach that
focuses on the treatment of symptoms. In newborns, immediate attention to swallowing and airway problems is
critical. When there are severe problems and airway insufficiency is the main problem after birth, a
tracheostomy is done and may stay until the lower jaw has grown sufficiently or until surgery is performed to
allow air to pass thru the oral cavity. In some cases, special positioning of the baby may be enough to aid with
this problem. In babies with swallowing problems which are severe, introduce feeding by tube or even thru a
gastrostomy tube may be needed in order to make certain that caloric intake and hydration is acceptable.
When the baby is born with substantial hearing loss, fitting with hearing aids as quickly as possible is important
for the infant’s development of communication skills as well as the normal process of bonding with the family.
Reconstructive surgery can be offered to build up cheekbones, reconstruct the outer ear, correct the nose or
an underdeveloped jaw. Overcrowding of the teeth and other problems might require dental work as the child
grows. Family to family support is of great psychological value and is advised for all members of the family.
Treacher Collins Syndrome Facts
Disorder is inherited and rare
Can cause feeding difficulties
Can cause speaking difficulties
Other communication problems
May cause vision problems
Bilateral or symmetrical disorder – meaning same on both side of body
Named for Edward Treacher Collins who first wrote about this condition in 1900
Prevalence is 1 in every 10,000 births
Occurs in both females and males
Children with syndrome have normal intelligence
Grow to be functional adults
Best outcomes achieve with early intervention
Normal life span