Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

STEM Lesson Plans for Week of Jan 6-10
Teacher: Wendi Husley
Bellringer: USA Test Prep
Unit: Sustainable Energy
Students will work on a benchmark test created by Mrs. Arnold. These skills
are skills she is currently working on or reviewing for her class. I am helping
her with the reinforcement of her Science skills ( ). This code will be our
bellringer for the whole week. Students will have 10 minutes at the beginning
of each class period to work on this test. Students are required to work in the
test for a minimum of 25 minutes and must score a 70 or better. Students are
also granted the ability to redo any benchmark test they wish to improve and I
will change their grade to the better of the two grades. Students will keep up
with these codes and grades on their Table of Contents found in their binders.
Monday—Vocabulary for Sustainable Energy
Essential Question:
What does “sustainability” mean?
Anticipatory Set:
Why Recycling is Important
Objective: Unit 6
Research and report on the concept of sustainable design
Students will research the definition for each vocabulary word by using Teacher will review the words as the students are writing the
Students will research the definition for each vocabulary word by using
Climate change, Ecological footprint, Ecology, Economy, Environment, Incinerator, Landfill,
Lifestyle, Luxury, Midden, Natural resources, Necessity, Population, Recycling,
Sustainability, Sustainable design, Waste disposal
Teacher will talk to students about bringing in some recycleable items to use
throughout the week.
Cross-Curriculum Integration:
Tuesday: Academy Of Reading
Essential Question:
Why should you work towards making growth on Academy of Reading? Why
is phonics and reading fluency so important? How will it affect my future?
Anticipatory Set:
Get out your table of contents, put today’s date in the first column, teacher will
give you your beginning percent for the second column—goal for
today…make growth!
Increase reading levels and improve comprehension
Go to the following link:
Teacher will inform students of their current percent. Students will work
towards making growth from that percent. Student growth of 1 percent or
more will earn students a 4, no growth will get them a 2 and if teacher must
redirect more than twice students get a 1 for the day.
Toward the end of class (last 3 minutes), log off their computers and let them
know their growth from today’s effort
Cross-Curriculum Integration:
Students will be practicing reading skills such as fluency, phonics review to
learn new words, and strategies to improve reading comprehension.
Formal—this will be a grade for students.
Wednesday: Vocabulary Test/ Begin
Reduce, Reuse Recycle project
Essential Question:
What does “sustainability” mean?
Anticipatory Set:
Have students write a short description of their current view of sustainable design. Ask them to
evaluate their personal lifestyles to see if they are practicing a sustainable or wasteful lifestyle.
Objective: Unit 6
Research and report on the concept of sustainable design
Procedures/ Practice:
After testing on vocab—student will research and save information in a word document
about reduce, reuse and recycle.
Teacher will talk to students about bringing in some recycleable items to use
throughout the week.
Cross-Curriculum Integration:
Formative—teacher will walk the room discussing the findings and assess the
work on an ongoing basis.
Thursday: Reduce, Reuse Recycle project
Essential Question:
What’s in your trash??
Anticipatory Set:
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Objective: Unit 6
Research and report on the concept of sustainable design
Procedures/ Practice:
Student will continue researching reduce, reuse and recycle. Using the rubric guideline,
students will create a brochure or flyer for their information.
Teacher will talk to students about bringing in some recycleable items to use
throughout the week.
Cross-Curriculum Integration:
Formative—teacher will walk the room discussing the findings and assess the
work on an ongoing basis.
Friday: Reduce, Reuse Recycle project
Essential Question:
How does recycling help the earth?
Anticipatory Set:
Show some ideas of how to reuse recycled products.
Objective: Unit 6
Research and report on the concept of sustainable design
Procedures/ Practice:
Student will continue researching reduce, reuse and recycle. Using the rubric guideline,
students will create a brochure or flyer for their information.
Teacher will talk to students about bringing in some recycleable items to use
throughout the week.
Cross-Curriculum Integration:
Formal—Students will be graded on their individual presentations