#B1306 ASCLA Board Annual Conference 2013 ASCLA Board Meeting I, Minutes: 8:00 – 11:30 am, January 26, 2013 Meeting called to order at 8:05 am. Attending: Andrea Hill (ASCLA web manager) Anne Abate Camden Tadhg (visitor) Carol Ann Desch (ASCLA Past President) Chris Corrigan Courtney Young, visitor Gina Persichini Hulen E. Bivins Jeannette Smithee, visitor Kathi Peiffer (ASCLA Secretary) Leighann Wood, visitor Lisa Priebe Liz Bishoff (ASCLA Councilor) Liz Markel (ASCLA program and marketing manager) Lori Allen Guenthner Mario Gonzalez, visitor Martha L. Goddard Sara Laughlin Shannon O'Grady Stacey Aldrich (ASCLA President) Stephen Prine Susan Hornung, (ASCLA executive director) Tracy Byerly (Note: Attendance sheet was lost on way back to Chicago; please let Susan Hornung, shornung@ala.org, know if the above is not correct) Agenda approved. (Aldrich) President’s report – thanked Executive Committee, those running for office, ASCLA office staff and nominating committee. President’s program at Annual Conference will be on “Telling Our Story”. (Laughlin) Vice President – has spent time learning the many roles of the President; on leadership training from ASCLA and other groups; and on completing all appointments since the summer. Executive Committee has completed their evaluation of the ASCLA Executive Director. *Story map (The Emerging Story of California Public Libraries) circulated. (Hornung) Small division subsidy exists through FY15. Reserve fund is healthy. On target with budget, dues and goals & objectives. 12.6% increase in YTD membership to date. Programs are ready for annual as are pre-conferences. Website has been updated including information on how to volunteer for committees and webinar setup. Two additional webinar proposals have been put forward for the Spring. Interface is current and online. Standards for blind and handicapped – made $8,000.00. Next updated standards will be for libraries serving the incarcerated. Next trip will be southern France. Italy trip for April 2013 is sold out. 15 new interest groups. Library consultants will be having a networking luncheon at Midwinter (40 attendees). (Abate) Still difficult getting articles for Interface. Trying to build up the member news section. Visit from Courtney Young, candidate for President presentation. Visit from Mario Gonzalez, candidate for ASCLA Treasurer presentation. (Bishoff) Council items – a) Membership Committee dues proposal tying dues increases to consumer price index (CPI) rather than to a membership vote. Other divisions have already implemented this process. Board discussion ensued. Motion that the association support the ASCLA decision. Amendment to use indexes that more closely mirror the ASCLA environment. Motion passed. b) International Relations Committee supports the WIPO resolution. Liz has shared this with the ASCLA Executive Committee and the ASCLA I.G. involved in this area. ASCLA’s ideas have already been considered in the discussion. Board comment that due to ongoing discussions our vote will be tabled until Monday, January 28 Board Meeting. (Aldrich) ASCLA Guide to Policies and Procedures update latest mission and vision can be inserted. However, there are many changes that ASCLA has made over the past few years that need to be updated as well. Areas of concern: sections and forums; meetings & programs; press releases. C. Desch, M. Goddard and J. Smithee volunteered to work on the revisions as identified by the Board. Susan H. will share updates that she has worked on previously Stacey asked that only policies and procedures be included. Draft will be sent to the Executive Committee. (did not arrive) Presentation by Barbara Immroth, candidate for ASCLA president. ASCLA Board Meeting II, Minutes: 8:00 – 10:00 am, January 28, 2013 Attending: Alec McFarlane Andrea Hill (ASCLA web manager) Anne Abate Barbara Immroth, visitor Camden Tadhg (visitor) Carol Ann Desch (ASCLA Past President) Chris Corrigan (visitor) Clara Bohrer, guest Courtney Young, visitor Hulen E. Bivins Jeannette Smithee, visitor Kathi Peiffer (ASCLA Secretary) Leighann Wood, visitor Lisa Priebe Liz Bishoff (ASCLA Councilor) Liz Markel (ASCLA program and marketing manager) Lori Allen Guenthner Mario Gonzalez, visitor Martha L. Goddard Michael Porter, guest Mike Marlin Ray James Sara Laughlin Shannon O'Grady Stacey Aldrich (ASCLA President) Stephen Prine Susan Hornung, (ASCLA executive director) Tracy Byerly Board photo taken; introductions made around the table. Report from Ray James, ASCLA Nominating Committee, has been submitted to ASCLA President and Office and was reported out to the Board. Ray is also ASCLA liaison to International Freedom Committee. He will submit an IFC report to ASCLA and send to Interface. WIPO Treaty – reported on by Mile Marlin (MW 2013 draft resolution in support of the WIPO Treaty). Motion to endorse #B1304e, seconded. Unanimous vote to support this bill. Question: CRPD Treaty was rejected by the Senate what is the difference? Answer: This treaty is coming from a different body. Proposal for 2013 Annual Program on accessible ebooks. Suggestion by Stacey and Susan to make this a pre-conference. Suggestion to include the Internet Archives as a presenter. Final decision will be made at an Executive Committee conference call. Motion made to move forward with this idea. Recommendation to look at all aspects of ebooks – legal issues, vendors, etc. Mike will take these ideas back to the interest groups. RUSA MARS and other groups are interested in co-sponsorships. Follow-up webinars are also a possibility. Guest Speaker spoke on the current bill from “Bridging Deaf Cultures at your Library” is in Congress. Supports CRPD. A report will be available in 3 – 6 weeks and their (MD) legislator will re-file the bill. Division president’s breakfast report - President Maureen Sullivan talked about community convening and community engagement, leadership development opportunities in ASCLA; Keith Fiels spoke about innovation and community building. Strong initiative to support school libraries as a way to support childhood information literacy. Leadership programs work best with strong mentors and strong projects. Question: Spectrum Initiative and Century Scholarship? Concern about bringing new people into the profession. Answer: President’s program didn’t mention either program. Mention that emerging leaders have been capped at 55 rather than the previous 110. It is important to submit engaging projects since there are fewer teams to work on the project. Top 3 themes from Keith Fiels: School libraries Community engagement Digital content Keith Fiels mentioned that ASCLA should be the association of innovation. Stacey, Carol, Liz and Sara had preliminary discussion on this and targeting specific aspects of innovation (such as story-telling). President’s program at annual will be on story-telling. ASCLA, through its diverse membership, has expertise in being a catalyst for change. Question: When will this kick-off? Answer: Annual. Stacy will share pre-conference information in Interface. Comment that this framework would give us a clearer structure and identity. Liz Markel commented that a survey to members and non-members might help us decide on what we will pursue. Results of leadership session (on communicating via technology). Future sessions could be made available to all ASCLA leadership and could take it further (tweeting etc) and integrate how to use technology effectively in leadership activities. General concepts on using technology to engage people. Spoke towards not only using technology skills in your work but also with ASCLA work. Stacey’s suggestion – training for board and interest groups in using Blackboard (ALA software) Possibility of doing a session with Carson Block at the next Mid-Winter Leadership Session. Susan Hornung will offer training sessions on Blackboard. Suggestion to do 3 trainings – one for board, one for interest group leaders and one for committee chairs and schedule it to begin after 2013 Mid-Winter. Online training committee needs to have their role clarified. Accessibility issue with Blackboard – may need to have another platform for certain online presentations (such as Talking Communities) ALA has subscribed to Adobe Connect for all divisions. However, Adobe Connect has potentially more accessibility issues than Blackboard. Michael Porter – ALA Executive Board liaison report: MW registration is up from the past 2 years, 110 people did the Day of Service, School libraries trying to get all members of ALA to get behind this issue. ALA Initiatives on behalf of school libraries. Digital Content Working Group – great progress being made – 2 new reports released, scorecard on need and services. ALA can educate and advocate. Building relationships with publishers. Advocacy has continued to be a theme of ALA Presidents, Harwood Institute is being used to help ALA / libraries determine community needs which in turn leads to community involvement. A grant application is being prepared. 15 x 15 project ($15 million by 2015) allocating part of your estate to ALA New diversity OLOS director – Michelle Carroll Washington Dues proposal tied to CPI. Council will debate whether this will go on the ballot this Spring. Previous board discussion agreed that ALA needs to have a growth dues structure but is not sure that the CPI is the right index to use. PLA is currently using the CPI. Suggestion that the ALA Executive Board share what other indexes they have investigated. Note that this proposal allows ALA to move the dues upward – they do not have to do so. Mention was made of the fact that new librarians (3 years + experience) have the same dues and potential increase as library directors. Presentation by Clara Bohrer, ALA Treasurer candidate. Presentation by Barbara Immroth, ALA president candidate. Strategic plan will have a Blackboard meeting to review and discuss. Adjourned at 9:53 am.