Council to progress coastal adaptation planning 24 August 2015

24 August 2015
Council to progress coastal adaptation planning
The City of Hobart, in partnership with the Tasmanian Government, has completed
the Nutgrove and Long Beach Coastal Adaptation Pathways project into local coastal
The project engaged the community on the preferred adaptation response in the
event of a hazard in the Nutgrove and Long Beach area.
Alderman Jeff Briscoe, Chairman of the Council’s City Planning Committee said the
results identified two preferred responses.
“Locals residents preferred to protect existing and permit future developments for as
long as possible through methods such as sea walls and the broader community
preferred to protect existing development through softer engineering methods, such
as revegetation and beach nourishment.
“These responses will certainly inform the Council during further consideration of
potential coastal hazard responses,” said Ald Briscoe.
“The consultant’s report did not identify any immediate works that need to be carried
out, the Council is committed to implementing a suitable monitoring program to
identify changes within the hazard area.
“We know that this area has a high-hazard risk and it has significant value for both
property owners and the community and we are now working on the next steps to
better manage this within the project area.
“The recommendations made in the report, including finalising the City’s Coastal
Hazard Strategy and seeking funding for assessments of the rise of sea levels, are
consistent with the Council’s planned strategic actions,” said Ald Briscoe.
Ald Briscoe said that the project was the first step in understanding the issues and
the Council will work with the community to formulate the best course of action for
the future.
“We are now preparing to undertake more detailed work to determine the best ways
to address the coastal risks into the future before any decisions are made on
solutions and we’ll continue to keep the community informed on future
developments,” Ald Briscoe said.
Further information on the Project outcomes, including copies of the
consultant’s report and the survey results, can be found at:
For interview:
Alderman Jeff Briscoe, Chairman, City Planning - 0418 127 311
Media enquiries:
Kerry Baker, Principal Advisor Media and Community Relations, City of Hobart –
0437 775 484