April 1 - Divine Mercy Parish

INTENTIONS FOR April 1st THRU March April 6th
Tues - 5:00 pm –
Wed – 8:00 am –
Thurs – 8:00 am - Angela Lindsay
Fri – 8:00 am – Richard Hughes
Regular $11,338.52
Sat – 5:00 pm – Kathleen Miller
Sun - 8:00 am – Joe Pfannes
10:30 am – Vic Vervyck
5:00 pm – Virginia Wise
7:00 pm – Charles Petty
Collection for 3/23/2014
Towards Christ Building Campaign $3,067.00
Web Site: www.divinemercyks.org FR. JOE’S email address frjoec@divinemercyks.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 267, Gardner, Kansas 66030
RCIA/COME AND SEE: Laura Warthen 913-634-2899 email laura@divinemercyks.org
DEACON DAN’s email address danielpeterson913@comcast.net
DEACON ART’S email address dcnart@att.net
BUSINESS MANAGER Judy Wernsman email jwernsman@divinemercyks.org
Office E Mail- secretary@divinemercyks.org
CONFESSION - Thirty Minutes Before Each Weekend Mass or as requested.
BAPTISM - Call Judy Orth at 913-856-4886
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM – 1st, 2nd AND 4th Sunday of the Month Please Call Judy Orth 856-4886
PASTOR. NO DATE MAY BE SET BEFORE MEETING. Also don’t schedule reception hall before
meeting with Father.
USE OF CHURCH HALL- Call Roger at the office at 913-856-7781
RELIGIOUS ED/DIRECTOR- Contact Maria Lopeman at maria@divinemercyks.org or
call 913-219-4833
HOMESCHOOL SUPPORT GROUP- Celeste Edwards 592-3214
BOY SCOUT – Contact Kenny Spiller 913-706-2271 or Christine O’Connor 913-269-4042
PRAYER CHAIN- call Anna Welch – 913-856-7459
HELPING HANDS- Call- Shirley Spiller – 913-856-6081 or luckybuttercup@yahoo.com or
Cathy Johnson – 913-856-4527
YOUNG AT HEART- 3rd Monday Bring Bag lunch & Play games at parish center
ST. ANNE’S SEWING CIRCLE meets every Wednesday 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Parish Center for
additional information call Shirley Kissell at 913-856-7483
MUSIC DIRECTOR - Donna Goss -913-884-2171
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS- 4th Monday at 6:45pm-Rosary-7:00pm Meeting at PCcall Bill East 913-856-7972 or www.kofc10407.org
DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA-3rd Monday at 6:45pm-Rosary, 7:00 pm Meeting at PC
Call Deacon Dan Peterson 913-938-8025 or Judy Hadle 913-884-7321
LEGION OF MARY- Every Tuesday at 6:45 PM – Music Room of MC - Call Larry Goddard
MORNING PRAYER & ROSARY every weekday 7:30am MC
OFFICE HOURS –Monday thru Thursday 8:30am to 2:30 pm closed from 12:00-1:00
Go to the West door to ring bell 913-856-7781
Sunday 3/30
Divine Mercy Parish
Fr. Joseph Cramer
Deacon Daniel Peterson
Deacon Art O’Connor
Monday 3/31
Tuesday 4/1
7:30 am-Morning Prayer &
7:30 am-Morning
Prayer & Rosary
Sunday of Lent
9:00 am CCD Kindergarten-8th
grade – PC
5:00 pm Communion
9:00 am - RCIA – PC
Knights of Columbus
food collection
6:30 pm Our Lady of
Perpetual Help
Devotions – MC
8:00 am Mass
10:30 am Mass
5:00 Teen Mass - Edg
7:00 pm Mass
Office- 856-7781
Fax- 856-8893
Wednesday 4/2
St. Francis of Paola
9:00 am - 2:00 pm -PC
Quilting Group Meets
7:00 pm Music/Choir
Practice – MC
RCIA 6:30 pm – PC
6:45 pm – Legion of
Mary – MC
Confessions every
Wednesday during
Lent 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Saturday 4/5
Sunday 4/6
Anointing of the sick
after all masses.
Thursday 4/3
7:30 am Morning
Prayer and Rosary
8:00 am Mass
Friday 4/4
St, Isidore
7:30 am – Morning
Prayer and Rosary
5th Sunday of Lent
5:00 pm Mass
8:00 Mass
Fish Fry 5-7pm at PC
Stations of the Cross
7:00 MC
Divine Mercy Parish Center = PC
Knights will collect
bags of food for
Catholic Charities
Main Church = MC
9:00 am CCD –
grade – PC
9:00 am - RCIA – PC
8:00 am Mass
10:30 am Mass
5:00 Teen Mass - Edg
7:00 pm Mass
Knights will collect
bags of food for
Catholic Charities
Assumption = Edg.
March 31 – Luke Rohling, Amanda Applegate, Payton Crain, Sabrian Ball,
Cooper Burling, Mark Baldwin, Patricia Morrow, Kelly Van Keirsbilck,
Della Toplikar, Meghan McDonald, Albert Folsom, Brian Oxley, Anne
Schurman, Erika Toplikar, Regina Bartlett, Evelyn Pickert
April 1 – Jeremiah Underwood, Michael Berscheidt, Joseph Wagner,
Jackson Leiker, Adriana Soto, Amy Schlesener
April 2 – Jacob Brooks, Stephanie Namer, Brock Bushnell, Melissa Page,
Arik Tillery, Emily Holton, Cecilia Bishop, Karen Kelley, Jhaden Bates,
Mirelly Cavalolos, Elisa Storbeck, Katherine Bailey, Stephanie Nemer,
Denise Everhart, Emma Wilm, Clement Egger, Kelly Seiler
April 3 – Clinton Cook, Ryan Sherman, Amanda Vandewynkle, Thieron
Davis, Benjamin Koelling, Amanda Williams, Harold Berntsen, Amanda
Williams, Harold Berntsen, Sara Siercks
April 4 – Shawn Breiner, Mary Kolbeck, Paul Schnoreenberg
April 5 – Emily Evans, Lauren Heinen, Melissa McCrave, Lauren Gilmore,
Pearl Savasten, Jeremy Hueser
April 6 – Grace Kissell, Alicia Guzman, Angela Bowman, Gavin Wray,
Delbert Madison, Amy Parker, Aiden Heidari, Erin Custard, Alexis Fiedler,
Halie Sherman, Debra Dreiling, Sarah Nolan, Taylor Meyer
Archdiocesan 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration June 1, 2014,
2:30pm, Cathedral of St. Peter. To receive your invitation from
Archbishop Naumann, please call the parish office 913-856-7781 and
give us your name, address, phone number and date of your wedding.
Please do this as soon as possible.
(St. Faustina) Pure love knows that only one thing is needed to please God:
to do even the smallest things our of great love.
New This Week
1. What is the feast day of the Holy Spirit celebrated 50 days after
2. Which are “graces” of the Holy Spirit? a) prayers before meals
b) virtues c) charisms
3. What does the word Eucharist mean? a) praise b) sacrifice
c) thanksgiving
4. What elements are offered at Mass to become the body and
blood of Christ?
5. A priest or bishop must preside in order for a community to
celebrate Mass? True/False
6. Where is the Eucharist reserved for adoration and distribution
to the sick? a) the ambo b) the tabernacle c) the altar
Last Week’s Answers
1. Who was the criminal released by Pilate at the trial of Jesus?
2. Who was the Roman procurator who condemned Jesus to die on
a cross? Pontius Pilate
3. In what garden did Jesus pray that this cup may pass from him?
A) Galilee b) Eden c) Gethsemane Gethsemane
4. On what day did Jesus rise from the dead? The third day or
Sunday, the first day of the week
5. Who was the disciple who betrayed Jesus? Judas
6. What is the city where Jesus died on the cross? A) Bethlehem b)
Jerusalem c) Rome Jerusalem
(St. Faustina’s diary 1516) “My daughter, tell souls that I am giving them My
mercy as a defense. I Myself am fighting for them and am bearing the just anger
of My Father.”
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection
against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him; we
humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of
God, thrust into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who wonder through
the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
50/50 CLUB
There was no winner in the 50/50 drawing for the week of March 23rd,
Number 589 was drawn. Balance in the account is $6,935.00.
Registered parishioners may enter the weekly drawing by putting
$5.00 in the 50/50 envelope from your envelope packet.
The Knights of Columbus will serve all you can eat seafood dinners
Fridays during Lent 5-7pm. Cod or cheese pizza $9.00. Shrimp
$12.00. Age 12 and under $6.00
For coupons go to web site. www.kofc10407.org
(Revised from previously advertised)
Divine Mercy Parish is seeking someone to join our team – a person
who is looking for a job that fulfills them and a workplace they can
enjoy. The primary duties to be performed include receive phone
calls/e-mails for the Pastor, maintain appointment calendar, prepare
the bulletin, record Sacraments, and prepare documents for
The candidate must be proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel, have
the ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality, familiar with the
Catholic teachings and ministries, complete VIRTUS training, and
possess a pleasant telephone voice.
This position reports to the Pastor. It is a full-time position eligible
for benefits including health insurance and retirement. The hours
will be discussed during the interview.
Questions may be directed to or interested applicants may submit a
resume to resumes@a-new-job.com. Please submit resume by
April 4th.
The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church, Lake of the
Ozarks, Hwy 5, Laurie, MO. Enjoy a peaceful setting for prayer and
reflection on the Shrine grounds: outdoor Stations of the Cross,
fountains, Mothers’ Wall of Life. Outdoor Masses: Memorial DayLabor Day at 8 pm Saturday and 8 am Sunday. For more
information, call (573) 374-MARY or visit www.mothersshrine.
(St. Faustina’s Diary 1169) “Today, my soul entered into close union with the Lord.
He made known to me how I should always abandon myself to His holy will: ‘In one
moment, I can give you more than you are able to desire.”’
The builder for our new building is Global
Construction Stragities. I have taken Father’s
hammer, electric drill, all screwdrivers and paint
brush away from him, so he will not be interfering
with the construction.
Did you know that Donnelly College , a Catholic institution of
higher learning, is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Kansas City
in Kansas? For 65 years, Donnelly has remained committed to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to upholding the principles of
Catholic social justice, and to making quality education
affordable for everyone. To learn more about what Donnelly
offers, schedule an appointment with a Donnelly College
admissions recruiter today!
• Email: Admissions@donnelly.edu
• 608 N. 18th Street, Kansas City, KS 66102
• 913-621-8700
• Now enrolling for Summer 2014 and Fall 2014 semesters
Christ's Peace House of Prayer near Easton, KS will hold a
Prepare for Holy Week retreat from Friday, April 11 to Palm
Sunday, April 13. There will be five conferences, Eucharistic
Adoration, celebration of the Palm Sunday liturgy at the
local parish and time for private prayer, meditation, walking
and alone time. Check-in is at 6 pm Friday night, followed by a
soup meal. If you are interested in attending, email
info@christspeace.com or call 913-773-8255. The cost is $160
for an individual or $240 a couple and includes all meals and
(St. Faustina’s Diary 509) “In the adversities that I experience, I remind
myself that the time for doing battle has not yet come to an end. I am
myself with patience, and in this way I defeat my assailant.”
St. Patrick Catholic Church
1086 North 94th Street
Kansas City, KS 66112
Friday, April 4, at 7 p.m.
Books Available for Purchase!
Teresa Tomeo, author of several books, host of the popular syndicated
Catholic talk show, “Catholic Connection,” host columnist for “Our
Sunday Visitor,” motivational speaker, Professor for St. Benedict
Press’ Catholic Courses and host of EWTN series “The Catholic View
for Women” is coming to St. Patrick’s Church!
Who designed your bucket list
Me, Myself, and I
or Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
Find out what plans God has for
your life by discovering his special
bucket list for you and you alone!
“God’s Bucket List,” the newest
presentation and book from Teresa Tomeo
will inspire and transform your Lent!
For information on this very special Lenten evening, please contact
Theresa Smith, thsmith@kc.rr.com or 913-299-3370.
The University of Saint Mary will hold an Information Session at
its Overland Park Campus, 11413 Pflumm Road, at 6 p.m. on
Thursday, April 10. Meet with faculty and staff to learn about
USM’s accelerated undergraduate and graduate programs in
Business, Education and Psychology. RSVP by calling
913-319-3003 or visit www.stmary.edu/success.
Christ's Peace House of Prayer near Easton, KS will hold a Divine
Mercy retreat from Friday, April 25 to Divine Mercy Sunday, April
27. There will be four conferences, Eucharistic Adoration, the
recitation of the Divine Mercy chaplet at 3 pm Saturday and Sunday,
Mass at the local parish on Sunday morning. There will be time for
private prayer, meditation, walking and alone time. Check-in is at 6
pm Friday followed by a soup meal. If you are interested in
attending, email info@christspeace.com or call 913-773-8255. The
cost is $160 for an individual or $240 a couple and includes all meals
and materials.
As Fr. Joe announced last weekend, the Archdiocese has given us
permission to proceed with the building of our new parish center
and multi-purpose building. We plan to have a ground breaking
ceremony in a couple of weeks. Once started, the building should be
complete within 10 to 12 months.
We still need your continuing support to finish this building. Please
continue your help and finish your pledges. Watch us grow!
Are you in the KCK/KCMO area? Are you in need of some minor
home repairs? Or just some general clean up around home, or do
you know of someone in need who may not see this article?
Catholic HEART (Helping Everyone Attain Repairs Today) will be
in your area, July 13th through July 19th. Catholic Heart provides
the labor and some material such as paint, tools, and wood.
Requests for assistance should be submitted by June 13 but will
be accepted after that date. Please visit our website link,
For more information and to fill out the work order forms.
For information please call Ernest Boehner 913-433-2085,
Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, Rick Cheek in the Youth
Office 913- 284-1725 or youth2@archkck.org , or Scott See at
The largest pro-life relay in the world is coming through Kansas
City on Saturday, April 5th – the LIFE Runners A-Cross America
Relay – during 40 Days for Life (March 5 to April 13). LIFE
Runners pray, raise funds, and run… All in Christ for Pro-Life!
The Johnson County, KS and the Kansas City, MO chapters of the
LIFE Runners are hosting a prayer rally at Planned Parenthood,
4112 N.E. Vivion Road, Kansas City, MO at 9:15 a.m. on Saturday,
April 5th. Please join us as we pray together and have the baton
exchange for the relay. (The relay began at the Brooklyn Bridge
in New York and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco on Ash
Wednesday and then both east and west legs of the relay will
meet in Sioux Falls, South Dakota on Palm Sunday.) Be a part of
this historic event!! For more information or to sign up to be a
LIFE Runner go to http://liferunners.org/cross-country-relay/ or
call T.D. Dorrell at (785) 448-8868 for more information.
(St. Faustina’s Diary 503) “My Jesus, truly I would not know how to live without
You – my spirit is welded to Yours. No one can really understand this; one must
first live in You in order to recognize You in others.”
The Deacon's Corner
March 30, 2014
Compiled by Deacon Daniel O'Leary Peterson
Fourth Sunday of Lent
At the age of 37, Jack Abbott wrote a book called In the Belly of the Beast.
Since the age of 12, Abbott has spent all but one year of his life in reform
schools and prisons. About 15 of these years have been spent in solitary
confinement. One of his worst solitary experiences was the so-called
"blackout" cell, which Abbott describes this way:
"It was in total darkness. Not a crack of light entered the cell. ... The
darkness was so absolute it was like being in ink. "The only light I saw
was when I closed my eyes. Then there was before me a vivid burst of
brilliance, of color, like fireworks. When I opened my eyes, it would
vanish .... "My eyes hungered for light, for color, the way someone's dry
mouth may hunger for saliva."
Compare Abbott's experience of his loss of sight to the experience of
another man named Evans. After being blind for 51 years, Evans received
sight through an operation. Describing how it felt to see for the first time,
he says: "It's the most amazing thing in the world .... I can't wait to get up
each day to see what I can see .... These two stories give us an insight into
how the man born blind felt when Jesus gave him physical sight. He too
probably hungered for light and color the way a dry mouth hungers for
saliva. He too probably thought the gift of sight was the most amazing
thing in the world. He too probably couldn't wait to get up each day to see
what he could see. But the blind man's miracle of physical sight was
nothing compared to the second miracle Jesus worked for him. That was
the miracle of spiritual sight, the gift of faith, which Jesus also gave him.
And it is this second miracle, the gift of faith that John stresses in today's
gospel. The first thing John implies is that the gift of faith takes place
gradually, not all at once.
John describes the miracle as taking place in three stages.
The first stage comes when some people ask the blind man about his cure.
The blind man replies: "The man called Jesus made clay and anointed my
eyes and told me, 'Go to Siloam and wash.' So I went there and washed
and was able to see." And so the blind man's first perception of Jesus is
that he is a man-a remarkable man, but just a man.
The second stage in the blind man's gift of spiritual sight comes when the
Pharisees quiz him. They ask, "What do you have to say about [Iesus],
since he opened your eyes?" The man replies, "He is a prophet." The blind
man's answer reveals a growth in his understanding of Jesus. His spiritual
vision of Jesus takes a giant leap forward. The more he thinks about what
happened, the more convinced the blind man becomes that Jesus must be
more than just another man. He must be a prophet
This brings us to the third stage of the blind man's perception of Jesus.
Later on in the day the blind man meets Jesus face-to-face. Recall that
Jesus was no longer around when the man returned with his sight after
washing in the pool of Siloam. Now, Jesus looks into the man's eyes and
says, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" The man answers, "Who is he,
sir, that may believe in him?" Jesus responds, "You have seen him and the
one speaking with you is he." "I do believe, Lord," the man replies, and he
falls on his knees before Jesus. And so the man's spiritual vision of Jesus
takes its final leap forward. He perceives Jesus to be more than a man. He
perceives Jesus to be more than a prophet. He perceives Jesus to be the
Lord, before whom "every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on
earth and under the earth." Philippians 2:10 and so the man's spiritual
sight, his gift of faith, is far more miraculous than his gift of physical sight.
Let us close with these thoughts about our Lord and savior: Jesus comes
to each one of us as he came to people in biblical times. He comes as a
remarkable man. He speaks the same three words to us that he spoke to
people in biblical times: "Come, follow me." And if we follow him, as did
the people in biblical times, Jesus will reveal himself to us step by step.
Then some morning, when the sun rises in the sky, we too will eventually
come to see what they saw. Then we too will fall on our knees before
Jesus and say to him, "We believe, Lord! We believe you are the Son of
When you do this, you will know that truly....