Leadership Team - Midway Woods Neighborhood Association

Midway Woods Neighborhood Association Leadership Team
Bolded items are written into the MWNA bylaws.
* Identifies election to one-year term in May 2015 elections.
Participates in MWNA general & planning meetings and works with the leadership team to facilitate
completion of and reporting on action items set at those meetings
Sets agenda for MWNA general and planning meetings, with input from leadership team and
Posts draft general-meeting agenda at least seven days in advance of meeting
Submits draft planning-meeting agenda to leadership team at least three days in advance of
Chairs MWNA general and planning meetings
Submits notes from planning meeting to leadership team within three days of meeting
Coordinates communications between government and school system officials, business owners,
and neighborhood/homeowner associations
Develops and maintains database of government and school officials, business owners, and
neighborhood/homeowner association leaders
With Treasurer as primary, serves as the second signatory on the MWNA bank account
Collaborates with leadership team to promote engagement in neighborhood-based activities
Collaborates with leadership team to ensure effective communication within the neighborhood and
between the MWNA and the community
Twice per year, posts and presents to MWNA general meeting a state-of-the association report that
describes association achievements, challenges, and plans
If/when appropriate, ensures all required 501 (c)(3)reports are submitted
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* Vice President
Participates in MWNA general & planning meetings and works with the leadership team to facilitate
completion of and reporting on action items set at those meetings
Assumes responsibilities of the president in event of president’s unavailability or resignation
Assists president in effectively performing duties of that office
Through mutual agreement with president and with notification of the leadership team, assumes
responsibility for specific roles assigned to president
Schedules, handles logistics for, and publicizes MWNA planning and general meetings and
manages MWNA elections
Coordinates use of Google Docs by leadership team
Maintains MWNA on-line calendar
* Treasurer
Participates in MWNA general & planning meetings and works with the leadership team to facilitate
completion of and reporting on action items set at those meetings
Serves as the primary signatory on the MWNA bank account
Collects all revenue and donations to the MWNA
Maintains MWNA financial records
Reimburses invoices pre-approved as per MWNA policy
Holds all MWNA merchandise
Coordinates communication within the neighborhood on issues related to MWNA finances
Twice per year, posts and presents to MWNA general meeting a financial report that includes the
current balance and year-to-date income and expenditures
If/when appropriate, prepares and submits required 501 (c)(3) financial reports
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Participates in MWNA general & planning meetings and works with the leadership team to facilitate
completion of and reporting on action items set at those meetings
Records and posts draft minutes of MWNA general meetings within seven days of meeting
Presents MWNA-general-meeting minutes at next general meeting, and updates, as appropriate,
posted draft minutes
Develops and maintains database of participation in general meetings
If/when appropriate, prepares and submits required 501 (c)(3) membership reports
* Public Safety Chair
Participates in MWNA general & planning meetings and works with the leadership team to facilitate
completion of and reporting on action items set at those meetings
Leads work to address public-safety issues, both crime-related and other
Leads the MWNA Neighborhood Watch
Ensures the MWNA Watch meets all requirements of the DeKalb County Police Department
Recruits and maintains databases of block captains & watch participants
Supports the work of and communication between block captains
Leads work to host and publicize annual MWNA Neighbors’ Night Out, and posts after-event
Coordinates communication within the neighborhood on issues related to public safety
Twice per year, posts and presents to MWNA general meeting a public-safety report that includes
the MWNA Watch and both crime-related and other public-safety issues
Environmental Chair
Participates in MWNA general & planning meetings and works with the leadership team to facilitate
completion of and reporting on action items set at those meetings
Chairs Friends of Dearborn Park
Leads work to maintain, improve, and expand Dearborn Park
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Posts after-event reports for park-maintenance events
Fosters positive relations with County and City park officials
Develops and posts agenda for, and chairs two annual Friends of Park sessions at MWNA
general meetings
Collaborates with Secretary to post minutes of Friends of Park sessions
Develops and maintains databases of
Friends of Dearborn Park members
County and City parks officials
Participation in Friends of Dearborn Park events
Coordinates communication within the neighborhood on issues related to the environment in
general and Dearborn Park in particular
Supports neighborhood clean-up activities and environmental improvements beyond Dearborn
Leads efforts to ensure code compliance throughout the neighborhood
Promotes the use of code enforcement to ensure neighborhood properties are maintained and
vacant properties are properly registered, if need be.
Assists in getting support for homeowners who need assistance in bringing property up to code
or beautifying their property.
Coordinates communication within the neighborhood on issues related the environment
Twice per year, posts and presents to MWNA general meeting an environmental report that
includes achievements and plans for the neighborhood in general and Dearborn Park in particular
Community-Engagement Chair
Participates in MWNA general & planning meetings and works with the leadership team to facilitate
completion of and reporting on action items set at those meetings
Meets & welcomes new residents
Fosters community engagement
Collaborates to plan, host, and publicize community events
With Environmental Chair: Friends of Dearborn Park
With Public Safety Chair: National Night Out
Posts after-event reports for events other than National Night Out and Friends of Dearborn Park
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Develops and maintains databases of
Local resources
MWNA events, including National Night Out and Friends of Dearborn Park, with
counts/estimates of participation
Coordinates communication within the neighborhood on issues related to community
Twice per year, posts and presents to MWNA general meeting a community-engagement report that
includes past achievements and future plans
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