4505 PROOF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL NOTICE PAPER No. 81 WEDNESDAY 9 MAY 2012 The House meets this day at 11.00 am Contents Government Business—Orders of the Day ....................................................................................................... 4506 Private Members’ Business ............................................................................................................................... 4506 Items in the Order of Precedence ........................................................................................................... 4506 Items outside the Order of Precedence ................................................................................................... 4509 Committee Reports—Orders of the Day ........................................................................................................... 4556 Business for Future Consideration .................................................................................................................... 4557 Bills referred to Select or Standing Committees ............................................................................................... 4558 4506 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 GOVERNMENT BUSINESS—ORDERS OF THE DAY 1. Industrial Relations Amendment (Industrial Organisations) Bill 2012: second reading—Mr Pearce. (Standing Orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 8 May 2012) 2. Sydney Water Catchment Management (Board Members) Bill 2012: second reading—Mr Gay. (Standing Orders suspended for remaining stages, Wednesday 2 May 2012) 3. Biofuels Amendment Bill 2012: second reading—Mr Gay. (Standing Orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 6 March 2012) 4. Electricity Generator Assets (Authorised Transactions) Bill 2012: second reading—Mr Pearce. (Standing Orders suspended for remaining stages, Wednesday 14 March 2012) *5. 6. Industrial Relations Amendment (Dispute Orders) Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (6 March 2012) on the question on the motion of Mr Pearce: That this bill be now read a second time—(5 calendar days from 6 March 2012)—Ms Cotsis. Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012: second reading—Mr Gallacher. (Standing Orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 3 April 2012) *7. Industrial Relations Amendment (Industrial Representation) Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (2 April 2012) on the question on the motion of Mr Pearce: That this bill be now read a second time—Mr Pearce speaking in reply (13 minutes remaining) 8. Budget Estimates 2011-2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (10 November 2011) of the question on the motion of Mr Pearce: That the House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for the financial year 2011-2012—Mr Whan. * Council bill ____________________ PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BUSINESS ITEMS IN THE ORDER OF PRECEDENCE * 2. National Park Estate (South-Western Cypress Reservations) Amendment Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (29 March 2012) on the question on the motion of Mr Brown: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 29 March 2012)—Dr Phelps. (20 minutes) (Item no. 53) (First postponement 3 May 2012) 4507 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 3. Regional Development and Small Business: resumption of the interrupted debate (3 May 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Veitch: That this House: (a) condemns the O'Farrell Government for closing offices and cutting 47 Regional Development and Small Business jobs in Tweed, Broken Hill, Goulburn, and Coffs Harbour, and (b) notes this announcement breaches the O'Farrell/Stoner Governments election commitments for a "decade of decentralisation" and 40,000 jobs in regional New South Wales—Mr Veitch speaking (6 minutes remaining). Debate: 1 hour, 46 minutes remaining (Item no. 572—substituted 29 March 2012) 4. Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move— 1. 2. That this House notes: (a) the one hundredth and tenth anniversary of the right of women to vote and to stand as candidates in elections for the Australian Federal Parliament, and (b) the electoral milestones for women in Australia have happened under Coalition Governments and further notes the achievements of these Coalition women: (i) Dame Enid Lyon as the first woman elected to the House of Representatives and to hold a Federal Cabinet position, (ii) Dame Annabelle Rankin as the first woman to hold the position as the Federal Whip and first woman as Minister to administer her own Department, (iii) Dame Ivy Wedgewood as the first woman to Chair a Senate Committee, (iv) Dame Margaret Guilfoyle as the first female Senator to be a member of Cabinet, (v) Margaret Reid as the first female President of the Senate. That this House calls on the Australian Labor Party to introduce preselection equality to ensure women are selected on merit and not a quota system or policies of affirmative action. (Notice given 27 March 2012—item no. 601) 5. Mr Foley to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 to increase the monetary penalties for offences against that Act in connection with illegal forestry operations; and for other purposes. (National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Illegal Forestry Operations) Bill) (Notice given 29 March 2012—item no. 622) 6. Ms Faehrmann to move— That this House: (a) supports marriage equality, and 4508 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (b) calls on the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia to amend the Commonwealth Marriage Act 1961 to provide for marriage equality. (Notice given 14 February 2012—item no. 429—substituted 3 April 2012) 7. Mr Mason-Cox to move— 1. That this House notes the first year anniversary of the historic election of the O'Farrell/Stoner Coalition Government, which was celebrated across the State on 26 March 2012. 2. That this House congratulates the O'Farrell/Stoner Coalition Government on its first year in office and notes the many achievements during this time, including: 3. (a) this Government's commitment to fiscal discipline, particularly in bringing recurrent expenditure further under control through measures such as: (i) legislation to implement wages policy, limiting public sector wage increases to 2.5 per cent, (ii) ending Labor’s ‘no forced redundancy’ policy and introducing legislation to prevent it being challenged in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission, (iii) introducing laws giving employees choice over the union they join, (iv) property tax cuts of $429 million, and payroll tax rebates for new jobs, (v) making government services contestable, (vi) reforming the police death and disability scheme to make it sustainable, (vii) introducing legislation to sell generators, (viii) commencing structural and efficiency reforms to the State’s electricity distribution networks and putting downward pressure on electricity bills for eligible customers, and (b) the allocation of $62.6 billion over four years to infrastructure investment in this State, including: (i) starting work to deliver the North West rail link, with the release of the reference case and industry consultation in progress, (ii) continued construction on the South West rail link, (iii) commencing the $1.1 billion Northern Sydney Freight line, to be completed in 2016, and increasing the corridor’s carrying capacity by 50 per cent from 29 to 44 freight trains a day, (iv) reaching in-principle agreement to widen the M5 West motorway so that construction can start mid 2012, (v) shortlisting tenderers for the new Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, (vi) preparing to receive bids for the long term lease of the desalination plant, (vii) commencing work to lease Port Botany, (viii) boosting funding for the Pacific Highway by $468 million. That this House notes the Government's continuing commitment to growing the State's economy, renovating the State's infrastructure and improving New South Wales' productivity over the remaining 156 weeks of this term so as to put New South Wales back on track to make the most of the State's vast creativity and opportunities, and to do justice to New South Wales as the real engine room of Australia's national economy. (Notice given 27 March 2012—item no. 580) 8. Mr Searle to move— That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 7 June 2011 in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Minister for Finance and Services, the Department of Finance and Services, the WorkCover Authority, the Attorney-General, the 4509 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 Department of Attorney General and Justice, the Minister for Energy and Resources, or the Department of Trade and Investment: (a) all documents relating or referring to any review of prosecutions under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000, (b) all documents relating or referring to the adjournment of prosecutions under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 which are currently underway, and (c) any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House. (Notice given 6 March 2012—item no. 519) 9. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit the advertising of alcoholic beverages and related trade marks, brand names and logos; and for other purposes. (Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011—item no. 9) 10. Mrs Pavey to move— That this House notes that: (a) DonateLife Week will take place between 19 to 26 February 2012, (b) Australia has one of the highest transplant success rates in the world, however New South Wales has one of the lowest organ donation rates in Australia, (c) as a result of the low rate of organ donation in New South Wales, the Honourable Jillian Skinner MP, Minister for Health, released a discussion paper in December 2011 seeking public comment on a range of proposals to boost donation rates in New South Wales, and (d) the NSW Police Force and NSW Health have initiated a time saving system for police and medical practitioners to coordinate urgent organ transportation to ultimately save time and lives. (Notice given 14 February 2012—item no. 525) * Council bill ____________________ ITEMS OUTSIDE THE ORDER OF PRECEDENCE * 8. Evidence Amendment (Protection of Journalists’ Sources) Bill 2011: resumption of the adjourned debate (6 May 2011) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 6 May 2011)—Ms Fazio. (20 minutes) 4510 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 11. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to raise the minimum drinking age from 18 years to 21 years. (Liquor Amendment (Drinking Age) Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 12. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to require packaged liquor to contain a health warning about the danger of drinking when pregnant. (Liquor Amendment (Health Warning for Pregnant Women) Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 16. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit the advertising of gambling and related trade marks, brand names and logos; and for other purposes. (Gambling Advertising Prohibition Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 18. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Act 2007 to further provide for the involuntary rehabilitative care of persons with severe substance dependence; and for other purposes. (Drug and Alcohol Treatment Amendment (Rehabilitation of Persons with Severe Substance Dependence) Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 20. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to authorise the use of the term State Senate as a reference to the Legislative Council and to authorise the use of the term State Senator as a reference to a member of the Legislative Council. (State Senate Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 4511 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 22. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit the advertising of sex services; and for other purposes. (Sex Services Advertising Prohibition Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 25. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of the Family Impact Commission to study the moral, social and economic effects on the family unit of certain laws and proposed laws and Government expenditure; and for related purposes. (Family Impact Commission Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 28. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Summary Offences Act 1988 to prohibit people wearing full-face coverings in public places. (Summary Offences Amendment (Full-face Coverings Prohibition) Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 30. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Adoption Act 2000 to repeal the amendments made by the Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples) Act 2010 that enable couples of the same sex to adopt children; and for other purposes. (Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples Repeal) Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 31. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to prohibit a person soliciting another for sexual gratification for payment. (Crimes Amendment (Soliciting Sex for Payment) Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 32. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to make it an offence to publish material that incites or promotes terrorism or other violence. (Crimes Amendment (Incitement or Promotion of Terrorism and Violence) Bill) (Notice given 4 May 2011) 4512 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 44. Dr Kaye to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit the impoundment of water for irrigation or reticulation, or for commercial, industrial or residential uses, upstream from Seaham Weir on the Williams River without the approval of both Houses of Parliament. (Tillegra Dam Prohibition Bill) (Notice given 5 May 2011) 63. Mr Brown to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 to make further provision with respect to the management and regulation of the hunting of game; and for other purposes. (Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill) (Notice given 12 May 2011) 85. Dr Kaye to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to extend the terms of reference of the Special Commission of Inquiry into Electricity Transactions to include inquiring into and reporting on the cancellation of the relevant transactions and the restoration of public ownership of NSW electricity retailers. (Power Industry (Restoration of Public Ownership) Bill) (Notice given 26 May 2011) 87. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require the public to be notified of the identity and residential address of convicted child sex offenders; and for other purposes. (Child Protection (Nicole’s Law) Bill) (Notice given 26 May 2011) 91. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 to prohibit the possession of restricted X rated films. (Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment (Banning Restricted X Rated Films) Bill) (Notice given 26 May 2011) 4513 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 94. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require women who are considering terminating a viable pregnancy to undergo counselling and to view an ultrasound of their unborn child. (Pregnancy Termination (Mandatory Counselling) Bill) (Notice given 26 May 2011) 95. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to prohibit the destruction of any child in utero with a detectable heartbeat. (Crimes Amendment (Pre-natal Termination) Bill) (Notice given 27 May 2011) 98. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to create a new offence relating to the destruction (other than in the course of a medical procedure) of a child in utero. (Crimes Amendment (Destruction of Child in Utero – Zoe’s Law) Bill) (Notice given 27 May 2011) 152. Ms Faehrmann to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to establish the right of persons who are terminally ill to request assistance from medically qualified persons to voluntarily end their own lives; and for related purposes. (Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill) (Notice given 2 August 2011) 177. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 to repeal provisions relating to the licensing and operation of the medically supervised injecting centre at Kings Cross. (Drug Misuse and Trafficking Amendment (Injecting Centre Repeal) Bill) (Notice given 5 August 2011) 188. Marrickville Council: resumption of the interrupted debate (12 August 2011) of the question on the motion of Ms Sharpe: 1. That this House notes that: (a) Marrickville Council has a proud tradition of supporting day labour for its garbage, recycling and green waste services, 4514 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (b) Marrickville Council is currently proposing to tender out its green waste services, (c) Marrickville Council staff affected by this decision recently held a stop work meeting to protest against proposed tendering out of green waste services and related loss of workers entitlements and job losses, (d) Marrickville Council staff elected to take industrial action and withdraw their labour for a 24 hour period and, in response to this action, Marrickville Council immediately brought in prearranged contract labour to carry out Council’s resource and waste recovery services, and this action to use contracted labour was sanctioned by the Greens Mayor of Marrickville Council. (e) 2. That this House condemns the use of contract labour to undermine the rights of workers. Upon which Mr Borsak has moved: That the question be amended by omitting paragraph 2 and inserting instead: “2. That this House condemns Marrickville Council Greens Mayor Fiona Byrne for undermining the rights of workers. 3. That this House calls on the New South Wales Greens to support the rights of workers in all industries throughout the State.” Upon which Dr Kaye has moved: That the question be amended as follows: No. 1 Omit paragraph 1 (a) and insert instead: “(a) Marrickville Council has a proud tradition of supporting day labour for its garbage and recycling services,”. No. 2. In paragraph 1 (b), insert “the General Manager of” before “Marrickville Council”. No. 3 In paragraph 1 (b), omit “is currently proposing” and insert instead “proposed”. No. 4 In paragraph 1 (d), omit all words after “in response to this action,” and insert instead “the General Manager of Marrickville Council immediately brought in long term casual labour”. No. 5 In paragraph 1 (e), insert “not” before “sanctioned”. No. 6 Insert at the end: “3. That this House calls on all parties to condemn the continued existence of the Australian Building and Construction Commission.”—Ms Sharpe speaking in reply. Debate: Mover in reply—5 minutes 204. Mr Brown to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Fisheries Management Act 1994 to make further provision with respect to the management and regulation of recreational fishing; to establish a Recreational Fishing Council; and for other purposes. (Fisheries Management Amendment (Recreational Fishing) Bill) (Notice given 12 August 2011) 4515 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 205. Mr Shoebridge to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Firearms Act 1996 to delete section 6B from the Act so as to prevent persons without a licence or permit to possess or use a firearm from having access to and the ability to discharge firearms, and for other purposes. (Firearms Amendment (Gun Safety) Bill) (Notice given 12 August 2011) 283. Mr Shoebridge to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Roman Catholic Church Trust Property Act 1936 to provide for the ability of victims of sexual abuse where the abuser is found to be a member of the Catholic clergy and or another official and or officer in the Church to satisfy judgments awarded against such abusers as a judgment debt payable from the assets of the Trust and for other related purposes. (Roman Catholic Church Trust Property Amendment (Justice for Victims) Bill) (Notice given 15 September 2011) 333. Mr Foley to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prevent the sale, lease or disposal of the assets of an energy utility, or of its subsidiaries, without the approval of both Houses of Parliament. (Energy Utilities Protection Bill) (Notice given 19 October 2011) *346. Save Gosford Public School Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (23 February 2012) of the question on the motion of Dr Kaye: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 23 February 2012)—Ms Voltz. (20 minutes) 414. Mr Veitch to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Transport Administration Act 1988 to make provision with respect to the transfer of rail corridors to community organisations for use as recreational rail trails. (Transport Administration Amendment (Rail Trails Community Management) Bill) (Notice given 24 November 2011) 415. Mr Shoebridge to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend certain legislation to make further provision with respect to damages recoverable by the relatives or estate of deceased persons. (Compensation to Relatives Legislation Amendment Bill) (Notice given 24 November 2011) 4516 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 416. Mr Buckingham to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Gene Technology (GM Crop Moratorium) Act 2003 to establish a scheme to compensate farmers for losses associated with contamination from genetically modified crops; and for other purposes. (Gene Technology (GM Crop Moratorium) Amendment (Farmer Protection) Bill) (Notice given 24 November 2011) 426. Mr Brown to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Forestry Act 1916 to prohibit the disruption of lawful forestry operations and related activities. (Forestry Amendment (Unlawful Disruption of Forestry Operations) Bill) (Notice given 14 February 2012) * 432. 468. Crimes Amendment (Possession or Discharge of Firearms in Commission of Offences) Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (15 March 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 15 March 2012)—Dr Phelps. (20 minutes) Dr Kaye to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Education Act 1990 to restore equity and fairness in relation to school funding by restricting the provision of financial assistance to nongovernment schools. (Education Amendment (Equity and Fairness in School Funding) Bill) (Notice given 14 February 2012) 490. Mr Shoebridge to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) the government is in the process of privatising the six Forests NSW retail nurseries in Dubbo, Muswellbrook, Gunnedah, Narrandera, Wagga Wagga and West Pennant Hills, (b) this will lead to the loss of 29 public sector jobs in New South Wales, 14 alone being lost in the town of Narrandera, (c) these nurseries provide seedlings for "soil conservation and environmental plantings" both of which are very much still in demand and biodiverse plantings form a core part of the Federal "Biodiversity Fund" which currently has more than a billion dollars allocated to it, (d) Forests NSW nurseries are the Australian plant specialists and have been growing trees for over 100 years and currently produce millions of native plant seedlings each year, (e) Forests NSW nurseries are spread throughout New South Wales providing expert local knowledge, plants for local conditions and the best planting advice and are essential for the future of our forests and native vegetation, (f) demand for native seedlings will be very strong in the near future, 4517 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 2. (g) the specialist horticultural skills held by staff of Forests NSW nurseries which will be needed to meet these increasing demands will be lost, (h) no measures have been announced that will guard against the loss of experience and specialization that may occur with this privatization, and (i) arguing that Forests NSW is only a timber producer neglects the important role it should be playing in preserving and fostering biodiversity through the operation of enterprises such as these State-owned nurseries. That this House calls on the Government to: (a) immediately halt the privatization of these important public assets, (b) continue talks with the affected employees and unions about measures to maintain these precious regional jobs, and (c) commit to continued high quality research and plant cultivation within Forests NSW. (Notice given 16 February 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 81) 491. Mrs Mitchell to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) the 135th Annual Tenterfield Show was held between 27 and 29 January 2012, (b) the show was officially opened on Friday night by farmer and inspirational speaker Mr Sam Bailey of Warialda, (c) the Nationals had a stand at the show, which was run by the local Tenterfield Branch and had many visitors, and (d) despite the fact that numbers were down due to wet weather the show was still a great success. That this House recognises: (a) the hard work of the President of the Tenterfield Show Society, Mr Peter Petty and his committee on running the show this year, and (b) the importance of agricultural shows in regional communities across New South Wales. (Notice given 16 February 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 81) 498. Mr Moselmane to move— 1. That this House notes: (a) that National Australia Bank, ANZ Banking Group, Westpac Banking Corporation and the Commonwealth Bank collectively made 3309 roles redundant in 2011, (b) that ANZ Banking Group last week announced that it was shedding 1000 jobs from its national workforce, while Westpac Banking Corporation is axing 410 jobs and sending another 150 offshore, (c) the significant harm banks will cause to families of sacked workers and to the New South Wales economy, 4518 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 2. (d) the concerns of the Finance Sector Union over further job losses in 2012, and (e) that New South Wales Opposition Leader, Mr John Robertson MP, said that "The message here is simple – the NSW Government shouldn't reward banks that sack our workers and send local jobs offshore." That this House calls on the Premier, the Honourable Barry O'Farrell MP, to review the Government's contracts with banks and, if banks fail to respond, withdraw Government business with banks that sack New South Wales workers and send local jobs offshore. (Notice given 21 February 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 82) 502. Ms Voltz to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) Hunter New England Health has closed Bulahdelah Hospital from 10pm to 7am every night as of 10 October 2011, (b) the town has a population of more than 1,500 people, and that the catchment area for Bulahdelah Hospital is around 20,000, (c) the area is also home to an aged care facility whose residents require the services of a readily available doctor, (d) the town's only permanent doctor, Dr Adel Habashy, has been on sick leave since September 2011 and as yet there has been no replacement found, (e) inpatients are being transferred to Manning Hospital and nurses who would regularly work at Bulahdelah Hospital were transported to Taree to work their nightshifts, and (f) the general practitioner surgery building which is owned by Great Lakes Council and was used by Dr Habashy already has existing provision for two surgery rooms but only one room is used. 2. That this House commends Dr Habashy on an excellent job in providing health care to the residents of Bulahdelah as the town's sole resident general practitioner over the past 10 years. 3. That this House notes with concern that: (a) there are no contingency plans for ensuring a doctor is available in circumstances such as these when the current town doctor is on leave, (b) Dr Habashy is nearing the retirement age, being in his sixties, and as such the need for a replacement doctor was foreseeable, (c) residents in the Bulahdelah catchment area must now travel around an hour for health care, as the closest hospitals are located in Taree, Gloucester or John Hunter Hospital which is 185 kilometres away, (d) as of 25 January 2012, it was confirmed that Dr Habashy would not return to work for at least another three months, and it is now approaching six months that Bulahdelah has been without a resident general practitioner, (e) Bulahdelah had no doctor or overnight hospital facilities at its busiest time of year, over the holiday and Christmas period, which is not only traditionally busy for hospitals across New South Wales, but Bulahdelah Hospital in particular due to its proximity to the highway, as a result of which it sees an increased patronage from motorists and holidaymakers visiting the beautiful Mid North Coast region, and 4519 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (f) 4. local residents sent a petition of around 1100 signatures to the Minister for Health, the Honourable Jillian Skinner MP in October 2011, calling for an action plan to ensure there would always be a doctor available in the town to serve the hospital and the aged care facility. That this House: (a) urges the Minister for Health, the Honourable Jillian Skinner MP, to take an active interest in ensuring that hospitals around the State remain open to provide much needed health care to regional communities, (b) condemns the inactivity and silence of the local member, Stephen Bromhead MP, on this matter, (c) notes that over 1000 local residents in Bulahdelah have signed petitions to call for a doctor to be permanently available in the town, and (d) urges Stephen Bromhead MP to represent the wishes of his constituents on this matter by demanding appropriate funding for a second general practitioner for Bulahdelah, and a full-time locum until a second permanent general practitioner is found. (Notice given 22 February 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 83) 503. Revd Mr Nile to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to constitute the St. Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Monastery (NSW) Property Trust and to specify its functions, and to provide for the vesting of certain property in the Trust and for other purposes. (St. Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Monastery (NSW) Property Trust Bill) (Notice given 22 February 2012) 505. Mr Primrose to move— 1. That this House recognises the invaluable work of Foodbank NSW, a not for profit organisation that acts as the pantry of the welfare sector. 2. That this House notes that: (a) as the largest hunger relief organisation in Australia, 3,500 Foodbank volunteers help to feed over 70,000 people every day, (b) in 2011, Foodbanks across Australia distributed twenty one million kilograms of donated food and groceries, the equivalent of over twenty eight million meals, through a network of 2,500 welfare agencies, (c) Foodbank NSW distributes 53,000 meals per week in New South Wales, three million kilos of food each year, and also assists other states to distribute an additional one and a half million kilograms of food donated from New South Wales for a total of 4.5 million kilograms per year, and (d) Foodbank NSW anticipates that food distributed will grow to seventeen million kilograms by 2015/2016. 4520 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 3. That this House: (a) congratulates Foodbank NSW for its ongoing work, noting that it has increased the volume of food distribution by forty percent over the past year, and between May 2011 and February 2012 it has collected four hundred tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables in Leeton, Griffith and Carrathool Shires, which has been distributed across New South Wales, and (b) calls on the Government to work with Foodbank NSW to ensure this good work continues and is adequately funded. (Notice given 22 February 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 83) 506. Mr Shoebridge to move— That the Standing Committee on Law and Justice inquire into and report on police car pursuits, including the costs, benefits and rationale of police pursuits and in particular: (a) the associated fatalities and injuries to police, drivers, passengers and bystanders, (b) the actions taken to limit or restrict police car pursuits in other jurisdictions, (c) the potential alternatives to police car pursuits for classes of lesser offences, (d) a review of offenders, including the severity of offence, detained as a result of police car pursuits, (e) the current training of police in relation to police car pursuits, and (f) any options for reform that may be considered appropriate to this matter. (Notice given 22 February 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 83) 509. Ms Faehrmann to move— 1. That this House notes that the report of the Independent Scientific Audit of Marine Parks in New South Wales to the Minister for Primary Industries and the Minister for the Environment states in its recommendations that the Audit Panel is of the opinion that the current system of marine parks as established in New South Wales be maintained and mechanisms be found for enhancing the protection of biodiversity in the identified gaps, namely within the Hawkesbury and Twofold Shelf marine bioregions. 2. That this House calls on the Government to lift the moratorium on the declaration of new marine parks, alteration of sanctuary zones and review of zoning plans within existing marine parks. (Notice given 22 February 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 83 510. Ms Voltz to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) over the last three financial years the Women in Prison Advocacy Network (WIPAN) has received grants from the Office of Women, (b) WIPAN's application for a further grant to allow it to continue its services over the coming financial year has been refused despite a recidivism rate of 50 per cent, and 4521 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (c) 2. the WIPAN program has had significant social results and economic benefits and of the 86 women who have undertaken the program, 82 per cent have not re-offended. That this House calls on the Office for Women to re-instate funding for the WIPAN program. (Notice given 22 February 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 83) 516. Mrs Mitchell to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) on 11 February 2012, the New South Wales Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) held a board meeting in Gunnedah which was attended by local RSPCA and community members, (b) the board also conducted a site visit to Glendon, the largest egg production facility in the North West, owned by Bede and Narelle Burke, and (c) both the meeting and site visit were deemed a success by those in attendance. 2. That this House notes the important role the RSPCA plays in preventing cruelty to animals and in actively promoting their care and protection. 3. That this House congratulates the President of the New South Wales RSPCA, Dr Peter Wright, and the members of the board for electing to hold a meeting in a regional area in New South Wales for the first time in two years. (Notice given 23 February 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 84) 518. Ms Faehrmann to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) the grey nurse shark is listed as critically endangered under the Fisheries Management Act 1994, (b) "Hook and line fishing in areas important for the survival of threatened fish species" was listed as a Key Threatening Process affecting grey nurse sharks in 2002 under the Act, (c) the grey nurse shark aggregates at 10 small critical habitat sites which it relies on for its survival, and these are also listed under the Act, (d) these listings place obligations on the Government to recover the species, mitigate its key threats and protect its critical habitat sites, (e) the O'Farrell Government removed prohibitions on line fishing for the grey nurse shark at Fish Rock and Green Island critical habitat sites at South West Rocks and at the aggregation sites at the Solitary Islands, (f) following the revocation of those protective measures, the Honourable Katrina Hodgkinson MP, Minister for Primary Industries, called for submissions on a discussion paper for grey nurse shark protection, (g) in the Minister's media release dated 31 May 2011 announcing the discussion paper, the Minister stated that: (i) "The New South Wales Government is committed to delivering a solution that ensures the best outcome is achieved for both the grey nurse shark population in New South Wales and local communities", 4522 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (ii) (iii) 2. "As promised prior to the election, we want to ensure the public as well as the scientific community have a proper chance to be consulted before any final decision is made", "The New South Wales Government has also committed to a scientific audit of the effectiveness of marine park zoning and the existing grey nurse shark management arrangements. The outcomes from community consultation and the scientific audit will be used to guide the development of new management arrangements for Fish Rock and Green Island", (h) a summary of the submissions to the discussion paper for grey nurse shark protection has now been published and it states that the majority of submissions, being 82 per cent, support protection for the grey nurse shark, and (i) the Independent Scientific Audit of Marine Parks has also now reported and recommends that "the current system of marine parks as established in New South Wales be maintained and mechanisms be found for enhancing protection of biodiversity in the identified gaps, namely within the Hawkesbury and Twofold Shelf marine bioregions". That this House support: (a) the reinstatement of protection for the grey nurse shark at Fish Rock and Green Island at South West Rocks, and at the Solitary Islands, and (b) a consistent approach to grey nurse shark protection with a 1500 metre sanctuary zone around all of its critical habitat and aggregation sites. (Notice given 23 February 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 84) 521. Ms Faehrmann to move— 1. That this House congratulates Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras for 'Sydney Mardi Gras 2012', one of the most successful festivals in a proud 34 year history. 2. That this House notes the significant contribution of Sydney Mardi Gras to the community, including: 3. (a) a boon of more than $30 million dollars to the New South Wales economy each year, with approximately 20,000 interstate and overseas visitors coming to Sydney specifically for the festival, (b) as a global beacon of diversity, acceptance and of equal rights for all, (c) providing resources and opportunities for creative and political expression, and (d) bringing the world's best artists, thinkers and entertainers to Sydney. That this House thanks the Sydney Mardi Gras Chair Peter Urmson, Chief Executive Officer Michael Rolik, all the Board, staff and thousands of volunteers who made the Sydney Mardi Gras 2012 possible. (Notice given 6 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 85) 524. Mr Donnelly to move— That this House: (a) notes the decision to relocate Gosford Public School to the Henry Kendall High School site due to the small size of the school's current site and proposed loss of Council playing fields, 4523 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (b) notes the concerns of parents and the community about the relocation, and (c) calls on the Minister for Education to meet with concerned parents and community members and work with them to address their concerns about the relocation of Gosford Public School. (Notice given 6 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 85) 526. Ms Faehrmann to move— 1. 2. 3. That this House notes that, as is stated on the website for the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative, the Great Eastern Ranges: (a) are the mountainous ranges and escarpments of eastern Australia, including the Great Dividing Range and the Great Escarpment, (b) separate Australia's eastern coastal fringe from the plains and the interior, (c) are the backyard to our cities; places we visit for recreation and to restore our spirits, (d) are home to many of Australia’s treasured areas of World Heritage, national parks, alpine areas, forests, woodlands and rainforests, (e) store carbon in their vast forests, breathing out oxygen we breathe in, (f) contribute to our prosperity by sustaining agriculture, tourism and industry, (g) are a refuge for our richest biodiversity, containing 66 per cent of the threatened species in New South Wales, and (h) are the source of our clean water providing water supplies for over 93 per cent of eastern Australia's population. That this House notes that: (a) in 2006, the Environment Heritage and Protection Council (EPHC) first considered the idea of a continental scale conservation corridor extending along Australia's great eastern ranges from Victoria through New South Wales to Atheron in Queensland, (b) in New South Wales, this became the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative which is a collaboration with Bush Heritage Australia, Greening Australia, the National Parks Association of NSW, Nature Conservation Trust of NSW and the Government, (c) the initiative aims to maintain and improve long-term connectivity conservation of mountain ecosystems running the length of eastern Australia, with the 1,200 kilometre New South Wales section of the Great Eastern Ranges the initial area of focus, (d) the NSW Environmental Trust allocated $4.4 million to continue the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative, which was announced by the Honourable Robyn Parker MP, Minister for Environment on 16 December 2011, and (e) the integrity of the ecosystems that comprise the Great Eastern Ranges corridor is still being threatened by a lack of coordination to manage threats such as mining, logging and housing developments. That this House calls on the Government to ensure its commitment to the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative includes protecting the integrity of the Great Eastern Ranges corridor when considering applications for mining, logging and housing developments. (Notice given 6 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 85) 4524 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 527. Ms Cotsis to move— 1. 2. 3. That this House notes: (a) importance of families spending time together, (b) the importance of agricultural shows, sporting competitions and other cultural events to local communities, and (c) the importance of local events to the social and cultural life of New South Wales. That this House notes that: (a) the first Newcastle Regional Show was held in 1902, (b) in previous years, public holidays have been declared to allow local residents to attend the Newcastle Regional Show, (c) in 2011, the Government declared Friday 18 March 2011 to be a local public holiday for the Newcastle Show, (d) on 6 March 2011, the then Leader of the New South Wales Opposition was reported as stating that "We will not cut the number of public holidays in New South Wales" in the Sunday Telegraph, (e) in February 2012, the Minister for Finance and Services declined a request by Lake Macquarie Council to declare 16 March 2012 a local public holiday, and has instead declared a 'local event day' for the area, (f) a local public holiday would have entitled all workers to have the day off work or be paid penalty rates under the under the National Employment Standards of the Fair Work Act 2009, (g) a local event day will require employers and employees to refer to their workplace agreements and contracts to determine if they have any entitlements, (h) the decision by the Minister for Finance and Services to declare a local event day was made despite Lake Macquarie Council's public consultation on this issue finding 75 percent support for the declaration of a local public holiday, and (i) the decision by the Minister for Finance and Services has caused significant disruption to workplaces, schools and families in the lower Hunter. That this House calls upon the Minister for Finance and Services to restore the local public holiday for the Newcastle Regional Show in 2013 and future years. (Notice given 6 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 85) 540. Ms Fazio to move— 1. That this House notes that in 2012, Playgroup NSW celebrates 40 years of operations. 2. That this House notes that: (a) in that 40 year period, Playgroup NSW has been integral in the lives of hundreds of thousands of families and has been part of family life for three generations, giving children, parents and carers a place to come together and learn through play, 4525 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 3. (b) to mark this milestone, Playgroup NSW will be celebrating by supporting 40 localised birthday parties across the state, (c) playgroup is an informal session where mums, dads, grandparents, caregivers, children and babies meet up in a relaxed and friendly environment, and the adults stay to interact with other adults and to play with their children, (d) playgroup gives children an opportunity to have fun, make new friends and develop new skills through informal play, (e) playgroup provides parents and carers with an opportunity to meet other parents and carers, make friends and share ideas and experiences, (f) playgroup also allows parents and carers to spend quality time with their children, encouraging, helping or simply playing with their children, (g) playgroup is not-for-profit, (h) currently around Australia there are 103,000 families regularly participating in playgroups, meeting in halls, neighbourhood centres, churches, private homes and parks, and (i) playgroups reflect the diversity within the community, as families from all walks of life participate at Playgroup and, in New South Wales, there are over 1,700 Playgroup sessions with over 50,000 parents and children meeting each week. That this House notes the following organisational values of Playgroup NSW: (a) Vision: our community has access to the highest quality support for early years parenting, play and development, (b) Purpose: Playgroup NSW provides the support for all families with babies and children under 6 to: (i) participate in relevant playgroups, (ii) develop social and community connections, and (iii) access related learning resources, and (c) Values: Strong and sustainable communities that nurture: (i) confident and positive parenting, (ii) acceptance of difference and the encouragement of diversity, (iii) positive interactions between children and adults, (iv) volunteering and mutual support, (v) welcoming learning and play environments for all. 4. That this House commends Playgroup NSW for 40 years of enriching the early childhood experience of children and for providing support and assistance to parents. 5. That this resolution be conveyed in writing to Playgroups NSW. (Notice given 7 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 86) 541. Ms Fazio to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) the 2012 Country Labor Conference was held from 24 to 26 February 2012 at the Cessnock Performing Arts Centre, 4526 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 2. (b) the conference was addressed by the Honourable Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister of Australia, Mr John Robertson MP, the Leader of the NSW Opposition, and Climate Change Commissioner Professor Tim Flannery, and (c) the conference was a resounding success. That this House notes that the NSW Country Labor Conference is the largest regional political conference held in Australia and that all sessions are open to the media, unlike the conferences of the Liberal, National and Green parties. (Notice given 7 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 86) 542. Mr Lynn to move— That this House condemns the desecration of Australian and allied war graves at Benghazi by Islamist extremists. (Notice given 8 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 87) 547. Mr Shoebridge to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) on 15 March 2012 the Northern Region Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) will consider an application to build a substantial retirement home on contaminated land adjacent to an aerodrome at Evans Head, (b) Richmond Valley Council sold 10ha of contaminated land to RSL Life Care Retirement Village who are proposing a $78 million development, (c) the land in question is situated 130m from the Evans Head Aerodrome main runway and experiences noise levels above that typically allowed for residential zoning, (d) to allow for the inappropriate sitting of the development next to the aerodrome, Richmond Valley Council increased the maximum allowable noise levels for residential development in the area, (e) if approved, future elderly residents will daily be subjected to noise levels beyond acceptable limits, (f) the land in question is contaminated by tar compounds, asbestos, herbicides and pesticides, (g) an environment report commissioned by the Council in 2005 concluded that the area poses significant health risk. This information was not provided to the local community when the land was proposed for rezoning in 2006, and (h) the cost to local ratepayers of cleaning up this contamination is estimated to be over $4 million, amounting to a discount to the developer. That this House calls on the JRPP to reject the application and recommend the developer find a more suitable location for this style of development. (Notice given 13 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 88) 4527 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 551. Ms Westwood to move— That this House notes that: (a) Parents of Deaf Children is celebrating 50 years as the peak body for parents of deaf children in New South Wales, (b) Parents of Deaf Children was founded in 1961 by a dedicated group of parents, and the organisation was previously known as the Parent Council for Deaf Education, (c) Parents of Deaf Children celebrated its proud history and unveiled its new name and logo on Sunday 11 March 2012 at a gala event for families, (d) Parents of Deaf Children aims to: (i) empower parents in New South Wales to support their deaf or hearing-impaired children in reaching their full potential through information, support networks and representation, (ii) strengthen parent support networks, (iii) contribute to a national voice for parents of New South Wales, (iv) enhance the identity of the Parent Council for Deaf Education and its operational structures, (v) provide strong representation on behalf of its parents in New South Wales, (vi) influence government policy in the areas of health, education and disability, (vii) support parents through a range of information provision, (viii) raise community awareness of deafness, (ix) bring together families, (x) increase the parent support networks across New South Wales, (xi) empower parents to become self advocates. (Notice given 13 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 88) 553. Mr Whan to move— That this House notes: (a) the successful decentralization of more than 1,500 state Government positions to regional New South Wales since 2000, (b) that agencies relocated to regional NSW by the previous Labor Government included: (i) Registry of Cooperatives to Bathurst (ii) Firearms Licensing Branch to Murwillumbah (iii) Pillar Administration to Wollongong (iv) WorkCover Authority to Gosford (v) Long Service Payments Corp to Gosford (vi) Department of Local Government to Nowra (vii) Infringement Processing Bureau to Maitland (viii) State Debt Recovery Office to Lithgow (ix) Native Vegetation Unit to Wellington (c) that the former Labor Government also built major new gaols in regional centres including Wellington, Kempsey and Nowra, (d) that in contrast to the former Labor Government's successful record of decentralization the O'Farrell Government has comprehensively mucked up the poorly considered decision to 'decentralise' the Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence, (c) that decentralization to regional NSW should not include moving staff from Cronulla to Mosman, 4528 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (d) that the Cronulla Fisheries debacle is a very poor start to the so called decade of decentralization and highlights the incompetence of the Minister for Primary Industries and the Deputy Premier who failed to undertake appropriate planning and consultation, and (e) that the people of regional NSW can have little confidence in a Government that seems more interested in spin than substance. (Notice given 13 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 88) 557. Ms Westwood to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) on 25 March 2012, the Melanoma March will be held at Manly Beach, (b) the Melanoma March is an opportunity for the community to unite and show their support for their fight against melanoma, Australia's national cancer, (c) the important message of the Melanoma March is early detection and protecting yourself from the sun in five ways: seek, slip, slop, slap, slide, (d) funds raised for the event will be used to support vital research at the Melanoma Institute Australia, melanoma is the most common cancer in people aged 15 to 44 years, (e) 2. (f) Australia has by far the highest incidence rate for melanoma in the world and melanoma is often referred to as ‘Australia’s national cancer’, (g) over 11,000 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed each year and the numbers are increasing, and (h) over 1,200 Australians die of melanoma every year. That this House commends the individuals and organisations who participate by showing their support for this campaign and assisting in raising much needed funds for research into melanoma. (Notice given 13 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 88) 562. Mr Donnelly to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) Fair Work Australia is responsible for setting national minimum wages for Australian workers, (b) each financial year Fair Work Australia's Minimum Wage Panel conducts an Annual Wage Review and issues a decision and national minimum wage order, and (c) many thousands of low paid workers in New South Wales and their families rely on the Annual Wage Reviews to secure an upward adjustment in wages and allowances. That this House notes that: (a) an examination of the list of submissions to the 2010/2011 Annual Wage Review reveals that the Government did not make a submission to that review, 4529 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 3. (b) the closing date for lodging submissions to the 2011/2012 Annual Wage Review is 16 March 2012, and (c) that an examination of the 2011/2012 Annual Wage Review section of Fair Work Australia's website reveals that the Government to date has not made a submission to the current review. That this House calls on the Honourable Greg Pearce MLC, Minister for Finance and Services and Minister for the Illawarra, to take immediate steps to organise and make a submission to the 2011/2012 National Wage Review by the due date, 16 March 2012, and that such submission of the Government contain a recommendation for an upward wage adjustment that improves the real wages of the states lowest paid. (Notice given 14 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 89) 564. Mr Moselmane to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, now 89, was born on 3 August 1923 in the city of Asuit in Upper Egypt and was given the name of Nazir Gayed, (b) His Holiness received his education from the University of Cairo and was very active in his church, for which he received significant recognition for his service to the Coptic people of Egypt and in the Diaspora, (c) His Holiness enjoyed writing and was a remarkably literate man as evidenced by the many books he has written, (d) on 18 July 1954, His Holiness was given the name of Father Antonyos El-Suryaani and for six years, from 1956 to 1962, he lived a life of solitude in a cave away from the monastery, dedicating all his time to meditation, prayer, and asceticism, (e) in 1962, he was ordained by the late Pope Cyril VI as Bishop of Ecclesiastical Education and was named President of the Coptic Theological Seminary, where he was given the name of Bishop Shenouda on 30 September 1962, (f) on 14 November 1971, His Holiness was enthroned as Pope Shenouda III, the 117th Pope of Alexandria, and successor of the See of Saint Mark, and (g) His Holiness has been suffering from ill health and appears frail. That this House notes His Holiness Pope Shenouda's ill health and joins with the Australian Coptic community to wish his Holiness a speedy recovery. (Notice given 14 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 89) 565. Mr Shoebridge to move— That, under Standing Order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within seven days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 28 November 2011 in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Minister for Local Government or the Department of Local Government: (a) any submissions to the Dual Roles – Councillors as Members of Parliament in NSW – Discussion Paper, 4530 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (b) any draft reports regarding responses to the Dual Roles – Councillors as Members of Parliament in NSW – Discussion Paper, (c) any final report into the Dual Roles – Councillors as Members of Parliament in NSW – Discussion Paper, and (d) any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House. (Notice given 14 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 89) 573. Mr Foley to move— 1. That this House acknowledges the Irish community's extraordinary impact on the society and character of New South Wales since 1788. 2. That this House notes that: 3. (a) St Patrick's Day falls on 17 March 2012, (b) the following international landmarks will be lit green on St Patrick's Day this year: (i) the leaning Tower of Pisa, (ii) Niagara Falls, (iii) the London Eye, (iv) Burj al Arab in Dubai, (v) Table Mountain in South Africa, (vi) San Francisco’s Coit Tower and City Hall, (vii) Selfridges department store in London, (viii) the Cibeles fountain in Madrid, (ix) Vienna’s Burgtheater, (x) the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, (xi) the entire town of Moraira on the Costa Blanca in Spain, (xii) Brussels Town Hall, (xiii) the Glasgow Eye, (xiv) the Clyde Auditorium, (xv) the Municipal Stadium in Poznan, Poland, and (c) the Sydney Opera House Trust has rejected an approach from Tourism Ireland to light the Opera House sails in green on St Patrick's Day this year. That this House calls on the Government to ensure that the Sydney Opera House lights up in green on St Patrick's Day 2013. (Notice given 15 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 90) 582. Ms Cotsis to move— 1. That this House notes: (a) that the Australian Local Government Women's Association (NSW) held their 59th annual conference in Dubbo between Thursday 22 March 2012 and Saturday 24 March 2012, (b) that the theme for the 2012 Conference was "Creators of Change", (c) that women make up only one quarter of elected representatives on NSW councils, and 4531 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (d) 2. that nationally: (i) only 5% of local government chief executives are women, (ii) women make up approximately 40% of local government employees, (ii) the local government sector remains divided on gender lines with 80% of operational works employees are men, while 70% of administrative employees are women. That this House encourages women to become involved in local government by running for office at the 2012 local government elections. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 583. Mr Borsak to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 to repeal prohibitions on the use and operation of game parks. (Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Repeal of Game Park Prohibitions) Bill) (Notice given 27 March 2012) 586. Ms Fazio to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) there was extensive debate in 2004 when the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Tail Docking) Bill was introduced, (b) this bill came about following representations from animal welfare groups, veterinary bodies and other concerned individuals, (c) additionally, the Primary Industries Ministerial Council agreed in October 2003 to introduce a nationally co-ordinated ban on cosmetic tail docking by April of 2004, and (d) the banning of the routine or cosmetic tail docking of dogs was supported by many stakeholders including the New South Wales Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), the New South Wales Division of the Australian Veterinary Association, the New South Wales Animal Welfare League, the Animal Societies Federation, the Animal Welfare Advisory Council, the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council of Australia, the Royal New South Wales Canine Council, the Council of Docked Breeds, the Dog Body and a range of dog breed societies as well as dog owners. 2. That this House notes the campaign that is being conducted to have this ban overturned and replaced by legislation similar to that applicable in New Zealand which allows for veterinarians to legally perform the procedure of banding tails on neonatal pups by ligature, a proposal which does not have the support of any animal welfare organisations in Australia. 3. That this House calls on the Government to reject any attempts to repeal the 2004 amendments to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 4532 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 590. Ms Cotsis to move— 1. 2. That his House notes: (a) that on Friday 16 March 2012, the Chapter Ippokratis of the Australian Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) held their 2012 Medical Awards Dinner. (b) that Dr Nicholas Cordato received the 2012 Ippokratis Award for his work researching and treating Parkinson's disease, dementia, movement disorders and other neurodegenerative diseases; as well as his work looking at innovative medical care for Nursing Home Residents. (c) that Costa Boyages received the 2012 George Thomas Award in recognition of his current studies in medicine at the University, his recent receipt of the Hoc Main Scholarship to Vietnam and his service in Cambodia under the University of Sydney Office of Global Health. That this House congratulates Dr Nicholas Cordato and Costa Voyages on their receipt of awards from AHEPA Chapter Ippokratis. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 595 Ms Fazio to move— 1. That this House welcomes the announcement by the Pet Industry Association of Australia (PIAA) in early March of its Dogs Lifetime Guarantee Policy on Traceability and Re-homing. 2. That this House notes that: 3. (a) the PIAA policy, effective in New South Wales from 1 October 2012, guarantees that: (i) dogs purchased from PIAA member retail stores are sourced from PIAA approved breeders who meet animal welfare standards and whose operations are subject to independent audit by a veterinarian each year, (ii) any dog purchased from a PIAA member that is subsequently abandoned by its owner will be re-homed and saved from euthanasia, and the first state to implement PIAA re-homing is New South WAles, where PIAA has partnered with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA NSW), (b) this policy will reduce the opportunities for "puppy farmers" to profit from irresponsible breeding of dogs for sale as well as reducing the unnecessary euthanasia of unwanted dogs, and (c) the RSPCA has welcomed this major step toward saving many dogs from being put down and believes that PIAA’s initiative in seeking to better control the breeding and sale of puppies is a significant advancement in improving animal welfare. That this House commends PIAA for this initiative and calls on the public to ensure that pet shops they visit are members of and abide by the policies of the PIAA. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 596. Mr Lynn to move— That this House acknowledges: (a) the unprecedented, outstanding, and inspiring result obtained by the Liberal National Party in the 2012 Queensland Election last Saturday, 4533 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (b) that Queensland Greens suffered a 1.2% swing against them and failed to win a single, solitary seat, (c) congratulates the people of Queensland for rejecting the failed policies of the ruling LaborGreen alliance in Canberra, (d) congratulates traditional Labor voters for rejecting the failed policies of the ruling Labor-Green alliance and voting Liberal for the first time, and (e) congratulates Premier Newman and his LNP colleagues on their magnificent win. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 597. Dr Phelps to move— That this House: (a) notes that 8 May 2012 is the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea, (b) notes this was the first naval battle on history where naval surface units from the opposing fleets did not once sight each other during the battle, and (c) notes that this was also the first time that the Imperial Japanese Navy suffered a major setback during the war, and that it would have major ramifications for the UN at the later Battle of Midway, (d) commends the gallantry of the US Navy, the Royal Australian Navy, the US Marine Corps, the US Army Air Force and the Royal Australian Air Force during this battle, and (e) pays tribute to all those who served in the defence of freedom during this time. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 599. Dr Phelps to move— That this House: (a) believes that a free democracy is based on a marketplace of ideas, (b) believes that limitations on citizens' freedom of speech should only be enacted in the most pressing of circumstances, (c) rejects any attempt to censor free speech simply because some individuals may find such speech offensive or hurtful, and (d) congratulates the Institute of Public Affairs for its vigorous defence of free speech. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 606. Dr Phelps to move— That this House: (a) notes that 2011 was the 50th anniversary of the last attempt by a Labor Government to abolish the Legislative Council, 4534 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (b) notes that this attempt followed on from earlier attempts by the Labor Party, in 1930 and 1946, to abolish the Legislative Council, (c) notes that the people of New South Wales overwhelmingly rejected the Labor Party's attempts to abolish the Legislative Council, with a whopping 57.6% 'No' vote, (d) notes that the Liberal and National Parties, and their predecessors, have consistently supported a bicameral parliament in New South Wales, and (e) considers that the role of the Legislative Council remains as vital today as it has ever been to the peace, order and good government of the state of New South Wales. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 611. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) a commitment of $40 million has been made to the Public School Upgrade Program that schools may now begin applying to use toward building and maintenance improvements, (b) schools may apply for project funding up to a maximum of $200,000 that can be made as part of a full or partial funding of a larger project or several smaller projects, (c) some projects currently being funded include upgrades to kitchen and food preparation facilities, science laboratories, toilet renovations, athletic courts, pavement resurfacing, roof, gutter, storm water and drainage systems, recarpeting, painting, and improvements to facility access through ramps, railings and stairs, (d) this $40 million investment will be provided over the next four years at $10 million per year, with each year's funds being allocated across 10 regions using a standard formula, (e) applications are assessed by a Regional Reference Group that includes a Regional Director, Principal, Regional Asset Planner and Asset Manager Unit representatives, and (f) application criteria is determined by relevance to facility maintenance issues, compliance with school facility standards, consideration of safety issues, community involvement, viable cost estimates and adequate project description. That this House acknowledges: (a) the Honourable Adrian Piccoli MP for his leadership as Minister for Education in working to provide the best facilities and resources for students across New South Wales, and (b) the work of the Regional Reference Groups to ensure these funds are being allocated with prudence and discretion that will best serve the teachers, students, and communities of New South Wales. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 612. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) the Government has reinforced its commitment to rebuilding the hospitals of New South Wales with a record health capital works program budget of $4.7 billion over the next four years, 4535 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 2. (b) this budget represents not only a 50 per cent increase from the previous four years, but also this Government's unwavering commitment to providing the very best health services for the citizens of New South Wales, (c) the 2011-2012 health capital works program includes a $67 million increase from the previous year, and includes a record investment of $343 million on new facilities and programs, (d) over the next four years citizens will see upgrades to hospitals in Campbelltown of $139 million, Dubbo Base of $79.8 million, Port Macquarie of $110 million, Wagga Wagga Base of $270 million, Prince of Wales Hospital Comprehensive Cancer and Blood Disorders Centre of $47.2 million and a $35 million investment in a new St George Hospital emergency department, (e) this investment also includes a $147 million expansion of services at Royal North Shore hospital, and the start of a $170 million e-health venture in an effort to improve the safety of medication, (f) improvements to the safety of medications in Australia could cut medication related hospital admissions by 140,000, and reduce 3,000 deaths annually according to researchers at the University of Adelaide, (g) this program will also see invest in planning for the State and Commonwealth Health and Hospital Funded projects such as the South East Regional Hospital at Bega to which $170 million has been allocated, and the Tamworth Regional Referral Hospital to which $220 million has been allocated, (h) the Royal North Shore Hospital will also see an additional $55 million to expand their services to include 60 extra beds and relocate maternity, mental health and other services that were previously omitted, (i) investments also provide for planning and design at the Lachlan Health Service, being Parkes and Forbes Hospitals, Illawarra-Shoalhaven hospitals, Blacktown and Mt Druitt, and Hornsby Ku-ring-gai hospitals, and the new Northern Beaches Hospital, (j) planning for land acquisition for the Hunter Valley hospital will also be conducted, as well as future New South Wales hospital services in Lismore, Waratah, and Byron Bay, in addition to renovations at Ryde, Gulong, Mona Vale, Woy Woy and Wyong hospitals, and (k) hospitals in Cessnock, Maitland, Kurri Kurri and Wansey will also see much needed upgrades in equipment, while the Nepean, Sutherland and Shoalhaven hospitals will benefit from upgrades to car parking in order to relieve traffic congestion. That this House acknowledges the Honourable Jillian Skinner MP, Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research, for her leadership and commitment to the citizens of New South Wales by working tirelessly to deliver the best health services in Australia. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 613. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) nearly 1,000 new teachers have begun teaching in New South Wales classrooms this year, an increase of 99 from the previous year, (b) these new teachers represent a commitment by the Government to make public education the first choice for parents, 4536 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 2. (c) the Government has also expanded the Smarter School program with additional support offered to existing schools, and (d) these reforms will enable the wealth of experience and teaching expertise in New South Wales to be shared with other schools on the most effective teaching methods. That this House acknowledges: (a) the Honourable Adrian Piccoli MP for his leadership as Minister for Education in working to provide the best education system for students across New South Wales, and (b) the Honourable Barry O'Farrell, Premier of New South Wales, for his commitment to improving frontline services in education. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 614. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) an investment of $24 million in education has been made by the Government in order to hire 200 full time teachers to assist underperforming schools in the areas of literacy and numeracy across government and non-government schools, (b) these teachers will play a vital role in targeting early school age students who are in the most serious need of assistance, (c) these investments come after recommendations made by the Ministerial Advisory Group on Literacy and Numeracy under the leadership of Dr Ken Boston AO to the Honourable Adrian Piccoli MP, Minster of Education, (d) the most significant recommendations of the advisory group include identifying the levels of literacy and numeracy of each child at an early age, creating a specific learning program to meet each child's needs, reforming teaching practices that focus on the entire class to a strategy that focuses on the needs of each individual student and using tiered interventions according to student needs where remediation in numeracy and literacy is required, (e) these reforms will also provide funding for 50 instructional leaders in public schools that demonstrate the greatest need, and will focus on providing classroom-based professional development to teachers in personalised learning and diagnostic assessment, (f) resources for schools to meet these goals will be tracked by these instructional leaders and developed into a single strategy used to improve literacy and numeracy performance, (g) nominated schools will be held accountable for the performance of their students and be required to report on their achievements, and (h) this investment is merely the start of this government's long term goal of providing 900 extra school teachers across New South Wales. That this House acknowledges: (a) the Honourable Adrian Piccoli MP for his leadership as Minister for Education in working to provide the best education and resources for students across New South Wales, and 4537 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (b) the work of the Ministerial Advisory Group on Literacy and Numeracy, particularly the leadership and guidance of Dr Ken Boston AO, for providing their insights for the reforms needed by our schools to achieve improvements in literacy and numeracy. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 615. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) the Government and the Minister for Education, the Honourable Adrian Piccoli MP, have announced new reforms that will return the autonomy of schools back to local administrators through the Local Schools, Local Decisions policy, and (b) under this policy: (i) decision making responsibility will shift from state agencies back to the school level, (ii) school principals will once again manage their own budgets to include staffing and non-staffing resources, (iii) 70 per cent of the entire New South Wales education budget will be managed by local school administrators, (iv) a new system of resource allocation will fund schools directly based on their individual needs as well as student population, (v) schools will be allowed to determine their own needs for temporary and permanent staff with respect to their budgets, and have greater authority when determining the best way to fill vacancies in their schools, (vi) the progression of teacher salaries will be based on the attainment of professional standards rather than longevity, (vii) improved processes and strategies will be implemented to address underperformance issues, (viii) the classification and salary of school principals will be determined by each school's complexity, (ix) principals will now have the autonomy and discretion to make purchases for their schools of up to $5,000, (x) each school plan, annual report and budget will be formed in collaboration with a school's student learning outcomes. That this House acknowledges the Honourable Adrian Piccoli MP for his leadership as Minister for Education in working to provide the best education system for students across New South Wales. (Notice given 27 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 91) 616. Dr Kaye to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require the NSW government to reduce the level of carbon emissions from electricity generation. (Towards Zero Carbon Energy Bill) (Notice given 28 March 2012) 4538 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 618. Mr Shoebridge to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Award 2009 has provisions for maternal and adoption leave only and the current edition of the Premier's personnel handbook stipulates these do not apply to ''foster or surrogacy situations'', (b) this means that some public sector workers who have had children through a surrogacy arrangement have been refused paid parental leave, (c) this may also have an adverse impact on Aboriginal communities where kinship foster care arrangements are entered into, and (d) the community in New South Wales reasonably expects that paid parental leave is provided to the primary carer of a baby regardless of the circumstances surrounding the birth of that baby. That this House calls on the Government to ensure that paid parental leave is provided to all primary carers of babies including those born through foster and surrogacy arrangements. (Notice given 28 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 92) 621. Ms Faehrmann to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) has launched a campaign to end whips in horse racing, (b) Professor Paul McGreevy, a veterinary scientist, and his colleagues from Sydney University Veterinary Science and Law faculties have undertaken a study into the use of whips in thoroughbred racing, (c) the study viewed opportunistic high-speed footage of 15 race finishes frame by frame over two days at the Gosford Racing Track north of Sydney, (d) the study observed at least 28 examples in nine horses of breaches of the Australian Rules of Racing whip rules, including 13 contacts with the head, one seam of the flap contact with the horse and 14 arm actions that rose above the height of the shoulder, (e) the breaches detected were not reported by the Racing NSW Stewards, (f) the study observed that the whip caused visible indents on 83 per cent of impacts recorded, (g) the study observed that 75 per cent of whip strikes are on the abdomen, (h) the study observed that the unpadded section of the whip made contact on 64 per cent of impacts recorded which calls into question the adequacy of whip padding to prevent possible pain, (i) the RSPCA says the study shows evidence that the International Agreement on Breeding, Racing and Wagering, to which Australia is a signatory, has clearly been contravened, (j) Professor McGreevy commented to the ABC Lateline program in a story that aired on 20 March 2012 that if the whipping was ocurring to animals off the race track it would be considered a prosecutable offence and an act of animal cruelty, 4539 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 2. (k) horses and punters would still win races and bets if the horses were not subject to whipping, and (l) Norway prohibited whips in horse racing in 1982. That this House calls on the Australian Racing Board and Racing NSW to prohibit whips in horse racing. (Notice given 28 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 92) 624. Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move— 1. 2. 3. 4. That this House notes: (a) an estimates 291,000 Australians have been exposed to the hepatitis C virus and an estimated 224,000 Australians are living with chronic hepatitis C, costing over $9 billion to our health care system, (b) an estimated 9,700 new hepatitis C cases occur annually, adding an additional $452 million in lifetime costs to our health budget, (c) 65 percent of people with hepatitis C are aged between 20 and 29 years, (d) around 89 percent of new infections are a result of sharing equipment used for injecting illicit drugs, (e) around 7 percent people with hepatitis C are immigrants to Australian who contracted the virus through medical procedures and other transmission routes in their countries of origin, and (f) around 4 percent cases involve other blood-to blood contact such as unsterile tattooing and accidental needle stick injuries. That this House notes: (a) that health statistics show that 35 percent of prisoners across Australia are Hepatitis C positive and 37 percent of the total prison population is located in New south Wales, and (b) the high prevalence of Hepatitis C within prisons provides a challenge to controlling hepatitis C in the community. That this House acknowledges: (a) around one in four with chronic Hepatitis C will eventually develop cirrhosis, liver failure or cancer, (b) there is no vaccination for Hepatitis C and the best course of treatment involves combination therapy of two drugs that reduce inflammation of the liver, (c) combination therapy can have serious side effects and takes six to 12 months to complete, and (d) treatment is successful in 50 to 80 percent of cases depending on the virus strain. That this House congratulates Hepatitis NSW on celebrating 20 years of providing information, support, advice and advocacy for people affected by Hepatitis C. (Notice given 29 March 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 93) 4540 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 626. Ms Faehrmann to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 to make provision with respect to the safety of children travelling on school buses and to require certain buses to be fitted with seatbelts; and for other purposes. (Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment (Child Safety on School Buses) Bill (Notice given 2 April 2012) 628. Ms Westwood to move— That this House: (a) notes the historical passing of the Gillard Government's Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT), (b) congratulates the Gillard Government on this true Labor reform that will benefit all Australians, not just the rich, for generations to come, (c) acknowledges that 8.4 million Australian workers will retire with more Superannuation as a direct result of the MRRT, (d) acknowledges that the MRRT will boost superannuation contributions for an extra 3.6 million low income workers, (e) applauds the proposed cuts to business tax across the nation to aid those businesses who have not had a direct benefit from the mining boom, (f) welcomes the huge investments in public infrastructure that will flow from the MRRT, and (g) notes that Australia is ranked number one in Behre Dolbear's '2012 Ranking of Countries for Mining Investment'. (Notice given 2 April 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 94) 629. Ms Faehrmann to move— That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Office of Environment and Heritage: (a) the annual review of the effectiveness of management arrangements for shark fishing in the Ocean Trap and Line Fishery, including stock status and total catch level, that was required to be completed by 31 December 2011 and submitted to the Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities as per Condition 7 of the Wildlife Trade Operation approved by the federal Environment Minister under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999, and (b) any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House. (Notice given 2 April 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 94) 4541 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 631. Ms Faehrmann to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) the community transport sector provides much needed services for passengers and includes people with disabilities and older people in the community, (b) in 2011, over 70,000 passenger trips were made in the Penrith and Blue Mountains Local Government Areas, of which over half were for medical appointments, (c) there are many people who are unable to drive or catch regular public transport and are not eligible for the current community transport system, (d) there is a need to find a more flexible and holistic approach to transport provision through a mobility management model approach to provide better service from any funding received, and (e) the Smartlink Transport Register is a transport brokerage scheme that has been successfully operating for the past four years and is currently unfunded. That this House calls on the Government to provide core funding for the Smartlink Transport Register to improve community transport provision which will enhance the lives of the transport-disadvantaged. (Notice given 2 April 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 94) 634. Ms Fazio to move— 1. That this House notes the editorial "Rare Sightings" which appeared in the India Link newspaper National Edition March 2012 and stated: "Premier Barry O'Farrell seemed to be on the right track when he electioneered with his strategy to increase New South Wales' engagement with India through the power of the local Indians living here. Sadly, one year after assuming power, he has done little to harness this energy and seems to have lost interest in the local Indian community". 2. That this House notes that: (a) the editorial further noted that two months prior to the election in March 2011, there was a buzz at the Republic Day flag hoisting ceremony on 26 January 2011 at Consul General Amit Dasgupta's residence when Mr O'Farrell popped in unexpectedly and, while there was muted debate about 'gate crashing' on India's national day, to the hundreds who had gathered there it was a great opportunity to shake hands with New South Wales' Premierin-waiting, (b) the then Opposition Leader gave the appearance of being a man on a mission, seen at all Indian get-togethers as he set about winning the hearts and minds of New South Wales Indian Australians, and a number of low key functions were thrust into the spotlight as Mr O'Farrell confirmed his attendance with a selected entourage, (c) with his speeches relating to the growing importance of India and his desire to connect with Indians here, Mr O'Farrell won the approval of the community who were looking for a change and there was an expectation that, when Mr O'Farrell came to power, he would work with the community towards helping them achieve some of their cherished goals, like assistance in procuring a venue to establish an Indian centre, and (d) the editorial in the India Link newspaper also noted that: "Twelve months on, the new premier is nowhere to be seen. While earlier his presence took him to various places in outer western Sydney to meet and greet local Indians, his 4542 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 Indian links now seem to be restricted to the more salubrious gatherings at five star events and the Sydney Cricket Ground." 3. 4. That this House: (a) acknowledges the disillusionment of the Indian community in the performance of the Premier as expressed in the editorial, and (b) notes that on the eve of the Honourable Barry O'Farrell MP's one year anniversary of becoming Premier of New South Wales, ReachTEL conducted a survey commissioned by Network Ten and broadcast exclusively on Ten News Sydney which found that 43 per cent of those surveyed were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with his performance. That this House notes that one year on from his election as Premier, the Honourable Barry O'Farrell MP has been found to be a disappointment to the people of New South Wales. (Notice given 2 April 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 94) 636. Ms Barham to move— 1. That this House notes the tragic death of Mr Vince Lovegrove on 24 March 2012 at the age of 65. 2. That this House notes Vince Lovegrove's: (a) significant contribution to the Australian music industry, as a performer, journalist, broadcaster and manager, (b) his dedication to supporting and promoting Australian music, and (c) his achievements in raising awareness about HIV/AIDS by sharing his own personal experience about the disease following the tragic deaths of his wife Suzi and his son Troy, and seeking to eradicate fear and ignorance about the issue. (Notice given 3 April 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 95) 638. Mr Whan to move— That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 26 March 2011, in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Minister for Gaming, Racing, Hospitality and the Arts, the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing or the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority: (a) all documents, emails or records of phone conversations, including text messages relating to the Star casino, (b) all briefing notes regarding the Furness Inquiry into the Star Casino including any briefing notes prepared for the office of the Premier, (c) any instructions, notes, correspondence, phone call records or emails relating to preparation of any briefing notes regarding the Furness Inquiry into the Star Casino, and (d) any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House. (Notice given 3 April 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 95) 4543 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 640. Mr Whan to move— 1. 2. That this House notes: (a) the hardship suffered by a small number of individuals due to an anomaly in the application of the Gaming Machines Act 2001 which allowed licensees to sell or transfer gaming machine entitlements to another hotel without the consent of the hotel owner, (b) the 2007 five year statutory review of the Gaming Machine Act 2001 recommended that the legislation be amended to ensure that the hotel owner was able to object to the transfer of entitlements from a leased hotel, thus restoring the original intent of the legislation, (c) that there remain a small number of families who have exhausted all legal options available, who have no further recourse for financial settlement of this injustice, and who would have to prove their own personal losses as they vary from family to family. That this House calls on the Government to provide ex-gratia payments to these families to compensate the financial hardship inflicted on them. (Notice given 3 April 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 95) 641. Mr Whan to move— That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 June 2011 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Resources and Energy, the Department of Trade and Investment, Resources and Energy, the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Minister for Primary Industries, NSW Office of Water, the Minister for Planning, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure, the Treasurer or NSW Treasury: (a) any document that refers to the modelling of the economic impacts of the proposed minimal harm criteria for the draft NSW Aquifer Interference Policy – Stage 1, including consideration of impacts on state revenue if these criteria apply to mining and coal seam gas exploration activities, (b) any document that refers to the exemptions from the need to hold an aquifer interference approval under the draft NSW Aquifer Interference Policy – Stage 1, (c) any document that refers to the preparation of well integrity standards for the petroleum/coal seam gas industry, and whether these proposed standards apply to exploration as well as production, (d) any document that refers to the preparation of cost benefit analysis and public benefit test associated with the Strategic Regional Land Use Policy, and (e) any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House. (Notice given 3 April 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 95) 4544 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 642. Mr Searle to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend certain legislation to give effect to the recommendations of the NSW Law Reform Commission in its Report 131 Compensation to Relatives. (Compensation to Relatives Legislation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill) (Notice given 4 April 2012) 644. Ms Faehrmann to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) on March 21, 2011, prior to the State election, the then Shadow Minister for the Environment, the Honourable Catherine Cusack MLC, issued a media release entitled 'Coalition to Secure "Bambara" Future' which announced that a New South Wales Liberals and Nationals Government would appoint an independent mediator to negotiate the voluntary acquisition of privately owned environmentally and culturally sensitive land along Bambara Road at Kariong and that any of the lots purchased by the Government would be incorporated into Brisbane Water National Park, (b) the land in question along Bambara Road is high in biodiversity and culturally important and warrants protection in the adjacent national park, (c) the commitment was supported by the Save the Sacred Land at Kariong campaign and the Darkinjung Aboriginal Land Council, (d) the Government appointed an independent mediator in July 2011 to negotiate the voluntary acquisition of the land, as stated in a media release from the Honouarable Chris Holstein MP, (e) thus far voluntary acquisition of the land along Bambara Road in Kariong has not taken place, (f) the owners are reported to be willing to sell but the sums offered by the Government, following independent valuation, do not match the expectations of the owners, and (g) there is considerable anxiety amongst the local community and conservationists that the land will not be incorporated into the national park as they had been led to expect. That this House calls on the Government to ensure a fair market price is being offered for the voluntary acquisition of the environmentally valuable land along Bambara Road, Kariong for its inclusion in Brisbane Waters National Park. (Notice given 4 April 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 96) 649. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) during the previous 12 months NSW Fair Trading, under the leadership of the Honourable Anthony Roberts MP, has achieved major reforms and accomplishments to strengthen the economy of New South Wales, (b) NSW Fair Trading has reduced cumbersome and unnecessary government regulations and bureaucratic red tape through amendments to the Home Building Act 1989 which served to stimulate economic investment without sacrificing consumer protections, 4545 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 2. (c) consumer protections were enhanced by heightened awareness of consumer issues and fair trading laws, as well as through the development of standard terms for retirement villages to make comparisons, (d) NSW Fair Trading also reformed its organisation by consolidating fair trading functions into one organisation, rather than across three separate bureaucracies, (e) compliance enforcement was focused to ensure petrol prices are properly advertised by service stations, (f) NSW Fair Trading has led the country in seeking to end the illegal activities of travelling con-men targeting vulnerable consumers, (g) NSW Fair Trading also introduced education campaigns focusing on swimming pool and window safety for families and consumers, (h) an expansion of services has been made available to the public through the OneGov platform, in addition to easier access to license renewal and public registers being made available online, and (i) NSW Fair Trading also improved consumer engagement through smart phone applications, social media, and an enhanced website for ease of use. That this House acknowledges the Honourable Anthony Roberts MP for his leadership as Minister for Fair Trading in working to ensure consumer protection and proper regulation in New South Wales. (Notice given 4 April 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 96) 654. Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move— That this House notes that: (a) Friday 18 May 2012 is Walk Safely to School Day, an initiative of the Pedestrian Council of Australia, (b) Walk Safely to School Day is an annual national event when all primary school children are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school, and (c) this important community event promotes road safety, healthy physical activity, public transport and the environment. (Notice given 1 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 97) 659. Ms Voltz to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) Iain Murray Rose AM, a six-time Olympic medalist considered one of the best swimmers of his generation, passed away on 15 April 2012, (b) Mr Murray made his Olympic debut at the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne as a 17 year old and won three gold Olympic medals, followed by gold, silver and bronze Olympic medals in the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, (c) Mr Murray’s swimming accolades include 15 world records, and 4546 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (d) 2. as patron and tireless worker of the Rainbow Club, which provides swimming lessons for mentally and physically disabled children, Murray Rose raised the profile of, and funds for, the club with the Malabar Magic Ocean Swim annual fundraiser. That this House expresses its sympathy to all of Murray Rose's family and friends and to the swimming community. (Notice given 1 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 97) 661. Mr Moselmane to move— 1. That this House notes that lack of availability of burial space has become a most pressing issue, to the extent that it has become the talking point of concern within many minority communities in New South Wales. 2. That this House notes that: 2. (a) the affected communities include, but are not limited to, the Chinese, Vietnamese, Subcontinent and other minority Muslim and Christian communities, such as people of the Coptic Orthodox faith, (b) the Keneally Labor Government had laid the groundwork for a proposal to release over 90 hectares of cultural burial grounds in Western Sydney and South Sydney to meet the needs of these communities in 2011, (c) the O'Farrell Liberal Government announced 6000 new plots, 3000 to the Jewish community and 3000 double-plots to the Muslim community, at Rookwood Necropolis in April 2012, but has failed to follow-through on the Keneally Government's proposal, (d) while this announcement is welcome relief for some communities, it falls short of meeting their long term needs and fails to address the needs of the many other communities, such as the Chinese, Vietnamese, Subcontinent and other minority Muslim and Christian communities, such as people of the Coptic Orthodox faith, and (e) as a result of the O'Farrell Government’s April announcement, families of the Islamic faith must now bury two bodies in one grave because of the shortage. That this House acknowledges this shortage of burial space and notes the need for future planning and allocation of cemetery space. (Notice given 1 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 97) 669. Ms Faehrmann to move— That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the date of passing of this resolution any review of the Animal Welfare Branch of the Department of Primary Industries undertaken since 2010, in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Primary Industries, and any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House. (Notice given 2 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 98) 4547 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 670. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) over 100,000 NSW school students with disabilities will now have greater access to classroom support and equipment due to a $63 million investment from the Commonwealth Government, (b) this funding, secured by the Honourable Adrian Piccoli MP in his capacity as Minister for Education, will assist students in public, Catholic, and independent schools finish their education and secure employment over the next two years, (c) without this additional support, students with disabilities are less likely to finish their 12th year, increasing the likelihood of unemployment and social exclusion, (d) $47.9 million will be invested in New South Wales government schools to assist over 90,000 students with disabilities, learning difficulties, or additional behaviour needs from over 2,200 schools, (e) $11.3 million will be set aside for Catholic schools and $3.8 million towards mainstream and special independent schools, (f) this investment has the support of both the Association of Independent Schools of NSW and the Catholic Education Commission of NSW, and (g) this investment will also: (i) provide the appropriate technologies to support students needs to work more independently so we build capacity in our education systems to support children with disabilities or special needs, (ii) support the establishment of specialist teacher support in every NSW government school, (iii) provide professional development and other support materials to assist teachers in developing a curriculum that will help to meet students individual learning and support needs of students with disabilities, (iv) expand specialist support services and resource options for students with complex disabilities and high support needs, and (v) provide health, allied health or other professionals to strengthen schools support for students with a disability. That this House acknowledges the Honourable Adrian Piccoli MP, for his leadership as Minister for Education in working to provide the best education system for students across New South Wales, particularly those with intellectual or physical disabilities. (Notice given 2 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 98) 672. Ms Faehrmann to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) the Minister for Primary Industries enacted a six month moratorium on commercial pipi harvesting in December 2011 out of concern for the decline in pipi populations, (b) the moratorium on commercial pipi harvesting is due to end on 1 July 2012, (c) anecdotal evidence suggests pipi populations have not demonstrated a recovery, (d) quantifiable evidence is unavailable to suggest otherwise, (e) Victoria and Queensland prohibit pipi harvesting, 4548 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 2. (f) pipi provide a food source for whiting and other fish species and for the Pied Oyster Catcher which is a threatened species, and (g) the fishing industry depends on a sustainably managed fish stocks. That this House calls on the Government to maintain the moratorium on commercial pipi harvesting until there is quantitative evidence that pipi populations have achieved a sustained recovery to former levels and long term enforceable management arrangements are in place that will ensure harvesting is conducted at sustainable levels. (Notice given 2 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 98) 674. Ms Fazio to move— That this House: (a) recognises the valuable role that music plays in people’s wellbeing and that music therapy is practised in many different settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, special education and early intervention programs for children at risk, (b) congratulates the Music Council of Australia’s national music advocacy campaign, “Music: Play for Life”, and the Australian Music Therapy Association, and (c) calls on the Government to consider expanding the availability of music therapy to adults with a disability, aged care services, community support services, hospitals, mental health facilities, palliative care and special education. (Notice given 3 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 99) 677. Ms Fazio to move— 1. 2. This House notes that: (a) the Canberra National Memorials Committee has approved the recommended design for the National Boer War Memorial to be constructed on Anzac Parade leading up to the Australian War Memorial, (b) the 110th Anniversary of the Boer War will be commemorated by the holding of Boer War remembrance ceremonies throughout Australia, (c) over 23,000 Australian men and women served in the Boer War and 1,000 did not return, (d) the NSW Committee of the National Boer War Memorial Association will hold a Boer War Day Commemoration at Hyde Park South on Sunday 27 May 2012 at 11 am. That this House: (a) notes that the National Boer War Memorial will cost an estimated $4,000,000 to construct, and (b) calls on the Government to make a financial contribution to the erection of the memorial in recognition of the service personnel from New South Wales who fought and died in the Boer War. (Notice given 3 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 99) 4549 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 679. Ms Fazio to move— 1. That this House notes landmark research which demonstrates that Independent Planning Panels introduced by the former Labor Government are overwhelmingly supported by the public for decision making on significant development proposals. 2. That this House notes that in research undertaken by Auspoll involving 1,000 homeowners across New South Wales: 3. (a) 78 per cent of respondents favoured independent planning panels and just 22 per cent supported councillors making decisions, (b) 20 per cent believed that councillors made decisions independently and free of vested interests with only 20 per cent thinking that councillors are experts in the planning needs of local communities, (c) 83 per cent thought that independent panels keep politics and self-interest out of planning, and (d) 88 per cent thought that they keep decisions consistent, transparent and honest. That this House calls on the Government to retain depoliticised development assessment in the planning system for New South Wales by continuing the use of Independent Planning panels. (Notice given 3 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 99) 680. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) on 13 April 2012, members of the Australian Monarchist League celebrated the 86th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at a lunch held at the Union, University and Schools Club, Sydney, (b) the Australian Monarchist League was formed in 1993 with the mission of educating and informing the public on Australian history, particularly the Australian Constitution, and to disseminate literature and to maintain a library on Australian colonial history, federation history and the Constitution, and (c) since 1993, the Australian Monarchist League has established itself as a leading organisation in upholding the educational and cultural aspects of Australia’s Constitutional Monarchy. That this House acknowledges: (a) the following who participated on the day: (i) Mr Philip Benwell MBE, Australian Monarchist League, National Chair, (ii) Mrs Amy Taylor AM, Patron and State President of the Australian Women's Army Service Association, (iii) Sir Trevor Garland KBE AM, Honorary Consul for the Solomon Islands, (iv) Senator Arthur Sinodinos AO, guest speaker, (v) Mr B. Raveen Mendis, Australian Monarchist League Member, (vi) Councillor Kellie Marsh, Mayor of Shellharbour City Council, and (b) the work of the Australian Monarchist League and Australians for Constitutional Monarchy, recognising their efforts in promoting the Australian Constitution and history, including their joint efforts in celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen 4550 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 on 15 July 2012 in the presence of the Governor, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO at Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney. (Notice given 3 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 99) 681. Ms Fazio to move— 1. 2. That this House notes the call by the New South Wales Bar Association for urgent reform of the bail system in New South Wales, which is based on the following: (a) there are more than 2,500 people in New South Wales goals at present who have not been convicted of any offence and have been denied bail pending trial, (b) these people represent about a quarter of the prison population, which is an increase of 11 per cent from 1994 figures, (c) over that 17 year period, the bail laws have been made harsher and in many circumstances the presumption of bail has been removed, and (d) up to 30 per cent of the people in goal denied bail, as many as 750 individuals, will be acquitted after being locked up, perhaps for many months. That this House: (a) notes that the NSW Law Reform Commission has undertaken a review of bail laws following a referral by the Government of New South Wales, and (b) calls on the Government to consider the recommendations of the NSW Law Reform Commission with a view to reducing the number of people held on bail who are unlikely to receive a custodial sentence. (Notice given 3 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 99) 683. Ms Fazio to move— That this House: (a) notes with concern the growing prevalence of the use of nano-silver in household antibacterial products to kill bacteria that cause odour, (b) notes that, as resistance to antibiotics and antimicrobials used in hospitals has grown, nanosilver has become increasingly important as a medical germ killer of last resort, and (c) calls on the Minister for Health to consider placing the use of nano-silver on the agenda for future meetings of health ministers to determine if its use should be restricted. (Notice given 3 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 99) 684. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) National Volunteer Week will be celebrated from 14 to 20 May 2012, providing an opportunity to highlight the role of volunteers in our communities and show appreciation to over 6.1 million Australians who volunteer their time and talents each year, 4551 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (b) (c) 2. National Volunteer Week is sponsored by Volunteering Australia, the peak body for advancing volunteering in Australia, New South Wales has one of the most established peek bodies in Australia, The Centre for Volunteering, which has been working for over 30 years to connect people and organisations in order to enrich our community, (d) over 30 volunteer referral services in New South Wales support not-for-profit organisations by linking the right volunteer to the right volunteer job, (e) volunteering provides many vital services to Australian communities each year in health care, heritage and arts, environmental conservation, emergency services, education, social welfare and sport, (f) it is estimated that in 2011 Australian volunteers contributed 700 million hours of service to their communities, and (g) this year's National Volunteer Week theme is ‘Volunteers—Every One Counts’, reinforcing the message that all forms of volunteer service are valued and make important contributions to the broader community. That this House acknowledges and commends the extraordinary contributions the NSW Volunteer Referral Services, The Centre for Volunteering and Volunteering Australia has made in strengthening our communities through volunteer work and public service. (Notice given 3 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 99) 686. Mr Foley to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) the development application lodged by Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd seeks development consent for a proposed four into 375 lot subdivision in the suburbs of West Wallsend and Holmesville, (b) a total of 127 submissions were received within the public exhibition period and each submission objected to the proposal, (c) the Councillors of Lake Macquarie City Council have formally objected to the development application, (d) the main grounds for objection include: (i) the failure of the proposal to address the physical and cultural constraints of the site and locality, (ii) the significant impact of the proposal on the site’s flora and fauna and inadequate mitigative measures to address or offset the impacts, (iii) the significant impact of the 375 lot subdivision on the cultural significance of West Wallsend and Holmesville, (iv) the development's impact on an Aboriginal place known as the ‘Butterfly Caves’, and (e) a previous application for a four into 465 lot residential subdivision was refused by the Joint Regional Planning Panel on 26 August 2010. That this House calls on: (a) the Hunter and Central Coast Joint Regional Planning Panel to reject the application, and 4552 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (b) the New South Wales Government to reserve the site as a nature reserve. (Notice given 8 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 100) 687. Revd Mr Nile to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) 7 May 1945 commemorates Victory in Europe Day or "VE Day", the day on which the World War II Allies formally accepted the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler's Third Reich ended, and, after six years and millions of lives lost, the Nazi scourge was crushed and the war in Europe was finally over, and (b) upon the defeat of Nazi Germany, celebrations erupted throughout the western world, Churches held thanksgiving services and, on 9 May 1945, 100,000 people attended the service at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne. That this House acknowledges: (a) the tremendous contribution of World War II veterans, and (b) the end of the atrocities perpetuated by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. (Notice given 8 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 100) 688. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) on 24 April 2012, Our Big Kitchen at Bondi conducted a cook off of cookies to raise money for the St George Housing Student Education Bursary, which provides financial assistant to help fund education costs for under privileged students who are living in Housing Commission accommodation, and (b) the event involved an interfaith gathering and all goods baked are being sold at Sydney University. That this House acknowledges and commends the following for their participation in this worthwhile charitable event: (a) Her Excellency Governor Marie Bashir AC CVO, (b) Rabbi Dovid Slavin Director of Our Big Kitchen, (c) Rabbi Eli Feldman, Director of Young Adult Chabad and Sydney University’s Jewish Chaplain, (d) the Honourable Marie Ficarra MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier of New South Wales, (e) Mr Robert Furolo MP, Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Communities, (f) Reverend Dr Rowan Kemp, (g) Laurence Muskitta, (h) Louise Castle, 4553 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (i) Councillor John Wakefield, Mayor of Waverley, (j) Professor Derrick Armstrong, Sydney University Deputy Vice Chancellor, (k) Professor Ann Brewer, Sydney University Deputy Vice Chancellor, (l) Nikki Dunn, (m) Talia Wiseman, (n) Nazha Saad, (o) Rabbi Pinchus Feldman OAM, Dean and Spiritual Leader of the Yeshiva Centre, (p) Rabbi Mendel Kastel, Director of the Jewish House Crisis Centre, (q) Rabbi Yosef Feldman of Southern Sydney Synagogue, (r) Rabbi Zalman Kastel, Director of ‘Together for Humanity’, (s) Rabbi Chaim Ingram, Honorary Secretary of the Rabbinical Council of NSW, (t) Rabbi Elimelech Levy, Director of Chabad Youth NSW, (u) Rabbi Shmueli Feldman, General Manager of the Yeshiva Centre, and (v) Rabbi Danny Yaffe, Assistant Director of Young Adult Chabad, who helped coordinate the event. (Notice given 8 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 100) 689. Ms Fazio to move— 1. 2. That this House notes the release of the Independent Review of the Potential for Enhanced Cruise Ship Access to Garden Island Sydney which found that: (a) current and future Navy capability requirements of Garden Island are essentially incompatible with cruise ship access over the long-term, except on the existing basis, where a limited number of requests for berth bookings is considered by the Navy based on extended notice and limited visits per year, (b) provision of guaranteed shared access to existing berths at Garden Island cannot be achieved without adversely impacting on naval operations, and (c) the enduring requirement to maintain a credible and effective national defence capability, including through a highly professional, versatile and well trained, maintained and equipped Navy, and a highly visible presence in the nation’s largest recruiting pool, is of paramount importance. That this House supports the finding of the review that Defence’s long-term national security task should not be surrendered to the seasonal commercial requirements of the cruise ship industry. (Notice given 8 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 100) 4554 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 690. Ms Faehrmann to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) Infrastructure Australia has recently rejected the New South Wales’ Government's submission requesting a contribution towards the cost of building the North West Rail Link, (b) the Independent Public Inquiry into a Long Term Public Transport Plan for Sydney, the Christie Report, published in May 2010, made an urgent recommendation, for an additional cross CBD/Harbour rail link and found that additional capacity on the North Shore line during the peak is very limited with only two more slots per hour available from a total of 20 train services per hour, and (c) the Christie Report found that this rail link is an essential pre-requisite for increasing train frequencies and patronage capacity throughout Sydney's heavy rail network and: (i) it would produce a step-change increase, in the order of 30 per cent, in the total capacity of all the railways running into and through the central business district, (ii) it would provide decades-long benefits, equivalent to those provided by the last significant step change in central business district rail capacity, the opening of the Eastern Suburbs Railway in the 1970s, (iii) it would provide the additional capacity for increased frequency of service from the North West, the Central Coast, North Shore and Parramatta via Epping, preventing trains having to terminate at Chatswood or St Leonards due to insufficient capacity on the North Shore line which is already operating close to capacity, (iv) by far the largest numbers of beneficiaries of this rail link would be people living in outer and middle distance suburbs. That this House calls on the New South Wales Government to immediately begin discussions with Infrastructure Australia and ensure there is a commitment to fund the first stage of a second harbour crossing by the 2013 budget. (Notice given 8 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 100) 691. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) on Sunday 18 May 2012, Australian Rotary Health is sponsoring Hat Day in order to raise awareness and fundraising for mental health issues in Australia, (b) it is estimated that four million Australians are affected by some mental health issue such as depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, anxiety, or bipolar disorder each year, conditions that may seriously deteriorate by 2020, (c) nearly half of all Australians will experience some mental health issues during their lifetime, (d) Australian Rotary Health was established in 1981 and has raised over $24 million towards health research, becoming Australia's largest independent health research fund, (e) Hat Day was established in 2011 to bring mental health issues into the public consciousness, and to raise important funds needed for mental health research, and (f) in 2011, Hat Day was celebrated across Australia with over $100,000 raised for mental health research. 4555 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 2. That this House acknowledges and commends the extraordinary contributions of Australian Rotary Health and their efforts to bring awareness and the necessary research funds to treat mental health illnesses. (Notice given 8 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 100) 692. Mr Green to move— 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) in Australia, Mothers' Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, (b) Mothers' Day is a celebration honouring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society, (c) Mothers' Day is also a time to celebrate the important mother figures who may have played an important role in our lives, and (d) Grandmothers, step-mothers, mothers-in-law, foster mothers are an important part of many families and make an invaluable contribution to children's lives. That this House acknowledges the remarkable sacrifices mothers make for the wellbeing of their loved ones. (Notice given 8 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 100) 693. Ms Ficarra to move— 1. That this House notes that: (a) Schizophrenia Awareness Week will be held between 13 and 19 May 2012 and this year the Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW Inc will take a national approach, working with its colleagues in the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia to provide a national focus on the physical health of people with mental illness, (b) schizophrenia is a condition characterised by disturbances in a person's thoughts, perceptions, emotions and behaviour which affects approximately one in every 100 people worldwide, and first onset commonly occurs in adolescence or early adulthood, (c) schizophrenia is not a single illness, it is in fact a cluster of illnesses, which have overlapping signs and symptoms and it is therefore important to acknowledge the unique experience of each person living with schizophrenia, (d) while schizophrenia can be a devastating illness for the people who experience it as well as for their families, it is important to recognise that there is hope, as treatments, both medical and psychosocial, are becoming more effective, recently introduced early intervention programs are demonstrating encouraging outcomes for people with early psychosis and the concerns of consumers and their carers, such as those relating to empowerment and quality of life are being increasingly recognised, and (e) the Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW is a non-profit, community based organisation working to: (i) eliminate stigma and create a society that is understanding and accepting, (ii) ensure that people with a mental illness, their carers and relatives have access to information and appropriate services, (iii) advocate on behalf of people with a mental illness, their carers, relatives and mental health professionals for better government policy in the areas of research, treatment, rehabilitation, housing and other relevant areas, 4556 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 (iv) (v) 2. provide innovative programs and support, ensure that the Fellowship has effective and accountable management. That this House acknowledges and commends: (a) the Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW Inc for its continuing work to help people with a mental illness and raise awareness of this important issue in society, (b) the Management Committee of The Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW Inc for their continued dedicated work in the New South Wales community, including: (i) President: The Hon Frank Walker QC, (ii) Vice President: Alexandra Rivers, (iii) Junior Vice President: Dianne Ross, (iv) Secretary: Margaret White, (vi) Treasurer: John Neely, (vii) Committee Members: Pat Boydell, Helen Cedargreen, Anthony Harris, Judy Hopwood, Patricia King, Patricia Stenning and Steve Vidal. (Notice given 8 May 2012—expires Notice Paper No. 100) 694. Dr Kaye to move— That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to stop the expansion of the coalfired electricity industry in NSW. (No New Coal Power Bill) (Notice given 8 May 2012) * Council bill ____________________ COMMITTEE REPORTS—ORDERS OF THE DAY (Debate on committee reports takes precedence after Questions on Tuesdays until 6.30 pm according to sessional order) 1. General Purpose Standing Committee No. 1: Report No. 37 entitled “Budget Estimates 2011-2012”, dated February 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (16 February 2012) of the question on the motion of Revd Mr Nile: That the House take note of the report—Revd Mr Nile speaking (15 minutes) 2. General Purpose Standing Committee No. 5: Report No. 34 entitled “Budget Estimates 2011-2012”, dated February 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (1 May 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Brown: That the House take note of the report—Mr Colless (10 minutes) 3. Select Committee on the Kooragang Island Orica Chemical Leak: Report No. 1 entitled “Kooragang Island Orica chemical leak”, dated February 2012: resumption of the interrupted debate (1 May 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Brown: That the House take note of the report—Mr Mason-Cox speaking (3 minutes remaining) 4557 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 4. Standing Committee on Social Issues: Report No. 45 entitled "Transition support for students with additional or complex needs and their families", dated March 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (6 March 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Blair: That the House take note of the report—Mr Blair speaking. (15 minutes) 5. General Purpose Standing Committee No. 3: Report No. 26 entitled "Rail infrastructure project costing in New South Wales", dated March 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (8 March 2012) of the question on the motion of Mrs Maclaren-Jones: That the House take note of the report—Mrs Maclaren-Jones speaking. (15 minutes) 6. Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety (Staysafe): Report No. 1/55 entitled “Inquiry into School Zone Safety”, dated March 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (27 March 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Colless: That the House take note of the report—Mr Colless speaking. (15 minutes) 7. Standing Committee on Law and Justice: Report No. 49 entitled “Opportunities to consolidate tribunals in NSW”, dated March 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (27 March 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Clarke: That the House take note of the report—Mr Clarke speaking. (15 minutes) 8. General Purpose Standing Committee No. 5: Report No. 35 entitled “Coal seam gas”, dated May 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (1 May 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Brown: That the House take note of the report—Mr Brown speaking. (15 minutes) ____________________ BUSINESS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION THURSDAY 23 AUGUST 2012 PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BUSINESS ITEMS IN THE ORDER OF PRECEDENCE * 1. Firearms Legislation Amendment Bill 2011: resumption of the adjourned debate (11 November 2011) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That this bill be now read a second time—Revd Mr Nile speaking. (16 minutes remaining) (Item no. 34) (Second postponement 3 May 2012) ____________________ 4558 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 81—Wednesday 9 May 2012 BILLS REFERRED TO SELECT OR STANDING COMMITTEES * 1. Education Amendment (Ethics Classes Repeal) Bill 2011 Referred to General Purpose Standing Committee No. 2 on 11 November 2011 for inquiry and report * Council bill ____________________ CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTIONS Note: Contingent notices of motion are listed in full on the Notice Paper for the first sitting day of each week. On other days only new contingent notices will be published in the Notice Paper. ____________________ BILLS DISCHARGED, LAID ASIDE, NEGATIVED OR WITHDRAWN § Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Notification of Pollution Incidents) Bill 2011 Order discharged and bill withdrawn, 18 October 2011 § Local Government Amendment (Local Democracy – Ward Representation Reform) Bill 2011 Second reading negatived, 21 October 2011 §Threatened Species Conservation Amendment (Ecological Consultants Accreditation Scheme) Bill 2011 Second reading negatived, 16 February 2012 §Coal Seam Gas Moratorium Bill 2011 Second reading negative, 15 March 2012 § Private Members’ Public Bill David Blunt Clerk of the Parliaments Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales