Facilitator`s Guide: Introduction to Inquiry

Principals’ Session
Approaching Research: Module 10.3
Goals and Outcomes
Overarching Objectives of the May 2014 Network Team Institute
Participants will be able to:
Use NY 9-12 ELA modules to help students learn to write
effective arguments.
Deepen their instructional practice by learning to identify and
address specific learning needs.
Identify effective implementation and adaptation of curriculum
Identify ways to provide teachers with constructive feedback to
improve their practice around the NY 9-12 ELA modules.
Support teachers to implement and adapt the curriculum
Deepen their instructional practice by learning to identify
and work with teachers to address specific learning needs.
High-Level Purpose of this Session
The purpose of this session is to introduce all participants to the Module 10.3 approach to research.
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Session Outcomes
What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session?
Understand the key design principles of the Module 10.3 approach to research.
Identify ways in which this and similar approaches to research support instruction and the instructional shifts and standards.
Key Points
The NY Curriculum Modules’ take an iterative, inquiry-based approach to research.
This approach is designed for students to pursue areas of interest in their research while maintaining the rigor of the CCSS.
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Session Overview
Purpose and
Origin and High-level
Overview of the
Module 10.3
Approach to Research
CCSS Research
Writing Progression
and the Assessed
Module Assessments
10.3 Module
3 min
3 min
7 min
14 min
17 min
Introduction to the session and
quick whip around introductions.
Participants will learn about the
background and structure of
Module 10.3 and its approach to
Participants dig into standards
W.9-10.7-9, and discuss what are
the skills and expectations
embedded in the standards?
Participants look at the 10.3
Assessment Map to understand
how the assessments require
increasing levels of mastery for W
Participants work in groups to
deepen their understanding of the
structure and design of the
argument writing module.
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Prepared Resources
Facilitator Preparation
Session PowerPoint
Download and read all
session materials
Session PowerPoint
Download and read all
session materials
Session PowerPoint
Download and read all
session materials
 Session PowerPoint
 10.3 Assessment Map
 10.3 End-of-Unit Assessment
 10.3 Performance Assessment
Download and read all
session materials
 Session PowerPoint
 10.3 Unit 1, Unit 2, and Unit 3
Download and read all
session materials
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Reflection and
1 min
Prepared Resources
Participants will reflect on
takeaways that will inform the
day’s work.
Session PowerPoint
45 min Total for this session
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Facilitator Preparation
Download and read all
session materials
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Session Roadmap
Section: Purpose and Welcome
In this section, you will understand the session purpose and make brief Materials used include: Session PowerPoint
2 min
Script/Activity Directions
Welcome participants to the session. Facilitate an introduction whip
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1 min
3 min
Script/Activity Directions
Outline the purpose of the session.
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Section: Origin and High-level Overview of the Module 10.3 Approach to Research
In this section, you will learn about the background and structure of
Module 10.3 and its approach to research.
Slide Time Picture
2 min
Materials used include: Session PowerPoint
Script/Activity directions
Briefly explain the foundation of the curriculum’s approach to research.
Key points:
The approach to research combines the framework articulated in
Odell Education’s Research to Deepen Understanding Unit, along
with an intense focus on both the CCSS for reading and writing. While
Odell Education’s research unit also relies heavily on the CCSS, the
following are some key differences between the two:
o While Odell Education has a well-articulated process for
conducting research, its units stop short of the writing
process. The NY Curriculum Modules, in this respect, pick up
where Odell Education leaves off.
o Odell Education recommends students use common
classroom texts to surface possible topics for research. The
NY Curriculum Modules flesh out the process of using “seed
texts” on the lesson level.
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Slide Time Picture
1 min
Script/Activity directions
Review the key design features of research:
Research is an inquiry-driven process designed to deepen students’
The process is iterative and cyclical in nature.
Students are encouraged to pursue topics of interest.
Process is designed to build students’ independent research skills and use
inquiry to refine/hone research.
3 min
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Section: CCSS Research Writing Progression and the Assessed Standards
In this section, you will examine the progressions in CCSS for
argument writing, and dig into standards W 9-10.7-9
Slide Time Picture
1 min
Materials used include: Session PowerPoint
Script/Activity Directions
Explain that writing is a major component of Module 10.3. The expectations
in this module build off of those in K-5 and 6-8. In a moment, we’ll take a
closer look at the HS writing standards to get a sense of these expectations.
Key points:
In the early grades (K-5), students mainly engage in short research projects
to build knowledge about a topic. They begin to take notes and in grade 5
summarize findings, though primarily they rely on recalling information. In 68 this becomes more extensive, with students engaging in short research
projects to answer a question; assessing sources; and quoting and
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Slide Time Picture
6 min
Script/Activity Directions
Ask participants briefly to read W.9-10.7, W.9-10.8, and W.9-10.9.
Discuss: What are the skills and expectations embedded in these standards?
Key Points:
7 min
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W.9-10.7: Students develop individual research questions/problems
to explore that drive their research process.
W.9-10.8: Students receive direct instruction on each of the
components articulated in the standard throughout the module.
W.9-10.9: Encompasses the intersection of reading, research, and
writing, key drivers of the processes articulated in the module.
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Section: Module Assessments
In this section, you will look at the Module 10.3 Assessment Map
to understand how the assessments require increasing levels of
mastery for W.9-10.7, W.9-10.8, and W.9-10.9.
Time Picture
Materials used include: Session PowerPoint, 10.3 Assessment Map, 10.3 Endof-Unit Assessment Handouts, 10.3 Performance Assessment
Script/Activity Directions
Guide participants to look at the End-of-Unit and Performance Assessments
on the 10.3 Assessment Map, giving them time to annotate and take notes
with these questions in mind (10 minutes. If they finish they should turn and
talk to a partner.):
How do the assessments require increasing levels of mastery for W.910.1.a-e? For W.9-10.5?
How can you talk with teachers about what an assessment is
expected to tell us about what students can do, and what the
students' performance on that assessment says about the need for
instruction, scaffolding, or other supports?
Facilitate an all group discussion around the above questions. (4 minutes)
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Time Picture
Script/Activity Directions
Explain that this is a visualization of the research and writing process.
Students target standards W.9-10.7, W.9-10.8, and W.9-10.9 through inquiry
based research in which they:
 Conduct pre-searches
 Generate inquiry questions
 Assess and analyze sources
 Gather information
 Build a research frame
This process borrows from the Odell Education research framework, which
stops short of articulating a writing process. The NY Curriculum Modules
have added the writing process to move students from process to product.
Students will:
 Plan
 Draft
 Revise
 Edit
 Rewrite
 Try new approaches (as needed)
In the process, they will target W.9-10.4, W.9-10.5, and W.9-10.6 (and W.910.2, informational/explanatory writing essays). This all culminates with a
final product, the W.9-10.2 informational/explanatory research paper.
14 min
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Section: 10.3 Module Overview
In this section, you will engage in a group activity to deepen your Materials used include: Session PowerPoint, 10.3 Unit 1, Unit 2, and Unit 3
understanding of the structure and design of the research module. Overviews
Slide Time Picture
2 min
Script/Activity Directions
Provide a brief, high-level overview of the three units in Module 10.3.
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Unit 1: Close Reading
o Using seed texts as springboards for exploring topics (and the
beginning of the research process, pre-searching, etc.)
Unit 2: The Research Process
o Using inquiry to refine and deepen understanding around a
topic (searching, assessing sources, taking notes, synthesizing
information, etc.)
Unit 3: The Writing Process
o Communicating research effectively through writing (drafting,
revising, editing, peer and teacher conferencing, etc.)
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Slide Time Picture
Script/Activity Directions
Instruct participants to form groups of three with each reading a different
unit overview (8 minutes). Then in your group, take a few minutes to share
details about your unit with the other group members, focusing on the
following questions:
What does each unit provide to help students understand the
research process?
 How do the units connect and build on each other?
Whole group discussion (4 minutes):
 What do you notice about the way the research module is designed?
 How do the units connect and build on each other?
Key Points:
Unit 1 focuses on close reading and emerging topics for investigation from
the text. Unit 2 focuses on the research process: searching, assessing
sources, taking notes, and synthesizing information. Unit 3 focuses on the
writing process and turning research into a written informative essay.
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Section: Reflection and Closing
In this section, you will reflect on the learning in the session.
Slide Time Picture
1 min
Materials used include: Session PowerPoint
Script/Activity directions
Stress that this session was a knowledge building session around the content
in the module and that in the next sessions, participants will have an
opportunity for practical application as they discuss:
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How this approach to argument writing supports the CCSS
instructional shifts and standards.
How they might envision adapting this to their classrooms or
Decide which pieces will be most challenging to implement and
solutions to meet those challenges.
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Slide Time Picture
Script/Activity directions
Provide participants with an opportunity to ask questions about the
approach to research explored in this session.
1 min
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Turnkey Materials Provided
Here, list all the associated handouts or resources needed to this session, including text sets, PowerPoints, etc.
10.3 Assessment Map
10.3.1 End-of-Unit Assessment Handout (10.3.1 Lesson 15)
10.3.2 End-of-Unit Assessment Handout (10.3.2 Lesson 13)
10.3.3 End-of-Unit Assessment Handout (10.3.3 Lesson 11)
10.3 Performance Assessment
10.3 Unit 1 Overview
10.3 Unit 2 Overview
10.3 Unit 3 Overview
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