1.18.14 IFDA Mtg Notes

JANUARY 18, 2014
Attendees: Judith Clark, Diane Nicolson, Barbara Daher, Dianne Hynes, Terri Ashton, Gail Belz, Joan
Long, Roxana DeHayden, Dana Walsh, Gaybrielle Green, Chisui Claire Tsai, Martha Rosellini. Excused:
Nancy Wolford, Ania Omski-Talwar.
Judith welcomed the group and called the meeting to order at 9:29am.
President’s 2014 National Webinar – Judith discussed the powerpoint IFDA training module and
went over some of the functions and available information.
www.IFDA.com - Website is in the process of being re-worked. Members are encouraged to update
and edit their personal profile information. You can find this under “My Membership”. There are
some portions of the website that are not accessible to all members. Contact membership chair if you
need access to some of the locations not available by your regular login. Members are encouraged to
use the website and get to know it.
Some of the things you can find on the site are:
Testimonials, membership list, emails, logos, newsletters, minutes, sop manual and information
about our fundraiser, Take A Seat. There is also information re: the IFDA Affinity program – benefits,
speaker’s bureau opportunities, Education Foundation, Buyers pass to High Point Market, and Geico
Insurance – Note: if we just get a quote from Geico, IFDA gets $10.00 whether or not you buy the
insurance. You will also have access to the IFDA toolkit, which includes: Mega-marketing on a
shoestring and Membership Leave Behinds – collateral print and takes.
FINANCIALS – Diane Nicolson:
Budget 2014
Diane went over the budget. Some items that have changed are:
There will be no more funding for the Networking breakfast.
Professional development – (CEU’s) we will put more funding into professional development
programs as possible.
Fall into Fabrics – The group discussed the value of what we are getting versus what we give…
It was decided to cut back on some of the resources we put into event. Suggest
reducing budget to $500.00 –we will no longer fund $500.00 for photographer.
This will need to be discussed with the SFDC. The suggestion was made to possibly
sell raffle tickets at the event.
Competitions: scholarships $1500.00 and competitions $1,200.00
Competitions are currently on hiatus – This line item will be taken out of the budget until 2015.
Funds transfer amount will go down as per revised budget. Budget was passed as noted – please see
2014 budget attachment.
Discussion on ways to create revenue:
Trade Faire – it was decided that we would continue with the Trade Faire.
Directory with ads was suggested – could use (printable) online version. Sponsors could purchase
Work with Wix – free website creation
Ideas: sponsors, business card size ad on newsletters etc. – charge $100.00.
Big sponsorships – Target larger companies. Each Board Member should try to ask companies to
become sponsors. List “what you get” by being a sponsor – mailing lists, advertising, etc.
Kiosk at design center for sundries. IFDA could work with SFDC to host a kiosk to sell sundries to
visitors to the Design Center.
Tech seminar – Host a seminar for local tech companies on how to shop at the Design Center.
Possibly do it on a Third Thursday when the Showrooms are open late. After the seminar, the
attendees could shop/tour the SFDC.
Host a seminar to teach “good style” and how to’s…
Judith Clark is meeting with Rhonda Hirata on 2/10/14 at 1:00pm. They will discuss ideas
and ways to increase revenue and interest. Contact Judith if you would like to attend this meeting.
MEMBERSHIP – Barbara Daher:
Welcome new members: Heather Aldi, Xuan Quynh Thi Tran and Martina Lo
Barbara led a discussion on ways to boost membership
Some ideas:
Place membership forms in showrooms – promote membership at the SFDC.
Need to find ways to interest younger members Provide classes prior to trade show – “how to get the most out of trade shows”
Dana offered to take students on tour of Design Center. Claire will work with Dana to coordinate
some students from San Jose State.
Network connections – Promote IFDA – There is better buying power thru members that specialize
in certain areas and perhaps buy at a different discount level through vendors that offer a/more
discount to IFDA members.
Increase mentoring – phone call to all new members – welcoming them and finding out what they
need from us?
Renewal time coming up – There will be follow up calls for those that don’t renew…
Should there be a requirement for volunteer hours?
PROGRAMS – Gail Belz:
What kind of programs would our members be interested in? Suggestions:
CEU’s , networking events, interesting places that we can get people to come to.
Restaurant meeting….IFDA coordinates with a restaurant where we could meet for dinner/drinks
and have the restaurant designer attend to talk about the project? (HIA model) Possibly work with
HIA to host an event like this.
Theatre Night, (purchase a block of tickets) to the opera and/or other shows.
Fun things: train ride, 70’s night, Rat Pack night at restaurant, Bimbos, museum tours.
Professional Development Weekend - Feedback? Hard to get people to attend, but once they’re there
they have a good time.
Christmas party: We will change the event for 2014. Possibly change the time of year to a less
busy/stressful time of year. The attendance this year was down and there was some negative
feedback… It was suggested that we find an event already going on and buy tickets to it. That way if
only a few people are able to attend, it is not such a large expense for the group.
Gail wondered if we should have meetings 1x/mo…any type of event?? The board agreed IFDA
presence once a month is necessary. We should list events on website/meeting minutes/newsletter.
Board will make phone calls to members to see what they are interested in/what they would like to
see/what they will be willing to do….Judith will send the questionnaire for members to the Board.
Buying programs
Networking groups
Showroom mgrs.
Meetings will be held 2nd Monday of each month – gather at 5:00 meeting at 5:30pm. KM Studio at
Suite 212
Member needed to create invitations and announcements through Constant Contact.
Martha Rosellini has volunteered to fill this position. Martha will head committee to create an
internal website for Northern Ca. chapter. This will allow members to network with each other –
Each listing (designer) will have their preferred suppliers listed – each person could print listing
themselves if they want it in print.
Fund Raiser for 2014 – letter sent from Nancy re: competitions – She would like these to look
different in the future.
Grants are available for continued education.
IFDA –EF.org
- Need fundraiser every year…
- Suggestions: Girls night out – wine tasting, spa day, raffles,
What community service efforts do we want to donate to?
We have been invited to visit Creative Growth Org. – shows Feb 23 – 24(check dates??) This is a party
to sell art and there will be a fashion show, and music, food and drinks –
We donated $1,500.00 last year to go toward lighting at Creative Growth. The organization works
with disabled adults – fostering growth through art projects.
Joan suggested we support them for another year. They need new chairs, a kiln,
worktables, wheelchairs – She’d like 1,000.00 to donate to the project. We discussed
finding organizations to donate chairs.
Dianne brought up love&lightfoundation.com started by Mike Stassel – This is a
women’s cancer institute in McCloud, CA. The facility is an old historic hospital and
was purchased by the Stassel’s to use as this institute. Suggests IFDA sponsor some
materials to help get this going.
A motion was made to donate $1000.00 toward Creative Growth and a motion was
made to set aside the other $500.00 for another project. Both motions were carried.
Motion was made that we will consider McCloud/Love&lightfoundation.com for our
next fundraiser. Motion carried.
Nan Walz will Chair. Discussion will take place with Rhonda Hirata regarding plans, raffle etc.
2/10/14 at 1:00pm.
IFDA had a good presence at previous year’s event and will stay involved with some of the changes
that are outlined under Budget items.
TAKE A SEAT: Main theme this year is “Helping Veterans” – collateral material on the new IFDA
website. Concept: Pay $75.00 to enter a chair - get a chair by any means - create it and it will be
auctioned at the main event.
Schedule for TAKE A SEAT is as follows:
May 15th kick off – skype simulcast with other chapters (Wash DC, AZ, PA, FL, NY).
May 22nd Auction (prizes for best chair, etc. prior to auction).
Need sponsors for the event…(get logo on website).
Need mailing to schools, etc., to promote chair competition and auction.
OPEN DISCUSSION – Events to network IFDA to the design community:
Window Fashions Visions – will be held in February in Las Vegas, NV. IFDA will have a table – need
staff for the table…Marty, Judith, Nancy will attend.
Other Events:
Builder’s Show
With no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2:20pm.