Emily Elliott 1 The following citations are divided into subsections (e.g. rationale/motivation, design). Those that fit under more than one subsection were placed according to which aspect of the study it informs and shapes the most. Research questions: 1) Does the faculty learning community/departmental change approach lead increased use of active learning? 2) Do the course changes spearheaded by the faculty learning community improve student learning and attitude towards biology? Rationale/motivation Andrews, T. M., Leonard, M. J., Colgrove, C. A., & Kalinowski, S. T. (2011). Active learning not associated with student learning in a random sample of college biology courses. CBE Life Science Education, 10, 349-405. The authors sought to evaluate the impact of active learning in biology on student learning across multiple institutions and instructors. Learning gains on the Conceptual Inventory of Natural Selection were compared to the level of active learning in the course, as determined by the frequency of active learning exercises. There was no correlation between active learning frequency and learning gains, in contrast to the findings of meta-studies on the effect of active learning. This finding points to an important challenge facing departmental change in teaching methods; the pedagogical background, experience, and knowledge of educational research could greatly affect the success of implementing active learning. We therefore wanted to evaluate whether the pedagogical changes that emerged from the faculty learning community could successfully improve student learning. Bewer, C. A., & Smith, D. (eds) (2011). Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action. Final report of a national conference organized by the AAAS, July 15-17 2009, Washington DC. ISBN 978-0-87168-741-8. The AAAS vision and change report was a main catalyst for change at Iowa State University. In order to prepare students for a rapidly changing scientific world, the authors suggest that biology courses need to become more skills- and conceptbased. When overhauling introductory biology, we focused on some of the main recommendations of the report; generating student-centered classrooms and shifting our focus to central concepts over details. Haak, D.C., HilleRisLambers, J., Pitre, E., & Freeman, S. (2011). Increased structure and active learning reduce the achievement gap in introductory biology. Science, 332, 1213-16. The authors evaluated the effect of high levels of structured active learning exercises on the learning gains of disadvantaged students, as measured by grade point averages. In-class group activities, clicker questions, and quizzes reduced the grade gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students. One of the main goals of the faculty in the current study is to improve learning amongst lowerperforming students through student-centered approaches. Emily Elliott 2 Umbach, P.D., & Wawrzymski, M. R. (2005). Faculty do matter: The role of college faculty in student learning and engagement. Research in Higher Education, 46, 153-184. Umback and Wawrzynski utilized national datasets to explore the relationship between faculty attitudes/behaviors and undergraduate student outcomes. Overall, there is a positive correlation between faculty who place high value on teaching and student-centered learning, and student perception of learning and active involvement in their education. Moreover it seems that faculty attitudes and pedagogical behavior both create and are part of general culture that emphasizes best practices, which can affect student learning in indirect ways. Liberal arts colleges tend to be more successful at generating this culture, as opposed to larger research-intensive universities. At Iowa State University, the faculty formed a faculty learning community in part to generate such a culture. Since faculty attitudes appear to have a large effect on student learning, we hope that this cultural shift will enable more effective use of student-centered learning. Design Chapman, B. S. (2001). Emphasizing concepts and reasoning skills in introductory college molecular cell biology. International Journal of Science Education, 23, 1157-76. The author of this study is a college faculty member seeking to improve the critical thinking skills of introductory biology students. Assessments included; pre/post questions on content knowledge from the Graduate Record Examination Subject Test in Biology, exam questions that evaluate critical thinking skills, and pre/post surveys on attitudes towards science. The results confirmed that course changes correlated with improved critical thinking skills, and somewhat improved content knowledge and attitudes toward science. This study showed that our goal of improving student skills while not losing content was feasible. We also planned to use a similar method of data collection, combining data from pre/post questions and surveys and exam questions. Ueckert, C., Adams, A., & Lock, J. (2011). Redesigning a large-enrollment introductory biology course. CBE Life Sciences Education, 10, 164-74. The goal of this study was to bring multiple faculty instructors together to assess and improve a large-enrollment introductory course. This involved a multi-step process whereby faculty converged on common learning objectives and central concepts, developed a learning gains assessment, and implemented a course redesign based on new course goals. Course changes included case studies and examples that pertained to multiple student interests, use of class response systems, quizzes, and small-group work. Results were collected over 6 years to compare learning before and after course redesign. The redesign correlated with increased percentages of course A and B grades and a reduction in the drop-fail-withdraw rate. Similar results were obtained with the pre/post content questions. Finally, student confidence and satisfaction improved. This study design is very similar to our own. The current study involves several faculty cooperating to redefine course Emily Elliott 3 goals and design a more student-centered course. As such we are comparing the effect of course changes on student learning over time, with the goal of improving student skills and content knowledge. Methods for data collection and analysis Armbruster, P., Patel, M., Johnson, E., & Weiss, M. (2009). Active learning and student-centered pedagogy improve student attitudes and performance in introductory biology. CBE Life Sciences Education, 8, 203-13. The study describes an effort to overhaul an introductory biology course, with a single instructor, with a focus on incorporating more active learning. Student understanding of concepts and student attitudes were compared longitudinally before and after redesign. Assessment of concept understanding utilized exam question performance rather than pre/post questionnaires, though assessment focused on only two exam questions. The authors saw improvement in both conceptual knowledge and attitudes after redesign. This study shows that course changes similar to the ones we are implementing in the current study can lead to measurable changes. However, we would like to have more information on which concepts students struggle with and more comprehensive measurements of student performance. Based on the success of Armbruster et al. we included a large number of carefully selected exam question in addition to surveys of student attitudes towards biology. We hope to generate similar measurable differences in exam question performance, while collecting more information on student understanding across different topics. Ebert-May, D., Derting, T. L., Hodder, J., Momsen, J. L., Long, T. M., & Jardeleza, S. E. (2011). What we say is not what we do: Effective evaluation of faculty professional development programs. Bioscience, 61, 550-8. The authors evaluated the correlation between how faculty report their use of student-centered activities, and actual teaching practices. There was a significant disconnect between reported practices and actual practices, suggesting misconceptions about how to implement student-centered learning and what a student-centered classroom looks like. Though in the current study we do not intend to use an intensive evaluative observation protocol with faculty, we are collecting data on number and time-on-task for active learning exercises. This data serves as a more objective measure of the outcomes of course redesign, while providing concrete feedback that faculty can evaluate on their own. Semsar, K., Knight, J. K., Birol, G., & Smith, M. K. (2011). The Colorado learning attitudes about science survey (CLASS) for use in biology. CBE Life Sciences Education, 10, 268-78. The authors modified an existing assessment of student perceptions of science in order to determine how students perceive the subject of biology. In particular, the authors sought to discriminate novice and expert perceptions and determine how perceptions change over time. As observed in other fields, students tend to take on more novice perceptions after an introductory course. As a part of our current study we will measure the effect of active learning on skills and Emily Elliott 4 proficiency in science. Since one aspect of proficiency is a sophisticated understanding of the field of biology, we evaluated student perceptions using this instrument. Interpretation Dolan, E. L. (2007). Grappling with the literature of education research and practice. CBE Life Sciences Education, 6, 289-96. In this review the overall goals of education research as well as metrics for evaluating such research are discussed. When beginning our journey to redesign an introductory biology course, the discussions of different journals and approaches were a critical resource. We are currently using this review and the references within to compare our study design and results to other literature, and especially to explore ways to analyze our large dataset. In particular, we are currently developing a plan to re-validate and determine the reliability of our assessments.