OMB No. 0925-0001/0002 (Rev. 08/12 Approved Through 8/31/2015) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FIVE PAGES. NAME: Christopher Hulme eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login): chulme POSITION TITLE: Professor EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable. Add/delete rows as necessary.) DEGREE (if applicable) Completion Date MM/YYYY FIELD OF STUDY Hertford College, Oxford University BA 06/1989 Chemistry Hertford College, Oxford University D.Phil 07/1992 Chemistry Postdoc 08/1994 Chemistry INSTITUTION AND LOCATION University of Texas at Austin A. Personal Statement I have built and run several high-throughput medicinal chemistry organizations in industry and transitioned to an academic role in late 2007. I have managed portfolios of targets spanning the value chain in drug discovery from hit generation to progression of molecules into man and as such managed teams that produced early development candidates for PDEIV (Rhone-Poulenc Rorer) and VR-1 (Amgen). In total, it is estimated that 60+ targets of interest have passed through my organizations, spanning a multitude of therapeutic areas that include oncology, metabolic disorders, inflammation, pain, and neurodegeneration. As Director of BIO5 Medicinal Chemistry, I have the resources and extensive infrastructure in place to initiate and significantly progress the translational campaign detailed herein – establishment of the latter center was made feasible through the successful award of a GO grant in 2010. More specifically, CNS projects previously falling under my jurisdiction include the development of inhibitors of JNK-3 for stroke (Amgen), MCHr for obesity (Amgen), Pyk-2 for the treatment of brain gliomas (University of Arizona) and BACE for Alzheimer’s (Lilly). A significant number of other kinases were also part of prior industrial portfolios I ran, including JNK-1, PKB, Aurora A/B and Plk-1, and preliminary collaborations at the University of Arizona and Yale include targeting Plk-4, ROCK and aPKC. Indeed, the PI is well versed in addressing the need for molecular pre-requisite physico-chemical properties that enable passive BBB penetration and minimization of residence time in the BBB lipid bi-layer to dial out potential pGP efflux liabilities. In summary, I have been involved in kinase research for ~ 20 years, being a co-author on one of the very early medicinal chemistry reviews in the field. The DYRK1A collaboration with Dr. Travis Dunckley has been active for more than three years although needs sustained funding to build on the significant progress to date. Recent reviews by the collaborators detail the state-of-art relevance of the target and current inhibitor design, and emerging indications for Glioblastoma are being investigated. In short, I am extremely qualified to pursue members of the kinase target-family in the neurodegeneration field and this is supplemented by my national/international reputation in high-throughput medicinal chemistry and file enhancement arenas. 1. Myers, M.R.; Hei, W.; Hulme, C. (1997). Inhibitors of Tyrosine Kinases Involved In Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 3, 463-492. 2. Smith, B.; Medda, F.; Gokhale, V.; Dunckley, T.; Hulme, C. (2012). Recent Advances in the Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Selective DYRK1A Inhibitors: A New Avenue for a Disease Modifying Treatment of Alzheimer’s? ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 3, 857-872. 3. Medda, F.; Smith, B.; Gokhale, V.; Shaw, A.; Dunckley, T.; Hulme, C. (2013). Beyond Secretases: Kinase Inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease? Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, 48, 57-71. 4. Kusne, Y.; Xu, Z.; Dietrich, J.; Hulme, C.; Ghoush, S. (2014). Targeting aPKC simultaneously disables cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous oncogenic signaling in GBM. Science Signaling, 7(338), ra75/1-ra75/15, 15 pp B. Positions and Honors Positions and Employment 1994–1996 Research Scientist, Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, Collegeville, PA. 1996–1997 Senior Research Scientist, Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, Collegeville, PA. 1997–1998 Research Fellow, Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, Collegeville, PA. 1999–2004 Head of High-Throughput Medicinal Chemistry, Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA. 2004–2007 Head of High-Throughput Medicinal Chemistry, Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, IN. 2007–2010 Associate Professor, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 2010– Professor Medicinal Chemistry, University of Arizona, Director BIO5 Medicinal Chemistry Tucson, AZ. Other Experience and Professional Memberships 1997– Ad hoc reviewer for more than 30 journals. 1999– ACS member (American Chemical Society). 2003– Editorial Advisory Boards of Current Organic Synthesis/ARKIVOC/Open Drug Discovery. 2004–2011 IUPAC Affiliate Member. 2005 Member Study Section P41 Pilot Scale Libraries. 2007– AACP Member (American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy). 2007–2011 Associate Editor, Molecular Diversity. 2007– Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio) member. 2008 Member of Special Emphasis Panel July 2008: NIH renewals for “Centers of Excellence in Chemical Methodologies and Library Development (CMLD).” 2008 Synthetic and Biological Chemistry B Study Section, October 2008. 2009 SBIR Study Section, October 2009, 2010. 2009 Session Chair. Mastering Medicinal Chemistry, Feb’ 25-27, San Francisco. 2009 Member External Advisory Board, SPORE lung cancer initiative, University of Louisville. 2010 Ad hoc Special Emphasis Panel (P01 grant renewals). 2011 Editor: Special Edition on Multi-Component reactions, MODI. 2011 R19 study section. 2012 Host & Chair, ACS National Medicinal Chemistry Conference, Oro Valley, AZ 2012–2014 NWO Grant Reviewer. 2014 University of Kansas KOBRE Drug Discovery Grant External Reviewer. 2014– Editorial Board Member “Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry” 2015 Session Chair: MCR2015, Brasilia, Brazil. 2015 ANR Grant Reviewer. Honors 2006 2007–2008 2011 2012 Lilly Award for Excellence in File Enhancement. Abbott Laboratories New Faculty Award for Creativity in Organic Chemistry. University of Arizona Leading Edge Researcher 2011. Host: 2012 ACS National Medicinal Chemistry Conference, Oro Valley, AZ. C. Contribution to Science 1. The discovery and development of PDEIV Inhibitors for RA: This translational campaign was performed at RPR from 1994-1997, prior to the explosion in the discovery of numerous additional PDEs and splice variants. Indeed, at this time the PDE isoforms PDEIVA and B had not been identified, however anti-TNF therapies toward RA where clearly being strongly validated through monoclonal antibody approaches to sequester this pivotal pro-inflammatory cytokine. An effort was underway to support RP73401 (Phase III) with back-up candidates. I personally lead a team of scientists that developed ~ 5 new series of molecules, with potent inhibitory activity against PDEIV and functional activity in cells as measured by reduction in TNF- production. The most promising was progressed to show enticing in vivo efficacy in a SCW induced arthritis model (ED50 23mg/kg, b.i.d, p.o.) with high oral bioavailability (96%). The compound reached an early development candidate milestone and was being moved forward, until the inflammation/immunology franchise was re-directed to metabolic disorders. a. Hulme, C., Moriarty, K., Huang, F-C., Souness, J. & Djuric, S.W. (1998). Quaternary Substituted PDE4 Inhibitors II: Novel Series of -lactams. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 8, 399. b. Hulme, C., Mathew, R., Moriarty, K., Souness, J., Cox, P., Uhl, J., & Djuric, S.W. (1998). The Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of a Novel Series of Indole PDEIV Inhibitors. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 8, 1867. c. Hulme, C., Mathew, R., Moriarty, K., Souness, Uhl, J., Huang, F-C., & Djuric, S.W. (1998). Orally Active Indole N-Oxide PDEIV Inhibitors. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 8, 3053. 2. Studies in File Enhancement – the discovery of UDC (Ugi/Deprotect/Cyclize): Tasked with the generation of large 5 to 10,000 members, with an initial focus of discovering small molecule PTHr agonists, I led group of five scientists initiating studies in the relatively obscure field of multi-component reactions (RPR). Efforts continued for an additional two years whilst head of HTMC at Amgen. During the course of this work, the concept of employing post-condensation modifications of MCR adducts was introduced to the scientific community at large with a series of seminal papers and highly cited reviews which spawned worldwide efforts in generating molecular diversity via new MCRs and modifications of their adducts thereafter. Published protocols from these efforts have been extensively employed by academics, the private sector and CROs in the hit discovery phase and beyond, delivering a plethora of published probes, leads and at least two examples [(i) Aplaviroc, GSK, CCR5 antagonists for HIV infection, Phase II] and [GSK, Oxytocin antagonists for pre-term labor, Phase II] where initial hits were discovered using these one-pot protocols and rapidly progressed along the value chain without the need to scaffold-hop to deliver an IND ready candidate. The work in this period afforded the shortest known routes to many known, pharmacologically relevant chemotypes and unique scaffolds. a. Hulme, C., Tang, S. C. Burns, C., & Labaudiniere, R. (1998). Improved Procedure for the Solution Phase Synthesis of 1,4-Benzodiazepines-2,5-dione Libraries via the Ugi reaction and Armstrong’s Convertible Isonitrile. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 63, 8021. b. Hulme, C., Ma, L., Romano, J., Morton, G., Tang, S-Y., Cherrier, M-P., Choi, S., & Labaudiniere, R. (2000). Novel Applications of CO2/MeOH for the Synthesis of Hydantoins and Cyclic Ureas via the Ugi Reaction. Tetrahedron Letters, 41, 1883. c. Hulme, C., & Gore, V. (2003). Multi-component Reactions: Emerging Chemistry in Drug Discovery. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 10, 151. 3. Molecular Diversity Generation - the establishment of the Arizona Compound Collection: This work took place in academia under the auspices of a milestone driven GO grant to establish infrastructure, personnel, HTS screening capabilities, an internal compound collection (> 30,000 cpds) and to screen for activity against the Androgen receptor. Such a centralized coordinated effort was previously absent in the Arizona research arena. My role as PI was to coordinate build phase and direct a group of 13 scientists, comprised of medicinal chemists, computational and analytical support scientists. During the course of the work, concepts detailed in section 2 were elaborated into more complex, cascade/MCR driven molecular diversity methodologies to enhance the collection which have not only delivered ligands and probes for study at the UA, but spurred additional efforts in the organic MCR community. All stretch goals were fulfilled which has galvanized the health sciences community at the UA and libraries of small molecules, both targeted and diverse sets, are now being screened, delivering bona-fide starting points for translational campaigns across a variety of therapeutic areas, most relevant in the oncology arena. a. Xu, Z., De Moliner, F., Cappelli, A., Hulme, C. (2012). Ugi/Aldol Sequence: Expeditious Entry to Several Families of Densely Substituted Nitrogen Heterocycles. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51, 8037-8040. b. Hulme, C., Petit, J., Mousses, S., Yin, H., Dietrich, J., Meurice, N. (2010) Formation of the Southwest Comprehensive Center for Drug Discovery and Development: New technologies, organization, work flow and projections. Abstracts of Papers, 239th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, March 21-25, MEDI-70. c. Ariza, G.M., Ayaz, M., Medda, F., Hulme, C. (2014). Synthesis of diverse nitrogen-enriched heterocyclic scaffolds using a suite of tunable one-pot multicomponent reactions. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 79, 5153-5162. 4. Development of Androgen receptor antagonists: Highly noteworthy is the discovery (unpublished structures) of novel AR antagonists for the treatment of CRPC emanating from efforts in section 3. Prostate cancer will shortly be the leading killer of males in the US and the prognosis for CRPC is poor. New treatments continue to suffer from the development of resistance due to point mutations in the AR ligand binding domain. Molecules discovered from the screening campaign, combined with rapid SAR development have led to leads with better affinity for the AR receptor than Enzalutamide, with ~ equivalent functional activity in reporter assays and slightly superior activity in 3 prostate-specific cell lines (cell viability assays). Current lead molecules are significantly less toxic than Enzalutamide in AR negative DU145 cells and exist in distinct ‘chemical space’, being derived from a one pot synthetic protocol. Formulation and in vivo studies are being scheduled. These findings may lead to a superior version of the Enzalutamide (approved 2012). Collaborations in the Arizona cancer center have been pivotal in pushing this project forward. a. Shaw, A.Y., Gokhale, V., Stratton, S.P., Hulme, C. (2014). Promising, early stage novel Androgen receptor antagonists in head-head comparisons with Enzalutamide and Bicalutamide. Abstract of Papers #2524, AACR Meeting Abstracts, San Diego, CA, April 5-9. b. Ariza, G.M., Hulme, C. (2015). Recent advances in allosteric androgen receptor inhibitors for the potential treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst, in press. 5. VR-1 Inhibitors for the treatment of neuropathic pain: This research was conducted at Amgen where I was responsible for a group of 15 scientists. VR-1 (vannilloid receptor 1) has been implicated with neuropathic pain. Originally it was capsaicin action that provided evidence for the existence of specific “vanilloid” receptors. As part of a larger group, a sub-set of six chemists from the HTMC group under my direction joined the effort delivering several series of unique VR-1 antagonists, demonstrating exquisite potency, leading to extensive pre-clinical optimization and delivery of an early development candidate. Although losing its position now as a premier target for neuropathic pain, in 2003, this ion channel was at the forefront of extensive drug hunting efforts and this group was one of the first in the field. a. Hulme, C., Ncube, M. V., Norman, M. H., Ognyanov, V. I., Pettus, L. H., Wang, X., Zhu, J. (2005) Vanilloid receptor ligands and their use in treatments. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. US 20050165046 A1 20050728 AN 2005:672886. b. Hulme, C., Ncube, M. V., Norman, M. H., Ognyanov, V. I., Pettus, L. H., Wang, X., Zhu, J. (2005) Vanilloid receptor ligands and their use in treatments. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ., US 20050165049 A1 20050728 AN 2005:672887. Complete List of Published Work in My Bibliography: D. Research Support Ongoing 5R01 CA138702 (Meuillet, PI) 07/01/10–06/30/16 NIH/NCI Inhibition of Novel Molecular Targets of Prostaglandin Formation for Anti-tumor Activity. The overall goal of the proposal is to develop novel strategies and agents for the improved treatment of colon cancer via modulation of PGE2 levels. Role: Co-Investigator Completed No Grant # (Hulme PI) 06/01/12–07/01/13 UA BIO5 Drug Discovery Grant Discovery and Development of DRK1A inhibitors for Neurodegenerative Disorders The goal of this proposal was to improve affinity of low uM DRYK1A inhibitors and modulate physicochemical propertie to enhance small molecule cell permeability for evaluation in a cell tau phosphoryation assay with the goal of garnering sustained funding for development of small molecule therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases. 5P41 GM086190 (Hulme PI) 08/05/10–05/31/14 NIH/NIGMS Expeditious, Biologically Driven Pilot Libraries for File Enhancement The aim of this application was to produce novel pilot-scale libraries for evaluation via the Molecular Library Screening Network (MLSCN).