Lesson Plan for Chariton High School Freshman Civics class

Title: No Place to Call Home
Date: 31 Jan. 2010
Grade: 5-6
Subject: Animals/Environment
URL: http://www.newsy.com/videos/no_place_to_call_home
Teacher Information: This is a video that fits
well with a unit study of animal habitats.
Specifically, it talks about how animals’ habitats
are affected by deforestation and other human
uses. It provides some hopeful examples of
where endangered animals have thrived and
unharmed ecosystems support its inhabitants.
The video provides three sources which identify
destruction by humans as the largest threat to
endangered animals such as orangutans and
Begin by asking students what are the necessities in a habitat? Review the
requirements – food, water, shelter/cover, and space, discussing the
importance of each.
5 min
Ask students to consider what happen if one or more of these necessities is
diminished or removed from a habitat? Have students think, pair, and share.
Have a few students share their thoughts with the class.
and web
Group Work
Students will view as a whole group the Newsy video – No Place to Call Home
Have students rewatch the video in groups in pairs. Each pair will choose the
orangutan or the bear. Together, they will brainstorm and create a web that
shows what might threaten the chosen animal’s habitat and what necessity
that endangers (Ex. Orangutan ---- Deforestation/fewer trees ---- Shelter &
Breaking up into groups of 2-3, students will access Kids’ Planet ESpecies http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/map.html.
A Place to A Place to Call Home Call Home
2:04 min
15 min
25 min
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They will choose one of the endangered species and investigate what
threatens this animal’s habitat. They will complete the Endangered Poster
found at the end of the lesson. This activity will last more than one class
period, however students should identify the animal they are choosing, it’s
location in the world, and one threat to share with the class at the end of the
Groups will share the endangered animal they have chosen and one threat
that endangers its habitat. Ask students to compare and contrast their findings
so far.
5 min
Title: A Place to Call Home
Extended Learning Activities – Optional
Students will share their findings about the endangered animal they
researched. They will encourage their family to try one change that
can help (donation, environmental impact, etc). Students will report
back to class the discussions they had with their family, efforts they
are making, and results of efforts.
Students will research what animals are endangered and have
threatened habitats in the United States and Missouri. What is being
done to protect these animals?
Students will create a PowerPoint using the information from the Kids
Planet website. http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/map.html They
will include a picture or video of the animal, information about its’
food and behaviors, habitat, and threats to the animal. Finally,
students will research ways they can help. Additional research may be
found at other websites.
Using the National Geographic video source from Newsy about the
discovery of a large population of orangutans, students will research
more about the plight of the orangutan and report their findings.
Students will cite their sources.
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Looking for related resources? Check out…
World Wildlife Fund
More information about endangered species, updates on actions being taken around the world to
protect endangered animals, and ways people can help.
Habitats within the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park are protected, but what happens when
they roam outside the limits of this protection? This NPR story focuses on the destruction of animals’
winter habitats. This is one of a 5 part series about Yellowstone.
National Geographic
A breakdown of the world’s habitats – geographical location, what animals they support, and threats to
each habitat’s survival.
Ecosystems | eThemes | eMINTS (grade 6-8)
These website resources provide links to stories of efforts to restore threatened habitats. There are also links to
eMINTS Resource lessons about habitats and ecosystems, providing students with an overview and how they can
be preserved.
Missouri: Endangered Animals | eThemes | eMINTS (grades 4)
Learn what species in Missouri are endangered and locate them by county. Includes links to more information
about local endangered species. Additionally links to Successlink webquest about endangered species.
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Animal: ___________________________
Insert Picture of Endangered Animal
Where is this animal found?
Animal’s Behavior and Diet:
Describe the animal’s habitat:
Threats to the animal and/or its habitat:
What can I do to help?
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