
Board Review DH227, Lisa Mayo, RDH, BSDH
What is the name of the area that forms the mesial and distal border of the occlusal surface?
a. Fossae
b. Marginal ridge
c. Triangular ridge
d. Transverse ridge
2. EXCEPT for one, all the following surfaces normally have a groove that extends from the occlusal
surface. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
a. Facial surface of mandibular first molars
b. Facial surface of maxillary second molars
c. Lingual surface of maxillary first molars
d. Mesial surface of maxillary first premolars
3. The apical limit of the clinical crown is determined by the location of the marginal gingiva OR the
location of the
a. Alveolar bone
b. Cementoenamel junction
c. Dentinoenamel junction
d. Junctional epithelium
4. Which of the following arch relationships is associated with embrasures?
a. Contact areas
b. Curves of the occlusal plane
c. Open contact
d. Open bites
5. In the Universal tooth numbering system, the mandibular left first molar is #19. What is the
International Standards Organization TC 106 System’s code (also known as the International
Numbering System) for this tooth?
a. 19
b. 36
c. 46
d. L
6. What is the relationship between #20 and tooth K?
a. Both are mandibular second premolars
b. Both are mandibular second premolars
c. Is the same tooth in different tooth identification systems
d. Tooth #20 replaces K
7. What dental anatomy is common ONLY to multi-rooted teeth?
a. Apical foramen
b. Fossa
c. Furcal concavity
d. Pulp horns
8. Which of the following anatomical characteristics is similar in the primary and permanent
a. Extension of the pulp horns
b. Location of the root trunk
c. Number of roots
d. Thickness of the enamel
9. Which furcal root surface of molars is LEAST likely to have a concavity?
a. Mesial root of the mandibular first molar
b. Distal root of the mandibular first molar
c. Mesiobuccal root of the maxillary first molar
d. Lingual root of the maxillary first molar
10. To determine if there is a furcation involvement of a maxillary second molar, the clinician should
probe the
a. Midfacial and midlingual areas
b. Both proximal surfaces
c. Both proximal surfaces and midfacial area
d. Both proximal surfaces and midlingual area
11. What tooth anatomy is common ONLY to anterior teeth?
a. Cingulum
b. Fossa
c. Pits
d. Marginal ridges
12. The CEJ curves the greatest on the
a. Facial and lingual surfaces of anterior teeth
b. Facial and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth
c. Proximal surfaces of anterior teeth
d. Proximal surfaces of posterior teeth
13. Which tooth has a mesial furcation and the longest root trunk?
a. Mandibular first premolar
b. Maxillary first premolar
c. Mandibular first premolar
d. Maxillary first molar
14. Each of the following is a normal anatomic change associated with aging EXCEPT one. Which is
the exception?
a. Attrition of the occlusal/incisal surfaces
b. Decrease in the size of the pulp cavity
c. Formation of cementum at the root apex
d. Formation of mammelons
15. Which of the following teeth is the LEAST likely to have proximal root concavities?
a. Maxillary central incisors
b. Maxillary canine
c. Mandibular central incisor
d. Mandibular canine
16. An oblique ridge separates the central and distal occlusal fossae. Mandibular molars have an
oblique ridge.
a. Both statements are TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE
c. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE
d. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE
17. Which of the following proximal surfaces is more easily reached from the lingual?
a. Proximal surfaces of maxillary incisors and mandibular incisors
b. Proximal surfaces of maxillary incisors and mandibular premolars
c. Proximal surfaces of maxillary and mandibular premolars
d. Proximal surfaces of mandibular incisors and maxillary incisors
18. What are the last succedaneous teeth to erupt?
a. Maxillary second molars
b. Third molars
c. Maxillary first premolars
d. Maxillary canines
19. What permanent tooth replaces the first primary molar?
a. First premolar
b. Second premolar
c. First molar
d. Second molar
20. When do the primary teeth begin to develop?
a. 4-6 weeks in-utero
b. 8-10 weeks in-utero
c. 12-14 weeks in-utero
d. 18-20 weeks in-utero
21. Normally, a child has a mixed dentition between the ages of ____ and _____.
a. 24 months and 6 years
b. 6 years and 10 years
c. 6yyears and 13 years
d. 8 years and 16 years
A mother of 3 children is concerned about the eruption of her children’s teeth. John is almost 12, Susan
is 10 and Marilyn is 14 months old.
22. If John, age 12, has followed the normal eruption pattern, what primary teeth would he still
a. Maxillary primary canines
b. Maxillary and mandibular primary canines
c. Maxillary first primary molars
d. Maxillary second primary molars
23. Susan, age 10, is concerned about her appearance. The following are expected oral
appearances EXCEPT one. Which one is the exception?
a. Crowding
b. Darker color of the permanent teeth
c. Enlarged, edematous gingivia
d. Primate spacing
24. If Marilyn, age 14 months, has followed the normal eruption pattern, what primary teeth are
a. Central incisors
b. Lateral incisors
c. Canines
d. First molars
25. When are the roots of the permanent teeth fully formed?
a. At the time of eruption
b. 6 months after eruption
c. 1 year after eruption
d. 2 years after eruption
26. In addition to the central incisors, what permanent teeth would you expect to see in an 8yr old
a. Canine and 1st molars
b. First pm and first molars
c. Lateral incisors and canine
d. Lateral incisors and 1st molars
27. An edge-to-edge tooth relationship is correctly described as:
a. A disturbance in intraarch alignment
b. A normal tooth relationship
c. Insufficient intercuspation
d. Insufficient overbite
28. Which of the following teeth guide protrusive mandibular movement?
a. Canine
b. Incisors
c. Centric cusps of the molars
d. Non-centric cusps of the molars
29. What relationship of the primary molars guides the eruption of the first permanent molars in an
end-to-end relationship?
a. Primate spaces
b. Terminal step between the distal surface of the maxillary and mandibular primary
c. Terminal plane between the distal surface of the maxillary and mandibular primary
d. Tooth version
30. A maxillary first molar is approximately 12mm in length. How many millimeters from the CEJ
would a clinician feel a furcation?
a. 2mm
b. 4mm
c. 6mm
d. 8mm
31. What is the largest and longest root of the maxillary molars?
a. Mesiobuccal
b. Distobuccal
c. Lingual
d. All roots are equal in size and length
32. If the mandibular molars are lost and not replaced, over time which of the following is the MOST
probable effects on the position of the maxillary left molar?
a. Mesial drift
b. No change
c. Rotation
d. Super-eruption
33. Tooth #3 is in a normal axial position; tooth #30 is in buccal version. What is the MOST likely
relationship of tooth #3 and tooth #30?
a. Crossbite
b. Excessive overjet
c. Excessive overbite
d. Open bite
34. In centric occlusion, the mesiobuccal cusp of tooth #14 is in the facial embrasure of tooth #19
and #20. What is the classification of malocclusion?
a. Neutral
b. I
c. II
d. III
35. Which of the following occurs in lateral mandibular movements of a young adult?
a. Canines on the working side guide the movement
b. Incisors guide the movement
c. Molars on the balancing side guide the movement
d. There is contact of the maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth
36. During an assessment of interarch relationships the clinician notes enlarged, reddened gingiva
on the lingual surface of teeth #7-10. What is the MOST likely cause?
a. Anterior crossbite
b. Anterior openbite
c. Excessive overbite
d. Excessive overjet
37. When a tooth is turned from its normal intra-arch alignments, it is in
a. Facioversion
b. Infraversion
c. Supraversion
d. Torsoversion
38. Which of the following interarch relationships is associated with the axial positioning of anterior
a. Intercuspation
b. Interdigitation
c. Overbite
d. Overjet
39. The following facilitate the intercuspation of maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth, EXCEPT
one. Which one is the exception?
a. Axial position of the mandibular posterior teeth toward the median plane
b. Axial position of the maxillary posterior teeth parallel to the median plane
c. Axial position of the maxillary posterior teeth more parallel to the horizontal plane
d. Lingual inclination of the crown of mandibular posterior teeth
40. Which of the following is characteristic of an open bite?
a. A disturbance in intraarch alignment
b. Deviation in the arch form
c. Lack of incisal or occlusal contact
d. Insufficient overjet
41. Which tooth has a functional buccal cusp and a functional lingual cusp?
a. Maxillary canine
b. Mandibular first premolar
c. Maxillary second premolar
d. Mandibular second premolar
42. The degree of mineralization of normal cementum is approximately that of:
a. Bone
b. Dentin
c. Enamel
d. Cartilage
43. Which of the following transmits the sensation of contact when teeth are occluding?
a. Dental pulp
b. Periodteum
c. Alveolar bone
d. Attached gingiva
e. PDL
44. Resilience and firmness of the gingiva are due primarily to
a. Vascularity
b. Endothelium
c. Fluid exudate
d. Cellular elements
e. Collagenous tissue
45. Which part of the root has the thickest layer of cementum?
a. Apical third of the root
b. Middle third of the root
c. Coronal third of the root
d. Exposed root surface
46. The suture between the premaxilla and the palatine process of the maxilla lies between
a. Central incisors
b. Lateral incisor and canine
c. Canine and first premolar
d. Central and lateral incisors
47. Which of the following attach the PDL to cementum?
a. Cementoblasts
b. Sharpey’s fibers
c. Stillman’s fibers
48. A patient complain of being unable to experience touch, pain, hot, cold or pressure on the
anterior 2/3 of his tongue. The affected nerve is the:
a. Vagus
b. Lingual
c. Hypoglossal
d. Chorda tympani
e. Glossopharyngeal
49. Reduced enamel epithelium plays an important role in which of the following?
a. Dentin formation
b. Enamel formation
c. Enamel maturation
d. Epithelial attachment formation
e. Outlining the DEJ
50. Histologically, gingival epithelium most closely resembles epithelium of the
a. Soft palate
b. Hard palate
c. Vestibular mucosa
d. Transitional zone of the lips
51. From where does the cementum gain its nourishment?
a. Pulp
b. Odontoblasts
c. Cementoblasts
d. PDL
52. Which cell is injured when the tooth overheats during an amalgam preparation?
a. Osteocyte
b. Osteoblast
c. Ameloblast
d. Odontoblast
53. Which of the following is a protective pulpal response to external irritants?
a. Pulp stone
b. Pulpal fibrosis
c. Reparative dentin
d. Internal resorption
e. Secondary cementum
54. The nasopalatine nerve is a branch of which division of the trigeminal nerve?
a. Occipital division
b. Maxillary division
c. Opthalmic division
d. Mandibular division
55. The action of the medial pterygoid muscle to
a. Elevate the mandible
b. Depress the mandible
c. Elevate the lip during a smile
d. Elevate the hyoid bone during speech
56. Which tooth has a developmental groove on the mesial surface of both crown and root?
a. Maxillary first premolar
b. Maxillary central incisor
c. Mandibular first premolar
d. Maxillary second premolar
57. Eruption of the permanent maxillary central incisor commonly occurs at:
a. 6-7 years of age
b. 3-4 years of age
c. 7-9 years of age
d. 4-5 years of age
58. Which premolar usually has two roots?
a. Maxillary canine
b. Mandibular canine
c. Maxillary first premolar
d. Maxillary second premolar
59. Which of the following premolar teeth often has 3 cusps?
a. Maxillary first premolar
b. Mandibular first premolar
c. Maxillary second premolar
d. Mandibular second premolar
60. The state of teeth joined together only by cementum is diagnosed as:
a. Fusion
b. Budding
c. Gemination
d. Concrescence
61. Two tooth buds are joined together during development and may clinically as a macrodont. The
probable diagnosis is:
a. Fusion
b. Budding
c. Gemination
d. Concrescence
62. A radiograph shows that the roots of a lower molar are severely curved to almost 90 degrees.
This is diagnosed as:
a. Hypoplasia
b. Dilaceration
c. Turner’s tooth
d. Hutchinson’s tooth
63. Which of the following is the most common site for a supernumerary tooth?
a. Between the mand incisors
b. Distal to the maxillary third molar
c. Between the mand bicuspids
d. Between the max central incisors
64. A patient has lost enamel on the anterior teeth of a lemon-sucking habit. The diagnosis is:
a. Erosion
b. Attrition
c. Abrasion
d. Chemico-attrition
60. D
61. A
62. B
63. D
64. A
Reasoning and Rationales
1. Occ surface bounded on the M and D by ridges called marginal ridges
2. a.) 2 grooves extend from occ surface onto the F surface of mand 1st molars
c.) A groove extends from occ surface onto the L of max 1st molars
d.) Groove extends over marginal ridge onto the M of max 1st pm
3. Clinical crown is the portion of tooth visible in oral cavity OR the unattached portion of tooth;
junctional epithelium is the apical limit of unattached gingiva
4. Interprox spaces that begin at the contact area and widen toward the F/L/O/I/Cervial
5. Also known as the International Numbering System
7. Only multi-root teeth will have furcations
8. primary molars have the same number of roots as perm molars; max molars have 3 roots, mand
molars have only 2 roots
9. Only 17% of L roots of max 1st molars have a furcal concavity
10. Max 2nd molar has 3 furcations: F/M/D
12. On proximal surfaces of ant teeth the CEJ curves apically in a ‘V’ shape
a.) On F and L surfaces of ant teeth the CEJ is a gradual convexd curve
b.) CEJ curves less on the F and L surfaces of post teeth
d.) CEJ curves slightly on the proximal surfaces of post teeth
15. The root of a max central incisor is convex, with no root concavities
b.) proximal root concavities are expected on a max canine
c.) root of a mand central incisor has prominent proximal root concavities
d.) proximal root concavities are expected on a mand canine
16. Only max molars have an oblique ridge
17. Max incisor and mand premolar roots are triangular ovoid in shape; the L surface is smaller than
the F creating a wider L embrasure area
27. Max teeth do not overlap the mand teeth
a.) Involves both arches, it is a disturbance in interarch alignment
b.) normal for max teeth to overlap mand teeth
c.) Intercuspation involves post teeth; in a cusp-to-cusp bite there is insufficient intercuspation
28. Protrusion is guided by the incisors, and is called incisal guidance
a.) Canine guide lateral movement
c.) Post teeth disengage protrusive movements
d.) post teeth disengage in protrusive movements
29. A flush, terminal plane relationship of the primary molars will guide the perm 1st molars into an
end-to-end relationship
a.) Primate spaces is a spacing pattern between the maxillary lateral and canine and the mand
canine and 1st primary molar
b.) 1 perm molars will erupt in a normal relationship if there is a terminal step relationship
d.) Tooth version are disturbances in intrarach alignment; versions involve individual tooth
30. Furcations in molars being near the junction of he cervical and middle thirds of the root, 3-5mm
from CEJ
33. #30 is in buccal version, #3 lingual to tooth #30, this is a crossbite
37. Torsoversion refers to the rotation of a tooth in the alveolus
a.) Facial version refers to the F position of a tooth in relation to overall curvature of the arch
b.) Infraversion refers to the less than full eruption of a tooth into occlusion
c.) Supraversion refers to the eruption of a tooth past the occlusal plane
38. Ant teeth normally “sit” at a 60 degree angle to the horizontal plane. This places the crowns in
a definite F position. Overjet is the position of the maxillary teeth in a horizontal direction
39. The axial position in relation to the horizontal plane affects the amt of overjet of ant teeth
a.) The axial position of the man post teeth toward themedican plane brings the F cusps into
intercuspation in the occ surface of the max post teeth
b.) Axial position of max post teeth more parallel to the median plane brings the L cusps into
intercuspation in the occ surface of the man post teeth
d.) L inclination of the crowns of post teeth brings the F cusps into intercuspation in the occ
surface of the max post teeth
1. Which of the following provides the most reliable criterion for differentiating permanent mandibular
central incisors from permanent mandibular lateral incisors?
a. Difference in root length
b. Difference in ratio of crown length to root length
c. Degree of slope of the incisal edge when viewed facially
d. Difference in rotation of the crown on the root
2. How does the distoincisal angle of most anterior teeth compare to the mesioincisal angle?
a) It is straighter
b) It is more rounded
c) There is no difference
3. A cingulum is normally located:
a) At the cervical third of the lingual surface of anterior teeth
b) At the incisal third of the lingual surface of anterior teeth
c) At the middle third of the lingual surface of anterior teeth
d) At the cervical third of the lingual surface of posterior teeth
4. When viewed from the labial or lingual aspect, the crowns of all mandibular and maxillary incisors
appear to have a:
a) Triangular outline
b) Trapezoidal outline
c) Rhomboidal outline
d) rectangular outline
5. Of the two mandibular incisors, which has a root that is larger in all dimensions?
a) Mandibular central incisor
b) Mandibular lateral incisor
6. The mesial and distal aspect (or surfaces) of all anterior teeth have a:
a) Trapezoidal outline
b) Triangular outline
c) Rhomboidal outline
d) Square outline
7. What single feature distinguishes the permanent mandibular lateral incisor from the permanent
mandibular central incisor when looking at them from an incisal view?
a) The lateral incisor has a cingulum that is more centered on the lingual surface
b) The marginal ridges of the lateral are the same length
c) The incisal edge of the lateral has distolingual twist
8. Which of the following is the most common congenitally missing permanent tooth?
a) Maxillary lateral incisor
b) Third molars
c) Mandibular
d) First molars
9) A child has maxillary incisors protrusion, an anterior open bite, crowded, crowded lower anteriors,
and a high palatal vault. Which of the following most likely caused this problem?
a) Mouth breathing
b) Thumb sucking
c) Tongue thrusting
d) Using a pacifier
e) Nocturnal bruxism
10) Where is the most common site for a supernumerary tooth to be found?
a) Mandibular incisor area
b) Maxillary incisor area
c) Mandibular molar area
d) Maxillary molar area
11) Which of the following are succedaneous teeth?
a) The permanent maxillary and mandibular premolars
b) The permanent maxillary and mandibular first molars
c) The permanent maxillary and mandibular second molars
d) The permanent maxillary and mandibular third molars
12) The abnormal or pathological wearing away of tooth structure by a mechanical means is called:
a) Erosion
b) Abrasion
c) Attrition
13) The most distinguishable difference between the maxillary first and second permanent premolars is:
a) The size of the crown
b) The number of roots
c) The curvature of the facial surface
d) The length of the lingual cusp
14) The roots of the maxillary canine are generally:
a) The shortest in the maxillary arch
b) The longest in the dental arch
c) Varied more so than other teeth
d) Nearly equal to the roots of other anterior teeth
15) Which teeth have the most variable crown shape of all permanent teeth?
a) Maxillary lateral incisors
b) Mandibular lateral incisors
c) Maxillary third molars
d) Mandibular second premolars
16) Which tooth frequently exhibits a small fifth cusp attached to the lingual surface of the mesiolingual
a) Maxillary second molar
b) Maxillary first molar
c) mandibular first molar
d) mandibular second molar
17) The smallest tooth in the dental arch is the:
a) Maxillary central incisor
b) Maxillary lateral incisor
c) Mandibular central incisor
d) Mandibular lateral incisor
18) Which tooth may show three types of occlusal surfaces?
a) Maxillary first premolar
b) Mandibular second premolar
c) Mandibular first premolar
d) Maxillary second premolar
19) The largest permanent tooth in the mandibular arch is the:
a) First molar
b) Second molar
c) Third molar
20) Which tooth has a small DL cusp that can be absent, creating a three-cusp tooth?
a) Mandibular second molar
b) Maxillary first molar
c) Mandibular first premolar
d) Maxillary second molar
21) The anterior tooth most likely to have a bifurcated root is the:
a) Maxillary central incisor
b)Mandibular canine
c)Mandibular central incisor
d) Maxillary canine
22) A mesio-lingual developmental groove is a positive ID for the:
a) Maxillary first premolar
b) Mandibular first premolar
c) Maxillary second premolar
d) Mandibular second premolar
23) The most reliable distinguishing feature of the mandibular third molar is the:
a) Fused and compressed root system
b) Short, bulbous outline of the crown
c) Marginal ridge forming a smooth circle
d) Marked distal inclination of the root trunk
e) Great morphologic resemblance to the first molar
24) Which tooth has the longest crown length?
a) Maxillary canine
b) Maxillary lateral incisor
c) Maxillary central incisor
25) Which tooth is most likely to have a pronounced concavity on its mesial surface?
a) Mandibular first premolar
b) Maxillary second premolar
c) Maxillary first premolar
d) Mandibular second premolar
26) Which molar is the most symmetraical?
a) Maxillary second molar
b) Maxillary first molar
c) Mandibular first molar
d) Mandibular second molar
27) Which tooth occasionally exhibits a lingual groove that extends from the enamel onto the cemental
area of the root?
a) Maxillary centrals
b) Mandibular centrals
c) Maxillary laterals
d) Mandibular laterals
28) The dental pulp is a connective tissue that develops from the:
a) Enamel organ
b) Dental papilla
c) Dental sac
29) The main function is cementum is;
a) To compensate for tooth wear by depositing apical cementum
b) Reparative in nature
c) To provide rough surface anchorage for attachment of Sharpey’s fibers
d) Protection of the root surface
30) The peripheral layer of dentin, which is the first layer of dentin deposited, is called:
a) Mantle dentin
b) Peritubular dentin
c) Intertubular dentin
d) Interglobular dentin
31) The primary function of the dental pulp is to:
a) Protect the periodontium
b) Form enamel
c) Form dentin
d) Assure root-end closure
32) Which of the following cells form cementum?
a) Cementoblasts
b) Cementoclasts
c) Cementocytes
d) None of the above
33) The dental lamina is induced to proliferate into a tooth bud by the:
a) Basement membrane
b) Epithelial nerves
c) Ectomesenchyme
d) Oral epithelium
34) Which structure is the remnant of the onset of enamel formation?
a) Cementoenamel junction (CEJ)
b) Dentinoenamel junction (DEJ)
c) Pulp chamber
d) Mucogingival junction (MGJ)
35) The composition of dentin is:
a) 50% organic, 40% inorganic, and 10% water
b) 60% organic, 35% inorganic, and 5% water
c) 20% organic, 70% inorganic, and 10% water
d) 30% organic, 68% inorganic, and 2% water
36) Which layer of the enamel organ is essential for the initiation of dentin formation once enamel is
a) Outer enamel epithelium
b) Inner enamel epithelium
c) Stratum intermedium
d) Stellate reticulum
37) Which of the following dentin is formed very rapidly in response to irritants?
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Reparative
d) Sclerotic
38) The application of excessive heat to a tooth results in pain because:
a) Excessive stimulation of a heat receptor always results in pain
b) Heat receptors in the pulp have a low threshold to pain
c) All stimuli to the pulp results in a pain sensation
d) Blood vessels of the pulp expand and cause strangulation of the tissue
39) The fundamental morphologic unit of enamel is the:
a) Enamel tuft
b) Enamel spindle
c) Enamel rod
d) Enamel lamellae
40) Root formation is dependent on the orderly growth of:
a) Enamel rods
b) Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath
c) The pulp
d) The dental follicle
41) The stage of tooth development in which the physiological process of differentiation occurs to its
fullest extent is called:
a) Initiation
b) Bud stage
c) Cap stage
d) Bell stage
e) Appositional stage
f) Maturation stage
42) In its mature state, enamel is:
a) 47% mineralized
b) 68% mineralized
c) 87% mineralized
d) 96% mineralized
43) Cervical line (or CEJ) contours are closely related to the attachment of the gingival at the neck of the
tooth. The greatest contours of the cervical lines and gingival attachments occur on the:
a) Distal surfaces of anterior teeth
b) Distal surfaces of posterior teeth
c) Mesial surfaces of anterior teeth
d) Mesial surfaces o posterior teeth
44) Both maxillary and mandibular premolars and molars have heights of contour approximately in the
middle third on the:
a) Facial surface of the crown
b) Lingual surface of the crown
c) Distal surface of the crown
d) Mesial surface of the crown
45) The cement-enamel junction (cervical line) of teeth curves towards the apex on the facial and lingual
surfaces and:
a) Towards the apex on the mesial surface
b) Away from the apex on the distal surface
c) Towards the apex on the mesial and distal surfaces
d) Away from the apex on the mesial and distal surfaces
47) Which term refers to tooth contacts while the mandible is in action, such as during mastication and
a) Centric relation
b) Centric occlusion
c) Functional occlusion
48) Which cusp of the maxillary first molar serves as a reference point in identifying Angle’s Class I, II,
and III occlusion?
a) Distobuccal
b) Mesiobuccal
c) Mesiolingual
d) Distolingual
49) Which of the following facial profiles is usually accompanied by a Class II malocclusion?
a) Orthognathic profile
b) Retrognathic profile
c) Prognathic profile
d) None of the above
50) The vertical distance by which maxillary incisors overlap the mandibular incisorsi s referred to as:
a) Overjet
b) Overbite
c) Underjet
d) Openbite
51) A fissured groove is most frequently found on the:
a) Facial surface of maxillary molars
b) Lingual surface of maxillary molars
c) Facial surface of mandibular molars
d) Lingual surface of mandibular molars
52) Which of the following teeth typically have trifurcations?
a) Mandibular molars
b) Maxillary molars
c) Maxillary premolars
d) Mandibular premolars
53) How many roots are visible from the buccal aspect of a maxillary first molar?
a) One root
b) Two roots
c) Three roots
d) Four roots
54) From a developmental viewpoint, all mandibular molars have how many major cusps, as compared
to how many major cusps on maxillary molars?
a) 4:6
55) On a maxillary molar the largest, longest, and strongest of the three roots is the:
a) Mesiobucal
b) Distobuccal
c) Palatal
56) Occlusocervically, the height of the distal marginal ridge of a permanent maxillary first molar is the
same height as the:
a) Mesial marginal ridge of a maxillary second premolar
b) Mesial marginal ridge of a mandibular first molar
c) Mesial marginal ridge of a second molar
d) Distal marginal ridge of a maxillary second premolar
57) The characteristic common to all mandibular first premolars when viewed from the occlusal aspect is
a) The buccal ridge is flat
b) The marginal ridges are underdeveloped
c) The buccal lobe makes up the majority of the tooth
d) The lingual cusp is large
58) Which of the following teeth has a mesial marginal ridge that is distinctly shorter in length and less
prominent in height than the distal marginal ridge?
a) Maxillary first molar
b) Mandibular first premolar
c) Mandibular first molar
d) Maxillary first premolar
59) The mental foramen is located most closely to the apex of the:
a) Mandibular canine
b) Mandibular second premolar
c) Mandibular first molar
d) Maxillary first premolar
60) The buccal and lingual cusps are almost equal in height on the:
a) Maxillary first premolar
b) Maxillary second premolar
61) Which premolar is the only one that has mesial buccal cusp ridge that is longer than its distal buccal
cusp ridge?
a) Maxillary first premolar
b) Maxillary second premolar
c) Mandibuar first premolar
d) Mandibular second premolar
62) Any union of two triangular ridges produces a single ridge which is called:
a) A cusp ridge
b) A marginal ridge
c) A transverse ridge
d) A proximal ridge
63) A V-shaped area located between the contact point of two teeth and the gingival crest is called:
a) A contact area
b) An occlusal curvature
c) A gingival space
d) An embrasure
64) All of the following are true concerning developmental grooves, EXCEPT one. Which one is the
a) They are broad, deep, linear, depressions
b) They are formed during tooth development
c) They usually separate the primary parts of the crown or root
d) They are important escape ways for cusps during lateral and protrusive jaw motions and for
food particles during mastication
65) A small elevation of enamel found on the crown portion of a tooth would be classified as a:
a) Tubercle
b) Mammelon
c) Ridge
d) Developmental depression
66) A long depression or a V-shaped valley on the occlusal surface of a posterior tooth between ridges
and cusps is referred to as a:
a) Fossa
b) Fissure
c) Pit
d) Sulcus
67) The minimum number of lobes from which any tooth may develop is:
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
68) The interdental space is the (that):
a) Occlusal (incisal border) at which the gingival meets the tooth
b) Portion of the gingival that fills the interproximal space
c) Collar of tissue that is not attached to the tooth or alveolar bone
d) Band or zone or gray to light or coral pink keratinized masticatory mucosa that is firmly bound
down to the underlying bone
69) Which of the following statements concerning proximal contact areas is true.
a) They support neighboring teeth, which thereby stabilizes dental arches
b) They prevent food particles from entering the interproximal areas
c) They protect the interdental papillae of the gingival by shunting food toward the buccal and
lingual areas
d)They form embrasures
e) All of the above statements concerning proximal contact areas are true
70) Which of the following types of ridges is unique to permanent maxillary molars?
a) A labial ridge
b) A marginal ridge
c) An oblique ridge
d) A transverse ridge
71) The meeting of three surfaces on a tooth is called a:
a) Line angle
b) Point angle
c) Midline
d) Developmental depression
72) A maxillary right canine may be distinguished from a maxillary left canine because:
a) The root always curves to the distal in the apical one-third
b) The distal surface is fuller and more convex than the mesial surface
c) Labially, the cusp tip is placed distal to a line which bisects the crown and root
d) Lingually, the cervical line slopes mesially
73) Which cusp ridge is the longest on the permanent canines?
a) Labial
b) Lingual
c) Mesial
d) Distal
74) A labial ridge is;
a) A ridge running cervicoincisally in approximately the center of the labial surface of the
b) A ridge running cervicoincisally in approximately the center of the labial surface of the
c) A ridge running cervicoincisally in approximately the center of the labial surface of the laterals
d) A ridge running cervicoincisally in approximately the center of the labial surface of the molars
75) In comparison with the mandibular permanent canine, the maxillary permanent canine in the same
a) Is narrower mesiodistally
b) Has a less pronounced cingulum
c) Is wider mesiodistally
d) Has a shorter root
76) Primate spaces occur in about:
a) 10% of children
b) 25% of children
c) 50% of children
d) 75% of children
77) Ordinarily, a six-year-old child would have what teeth clinically visible in the mouth?
a) All (20) primary teeth and 4 permanent first molars
b) 18 primary teeth and 2 permanent mandibular central incisors
c) 18 primary teeth, 2 permanent mandibular central incisors, and 4 permanent first molars
78) All of the following statements are true, EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
a) The primary teeth are lighter in color than the permanent teeth
b) The pulp cavities are proportionately smaller in primary teeth
c) In general, the crowns of primary teeth are more bulbous and constricted than the
permanent counterpart
d) The crown surfaces of all primary teeth are much smoother than the permanent teeth (in
other words, there is less evidence of pits and grooves)
79)The primary maxillary lateral incisor typically erupts when a child is about:
a) 8 months old
b) 16-22 months old
c) 13-19 months old
d) 25-33 months old
80) The primary first molars are usually exfoliated between what ages?
a) 6-8 years old
b) 7-9 years old
b) 9-11 years old
c) 8-10 years old
d) 12-14 years old
81) The permanent maxillary lateral incisor typically erupts around what age?
a) 6-7 years old
b) 8-9 years old
c) 11-12 years old
d) 12-14 years old
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