CC 20.1/30.1
Demonstrate comprehension of visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts addressing themes
CC 20.4/30.4
Read and demonstrate comprehension & appreciation of informational & literary texts.
Cues and
CC20.4 (c)
Use the mechanics of language to make writing clear.
Write an Expository Essay that includes
a vague thesis statement limited details/ evidence to support thesis
loosely coherent (vaguely focused on topic/thesis) paragraphs
ineffective progression of ideas to support topic/thesis
Effective and clear organizational patterns (essay structure)
a vague introduction
Includes limited information needed for the reader to understand; examples and explanations may be irrelevant.
Conclusion is vague.
Purpose and Intended audience
Demonstrates limited understanding of formal writing conventions (third-person, no contractions or personal pronouns, etc.).
Confused use of Canadian English
Use of form
Limited use of transitional words and phrases to link ideas in writing.
Confused use of the organizational pattern of an expository essay
Sentence Structure
Demonstrates limited control of grammar, sentence and paragraph structure
Spelling and Word Choice
Demonstrates limited control of mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.)
Write a basic Expository Essay that includes
An general thesis statement adequate details/ evidence to support thesis
basic coherent (generally focused on topic/thesis) paragraphs
simplistic progression of ideas to support topic/thesis
Effective and clear organizational patterns (essay structure) that includes
A basic introduction
Includes accurate information needed for the reader to understand; examples and explanations generally supports focus.
Conclusion is simplistic and repeats the main ideas.
Purpose and Intended audience
Demonstrates partial understanding of formal writing conventions (third-person, no contractions or personal pronouns, etc.).
adequate use of Canadian English
Use of form
Attempts to use transitional words and phrases to link ideas in writing.
Partial use of the organizational pattern of an expository essay
Sentence Structure
Generally demonstrates control of grammar, sentence and paragraph structure
Spelling and Word Choice
Generally demonstrates control of mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.)
Write a well-developed Expository
Essay that includes
a coherent thesis statement
Accurate, appropriate and convincing details/ evidence to support thesis
unified and coherent (focused on topic/thesis) paragraphs
Logical progression of ideas to support topic/thesis
Effective and clear organizational patterns (essay structure) that includes
an interesting introduction
Includes thorough, detailed, clear information needed for the reader to understand; examples and explanations directly supports focus.
Conclusion is logical and restates the main ideas.
Purpose and Intended audience
Demonstrates understanding of formal writing conventions (thirdperson, no contractions or personal pronouns, etc.).
Appropriate use of Canadian
Use of form
Uses transitional words and phrases to clearly link ideas in writing.
Uses the organizational pattern of an expository essay
Sentence Structure
Demonstrates appropriate control of grammar, sentence and paragraph structure
Spelling and Word Choice
Demonstrates control of mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.)
Write an Expository Essay that includes
An insightful thesis statement
Thoughtful, appropriate and convincing details/ evidence to support thesis
unified and coherent (purposefully focused on topic/thesis) paragraphs
Strategic progression of ideas to support topic/thesis
Effective and clear organizational patterns (essay structure) that includes
A compelling introduction
Includes thorough, convincing, clear information needed for the reader to understand; examples and explanations directly supports focus.
Conclusion is insightful and clarifies the main ideas.
Purpose and Intended audience
Demonstrates a precise understanding of formal writing conventions (third-person, no contractions or personal pronouns, etc.).
Appropriate use of Canadian
Use of form
Strategically uses transitional words and phrases to link ideas in writing.
Precise use of the organizational pattern of an expository essay
Sentence Structure
Demonstrates precise control of grammar, sentence and paragraph structure
Spelling and Word Choice
Demonstrates comprehensive control of mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.)