Northwest Coastal People This month we are learning about Early

Northwest Coastal People
This month we are learning about Early
Northwest Coastal People. We will mainly
read about three different tribes; the
Tlingit, the Haidas and the Makah. Below
are some resources that we will use in class,
as well as some that will be useful when
you start your Totem Pole homework
project. Scroll down for the project directions.
Click on the map link to see where the tribes are located.
Northwest Coastal People
Tribe Information Links
Tlingit Sites
Fact for kids
Tlingit Nation
Haida Sites
Haida facts
Haida Tribe
Makah Sites
Makah History
Makah Legends
An easy read about NW Coastal People
Lots of easy facts about daily life
Plank Houses
Diagram of Plank House
More Plank House information
Northwest Coastal People
Constructing a Totem Pole
Contrary to what most people believe and understand about
totem poles, the Haida people constructed these poles, not for
religious purposes, but to preserve their culture and heritage
for future generations. To the untrained eye, totems are
carvings of religious figures and coastal animals, but to the
Haida people these poles held a deeper meaning.
Totem Pole Resources
Good example of totem pole and story
How raven stole the Sun
Northwest Coastal People
Making a Totem Pole
Legend of the First Totem Pole
The meaning of Totem Poles
Select, then click on meaning
Common Figures in Totem Poles
Great ideas to help you get started on your Totem Pole
Example of a story you can write
Totem Pole Craft
Totem Pole Symbols
Northwest Coastal People
Writing Resources
Stretch a paragraph into an essay
Their essay should include a 2 to 3 sentence intro, about 6 sentences for each of the 3 body paragraphs
(3 supporting details with at least 1 explanation sentences about each) and a 2 to 3 sentence conclusion.
Green, yellow, red, yellow, red, yellow,red,green
Northwest Coastal People
Homework Project: Jan.6th-Jan. 31st
Final due date: Friday Jan. 31st
Now that you know all about Northwest Coastal People and the Totem Poles that they make,
now it is your turn to create something about what you have learned.
Our project consists of two parts.
1. Choose a 3-D Project to share
a)Design and create a totem pole. About the size of a paper towel holder would be
about right, but be as creative as you want. Look back at the sites of examples and
craft projects to help you. You can use one of the designs shown or make up your
own idea.
b) Create a 3-D village scene of NW Coastal People.
c) Create a longhouse with a removable lid. Create the inside scene of the
2. Research which ever project you decided to create. Write an essay about your
topic. If you choose totem poles, you would write an essay about NW coastal
totem poles: Why were they made, what did the different symbols mean, etc..
If you choose to create a village, research a particular tribe and tell how they
lived and finally, if you choose the long house, research longhouses and how
they played a role in NW coastal people’s lives. How was life in the long house?
Did everyone live in the house all year long?
Northwest Coastal People