Examples of APA guidelines with Microsoft Word 2013 Books, Chapters, Websites, Journals, Newspaper articles, Audiovisual sources, Bibliographies In your Word 2013 document click on the References tab Click on the arrow next to Style and select APA (this is the sixth and newest edition) Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite Click on Insert Citation and then Add New Source Example 1: Books By clicking on the ‘Edit’ button you can edit and/or add the names of authors individually, for example to differentiate between first and last names. First names may also be replaced by the initials. To add more information about a source, for instance the edition, click on Show All Bibliography Fields. Original editions do not have to be mentioned according to the APA style. Click ‘OK’ and your citation is added to the text: Click on the arrow to add a page number to you citation. This is not obligatory when you are paraphrasing. Example 2: Chapters from a book A chapter from a book is mentioned only if the author/editor of the chapter differs from the author/editor of the entire book. If the author of the chapter has also written the rest of the book, the chapter is not mentioned separately. In this example no author is given, there are only editors. Fill in their names by clicking the Show All Bibliography Fields check box. Click OK and your citation is added to the text: The name that appears in the text belongs to the chapter; click on the arrow to add a page number to you citation. This is not obligatory when you are paraphrasing. Example 3: Websites In this example no author is given, only the organisation. Fill in the name of the organisation by clicking the Corporate Author check box. The name of the website doesn’t have to be added. In this example there is no date available, when this is the case, fill in ‘n.d.’ (meaning “no date”). To add the date on which you consulted the website (this is obligatory) click the Show All Bibliography Fields check box. Click OK and your citation is added to the text: Websites do not have page numbers, so you are done here. Example 4: Journals By clicking on the Edit button you can edit and/or add the names of authors individually, for example to differentiate between first and last names. First names may also be replaced by the initials. Fill in the year and number of the journal (this is obligatory) by clicking on the Show All Bibliography Fields check box. Type the number in the Edition box. Click OK and your citation is added to the text: Click on the arrow to add a page number to you citation. This is not obligatory when you are paraphrasing. In this example there are five authors. When the same publication is cited again, you list only the first author, followed by et al. (Latin for “and others”), in this example: (Smeijsters et al., 2012) Word 2013 will automatically fill in all authors, even when it’s not supposed to. You can manually adjust this by clicking on the citation and then click Convert citation to static text. For more information, check: How to refer and do in-text citation for a source with multiple authors? When citing an article from an online journal you can include a URL or DOI by clicking the Show All Bibliography Fields check box. Example 5: Newspaper articles By clicking on the Edit button you can edit and/or add the names of authors individually, for example to differentiate between first and last names. First names may also be replaced by the initials. In your bibliography, Word 2013 lists the dates as follows: ‘2013, June 24’. This is the English order. You can manually adjust the day and month to the Dutch order (year, day, month). Click OK and your citation is added to the text: Click on the arrow to add a page number to your citation. This is not obligatory when you are paraphrasing. Note: an article from a website or one that you retrieved from LexisNexis counts as an internet source. Example 6: Audiovisual sources In this example the Show All Bibliography Fields check box is already checked because the standard version only provides the options Title, Director and Year. Instead of the country name you can also fill in the editor’s name. Click OK and your citation is added to the text: Example 7: Creating a bibliography To create a bibliography, click at the end of your document. On the References tab click Bibliography. The six examples that are named above will appear as follows: Bruyn, P. (2013, juni 24). Wat Bruce kan, dat kan Bruce alleen. Leeuwarder Courant, p. 24. Donk, C. v., & Lanen, B. v. (2011). Praktijkonderzoek in zorg en welzijn. Bussum: Coutinho. Lürsen, J. (Regisseur). (2009). Alles is liefde [Film]. Amsterdam: A-Film. Mastenbroek, J. (2004). Plaatsbepaling. In J. Mastenbroek, M. v. Persie, G. Rijnja, & B. d. Vries (Red.), Public relations: De communicatie van organisaties (5 ed., pp. 3-13). Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwer. Rijksoverheid. (z.d.). Wat is de overheid van plan met de publieke omroep? Opgeroepen op augustus 11, 2014, van http://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/media-en-publiekeomroep/vraag-en-antwoord/wat-is-de-overheid-van-plan-met-de-publieke-omroep.html Smeijsters, H., Beurskens, S., Reverda, N., Gielen, X., & Pénzes, I. (2012). Het Evidence Beest in de vaktherapie: Een verheldering van de begrippen Evidence Based Practice en Practice Based Evidence. Tijdschrift voor vaktherapie, 8(2), 11-18. Although the main part is correct, some citations differ from the Dutch APA style. The ones that do are highlighted in orange: Bruyn, P. (2013, 24 juni). Wat Bruce kan, dat kan Bruce alleen. Leeuwarder Courant, p. 24. Donk, C. van der, & Lanen, B. van. (2011). Praktijkonderzoek in zorg en welzijn. Bussum: Coutinho. Lürsen, J. (Regisseur). (2009). Alles is liefde [Dvd]. Amsterdam: A-Film. Mastenbroek, J. (2004). Plaatsbepaling. In J. Mastenbroek, M. van Persie, G. Rijnja, & B. de Vries (Red.), Public relations: De communicatie van organisaties (5e druk) (pp. 3-13). Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwer. Rijksoverheid. (z.d.). Wat is de overheid van plan met de publieke omroep?. Geraadpleegd op 11 augustus 2014, van http://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/media-enpublieke/omroep/vraag-en-antwoord/wat-is-de-overheid-van-plan-met-de-publiekeomroep.html Smeijsters, H., Beurskens, S., Reverda, N., Gielen, X., & Pénzes, I. (2012). Het Evidence Beest in de Vaktherapie: Een verheldering van de begrippen Evidence Based Practice en Practice Based Evidence. Tijdschrift voor vaktherapie, 8 (2), 11-18.