Terms and Conditions for Ozvoxaudio.com By signing up at

Terms and Conditions for Ozvoxaudio.com
By signing up at Ozvoxaudio.com, you agree to be bound by out terms and conditions. Please
read them carefully, including the limitations contained in this agreement.
1. General Presentation of Services
Ozvoxaudio.com is an open, international, online trading platform in which voice talents have the capacity
to supply, a variety of professional voice-over (VO) recording services to potential clients, or voice
seekers, which hereinafter will be referred to as contractors.
Under voice talents, we include voice artists who can deliver a professional reading of scripts and can
record their voice providing industry standard audio quality.
Under contractors, we include recording studios, radio and TV stations, advertising companies, digital
agencies as well as audio and video producers.
Voice Talents
Registered voice talents will have a number of tools to promote their voicing services to contractors at
their disposal on this online trading platform. Voicing services from registered voice artists may include
the recording of commercials, e-learning courses, corporate presentations, audio books, IVR phone
messages, tutorials, GPS navigation systems, video games, radio and TV ads and presentations as well
as all kinds of narrations and character dubbings.
Ozvoxaudio.com provides voice talents three different paid membership plans (dependent on number of
demos uploaded) through which they can create a business profile (i.e. an active online voice-over shop
or trading platform addressing the voice-over needs of contractors). The registered talent should publish
professional experience, references and technical capacity (microphones, preamps, sound card,
soundproof home studio, etc.). Ozvoxaudio.com endeavours to enhance the trading platform with a
number of tools that will allow the voice talent to better sell their services to contractors.
Ozvoxaudio.com also strives to provide professional advice to the registered voice talent on how to
improve and optimize their online presence with the purpose of attaining voice-over jobs.
Ozvoxaudio.com actively promotes the voicing services from registered talents through its network of
partnerships with audio-visual contractors. Using online marketing and communication strategies, the
Ozvoxaudio.com team will advertise its talent bank to a global target audience of via various media.
In exchange for the online trading platform and the active promotion of their VO services, the voice artist
is charged a predetermined monthly fee by Ozvoxaudio.com according to the membership plan available.
Contractors use the trading platform completely free of charge without paying any commission or fee.
By registering, a voice seeker legitimizes itself as a contractor by supplying his identity, company details
and full contact information. Once registered, the voice seeker can select the talents by listening to their
online samples and reading about their references and experience. To order a voice-over service from a
selected talent, the contractor should connect with the voice talent either through a live chat, e-mail or
phone call. The contractor can then negotiate both the price and conditions of the required voicing
service, including delivery date, technical and artistic requirements as well as payment terms.
The contractor will pay the chosen talents the agreed price without intervention from Ozvoxaudio.com.
Payment for the voice-over service is done directly to full benefit of the artist. No commission or fee will
be paid in the transaction either by the voice talent or the contractor.
2. Fees for Voice Talents
As a membership site, Ozvoxaudio.com will charge voice-talents a monthly non-refundable fee depending
on the chosen plan.
Your commitment is to Ozvox Audio is non-exclusive. You can continue to accept outside work without
the need to inform us and any work sourced for you by Ozvox Audio is negotiable as to the terms and
conditions of your contract. Ozvox Audio will not charge any deduction for any work generated by your
inclusion on the website, even if the work continues for the client we source for you after the initial job.
Your Profile
Your listing will consist of the following:
Your photo (We recommend a professional headshot)
Your resume and/or bio
Demo(s) in mp3 format
Add Extra Demos
We offer a low cost monthly charge if you wish to add extra demos on your voice talent profile.
We have 3 options available:
2 demos - $3.97 per month
3-5 demos - $6.97 per month
6-10 demos - $10.97 per month
Choose whichever option suits you and click the appropriate checkbox when you register.
If you require a currency converter go to www.xe.net/ucc
All fees are paid upon subscription of the plan using PayPal. Therefore, the subscriber should have an
operational account with that online payment service. The monthly subscription fee will be automatically
billed and charged by Ozvoxaudio.com unless the voice talent cancels the service in advance either using
the PayPal cancellation form or by notifying Ozvoxaudio.com staff by e-mail (admin@ozvoxmedia.com)
3. Application of Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions shall apply in every transaction Ozvoxaudio.com undertakes with voice
talents, contractors and third parties. The site is not responsible for the contents published by the voice
talents or the information provided by contractors. Also, the site cannot be made liable for uncompleted
services or any conflict between the voice talent and the contractor. The contractual agreement
concluded between the two parties will not engage Ozvoxaudio.com in any case. Any disagreement
should be solved between both parties. The use of this membership site constitutes acceptance of
Ozvoxaudio.com terms and conditions.
4. Registration
Voice Talents
To access and use the online selling platform, voice talents should register with Ozvoxaudio.com and
register for one of the four plans available. A voice talent will be allowed to use the site after approving
Ozvoxaudio.com terms and conditions. Only proven professional voice talents with access to recording
facilities are eligible. Ozvoxaudio.com can inquire into the candidate's professional services and
background and may refuse his or her registration if their offer doesn't reach a professional standard both
as a voice artist and as recording studio. Membership to Ozvoxaudio.com is effective after full payment of
the chosen plan. It will be automatically renewed after each month unless the voice talent expresses their
wish to cancel the subscription.
5. Terms of Use
Voice Talents
The voice artist should carefully supervise and regularly update their profile on Ozvoxaudio.com. The
talent should apply this due diligence regarding the uploaded information and samples. The talent shall
be held liable if the information they communicates is incorrect, false or misleading. Promotional texts,
contact information, photos, videos and samples should not violate any third party rights. The voice artist
shall be held exclusively liable in cases of copyright violation.
Ozvoxaudio.com reserves the right to check all data from its subscribers to ascertain the professionalism
and authenticity of the services offered. Ozvoxaudio.com can suspend a subscriber account in a case of
unprofessional behaviour and services, illegal conduct or recurrent reclamations from contractors.
Ozvoxaudio.com will provide the necessary tools to allow voice talents to market their voicing services in
the most effective way possible. Ozvoxaudio.com will monitor projects between a voice talent and a
contractor. Ozvoxaudio.com can delete a subscriber account in cases of infringement of the current terms
and conditions or in cases of law violation.
The use of Ozvoxaudio.com for purposes other than the presentation, promotion and selling of voice-over
services to contractors is considered as an infringement of the current terms and conditions.
Sales of other products or services are prohibited and will be legally prosecuted. Such an infringement
will result in an immediate account suspension.
6. Customer Support
Ozvoxaudio.com will provide support to voice talents in order to help them make the most of the trading
platform. Our support does not include customizing the voice talent profile.
7. Money Back Guarantee
Ozvoxaudio.com offers voice talents a 30-day money back guarantee starting on the subscription date.
We deduct administrative, exchange rate and PayPal costs from the full amount that the subscriber paid
when choosing their plan. The voice talent who wishes to apply for this money back guarantee should
send an e-mail to admin@ozvoxmedia.comexplaining the reason for this decision. This feedback allows
Ozvoxaudio.com to improve the service. No refunds will be given beyond the 30-day money back
8. Upgrading the Subscription Plan
Ozvoxaudio.com allows the voice talent to upgrade their plan at any time. If the upgrade is requested
within the first 30 days after subscription date, the voice talent will pay the difference between the new
plan and the old one. After 30 days, the full amount of the new plan will be charged, and no refund will be
given for the old plan.
Upgrading a subscription plan can be done taking the following steps:
1. Go to Dashboard > Edit Profile.
2. You can select the new plan you wish to subscribe by clicking on the Upgrade (Pro or Premium) tab.
3. Fill out and upload the new features.
4. Click "Upgrade my profile."
5. Proceed with payment on the Dashboard page and follow the instructions.
6. If the transaction was successful, you'll be brought to a thank you page.
8. Cancellation
Voice Talents
Members may cancel their subscription to Ozvoxaudio.com at any given time but at least 10 days before
the expiration date of the purchased plan. They can do so by filling out a cancellation form from PayPal or
by notifying Ozvoxaudio.com staff of their decision through e-mail.
Upon the expiring date of the purchased plan, Ozvoxaudio.com will suspend both the publication and
advertisement of voice talent data, including their business profile and voice samples. This suspension
means putting all information that the voice talent uploaded in our servers when he subscribed the service
offline. If the voice talent wishes to stop the publication of both their profile and samples before the
expiration date, they can do so by notifying Ozvoxaudio.com by e-mail.
Members cannot claim any refund of the subscription fee to Ozvox Audio, even if the cancellation takes
place several months before the expiration date. However, data and samples remain as the exclusive
property of the subscriber who can opt to erase them from the Ozvoxaudio.com' database. The
subscriber can also keep their data and samples in Ozvoxaudio.com' database for a period of one year
without incurring any charges or payment to Ozvoxaudio.com. This option allows the voice talent to
reactivate their profile within the maximum term of one year.
9. Disclaimer of warranty
Ozvoxaudio.com provides no guarantees regarding transactions agreed upon on this VO trading site
between voice-over talents and contractors. Therefore, Ozvoxaudio.com cannot be held liable in any way
for any losses or damages and will not assume any liability in cases of cancelled orders, unpaid or
interrupted services or any other conflict between the parties. In particular, Ozvoxaudio.com shall not be
held responsible if the voice talent is unable to fulfil the contractor's requirements, complete a voice-over
job or meet a deadline.
Ozvoxaudio.com shall provide no warranty for incorrect or distorted data provided by voice-over talents or
contractors. Likewise, Ozvoxaudio.com cannot be held responsible for any data loss or errors that might
appear on the site.
Ozvoxaudio.com endeavours to ensure a maximum availability of its trading platform using a network of
powerful servers, but by no means can it provide a guarantee of uninterrupted service. Therefore,
Ozvoxaudio.com does not claim any liability for losses resulting from a temporary unavailability.
A recurrent interruption of dysfunction of the service can result in a refund to the voice talent. Any other
compensation claim for eventual losses resulting from the interruption of the online service is excluded.
10. Responsibility
Ozvoxaudio.com is not obligated or responsible for any damage to the voice talent's or the contractor's
property resulting from the use of the site, such as loss of data, inaccurate information on webpages or
emails, viruses, intrusions, failed service or other problems that could occur during the online sale
process, which includes all activity from the initial contact, the exchange of materials and final delivery of
recordings from the voice talent to the contractor. Ozvoxaudio.com takes no responsibility for content
featured through external links because they are beyond our control.
All content, online services, products and software on this membership site are provided "as is," including
faults, without any warranty either expressed or implied.
11. Intellectual Property
All of the elements of the Ozvoxaudio.com website remain exclusively the intellectual property of
Ozvoxaudio.com. No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, rebroadcast or use in any capacity
whatsoever, not even partially, the elements contained in the Ozvoxaudio.com membership website. The
reproduction of audio, video, pictures, designs, trademarks, logos or any proprietary information
contained in Ozvoxaudio.com website is forbidden.
Permission to use links directing to the Ozvoxaudio.com site should be formally requested prior to use.
12. Use of Personal Company Data
The voice talent is the sole owner of their personal and professional data. They can disclose that
information for commercial purposes either publicly by publishing it on their voice-over selling platform or
privately by supplying it to a contractor.
The personal and company information related to the voice talent or the contractor will not be
communicated or sold to third parties.
Ozvoxaudio.com has the right to collect information from both the voice talent and the contractor,
including through the use of cookies, respecting current international legislation.
Voice talents and contractors have the right to access and correct any of their data as processed by
13. Indemnity
By accepting these terms and conditions, the voice talent agrees to indemnify Ozvoxaudio.com staff for
any expenses, fees, legal action costs, claims or liabilities or any investigations resulting from the
violation of these terms and conditions. You also agree not to hold Ozvoxaudio.com owners responsible
in case of any accusation that the current site violates intellectual property rights or misuses a third party's
business information.
14. Settlement of Disputes
The Australia law supersedes the conditions of online sales.
In case of disputes, the courts of the jurisdiction of Tasmania will determine liability.
These terms and conditions are effective as of February 1st, 2014.
Ozvox Media Pty Ltd
PO Box 144, New Town Tasmania 7008 AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61 4 00935665
E-Mail: admin@ozvoxmedia.com
© 2014 ozvoxaudio.com. All rights reserved worldwide.