3. REQUIREMENTS AND CRITERIA FOR OPTICAL TWEEZERS 3.1 – Existing Optical Tweezers Experiment, its Limitations, and Requirements Development (WHY WE CHOSE THIS EXP) – is it a mandatory course? The existing optical tweezers apparatus, Optical Trapping Kit by Thorlabs, is a new lab within the Department of Physics that has been designed for use in an advanced teaching laboratory. The equipment has been tested, however, there is currently no provision for laser safety. The optical tweezers employ a 980nm trap laser with a maximum power output of 330mW. According to the manufacturer, the laser beam is predominantly encased by lens tubes, is not operated at the maximum power, and an exposed beam diverges after encountering the sample. As such, the system is considered to be a Class 1 laser when fully assembled and functioning appropriately [H2]. A Class 1 laser is enclosed to prevent contact between a person and the exposed laser beam [H1]. High-powered lasers are also included in this classification, so long as the enclosure prevents exposure and cannot be opened without turning off the laser. If the trap is not completely assembled or the laser beam is exposed, the system is classified as a Class 3B laser (power is 5-500mW) and is considered hazardous. This may be the case while a user performs beam alignment. Thus, this system requires a set-up that is safe for undergraduate student use and can be classified as a Class 1 laser. Furthermore, a protocol for the optical tweezers experiment was developed by ______ [name of summer student], an ____(undergrad?) summer student. This experiment will be utilized by the Department of Physics for the 3rd/4th year Advanced Physics Laboratories (course code) upon achieving a laser safe setup. Thus, the existing protocol must be tested and revised to include safety precautions and appropriate details. Which course will it be used for? [H3] PHY327/427/428/429 (Engineering) PHY424/426/428/429 (A&S) *interlock from being on when exposed 3.2 – Optical Tweezers Equipment Constraints The following are technical constraints for the optical tweezers apparatus, developed in consultation with Professor Bailey, Sandu Sonoc and Professor Ryu: A1 A2 A3 The Optical Tweezers experiment must be made safe for undergraduate students who have not taken the full day laser safety course and should be classified as a Class 1 laser. The optical tweezers employ a 980nm laser with a maximum power output of 330mW. If the laser is exposed, it is considered a Class 3B laser. Appropriate measures must be taken to enclose the optical path of the beam. If the enclosure is opened for beam alignment, the laser power output must be reduced to 5mW (Class 1). The light path where the beam is exposed to air should be enclosed. The fibre optic should be enclosed. It would be helpful to be able to observe the fibre optic under the enclosure. A4 A5 A6 A7 The beam enclosures are to be locked or sealed with security screws as the beam will be pre-aligned. The reflected beam should not leak out from the sample stage, and the user must be able to move the sample stage using the knobs. There are x, y, and z knobs for sample stage movement. These must be accessible when the beam is on. Budgetary constraints: Additional components added onto the existing apparatus should not exceed CDN $1000. You will want to think about what silly things students might do. The one that immediately came to mind is that if something wasn't working, some student might start disassembling things to see what is wrong, e.g. remove the top camera mount and look down. Your design needs to prevent (i.e. make difficult) such things, while allowing students to do what they need to do with as little hindrance as is consistent with safety. 3.3 – Experimental Constraints The optical tweezers experiment is designed for use by students in the Undergraduate Advanced Physics Laboratories (APL). The goals for the APL include presenting the student with the “opportunity to work on interesting and challenging experiments, deepen their understanding of the underlying Physics, and to further develop laboratory, analysis and communication skills.” [H3]. As well, the “experiments in this course are designed to form a bridge to current experimental research. A wide range of experiments are available using contemporary techniques and equipment. Many of the experiments can be carried out with a focus on instrumentation.” [H5]. As such, the following development of constraints that constitute a “good laboratory experiment” ranging from experimental constraints, to the experimental protocol and method of evaluation will reflect the objectives of the APL as well as approaches considered in educational journals. Experiment Constraints: B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 The experimental procedure should be within 18 hours over the course of 3 weeks. Advanced Physics Laboratory structure. The room door must be closed and locked with a temporary “Laser Work in Progress” sign placed outside the room door. This sign can be provided by Sandu Sonoc, the Senior Radiation Safety Officer. Appropriate laser safety glasses must be worn at all times when using the equipment. The beam will be pre-aligned prior to the student commencing the lab. The beam should be turned off when changing samples. Changing the sample involves moving somewhat reflective material in and out of the beam path. The beam must be turned off when this occurs. Normally, no light should reflect out when changing the sample, but there is a chance that if someone sticks something in (eg. A pen to indicate the beam position), then inserting an object may cause the beam to reflect wildly. The laser power supply key should be kept by the technologist. The experiment should be carried out individually. In accordance with APL structure. Student Assessment: C1 C2 C3 C4 The mark composition for the laboratory should not be completely data-driven, and should include a combination of data analysis within the student’s lab notebook as well as more general questions pertaining to the lab that assess the student’s understanding. It should also include a discussion with the TA/Professor regarding the results obtained. This is in accordance with APL structure, and the consultation with the TA/Professor would enhance oral and written communicability of technical material [H6]. Adequate time must be provided to the student for completion of the lab write-up. Pre-lab??? Or shouldn’t include this? The write-up should include a brief discussion of a research paper that utilizes Optical Tweezers to bridge the experiment to current experimental research [H5]. Experimental Protocol: D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Clear and succinct safety instructions must be given to the students through the experimental write-up, from the instructor, and displayed on the wall near the equipment. The experiment should present a challenge in figuring out the instrumentation and include more general instructions rather than a detailed procedure so as to be more engaging. This is in accordance with the APL structure. Learning style?? The entire experiment should be divided into sections or a series of experiments that investigate different concepts. The experiment should not be repetitive or tedious. A more detailed experimental protocol should be provided to the TA/Professor to enable them to assist the students when necessary. This should detail the potential pitfalls that may be encountered [H4]. The protocol should include the background and theory pertaining to the lab, as well as clearly detailed schematics of the apparatus. [H4] A list of relevant websites that will aid the student in understanding the laboratory concepts or equipment should be included. The experiment should incorporate a variety of skills and techniques [H4]. Training: E1 E2 E3 The TA/Professor present during the laboratory session should be well acquainted with the experimental procedure and apparatus and should be available for assistance. The student must require minimal initial training in order to execute the lab. An introduction to the lab should be given by the TA/Professor to acquaint the student with the lab concepts, the equipment, expectations and clearly stated safety instructions. Appendix: Figure #: Optical trapping kit by Thorlabs, including ITC-510 controller [H2]. Figure #: Schematic diagram of Optical Trapping kit Optical trapping kit by Thorlabs, including ITC-510 controller [H2]. 7.5 – Team Qualifications (CV statements and courses taken) Courses completed: ESC101, MAT194, PHY180, ECE159, ESC102, ECE352, AER201, ESC202, ECE360, BME340, BME496, <<ADD everyone else’s – optics, Shannon>>. Technical competencies and other relevant experience: - Hasmita: o Electromechanical member of design team for AER201 o Use of iterative approach for system development o Experience with Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering lab protocols and designing a protocol for engineering nanoparticles with specific properties o Teaching Assistant at UofT’s da Vinci Engineering Enrichment Program (DEEP) for Medical, Bio-medical and Chemistry courses for students in grades 9-12 o Assistant teacher at Xincon College – developed course material and lectures o Tutored several middle-school students in Math, English, Social Studies and French - Laura: o Laser Safety training o Electromechanical member of design team for AER201 o - Shannon: o Responsible for creation of circuitry for AER201 - Maryam: o Electromechanical member of design team for AER201 o Overall Abilities: - Strong leadership abilities and organizational skills - Ability to carry out tasks logically and systematically through research and incorporation of client feedback - Experience working efficiently in a multidisciplinary team - Experienced with development of technical documentation for design projects and presentations to client - Excellent oral communication and interpersonal skills - Proficiency in: MS Office 2007, MATLAB, <<programming, circuits, etc.>>, Labview? References: [H1] http://www.lasermet.com/resources/classification_overview.php [H2] http://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=3959 [H3] http://www2.physics.utoronto.ca/~phy326/ [H4] E. Bell, “Laboratory Exercises”, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, vol. 29, no. 3, 2001. [Online]. Available: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.15393429.2001.tb00086.x/pdf. Accessed Sept 26, 2010. [H5] Engineering Academic Calendar 2010 – 2011 http://www.undergrad.engineering.utoronto.ca/Assets/UndergradEng+Digital+Assets/calenda r1011/Chapter+8.pdf [H6] Panel on Undergraduate Engineering Education, Committee on the Education and Utilization of the Engineer, Commission on Education and Technical Systems, National Research Council. Engineering Undergraduate Education. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1986, pp.82. [Online]. Available: http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=589&page=82. Accessed Sept 26, 2010.