231. Drury CG (2005) Manual materials handling implications of

Interview guide – warehouse managers
1. Would you please introduce yourself, your
background and experience in warehousing and
material handling?
2. Would you please give a brief introduction about
your company and its business?
3. If you want to rank the issues and problems in your
warehouse, what would be the problems and their
ranking? (These concerns may fit into any of the
aspects of your business, for instance physical
structure, performance evaluation, cooperation with
other companies and departments, warehousing
operations, etc.)
4. If you compare your current problems and priorities
with problems and priorities you had some years
ago, what would be the difference? What is the
reason of this change (if any)?
5. What do you expect to be your future concerns?
How do you see the future of the warehousing
Interview guide – consultants
1. Would you please introduce yourself, your
background and experience in warehousing and
material handling?
2. What type of consulting services do you offer?
3. According to your experience what are the main (or
common) issues that warehouses come to ask
consultancy services to address?
4. If you compare current problems and priorities of
your clients with the problems and priorities they
had some years ago, what would be the difference?
What is the reason of this change (if any)?
5. What future challenges do you see for the
warehousing business? In another words, what do
you predict to be the main trends of this area in
6. According to your experience with different clients,
do you see any issue that is usually neglected by
warehouse managers that you think should not be
Table A.1 Classification of the reviewed papers based on methods employed
Mathematical modelling with test data
Real case data and context
Simulation methods
Case study and empirical example
Literature review
* Some papers used more than one method
Table A.2 Classification of the methods employed for top journals
Case study and empirical
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers)
European Journal of Operational Research
International Journal of Production Economics
Computers and Industrial Engineering
Expert Systems with Applications
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
The International Journal of Logistics Management
* Some papers used more than one method
Simulation methods
Real case data and
International Journal of Production Research
Literature review
Mathematical modelling
with test data
Research Method
Table A.3 Classification of the reviewed papers (excluding literature review papers)
Connection to
Strategic planning, e.g. managerial philosophies, expansion, outsourcing, risk management
Operational policy making, e.g. LIFO vs. FIFO, material flow pattern, employment policy
Specific considerations in warehouse design, e.g. energy, security, design factor influencing
performance [11,143,159,176,189,190,209,228,232,243]
Size of the warehouse and overall design of departments [7,9,37,49,57,61,71,72,75,77,106111,154,156-158,233]
Department design, e.g. aisle configuration, number, length [15,31,32,76,81,82,84,85,90,153,184]
Configuration of equipment, e.g. racks configuration, location of conveyor bands
Staffing [4,94,121,208]
Psychological and behavioral consideration of the warehousing work [41,197,212,214,235]
Ergonomics aspects [24,44,62,73,80,100,113,116,122-128,144,146,173,210,211,221,227,229,231]
Employees safety [140,194,220]
Selection of hard equipment and technologies [1,8,13,14,17,22,36,95,114,115,119,152]
Design, planning and application of soft technologies:
Data gathering and analysis techniques, e.g. barcoding, RFID, data mining, tracking
Decision support systems [96,204].
Warehouse management systems [129,148,191]
Operational aspects of equipment [25,99,114,151,163,192]
Overall performance of the warehouse
Performance of the departments or operation [43,88,89,98,166,167,182,205]
Performance of specific technology, tool or activity [26,43,53,64,65,68,79,99,168,215]
Preparation operation [120,172]
Scheduling and assignment of resources, e.g. truck and docks [3,133,137,160]
Product classification [63,70]
Storage policy [82,90,161,164,174,177,184]
Department assignment [12]
Zone assignment [2,45,57,59,70,149]
Storage location assignment [6,30,45,103-105,182]
Space allocation for different products [130]
Operational aspects, e.g. sequencing and scheduling of operations
Order picking policy [5,58,78,174]
Order batching [10,20,27,28,34,39,40,42,60]
Picker routing [35,91,132,161,164,179,180]
Automated picking operation, e.g. dwell point location and picking sequence
Combination of picking plan with other activities, e.g. batching and packing [55,101,129,202]
Connection to production [83,131,149,175]
Connection to transport planning [38,236]
Contracting aspects [19,223]
Reviewed papers
1. Butler LJ, Bright G (2010) Control strategy for a mobile
self-balancing materials handling platform. Journal of
Engineering, Design and Technology 8 (1):6-27.
2. Alizon F, Dallery Y, Essafi I, Feillet D (2009)
Optimising material handling costs in an assembly
workshop. International Journal of Production Research
47 (14):3853-3866.
3. Yu W, Egbelu PJ (2008) Scheduling of inbound and
outbound trucks in cross docking systems with temporary
storage. European Journal of Operational Research
4. Bard JF, Morton DP, Wang YM (2007) Workforce
planning at USPS mail processing and distribution centers
using stochastic optimization. Annals of Operations
Research 155 (1):51-78.
5. Lam CHY, Choy KL, Ho GTS, Chung SH (2012) A
hybrid case-GA-based decision support model for
warehouse operation in fulfilling cross-border orders.
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (8):7015-7028.
6. Chan FTS, Chan HK (2011) Improving the productivity
of order picking of a manual-pick and multi-level rack
distribution warehouse through the implementation of
class-based storage. Expert Systems with Applications 38
7. Aiello G, Enea M, Galante G (2002) An integrated
approach to the facilities and material handling system
design. International Journal of Production Research 40
(15 SPEC.):4007-4017.
8. Aittola J (2005) Total warehouse automation solution
for the paper industry. International Paperworld IPW
9. Al-Araidah O, Krishnamurthy A, Malmborg CJ (2007)
A comparative study of single-phase and two-phase
approaches for the layout problem with material handling
costs. International Journal of Production Research 45
10. Albareda-Sambola M, Alonso-Ayuso A, Molina E, De
Blas CS (2009) Variable neighborhood search for order
batching in a warehouse. Asia-Pacific Journal of
Operational Research 26 (5):655-683.
11. Altwies JE, Reindl DT (2002) Passive thermal energy
storage in refregerated warehouses. International Journal
of Refrigeration 25 (1):149-157.
12. Bartholdi JJ, Hackman ST (2008) Allocating space in
a forward pick area of a distribution center for small parts.
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers) 40
13. Berman S, Edan Y (2002) Decentralized autonomous
AGV system for material handling. International Journal
of Production Research 40 (15 SPEC.):3995-4006.
14. Berman S, Edan Y, Jamshidi M (2003) Navigation of
decentralized autonomous automatic guided vehicles in
material handling. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and
Automation 19 (4):743-749.
15. Caron F, Marchet G, Perego A (2000) Optimal layout
in low-level picker-to-part systems. International Journal
of Production Research 38 (1):101-117.
16. Chakraborty PS, Majumder G, Sarkar B (2007)
Performance evaluation of material handling system for a
warehouse. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
66 (4):325-329.
17. Chakraborty S, Banik D (2006) Design of a material
handling equipment selection model using analytic
hierarchy process. International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology 28 (11-12):1237-1245.
18. Chan FTS, Kumar V (2009) Hybrid TSSA algorithmbased approach to solve warehouse-scheduling problems.
International Journal of Production Research 47 (4):919940.
19. Chen FY, Hum SH, Sun J (2001) Analysis of thirdparty warehousing contracts with commitments. European
Journal of Operational Research 131 (3):603-610.
20. Chen MC, Huang CL, Chen KY, Wu HP (2005)
Aggregation of orders in distribution centers using data
mining. Expert Systems with Applications 28 (3):453460.
21. Chow HKH, Choy KL, Lee WB, Lau KC (2006)
Design of a RFID case-based resource management
system for warehouse operations. Expert Systems with
Applications 30 (4):561-576.
22. Chua PSK (2001) Design of an emergency back-up
system for overhead material handling operation. Journal
of Engineering Design 12 (2):163-170.
23. Curry GL, Peters BA, Lee M (2003) Queueing
network model for a class of material-handling systems.
International Journal of Production Research 41
24. Dempsey PG, McGorry RW, Holihan R (2003) Novel
solutions to a difficult materials handling problem.
Ergonomics in Design 11 (2):19-22.
25. Estanjini RM, Lin Y, Li K, Guo D, Paschalidis IC
(2011) Optimizing warehouse forklift dispatching using a
sensor network and stochastic learning. IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics 7 (3):476-485.
26. Foley RD, Frazelle EH, Park BC (2002) Throughput
bounds for miniload automated storage/retrieval systems.
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers) 34
27. Gademann AJRM, Van Den Berg JP, Van Der Hoff
HH (2001) An order batching algorithm for wave picking
in a parallel-aisle warehouse. IIE Transactions (Institute
of Industrial Engineers) 33 (5):385-398.
28. Gademann N, van de Velde S (2005) Order batching
to minimize total travel time in a parallel-aisle warehouse.
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers) 37
29. García A, Seok Chang Y, Valverde R (2006) Impact
of new identification and tracking technologies on a
distribution center. Computers and Industrial Engineering
51 (3):542-552.
30. Gopalakrishnan M, Narayanan S, Bodner DA,
Patchigolla KK, Kantamneni RP, Edala NR, Ruff HA
(2001) A computerized system for storage location
assignment in third party warehouses. International
Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications
and Practice 8 (2):159-167.
31. Gue KR, Ivanović G, Meller RD (2012) A unit-load
warehouse with multiple pickup and deposit points and
non-traditional aisles. Transportation Research Part E:
Logistics and Transportation Review 48 (4):795-806.
32. Gue KR, Meller RD (2009) Aisle configurationsfor
unit-load warehouses. IIE Transactions (Institute of
Industrial Engineers) 41 (3):171-182.
33. Hamdan A, Rogers KJ (2008) Evaluating the
efficiency of 3PL logistics operations. International
Journal of Production Economics 113 (1):235-244.
34. Henn S (2012) Algorithms for on-line order batching
in an order picking warehouse. Computers and Operations
Research 39 (11):2549-2563.
35. Henn S, Koch S, Gerking H, Wäscher G (2013) A Ushaped layout for manual order-picking systems. Logistics
Research 6 (4):245-261.
36. Heragu SS, Cai X, Krishnamurthy A, Malmborg CJ
(2011) Analytical models for analysis of automated
warehouse material handling systems. International
Journal of Production Research 49 (22):6833-6861.
37. Heragu SS, Du L, Mantel RJ, Schuur PC (2005)
Mathematical model for warehouse design and product
allocation. International Journal of Production Research
43 (2):327-338.
38. Hill J, Galbreth M (2008) A heuristic for singlewarehouse multiretailer supply chains with all-unit
transportation cost discounts. European Journal of
Operational Research 187 (2):473-482.
39. Ho YC, Su TS, Shi ZB (2008) Order-batching methods
for an order-picking warehouse with two cross aisles.
Computers and Industrial Engineering 55 (2):321-347.
40. Ho YC, Tseng YY (2006) A study on order-batching
methods of order-picking in a distribution centre with two
cross-aisles. International Journal of Production Research
44 (17):3391-3417.
41. Hoppe A, Heaney CA, Fujishiro K (2010) Stressors,
resources, and well-being among Latino and white
warehouse workers in the united states. American Journal
of Industrial Medicine 53 (3):252-263.
42. Hsu CM, Chen KY, Chen MC (2005) Batching orders
in warehouses by minimizing travel distance with genetic
algorithms. Computers in Industry 56 (2):169-178.
43. Hur S, Lee YH, Lim SY, Lee MH (2004) A
performance estimation model for AS/RS by M/G/1
queuing system. Computers and Industrial Engineering 46
44. Jäger M, Jordan C, Luttmann A, Laurig W (2000)
Evaluation and assessment of lumbar load during total
shifts for occupational manual materials handling jobs
within the Dortmund Lumbar Load Study - DOLLY.
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (6):553571.
45. Jane CC (2000) Storage location assignment in a
distribution center. International Journal of Physical
Distribution and Logistics Management 30 (1):55-71.
46. Jaques N, Morgan C (2004) Adapting the Analytical
Hierarchy Process to Identify Inventory Risk. The
International Journal of Logistics Management 15 (2):93105.
47. Jiang B (2005) The decision-making on an in-house
logistic division's operation strategies. International
Journal of Production Economics 96 (1):37-46.
48. Kauffmann PJ, Jacobs DA, Fernandez AA (2002) Use
of Bayesian probabilities to identify and improve
distribution center error rates. Production and Inventory
Management Journal 43 (1-2):1-5+V.
49. Kengpol A (2004) Design of a decision support system
to evaluate the investment in a new distribution centre.
International Journal of Production Economics 90 (1):5970.
50. Khojasteh-Ghamari Y, Son JD (2008) Order picking
problem in a multi-aisle automated warehouse served by
a single storage/retrieval machine. International Journal of
Information and Management Sciences 19 (4):651-665.
51. Kim BI, Heragu SS, Graves RJ, St. Onge A (2003)
Clustering-based order-picking sequence algorithm for an
automated warehouse. International Journal of Production
Research 41 (15):3445-3460.
52. Kim BI, Heragu SS, Graves RJ, St. Onge A (2003)
Realization of a short cycle time in warehouse
replenishment and order picking. International Journal of
Production Research 41 (2):349-364.
53. Koh SG, Kim BS, Kim BN (2002) Travel time model
for the warehousing system with a tower crane S/R
machine. Computers and Industrial Engineering 43
54. Korpela J, Lehmusvaara A, Nisonen J (2007)
Warehouse operator selection by combining AHP and
DEA methodologies. International Journal of Production
Economics 108 (1-2):135-142.
55. Kulak O, Sahin Y, Taner ME (2012) Joint order
batching and picker routing in single and multiple-crossaisle warehouses using cluster-based tabu search
algorithms. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal
24 (1):52-80.
56. Kuo C-H, Douglas K, Randhawa S (2000) Evaluation
of performance measurement in distribution centers.
Journal of Engineering Valuation and Cost Analysis 3
57. Lai KK, Xue J, Zhang G (2002) Layout design for a
paper reel warehouse: A two-stage heuristic approach.
International Journal of Production Economics 75
58. Lam CHY, Choy KL, Chung SH (2011) A decision
support system to facilitate warehouse order fulfillment in
cross-border supply chain. Journal of Manufacturing
Technology Management 22 (8):972-983.
59. Le-Duc T, De Koster RBM (2005) Travel distance
estimation and storage zone optimization in a 2-block
class-based storage strategy warehouse. International
Journal of Production Research 43 (17):3561-3581.
60. Le-Duc T, de Koster RMBM (2007) Travel time
estimation and order batching in a 2-block warehouse.
European Journal of Operational Research 176 (1):374388.
61. Lee MK, Elsayed EA (2005) Optimization of
warehouse storage capacity under a dedicated storage
policy. International Journal of Production Research 43
62. Li KW, Yu Rf, Gao Y, Maikala RV, Tsai HH (2009)
Physiological and perceptual responses in male Chinese
workers performing combined manual materials handling
tasks. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 39
63. Li ML (2009) Goods classification based on
distribution center environmental factors. International
Journal of Production Economics 119 (2):240-246.
64. Ludwig TD, Goomas DT (2009) Real-time
performance monitoring, goal-setting, and feedback for
forklift drivers in a distribution centre. Journal of
Occupational and Organizational Psychology 82 (2):391403.
65. Malmborg CJ (2000) Interleaving models for the
analysis of twin shuttle automated storage and retrieval
systems. International Journal of Production Research 38
66. Malmborg CJ (2001) Rule of thumb heuristics for
configuring storage racks in automated storage and
retrieval systems design. International Journal of
Production Research 39 (3):511-527.
67. Mandy YY, Choy KL, Tan KH, Henry CW, Edmond
LH (2009) The design of an RFID-enhanced autonomous
storage planning system for 3PL warehouses.
International Journal of Value Chain Management 3
68. Meller RD, Klote JF (2004) A throughput model for
carousel/VLM pods. IIE Transactions (Institute of
Industrial Engineers) 36 (8):725-741.
69. Mohammad YA (2004) Statistical evaluation of
manual material handling in a salt purification plant.
Jordan Journal of Applied Sciences - Natural Sciences 6
70. Muppani VR, Adil GK (2008) Efficient formation of
storage classes for warehouse storage location
assignment: A simulated annealing approach. Omega 36
71. Nehzati T, Rashidi Bajgan H, Ismail N, Nehzati S
(2010) Web-enabled decision support system for
warehouse layout problem. Journal of Applied Sciences
10 (19):2261-2268.
72. Nehzati T, Rashidi-Bajgan H, Ismail N (2011)
Development of a decision support system using Tabu
Search algorithm for the warehouse layout problem.
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers 28
73. Okunribido OO, Magnusson M, Pope M (2006)
Delivery drivers and low-back pain: A study of the
exposures to posture demands, manual materials handling
and whole-body vibration. International Journal of
Industrial Ergonomics 36 (3):265-273.
74. Oliveira JA (2007) Scheduling the truckload
operations in automatic warehouses. European Journal of
Operational Research 179 (3):723-735.
75. Önüt S, Tuzkaya UR, Doǧaç B (2008) A particle
swarm optimization algorithm for the multiple-level
warehouse layout design problem. Computers and
Industrial Engineering 54 (4):783-799.
76. Öztürkoǧlu O, Gue KR, Meller RD (2012) Optimal
unit-load warehouse designs for single-command
operations. IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial
Engineers) 44 (6):459-475.
77. Pan X, Ding FY, Ford R (2008) Capacity analysis of a
towline conveyor system in a distribution center.
International Journal of Logistics Systems and
Management 4 (2):219-232.
78. Parikh PJ, Meller RD (2008) Selecting between batch
and zone order picking strategies in a distribution center.
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and
Transportation Review 44 (5):696-719.
79. Park BC, Foley RD, White JA, Frazelle EH (2003)
Dual command travel times and miniload system
throughput with turnover-based storage. IIE Transactions
(Institute of Industrial Engineers) 35 (4):343-355.
80. Perez MA, Nussbaum MA (2006) Posture and motion
variability in non-repetitive manual materials handling
tasks. Human Movement Science 25 (3):409-421.
81. Pohl LM, Meller RD, Gue KR (2009) An analysis of
dual-command operations in common warehouse designs.
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and
Transportation Review 45 (3):367-379.
82. Pohl LM, Meller RD, Gue KR (2011) Turnover-based
storage in non-traditional unit-load warehouse designs.
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers) 43
83. Poon TC, Choy KL, Cheng CK, Lao SI, Lam HY
(2011) Effective selection and allocation of material
handling equipment for stochastic production material
demand problems using genetic algorithm. Expert
Systems with Applications 38 (10):12497-12505.
84. Roodbergen K, Vis I (2006) A model for warehouse
layout. IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers)
38 (10):799-811.
85. Roodbergen KJ, Sharp GP, Vis IFA (2008) Designing
the layout structure of manual order picking areas in
warehouses. IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial
Engineers) 40 (11):1032-1045.
86. Rubrico JIU, Higashi T, Tamura H, Ota J (2011)
Online rescheduling of multiple picking agents for
warehouse management. Robotics and ComputerIntegrated Manufacturing 27 (1):62-71.
87. Rubrico JIU, Ota J, Higashi T, Tamura H (2008)
Metaheuristic scheduling of multiple picking agents for
warehouse management. Industrial Robot 35 (1):58-68.
88. Russell ML, Meller RD (2003) Cost and throughput
modeling of manual and automated order fulfillment
systems. IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial
Engineers) 35 (7):589-603.
89. Schleyer M, Gue K (2012) Throughput time
distribution analysis for a one-block warehouse.
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and
Transportation Review 48 (3):652-666.
90. Sooksaksun N, Kachitvichyanukul V, Gong DC
(2012) A class-based storage warehouse design using a
particle swarm optimisation algorithm. International
Journal of Operational Research 13 (2):219-237.
91. Theys C, Bräysy O, Dullaert W, Raa B (2010) Using
a TSP heuristic for routing order pickers in warehouses.
European Journal of Operational Research 200 (3):755763.
92. Ting JH, Tanchoco JMA (2000) Unidirectional
circular layout for overhead material handling systems.
International Journal of Production Research 38
93. Ting JH, Tanchoco JMA (2001) Optimal bidirectional
spine layout for overhead material handling systems.
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 14
94. Trappey A, Ho PS (2002) Human resource assignment
system for distribution centers. Industrial Management
and Data Systems 102 (1-2):64-72.
95. Tuzkaya G, Gülsün B, Kahraman C, Özgen D (2010)
An integrated fuzzy multi-criteria decision making
methodology for material handling equipment selection
problem and an application. Expert Systems with
Applications 37 (4):2853-2863.
96. Usher JS, Kamal AH, Kim SW (2001) Decision
support system for economic justification of material
handling investments. Computers and Industrial
Engineering 39 (1-2):35-47.
97. Van den Berg JP (2002) Analytic expressions for the
optimal dwell point in an automated storage/retrieval
system. International Journal of Production Economics 76
98. Van Nieuwenhuyse I, de Koster RBM (2009)
Evaluating order throughput time in 2-block warehouses
with time window batching. International Journal of
Production Economics 121 (2):654-664.
99. Wang Y, Zhou C (2010) A model and analytical
method for conveyor systems in sidtribution centers.
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 19
100. Waters TR, Garg A (2010) Two-dimensional
biomechanical model for estimating strength of youth and
adolescents for manual material handling tasks. Applied
Ergonomics 41 (1):1-7.
101. Won J, Olafsson S (2005) Joint order batching and
order picking in warehouse operations. International
Journal of Production Research 43 (7):1427-1442.
102. Wu YJ, Hou JL (2009) A model for employee
performance trend analysis of distribution centers. Human
Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing 19 (5):413437.
103. Xiao J, Zheng L (2010) A correlated storage location
assignment problem in a single-block-multi- aisles
warehouse considering BOM information. International
Journal of Production Research 48 (5):1321-1338.
104. Xue Y, Liu H (2011) RFID-based intelligent storage
and retrieval systems in automated warehouse. Journal of
Software 6 (9):1844-1850.
105. Xue Y, Liu H (2012) Intelligent storage and retrieval
systems based on RFID and vision in automated
warehouse. Journal of Networks 7 (2):365-369.
106. Yang L, Feng Y (2006) Fuzzy multi-level warehouse
layout problem: New model and algorithm. Journal of
Systems Science and Systems Engineering 15 (4):493503.
107. Zhang GQ, Lai KK (2006) Combining path relinking
and genetic algorithms for the multiple-level warehouse
layout problem. European Journal of Operational
Research 169 (2):413-425.
108. Zhang GQ, Lai KK (2010) Tabu search approaches
for the multi-level warehouse layout problem with
adjacency constraints. Engineering Optimization 42
109. Zhang GQ, Xue J, Lai KK (2000) A genetic
algorithm based heuristic for adjacent paper-reel layout
problem. International Journal of Production Research 38
110. Zhang GQ, Xue J, Lai KK (2002) A class of genetic
algorithms for multiple-level warehouse layout problems.
International Journal of Production Research 40 (3):731744.
111. Zhang Q, Yu YZ, Lai KK (2006) Ant colony system
for a fuzzy adjacent multiple-level warehouse layout
problem. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology
(English Edition) 15 (4):500-504.
112. Zhang X, Chakravarthy A, Gu Q (2009) Equipment
scheduling problem under disruptions in mail processing
and distribution centres. Journal of the Operational
Research Society 60 (5):598-610.
113. Zurada J (2012) Classifying the risk of work related
low back disorders due to manual material handling tasks.
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (12):11125-11134.
114. Berger SM, Ludwig TD (2007) Reducing warehouse
employee errors using voice-assisted technology that
provided immediate feedback. Journal of Organizational
Behavior Management 27 (1):1-31.
115. Dadzie KQ, Lee E, Dadzie EW (2000) Assessing
Logistics Technology Adoption Time with Event History
Analysis. The International Journal of Logistics
Management 11 (1):47-60.
116. Goomas DT (2007) Electronic performance selfmonitoring and engineered labor standards for "man-up"
drivers in a distribution center. Journal of Business and
Psychology 21 (4):541-558.
117. Parida R, Ray PK (2011) A comprehensive
framework for physical evaluation of manual material
handling tasks. International Journal of Manufacturing
Technology and Management 24 (1-4):153-166.
118. Sohn SY, Han HK, Jeon HJ (2007) Development of
an Air Force Warehouse Logistics Index to continuously
improve logistics capabilities. European Journal of
Operational Research 183 (1):148-161.
119. Yang YC, Lin CL (2013) Performance analysis of
cargo-handling equipment from a green container terminal
perspective. Transportation Research Part D: Transport
and Environment 23:9-11.
120. Lao SI, Choy KL, Ho GTS, Tsim YC, Poon TC,
Cheng CK (2012) A real-time food safety management
system for receiving operations in distribution centers.
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (3):2532-2548.
121. Bard JF, Wan L (2005) Weekly scheduling in the
service industry: An application to mail processing and
distribution centers. IIE Transactions (Institute of
Industrial Engineers) 37 (5):379-396.
122. Butler HL, Hubley-Kozey CL, Kozey JW (2007)
Changes in trunk muscle activation and lumbar-pelvic
position associated with abdominal hollowing and reach
during a simulated manual material handling task.
Ergonomics 50 (3):410-425.
123. Dempsey PG, Ciriello VM, Maikala RV, O'Brien NV
(2008) Oxygen consumption prediction models for
individual and combination materials handling tasks.
Ergonomics 51 (11):1776-1789.
124. Marras WS, Allread WG, Burr DL, Fathallah FA
(2000) Prospective validation of a low-back disorder risk
model and assessment of ergonomic interventions
associated with manual materials handling tasks.
Ergonomics 43 (11):1866-1886.
125. Okunribido OO, Magnusson M, Pope MH (2008)
The role of whole body vibration, posture and manual
materials handling as risk factors for low back pain in
occupational drivers. Ergonomics 51 (3):308-329.
126. Plamondon A, Denis D, Delisle A, Larivière C,
Salazar E (2010) Biomechanical differences between
expert and novice workers in a manual material handling
task. Ergonomics 53 (10):1239-1253.
127. Plamondon A, Larivière C, Delisle A, Denis D,
Gagnon D (2012) Relative importance of expertise, lifting
height and weight lifted on posture and lumbar external
loading during a transfer task in manual material handling.
Ergonomics 55 (1):87-102.
128. Wagner DW, Reed MP, Chaffin DB (2010) The
development of a model to predict the effects of worker
and task factors on foot placements in manual material
handling tasks. Ergonomics 53 (11):1368-1384.
129. Shiau JY, Lee MC (2010) A warehouse management
system with sequential picking for multi-container
deliveries. Computers and Industrial Engineering 58
130. Gagliardi JP, Ruiz A, Renaud J (2008) Space
allocation and stock replenishment synchronization in a
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