App 5 Project SSSPP 1-2

Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
A project designed for Aarhus University (AU), Nordforsk, EAC General Fund, Nordic Center
(Fudan) and Nordic Summer University.
Asger Sørensen, associate professor in philosophy of education (AU), ph.d. & philosophy,
BA Chinese & philosophy (University of Copenhagen)
Table of Content
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP) ................................................................................ 1
0. Purpose of SSPP............................................................................................................................... 1
1. Sino-Scandinavian Society of Philosophy (SSSP)........................................................................... 2
2. Sino-Scandinavian Journal of Philosophy (SSJP) ........................................................................... 4
3. Shanghai Seminars of SSSP (SS SSSP) – and at World Congresses............................................... 4
4. Proceedings of the SS SSSP............................................................................................................. 5
5. Homepage of 0.-4. ............................................................................................................................ 6
6. Secretary........................................................................................................................................... 6
7. Budget/year of SSPP ........................................................................................................................ 7
8. Output/year of SSPP ........................................................................................................................ 7
9. Background and rationality of SSPP ................................................................................................ 7
10. Issues… .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Appendix A: People and organizations behind SSPP .......................................................................... 8
Appendix B: Possible themes of the SS SSSP and the Proceedings .................................................... 8
0. Purpose and outline of SSPP
The SSPP is designed to initiate, develop and strengthen
scientific work on the philosophical issues in themselves and
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
research networks between professional philosophers within the established professional
disciplines of philosophy , both between Scandinavia and China, and within both areas (both
inter and intra).
This is done by forming various classical scientific research foras (society, journal, seminar,
congress workshops, proceedings), where the participation is restricted by a general 50-50 principle.
Important features of the SSPP are:
Scandinavian and Chinese scholars will meet on equal footing, using English as working language.
As far as possible, resources from already existing Nordic institutions are used, such as NIAS, NSU
and Nordic Center at Fudan University in Shanghai.
All contributions to journal, seminar and proceedings will be peer reviewed by two philosophers,
one Chinese and one Scandinavian. In relation to Chinese journals covering Western philosophy
this is a novelty, and in general the peer review institution is not as developed in Chinese science as
in the Western world.
The best Chinese philosophers, who have already academic experience from the West, either from
education or guest professorships, will develop stronger and lasting ties with the international
scientific community via Nordic philosophers.1
As far as we know this will be the first time within philosophy that such a project is undertaken,
maybe even with the humanities or social science. Therefore we think that the experiences can serve
as a model for future Sino-Scandinavian scientific projects in other scientific fields.
In the following sections, first the the various academic fora will be described in more detail: 1.
Society, 2. Journal, 3. Seminars, and 4. Proceedings.
After that organizational and practical matters will be considered: 5. Homepage, 6. Secretary, 7.
Budget, and 8. Output.
In the end just a few notes: 9. Background and 10. Outstanding issues.
And then appendices: A. Supporting person and organisations. B. Themes for seminars and
proceedings. C. Abbreviations.
1. Sino-Scandinavian Society of Philosophy (SSSP)
Purpose of SSSP:
Within humanities, the aim of Chinese-western philosophical projects most often is comparative
so called Eastern-Western research with the help of translations, and the scientific results are
meager. This project will take East-West philosophical interactions further than just cultural
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
Initiating, developing and strengthening academic research relations between professional
philosophers in and between both China and Scandinavia.
In common for both areas: At the margins of the center of philosophy
– but in different ways: Scandinavia barbarians, who have gotten wealth and thus culture, incl.
central European philosophy. China has a much older and very different culture, where the
philosophy have not separated from religion and spirituality in the same degree as in the West.
SSSP recruits members among professors and students of philosophy, mainly from the Nordic
countries (here called: Scandinavia) and China. Right now we should be able to start with now app.
25. (for those already behind the project, see appendix A)
Working language: English, no translation
SSSP is run by a president and a deputy, chosen for five years following the FISP congresses. Of
those two, one must be from China, one from Scandinavia. They cannot be elected for two terms in
a row.
They are chosen together as a team by delegates, and there can be more teams competing.
Candidacy with program must be announced at the homepage ½ year before a FISP World
Congresses (WC- see below), and it is possible to comment.
Cashier: One in Scandinavia and one in China, fee/year Scandinavia 100 DKK, SEK, NOK, 13
Euro, China 20 Y
Secretary: One in either China or Scandinavia (see below)
Members become proceedings of SSJP and SS SSSP (see below) sent for free.
Representative/delegate meeting: At the FISP WC, every five year, first time 2013 in Athens. Until
then a president is constituted by those behind SSPP.
Delegates from Scandinavian countries (2 from each) and from Chinese provinces (2 from each) – a
decision is vetoed, if majority among Scandinavian or among Chinese by themselves are against.
Call for proposals for the agenda in SSJP and at SSPP homepage. Proposals should be send two
month before WC, and agenda should be presented at the home page one month before WC.
Goal: 100 persons 2013, income from fee China 1200 Y (120 E; 60 p.), Scan 3500 DKK (400 E; 40
p.), total 520 Euro – enough for various small costs DKK 3.850
Daily infrastructure, post, mail etc. is supplied by the supporting institutions, primarily from
working places of president, deputy and cashiers.
Meetings of president, deputy, secretary and one local cashier every six month alternating between
China and Scandinavia. 1. SS SSSP (FISP) (see below) 2. Meeting in Scandinavia (at a conference,
e.g. at the annual meeting of Danish Philosophical Society (DFS))
Cost: 1. Ticket pp. Sc-C 10.000 DKK, stay 2500, total 2 pers. 25.000 2. Ch-Sc 10.000 + 5.000–
total 1 pers 15.000; total/year DKK 40.000/year
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
2. Sino-Scandinavian Journal of Philosophy (SSJP)
Journal for members of SSSP – touching upon issues relevant and interesting for professional
philosophers at academies and universities in China and Scandinavia
Editor in chief: Elected for five years, change at FISP congresses, decision by meeting of delegates
SSSP. First editor elected by those behind SSPP, e.g. Gunnar Skirbekk.
Book Review editor: Elected as the editor in chief.
Peer review editor: Secretary of SSSP
Sino Scandinavian editorial board (referees): Tong Shijun, Chen Jiaying, Xue Hua, Cheng Sumei,
Asger Sørensen, Gunnar Skirbekk, Jan Bengtson, Lars Løvlie, Bengt Kristiannson Uggla, Arne
Johan Vetlesen, David Favrholdt, Torril Strand, Arne Grøn, Peter Kemp etc.
International reference board: Axel Honneth, Alessandro Ferrera, Sergio Chremachi, Enrique
Dussel, Andrew Bowie, Jean-Luc Marion, Nancy Frazer, Adela Cortina, Bob Brandom, David
Rasmussen, Maria Pia Lara, Rainer Forst etc.
Peer review, electronic pdf (both in total and articles), open access, no copyright,
Every 6 month, 120 pages, articles of 10-20 pages, theme 40-80 pages, outside theme 30-50, book
notes 10-30 (1-2 pages each)
Theme: a. Democracy b. Nature and environment c. Mathematics etc.
Themes proposed at SSSP homepage (comments possible) one month before SS SSSP (see below)
and decided at the meeting after SS SSSP.
Announcement of next SS SSSP and cfp are included in each SSJP, just as the proceedings of
SSSSSP are listed. Other information relevant for Scandinavian and Chinese philosophers can also
be included.
Minimal cost (homepage, licence for pdf (or linux variation)), but administrative assistance.
3. Shanghai Seminars of SSSP (SS SSSP) – and at World Congresses
Every year
At a time when it is suitable for Sino-Scandinavian academic schedules.
All members can attend the seminars, either as participants with papers (see this section) or as
audience/discussants. Seminars can also be open to other philosophers and students.
At the SSSP meeting afterwards only participants, presidency and cashier have the right to decide.
Participant will present prepared papers (40-60.000 characters - European!), and another participant
will present comments (8.000), both distributed in advance among all participants. Papers and
comments are drafts/working papers to be completed after the seminar for the proceedings (se
Participant: 14-20 philosophers, 2/3 selected and invited (7 sc/ch), 1/3 access via call for papers (3
sc/ch). Participant will be selected by the two organizers. Half must be from China, half from
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
Scandinavia, working language English, no translation. For each paper there will be an
opponent/commentator, China vs. Scandinavia.
15 minutes presentation, 10 minutes opposition, 20 minutes discussion
Organizers: Two philosophers from China/Scandinavia
Themes of three seminars and possible organizers, who are willing, are proposed by presidency at
least one month before seminar at the SSSP homepage (it should be possible to comment; secretary
disposes of waste every day). At a meeting after SS SSSP between participants, presidency and
local cashier the themes are discussed, and the theme of next year’s seminar and the organizers are
decided among those proposed.
Cfp. 1, 11 month before (just after meeting af SS SSSP), 8 month before (with invited
participants),5 month before deadline for abstracts (150 words), 4 month before selection and
message, 3 month before acceptance, 1 one month before full papers to all participants.
SS SSSP are held in Shanghai the four years with World congresses (WC). At WC there is a FISP
Seminar of SSSP, first time in Athens 2013 and then every fifth year.
SS SSSP organized practically in Shanghai by Nordic Center (Fudan) – 30.000 yuan for staying,
eating and local transportation. Tickets for participants from Beijing etc. included. Tickets
Scandinavia-China 10 persons DKK 10.000 pp – additional costs 20.000 (local transport)
Minimal cost first: Shanghai year DKK 150.000/ year tickets & stay. FISP year DKK 200.000 (20
Possible expansion:
a. Seminars in Scandinavia every second or third time (Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, Helsinki,
Rekjavik, Bergen, Åbo, Aarhus etc.) – cost?
b. Seminars every ½ year.
c. Chinese seminars in Beijing, Guangzhou, Xiamen; Tianjin, Qingdao, Hong Kong etc.
4. Proceedings of the SS SSSP
Proceedings of the SS SSSP will be published by NSU Press and distributed by Aarhus University
Each vol. edited by the organizers, 200-350 pages, in English (or German, French) with Chinese
abstract (provided by editor, contributors, opponents/reviewers).
Articles reviewed by one other person in the group in question; Scandinavian contribution review
by Chinese philosophers and v.v.
Series chief editor: Two persons, China & Scandinavia. It could be (former) president and deputy.
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
Free for members of SSSP. Scandinavian copies distributed from Arhus UP; Chinese copies sent
from Aarhus University Press (UP) to Nordic center Shanghai, who distributes.
Commercial distribution: Aarhus UP
Cost 35-40.000 DKK /vol. for 350 copies – 10.000 for free copies distributed
5. Homepage of 0.-4.
SSSP: List of members, chairman, deputy, cashiers, annual account, minutes form meetings,
protocols, etc.
SSJP: All issues, editorial board, editors, addresses etc.
SS SSSP: Discussion blog for future themes (edited by the SSSP secretary)
Proceedings: List of existing and coming volumes, links to Aarhus UP homepage for the
Section with restricted access:
For president, deputy, secretary, editor, review editor, etc.
Account, archive of SSSP, SSJP, accounts, various, communication etc.
Cost: DKK 10.000 year for homepage hotel and technical maintenance
Total backup to cd every three month.
Administration - ? (Ask Vibe)
6. Secretary
1. SSSP: Membership list at homepage, assist chairman, bookkeeping
2. SSJP: mailing list, looking up possible recipients
3. SS SSSP: Cfp – link to Nordic center
4. Proceedings: Index, administrative help of editors
5. Homepage: Dispose of waste in comments, maintenance
Scandinavia (e.g. at phil. Department): ½ time student /staff 8.000/12.500 month, 96.00/150.000
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
China (e.g. at the Nordic Center or SASS): 40.000
7. Budget/year of SSPP
1. 40.000
2. 5.000
3. 150.000 (200.000) – 30.000 from Nordic Center
4. 50.000
5. 10.000
6. 150.000 [40.000 if in China]
Total 405.000/year (475.000)
Five year: 2 mio. DKK (2.5 mio.)
8. Output/year of SSPP
SSSP: Philosophical knowledge and scientific networks.
SSJP: 240 pages peer review international scientific journal
SS SSSP: 2-4 days international seminar for 14-20 scientist
Proceedings: 1 book, 200-350 pages, 14-20 articles
Experience with scientific cooperation between China and Scandinavia
9. Background and rationality of SSPP
It so happens that some individual professional philosophers from China and Scandinavia by sheer
luck have met each other at various places around the world (Shanghai, Prague, Bergen, Vejle,
Copenhagen, Beijing, Chong Ming Island, Xiamen, Seoul etc. ) over the last years. Within this
network we know each other in various constellations, but we are common in the experience that
that now – after the recent development of Chinese philosophy and of the international experience
of Chinese philosophers over the last decades, and especially of the Chinese fluency in English – it
is possible to cooperate as professional academic philosophers on equal footing. To put it bluntly: A
sufficient number of Chinese professional philosophers at academies and universities have now
reached ‘international level’ in the Western sense of the word, and that has made a project such as
SSPP possible.
However, even though the aim is the initiate, develop and thus expand the Sino-Scandinavian
philosophy, the SSPP is also designed to make is possible for those professional philosophers taking
this initiative to maintain control, in order to maintain the philosophical interest and attractiveness
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
also to professional western philosophers of the highest level. The interest in the SSPP is scientific,
not cultural and the attraction should thus be philosophical presentations and discussions at the
highest scientific level.
10. Issues…
Ad. 2: Administrative assistance for SSJP: ask Ditte at CBS
Institut international ? Ask Peter Kemp
FISP – membership fee? Ask peter Kemp
NIAS – what can they do?
Beijing – Danish institute - ?
Appendix A: People, institutions and organizations supporting
1. All the people mentioned in Appendix B support the project.
2. Also the following institutions and organizations:
Department of Education, University of Aarhus (use of infrastructure and time)
Danish Philosophical Society (information and hosting of seminar)
Danish Association of the Philosophy of Education (information and hosting of seminar)
The Nordic Network of Philosophy of Education (information and hosting of seminar)
NSU Press (publication of proceedings)
Nordic Center (Fudan) (organizing SS SSSP and covering local expences)
Appendix B: Possible themes of the SS SSSP and the Proceedings
First line: Themes and organizers/editors.
Next lines: Other possible participants
1. German idealism (in German): Xue Hua (CASS), Jørgen Huggler (AU)
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
a. Henrik Jøker Bjerre (AU), Jørgen Hass (USD)
b. Pan Derong (ECNU)
2. Dialectics: Xiao Qi (SASS), Arne Grøn (UC)
a. Anne-Marie Eggert Olsen (AU), Jørgen Huggler (AU), Asger Sørensen (AU), CarlGöran Heidegrenn (zxz)
b. Xue Hua (CASS), Tong Shijun (SASS),
3. Classical phenomenology: Chen Jiaying (CNU), Henrik Vase Frandsen (AU)
a. Sune Frølund (AU), Thomas Schwarz Wentzer (AU), Jan Bengtsson (UG), Søren
Gosvig Olsen (UC), Bengt Kristensson Uggla (AA), Peter Kemp (AU), Jacob
Rendtorff (RUC), Dan Zahavi (UC), Hans Ruin (Södertörn)
b. Wei Heibo (SASS)
4. Logic: Zheng Weiping (Xiamen), Klaus Frovin Jørgensen (RUC)
a. Vincent Fella Hendricks (UC), Stig Andur Pedersen (RUC), Erlendur Jónsson (UI)
b. Feng Mian (ECNU), Jin Rongdong
5. Political: Tong Shijun (SASS), Gunnar Skirbekk (UB),
a. Morten Rafnsøe-Møller (AU), Nils Holtug (UC), Erik Oddvar Eriksen (UO), Luise Li
Langergaard (RUC), Asger Sørensen (AU)
b. Bao Limin (Zhejiang University), Ying Qi (Zhejiang University)
6. Philosophy of Natural Science: Cheng Sumei (SASS), Jan Faye (UC)
a. Claus Emmeche (UC), David Favrholdt (USD), Søren Brier (CBS), Sune Frølund
b. Zhang Zhilin (Fudan University)
7. Philosophy of Education: Torril Strand (UO),
a. Thomas Rømer (AU), Ingerid S. Straume (HUC), Bengt Gustavsson (zxz)
b. Gu Hongliang (ECNU)
8. Philosophy of Social Science: Finn Collin (UC),
a. Asger Sørensen (AU), Hans Siggaard Jensen (AU), Andreas Beck Holm (AU)
b. Ji Haiqing (SASS)
9. Hermeneutics (in German): Pan Derong (ECNU), Thomas Schwarz Wentzer (AU)
a. Søren Gosvig Olsen (UC)
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
b. Zhang Qingxiong (Fudan University)
10. Philosophy of Human Sciences: Dag Petersson (RDAFASA),
a. Carsten Friberg (ASA)
b. Yu Zhenhua (ECNU)
11. Philosophy of Law: Emily Hartz (USD)
a. Jacob Rendtorff (RUC), Jesper Ryberg (RUC), Jakob von Holderstein Holtermann
b. Deng Zhenglai (Fudan)
12. East West: He Xirong (SASS), David Favrholdt (USD)
13. Ethics: Nils Holtug (UC),
a. Henrik Vase Frandsen (AU), Thomas Søbirk Petersen (RUC), Arne Johan Vetlesen
(UO), Carsten Fogh (UC)
b. Lu Xiaohe (SASS)
14. Philosophy of history: Zhou Jianzhang (Xiamen)
15. Existentialism: Arne Grøn (UC),
16. Business ethics: Jacob Rendtorff (RUC),
17. Antique Greek Philosophy: Anne-Marie Eggert Olsen (AU),
a. Jens Kristian Larsen (UC),
18. Philosophy of Nature: Sune Frølund (AU), young Kant scholar at SASS
19. Epistemology: Chen Jiaming (Xiamen), Klemens Kappel (UC)
Appendix C: Abbreviations
AA: Åbo Acedemy, Turku/Åbo, Finland
ASA: Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark
AU: Aarhus University, Denmark
CASS: Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, China
CPU: Capitol Normal University, Beijing, China
ECNU: East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
Sino-Scandinavian Philosophical Project (SSPP)
FISP: Federation internationale de societies philosophiques, Paris, France
Fudan: Fudan University, Shanghai, China
HUC: Hedmark University College, Norway
NIAS: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark
NSU: Nordic Summer University, Malmö, Sweden
RAA: Royal Academy of Arts, Denmark
RDAFASA: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Denmark
RUC: Roskilde University Center, Denmark
SASS: Shanghai Academy of Social Science, China
Södertörns: Södertörns Högskola, Sweden
UB: University of Bergen, Norway
UC: University of Copenhagen, Denmark
UG: University of Gothenburg, Sweden
UI: University of Iceland, Iceland
UO: University of Oslo, Norway
USD: University of Southern Denmark
Xiamen: Xiamen University, Fujian, China