Britney Leonardi - American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Biographical Sketch
Britney Leonardi
Britney Leonardi was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio where she attends the nurse anesthesia
program at Case Western Reserve University/Cleveland Clinic School of Nurse Anesthesia.
Britney has been an employee of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation since she was 18 years old,
starting as a nursing assistant and working her way in to the role of Student Registered Nurse
Anesthetist. Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences
from Cleveland State University and a Master’s Degree in Nursing from Case Western Reserve
University. She is a recipient of the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Nurse
Faculty Loan Program and the Choose Ohio First Scholars Program for students pursuing
advanced practice degrees with the desire to become nursing educators in conjunction with their
clinical roles. Most recently, Britney participated in the Student Mentor Program at the AANA
Assembly of School Faculty in February 2014.
Britney A. Leonardi
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Anticipated 2016
Case Western Reserve University/The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse Anesthesia
Anticipated 2015
Case Western Reserve University
Master of Nursing
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences, Summa Cum Laude
Ohio First Scholar’s Program
Nurse Faculty Loan Program
Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Department of General Anesthesia
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Anesthesia Institute
Cleveland, Ohio
Registered Nurse, Cardiothoracic Surgical Intensive Care Unit
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Registered Nurse, Medical Intensive Care Unit
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, The Respiratory Institute
Cleveland, Ohio
Nurse Associate, Medical Intensive Care Unit
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, The Respiratory Institute
Cleveland, Ohio
Clinical Preceptor
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH
Cardiothoracic Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Medical Intensive Care Unit
Unit Intravenous Prostacyclin Mentor/Educator
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH
Medical Intensive Care Unit
Teaching Practicum
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH
Course NUND 405: Altered Human Functioning
Registered Nurse, Ohio Board of Nursing
2011- present
Basic Life Support, American Heart Association
2008- present
Advanced Cardiac Life Support, American Heart Association
2010- present
Pediatric Advanced Life Support, American Heart Association
2012- present
Critical Care Registered Nurse, American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Fundamental Critical Care Support, Society of Critical Care Medicine
Extracorporeal Membranous Oxygenation, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Ventricular Assist Devices, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Pain Management Mentor Registered Nurse, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Certified Preceptor in the Clinical Setting, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium for the Intensive Care Unit,
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Associate Member
Ohio State Association of Nurse Anesthestists, Associate Member
American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Member
Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Mu Chapter, Member
Golden Key International Honor Society, Member
Position Statement
Britney Leonardi
I am a student with a passion for both professional and academic pursuits. I believe that in order
for the profession of Nurse Anesthesia to continue to grow and meet the increasing demands of
our patient populations, we must invest in our educational programs. I have showed my
commitment to advancing education through the participation with several programs: (a) the
Human Resources and Health Services Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP), (b) the Ohio
Nursing Foundation’s Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program, and (c) the AANA Assembly of
School Faculty Student Mentor Program.
These programs are designed to allow me to attain my educational goals and matriculate into a
faculty position upon completion of my nurse anesthesia degree. Through participation with the
NFLP program, I have completed a teaching practicum in pathophysiology and I have
participated in courses designed to instill in me the foundations of becoming a nursing educator.
I have expounded upon this opportunity with the Assembly of School Faculty Mentor Program to
be counseled by current program directors on successful educator/student relations, curriculum
and program development, and didactic improvements to current academic programs.
These invaluable experiences have afforded me the opportunity to bridge the gap between
students and faculty members by making me cognizant of faculty goals for us, as students, while
remaining cognizant of the educational demands and needs of the student learner. Because of
this, I have a unique experience as a student to assist my peers with their needs. As the
Education Committee Student Representative, I will assist nurse anesthesia students in their
academic pursuits in alignment with the objectives of the AANA. I will use the Student
Representative position to form relationships with influential Certified Registered Nurse
Anesthetists in order to refer my peers to these individuals for expert consultation for clinical,
didactic, and professional needs.
Because it is the goal of the AANA and the Education Committee to continuously improve the
education provided within nurse anesthesia programs, I will serve as a liaison between the
student body and the Education Committee. Both concerns and positive reviews of academic
programs can be shared with me to guide the direction of changes among programs across the
country to improve the quality of each individual’s education. It is my aim to facilitate the
process of nurse anesthesia academic program improvement so that each program can continue
to attract highly motivated, talented students to secure the future of our profession.
Thank you for your time and consideration in my pursuit of the Student Representative of the
AANA Education Committee. I look forward to serving your needs over the next year.