4.1a How could this assessment task be improved? Please note that this task has been provided for professional learning purposes only and should not be used for teaching without improvement and quality assurance. and Culture Stage: 2 • Refer to theSociety checklist ‘Considerations in structuring SACE assessmentFolio tasks’ Assessment Type: task 2 Weighting: 10% • Have a go by 5 minutes, possible Name of Assessment: Theyourself essence of afor culture: every pictureannotating tells a story. areas for improvement In this task you are required develop a 12-15 picture Photostory which develops an understanding of the essence of a culture. Students are to present the multimodal presentation to the class and discuss the essence of their chosen • In pairs, record your suggestions for the teacher to improve culture. Students may research and present their own culture. If you wish to develop your essence study on a subculture please discuss me. the with task Subject: The pictures need to be carefully selected to best demonstrate the values, beliefs and lifestyle of the culture. Where possible, the presentation should involve music and other audio to support the slides. The pictures should also have concise and strategically placed text to elaborate the meaning of the image in regards to the purpose of the task. The Photostory is to be accompanied by a 800 work (max) documentation of each photo, providing analysis of how the image shows an aspect of the essence of the culture The assignment is to be presented as a 7 minute multimodal presentation to class. Assessment Conditions: (word length, time allowed, due date) DUE DATE: Last day of term Conditions: 7 minutes, 12-15 slides and accompanied by a 800 word (max) write-up on the cultural essence of each photograph. Assessment Design Criteria: Knowledge and Understanding The specific features are as follows: KU1 Knowledge and understanding of different aspects of and issues related to contemporary societies and cultures, in local and global contexts. Investigation and Analysis The specific features are as follows: IA1 Investigation and analysis of different aspects of and issues related to contemporary societies and cultures, in local and global contexts. Evaluation and Communication The specific features are as follows: EC1 Evaluation and use of evidence from a range of sources and perspectives, with appropriate acknowledgment of sources. EC2 Communication of informed ideas about societies and social and cultural issues. Document1 (see also tools 3.1 and 3.3) Updated October 2015 page 1 of 2 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS :This task will be assessing the following design criteria A Knowledge and Understanding Investigation and Analysis Collaboration KU1 In-depth knowledge and perceptive understanding of a range of aspects of and issues related to contemporary societies and cultures, in local and /or global contexts. IC1 Focused investigation and insightful analysis of a range of aspects and issues related to contemporary societies and cultures, in local and global contexts. CL1 Productive and inclusive planning and evaluation of collaborative social action related to an inquiry in a chosen topic. KU2 In-depth knowledge and understanding of the nature and causes of social change. IC2 Focused investigation and wellinformed and critical analysis of ways in which power structures operate in societies. CL2 Insightful and well-informed collaborative social action. CL3 Constructive and well-focused individual contribution to group activities. Evaluation and Communication EC1 Insightful and focused evaluation and use of evidence from a range of sources and perspectives, with appropriate acknowledgment of sources. EC2 Incisive and coherent communication of informed ideas about societies and social and cultural issues. KU3 Perceptive understanding of a variety of ways in which societies and cultures are connected and interdependent. B KU1 Some depth in knowledge and well-informed understanding of a range of aspects of and issues related to contemporary societies and cultures, in local and global contexts. KU2 Some depth in knowledge and understanding of the nature and causes of social change. IC1 Well-organised investigation and well-considered analysis of a range of aspects and issues related to contemporary societies and cultures, in local and global contexts. IC2 Well-organised investigation and informed and critical analysis of ways in which power structures operate in societies. CL1 Productive planning and evaluation of collaborative social action related to an inquiry in a chosen topic. CL2 Well-organised and informed collaborative social action. CL3 Considered and active individual contribution to group activities. EC1 Well-considered and informed evaluation and use of evidence from a range of sources and perspectives, with appropriate acknowledgment of sources. EC2Thoughtful and clear communication of informed ideas about societies and social and cultural issues. KU3 Well-considered understanding of a variety of ways in which societies and cultures are connected and interdependent. C KU1 Some detailed knowledge and informed understanding of different aspects of and issues related to contemporary societies and cultures, in local and global contexts. KU2 Some detailed knowledge and understanding of the nature and causes of social change. IC1 Generally organised investigation and considered analysis of different aspects of and issues related to contemporary societies and cultures, in local and global contexts. IC2 Generally organised investigation and informed analysis of one or more ways in which power structures operate in societies. CL1 Competent planning and evaluation of collaborative social action related to an inquiry in a chosen topic. CL2 Generally organised and informed collaborative social action. CL3 Appropriate individual contribution to group activities. EC1 Evaluation and use of evidence from a range of sources and perspectives, with mostly appropriate acknowledgment of sources. EC2 Competent communication of informed ideas about societies and social and/or cultural issues. KU3 Considered understanding of some of the ways in which societies and cultures are connected and interdependent. D KU1 Identification and awareness of some aspects of and/or issues related to contemporary societies and cultures, in local and/or global contexts. KU2 Some recognition and awareness of the causes of social change. IC1 Partial investigation and description of some aspects of and/or issues related to contemporary societies or cultures, in local and global contexts. IC2 Basic investigation and description of one of the ways in which power structures operate in societies. CL1 Superficial contribution to planning and evaluation of collaborative social action related to an inquiry in a chosen topic. CL2 Attempted engagement in collaborative social action. CL3 Superficial individual contribution to group activities. EC1 Superficial and limited use of evidence from easily accessible sources, with limited perspectives, and inconsistent acknowledgment of sources. EC2 Communication of basic ideas about one or more social and/or cultural issues. KU3 Identification and awareness of some of the ways in which societies and cultures are connected. E KUI Some awareness of one or more aspects of or issues related to a contemporary society or culture, in a local or global context. KU2 Limited awareness of any causes of social change. IC1 Attempted investigation and brief description of an aspect of a contemporary society or culture, in a local or global context. CL1 Attempted contribution to planning and evaluation of collaborative social action related to an inquiry in a chosen topic. EC1 Attempted use of evidence from one or more easily accessible sources, with limited acknowledgment of sources. 1C2 Emerging awareness of one of the ways in which power structures operate in societies. CL2 Limited engagement in collaborative social action. EC2 tempted communication about one or more social and/or cultural issues. KU3 Emerging awareness of one or more ways in which societies and cultures are connected. Document1 (see also tools 3.1 and 3.3) Updated October 2015 CL3 Limited individual contribution to group activities. page 2 of 2