Education Theory

H Engward
Education Theory
Education Theory
Education theory is the theory of the purpose, application and interpretation of
education and learning. It is an umbrella term comprised of a number of theories,
rather than a single explanation of how we learn, and how we should teach. Rather,
it is affected by several factors, including theoretical perspective and epistemological
There is no one, clear, universal explanation of how we learn and subsequent
guidebook as to how we should teach. Rather, there are a range of theories, each
with their background in a different psychological and epistemological tradition. To
understand learning then, we have to understand the theories, and the rationale
behind them.
While much learning can be attributed to social imitation or cultural lessons, Bereiter
(1990) queries how we acquire more complex knowledge, and states that it is this
learning that gives rise to the need for an educational learning theory.
Why use Theories?
Theories are used for numerous reasons:
1. Help explain a puzzling or complex issue and to predict its occurrence in
the future
Learning is a latent variable so there is no clear and universal way to
explain and predict learning. To help explain this process, therefore,
theories based on differing epistemological positions have been developed
to explain the procedure.
2. Allow the transfer of information in one setting to that of another
The complex and comprehensive conceptual explanations provided within
the framework of a theory can be applied in different settings. Theories
provide different "lenses" through which to look at complicated problems
and social issues, focusing their attention on different aspects of the data
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Education Theory
and providing a framework within which to conduct their analysis (Reeves,
Albert, Kuper, & Hodges, 2008).
3. Theories provide greater opportunities for improvement by design
By providing information about the mechanisms underlying learning and
performance, an awareness of theories and can help us to design
environments to improve potential for learning
In terms of the application of psychological theories about learning and instruction to
education, Sternberg (2008) proposes five reasons:
1. Doing so enables one to have a scientific basis for education in how people
think, feel, and/or motivate themselves rather than only to guess what intuitively
might make sense.
2. Good theories are specific enough to specify what the educational interventions
should look like.
3. If the theory is sufficiently specific, it will also specify what the assessments of
instruction should look like.
4. Good theories are disconfirmable, so they provide the basis for discovering
whether the intervention actually does or does not work.
5. One of the best ways to test theories and advance is through practical
The process of learning focuses on what happens when the learning takes place. A
learning theory is an attempt to describe what happens when we learn and how we
learn. Although something we often take for granted, learning is a complex process
which, according to Hill (2002) has two main functions: the first is that it provides us
with the vocabulary and conceptual framework for interpreting the examples of
learning that we observe; and the second that it directs us where to look for solutions
to practical problems. While theories themselves don’t give us solutions, they do
direct our attention to those variables that are crucial in finding solutions.
H Engward
Education Theory
Learning Theory Definitions
Most theorists agree that learning cannot be studied directly, but its nature can be
inferred from changes in behaviour (apart from B.F. Skinner who claims that
behavioural changes are learning and therefore no further process need be inferred).
The majority of learning theorists share the following basic definitional assumptions
about learning:
1. Learning is referred to as a persistent change in human performance or
True whether or not they actually have an opportunity to exhibit the newly
acquired performance
2. To be considered learning, a change in performance must come about as
a result of the learner’s experience and interaction with the world
Some changes (e.g., fine motor control) can be attributed to maturation
and therefore may not considered learned.
Behaviour changes (e.g., search for food when hungry) are explained on
the basis of temporary states but don’t imply learning.
Learning requires experience, but what these are, how they’re used, & how
they bring about learning constitute the focus of every learning theory.
Theory & Practice
"I repeat, as long as you have studied the theory hard enough —" "And what good’s
theory going to be in the real world?" said Harry loudly, his fist in the air again.
Professor Umbridge looked up.
"This is school, Mr. Potter, not the real world," she said softly.
J.K. Rowling
The history of the application of psychological theories to education has been
described as ‘a spotty one (Sternberg, 2008). John Dewey (1938/1997) was among
the first serious scholars of education to take this task seriously, and much of
H Engward
Education Theory
contemporary psychology of education may be seen as originating in large part with
Dewey’s work.
There is an implicit assumption that there is a tangible connection between
educational theory and practice. In reality though, the relationship between
educational theory and classroom practice is more complex than is usually assumed.
Below, Saugstad (2002) discusses the differing definitions of theory and practice:
In education, the meaning of the term 'theory' ranges from being connected to scientific
knowledge, academic subjects and to empirical and pragmatic knowledge such as educational
methodology. The dualism of theory and practice, which is reflected in the dictionary definition
is also evident in education, where theory is often understood as being all that is not practice.
This could be why the term ‘theoretical’ is regularly used to denote academic as opposed to
practical school subjects and school-based teaching as opposed to practical internship.
In one perspective theory is understood to be normative for practice and in the other
perspective theory is understood to be derived from practice. The first implies practice having
to adapt to theory - Here the term theory attaches itself to scientific knowledge, the knowledge
one acts on in practice is thus understood here as being synonymous with applied scientific
The second that theory is defined through practice - theory is almost understood to be
verbalised practice, it becomes a kind of pragmatic guide for actions, where the ideal is a
connection between theory and practice that is as close as possible, i.e. theory should fit
practice like a glove fits a hand. This is formulated in opposition to the scientific and dualistic
perspective and consists of Dewey-inspired experience-based education.
The common assumptions are as follows:
That practical and theoretical knowledge is coherent, convertible and compatible.
The assumption that the theoretical and practical domains are of such a nature that a
connection is possible.
That there is one specific theory that applies to one given practice. This assumption is
deduced from the conceptions that practice is either ‘the realisation of the theoretical
aspect’ (see OED) or that theory is derived from practice.
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Education Theory
That theory is directly converted into practice and vice versa.
That practice is rule based and describable in general terms - derived from the conception
that the generality, predictability and regularity, which is a characteristic of theory, is also
a characteristic of practice.
That learning in the classroom can substitute for learning in practice. The assumption
builds upon the notion that all forms of knowledge are qualitatively alike and that
knowledge in the theoretical and the practical domains are convertible.
For Dewey, the purpose of education in relation to the fulfilment of the democratic
ethic is to provide the social conditions that support persons in having a range of
experiences necessary to develop whatever capacities, interests, and desires each
individual might have. Especially given the rapidly changing nature of society,
schools must support the widest diversity of intellectual and practical development
for all students so that they might prepare themselves for the many possible life
activities (Danforth, 2008).
Epistemology and Learning Theories
Epistemology basic is a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature,
methods, and limits of human knowledge. Such beliefs influence the development of
knowledge because they are considered to be the central values or theories that are
functionally connected to most other beliefs and knowledge (Hofer & Pintrich, 1997).
Our own personal epistemology influences our own theories of learning, and
consequently, how we approach, design, and delivery our classes. The terms used
to describe epistemological positions vary, depending on whether it’s describing the
origin or the acquisition of knowledge. A brief overview of the key terms is presented
in Figure 1.
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Education Theory
Figure 1. Key Epistemological Terms
What is
Source of
Posits that knowledge is absolute and true, and is independent from and
outside of the individual. Learning involves the transfer of what exists in
reality to what is known by the learner.
Reality exists external to the individual, so therefore knowledge simply exists
and there is no need to construct knowledge. Knowledge is acquired by
Objectivism is linked with empiricism - a process of gaining knowledge, in
which sensory experience (what we can quantify with our own senses) is the
only valid source of knowledge. Kuhn and Weinstock (2002) describe this
way of knowledge acquisition as 'pre-procedural knowing', or the first way
to approach acquiring information.
H Engward
Education Theory
In English?
Type of
What is
Pragmatism regards knowledge as a worthy but improbable goal. This
approach emphasises theories of meaning (of what works) with the
understanding that this may not reflect reality.
Source of
Knowledge is interpreted and negotiated, through a process of experience
and reason.
Pragmatism also used when describing the acquisition of knowledge, and
involves active processing where no single truth exists (Brownlee et al,
2008). Kuhn & Weinstock (2002) describe this way of knowledge acquisition
as 'procedural knowing '
In English?
Type of
What is
In constructivism knowledge is not uniform and identical. Rather, it’s
constructed at an individual level and exists in multiple formats.
Source of
Knowledge is gained through reason, by considering the available
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Education Theory
information and assembling a personal interpretation. It’s not concerned with
whether knowledge is true in the absolute sense, since truth depends on the
knower’s frame of reference.
Interpretativism is linked with constructivism. Knowledge is constructed
individual or collectively, and varies from person to person. These
‘constructed knowing’ beliefs are more likely to be linked to constructivist
beliefs in learning (Brownlee, 2003; Hammer, 2003), which are based on a
view of knowledge as complex, tentative, and needing to be actively critiqued
(Gill, Ashton, & Algina, 2004).
In English?
Type of
Each learning theory, or psychological explanation of teaching and learning, can be
traced back to one of these main epistemological traditions.
H Engward
Education Theory