
Early Years Settings’ Local Offer
All Early Years Settings are asked to give their responses to the following
questions for publication in the Authority’s Local Offer. This will help
parents and carers to understand how additional and/or special educational needs
are managed in your setting.
Please give a very brief description of your setting, eg. size, location, ethos, any
mission statements etc.
We currently run from two sites with good indoor and outdoor space
accessible to all. These settings offer excellent opportunities to make a safe,
stimulating and enjoyable environment for all children between 2 and 5
We are an inclusive setting providing appropriate learning opportunities for
all children through a range of strategies within the preschool and working
in partnership.
We have excellent ratios of staff with specialised training.
Identification of additional or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
1.1 How does the setting identify children with additional needs or SEND?
Binfield preschool uses multi -tier approach to identify any delays or concerns
with the children within the setting. Professionals and highly trained staffs are
in place to support children with already identified needs. Identifying and
working with the children with additional needs are through a strong positive
partnership with families/carers. Baseline information is obtained through
home visits and meeting parents/carers .Through observations and progress
trackers using development matters statements each child’s progress is
monitored. Any delays or concerns are identified and we use a graduated
response system(using observations ,tracking ,key person books, Individual
Development Programme for identifying, assessing and responding to
children’s individual needs .Parental involvement is throughout the process
and external professionals will be involved if required .The targets are planned
,supported and reviewed regularly.
1.2 What should I do if I think my child has additional needs or SEND?
If you have any concerns about your child’s needs or development there is a
strong support and network available to you which can be facilitated by the
preschool .Your child will have a key person to support .Both the setting has a
SENCO who you can speak to. Support is also available through the health
visitor, SAL drop in, GP or a visit to your local children’s centre.
Support for children with additional needs or SEND
2.1 If my child is identified as having an additional need, who will oversee and
plan their education programme?
If your child is identified with having any additional needs their key person
plans and supports your child .This is overseen by setting’s SENCO, in
partnership with parents/carers .Where required external professionals may
be involved (TAC- Team Around the Child).Or setting believes that it is the
responsibility of all staffs to meet the child’s needs.
2.2 How will I be informed / consulted about the ways in which my child is being
Our setting has an open door policy .Parents/carers can have a formal or
informal chats with the key person, SENCO. If required home communication
books are started .IEPs are set with the parent partnership if necessary which
is reviewed at least every 6 weeks .The progress reviews are sent over every
half term and discussed with parents/carers .Team around the Child meetings
are arranged if required and CAF will be raised if necessary .The key person
and SENCO support the child and the family/carers to facilitate involvement of
any external professionals.
2.3 How will the setting balance my child’s need for support with developing their
Binfield preschool believes each child is unique and develop at different rates.
But with the right support and equipment each child can achieve their
personal best .We use specialist equipment and observations to provide
balanced opportunities for all children .Where required environment will be
adapted to meet the individual interests, needs and inclusion. Our planning
and running of sessions includes small groups, use of PECS, Makaton ,risk
assessing equipment and activities, individual planning ,objectives and
incorporated in daily planning taking their interests into account.
2.4 How will the setting match/differentiate the Early Years Foundation Stage for
my child’s needs?
For every child in setting, the planning is adapted and differentiated to meet
individualised needs by taking their interests into consideration. SMART
targets are set which are achieved through planning small steps working with
the child’s strength.
2.5 What teaching strategies does the setting use for children with additional
needs or learning difficulties, including Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD),
hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech, language difficulties and
physical difficulties?
Our strategies for all children in setting includes using visual timetables,
PECS, timers for turn taking , Development movement Play area (to develop
physical skills),Communication Friendly Spaces, small groups .For any
specific need or learning we include specific resources a recommended by
professionals, parents/ carers and other agencies.
2.6 Does the setting provide any additional staffing from its own budget for
children with additional needs or SEND?
We have excellent staff ratio and in certain circumstances we can provide
additional support/ resources for children with additional needs.
2.7 What specific intervention programmes are offered by the setting for children
with additional needs or SEND and are these delivered on a one to one basis
or in small groups?
We work with individual needs and specific programmes include small groups,
1:1 ,SAL, PECS, Makaton, positive behaviour reinforcement. We are happy to
work with any strategies or recommendations by other professional or
parents/carers to ensure consistency.
2.8 What resources and equipment does the setting provide for children with
additional needs or SEND?
We provide a wide selection of resources or equipment for use by all children
on a level, age appropriate , mostly in self-selection trolleys , clearly labelled
with pictures ,timers, visual aids ,PECS. We ensure a selection of sensory
opportunities inside and outside and on our Development Movement Play
area. We have sensory bags which we use for 1: and small groups and we
are happy to include appropriate resources meeting individual needs.
My child’s progress
3.1 How will the setting monitor my child’s progress and how will I be involved in
As explained in 1.1 we monitor the child’s progress and involve parents
/carers through
Baseline information from parents
Observations of children’s learning at pre-school and from home
Progress tracker
2 year progress review
Graduated response, plan – do – review
TAC meetings
Learning and development stories
Home / school communication books
3.2 When my child’s progress is being reviewed, how will new targets be set and
how will I be involved?
Your child’s progress will be based on current levels of development and
using Early years outcomes, development matters and early support small
steps to identify appropriate targets with parents ,ideas shared by them
,where required ensure consistency between home and school environment
.Regular progress review meetings and IEP target review meetings are
carried with parents /carers .If TAC meetings are required, targets will be set
by all professionals involved along with the parents/carers.
3.3 ln addition to the setting’s normal reporting arrangements, what opportunities
will there be for me to discuss my child’s progress with setting staff?
Open door policy, formal, informal chat, regular progress review, key person
meeting, home communication books, IEP reviews.
3.4 What arrangements does the setting have for regular home to school contact?
Open door policy ,home school communication book ,half termly updates
,reviews ,IEP reviews, emails ,face book ,newsletter ,website ,parent notice
board, opportunities to stay and play when their child is in the setting.
3.5 How can I support my child’s learning?
Contribute observations outside setting for learning and development story,
setting targets and working with the setting, attending key person meetings
,writing comments, sharing information on strength ,difficulties, success,
sharing strategies used, involved in weekly themes and contributing to interest
table and talking about preschool at home.
3.6 Does the setting offer any help for parents / carers to enable them to support
their child’s learning, eg. training or learning events?
Your child’s key person will be involved to ensure consistency of training and
support .We ensure joint working with children’s centre and external groups if
necessary .Staffs are happy to share their skills with parents ( eg.)Makaton
3.7 How will my child’s views be sought about the help they are getting and the
progress they are making?
The key person and all staffs will know your child through observations, selfselection of toys, and evaluation of activities. We use All about Me visual aids
to help them express their views.
3.8 How does the setting assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision
and how can parents / carers take part in this evaluation?
The SEN provision is regularly reviewed and parents/carers feedback is
sought at each IEP/TAC meeting .Their feedback is taken into account while
updating SEF. We welcome any feedback either verbally or parent
Support for my child’s overall well being
4.1 How does the setting support children’s social and emotional development?
Binfield preschool supports children’s social and emotional development
through a strong partnership with parents/carers and nurturing settling in
period tailored to the needs of each child and the family .We have key person
and key person buddy system to ensure there is a continuity and strong bond
.They work in small nurturing groups that are age and ability appropriate to
challenge and boost their confidence .We use visual and behaviour modelling
and resources to support the development of your child.
4.2 How does the setting support children who find it difficult to conform to the
settings normal behavioural expectations?
The preschool believes that children flourish in an environment where
everyone knows what is expected of them and when they are free to develop
their play and learning without the fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone
We provide and model positive behaviour reinforcement and encouragement
using firm and consistent boundaries which are adapted to each child’s
developmental needs .If necessary specific strategies are planned with
parents and if required other professionals are consulted.( Refer Behaviour
management policy)
4.3 What medical support is available in the setting for children with additional
needs or SEND?
All staffs are paediatric first aid trained which includes CPR, choking,
administering epi pen and all other medical assessment and care .Currently
both our SENCO’s are trained for Type 2 Diabetic care including administering
insulin .Care plans are developed with parents as required and staff would
receive additional training if required .The first aid kit is fully stocked and
available at all times.
4.4 How does the setting manage the administration of medicines?
We have strict policies and procedures regarding administration of medicines
.We have a secure and refrigerated storage available .All medicines are
administered carefully with full documentation after a consent form completed
by parent/carer .If required a medical care plan can be set up in partnership
with parents/carers and professionals.(Health and Hygiene policy)
4.5 How does the setting provide help with personal care where this is needed, for
example, help with toileting, eating etc?
Good staff ratio ensures adult support where and when required .Staff sit
around the table to support the children during lunch and snack to make it a
social time and encourage independence. Changing facilities are available
and we ensure privacy while providing intimate care. Equipment are available
to encourage independence in hand washing and use toilets .We work with
parents to maintain consistency in toilet training .For children with additional
needs we work with the parents and external agencies to encourage
independence and manage specific needs.
Specialist services and expertise available at or accessed by the setting
5.1 Are there any specialist staff working at the setting and if so, what are their
All staff have received additional training including use of Makaton .We have
individuals received training in several areas of SEN and speech and
5.2 Does the setting use any support services, for example, learning support
teachers, educational psychologists, teachers for hearing impairment and
visual impairment, ASD advisory teachers, behaviour support teachers etc?
We have links with external support professionals and work with parents to
ensure full support for your child.
5.3 What should I do if I think my child needs to be seen by one of these
If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or require additional
support speak to key person/SENCO/Supervisor and we can sign post you to
additional support that may be available to you.
Training of setting staff in SEND
6.1 What SEND training is provided for practitioners within the Early Years
Our SENCO’s attend all SENCO forums and trained in many areas of SEN
including CAF and IEP. Nearly all staff are trained to level 2, level 3 NVQ and
many have received other trainings for specific needs .Also have staffs who
have received Speech and language training .
6.2 Do any practitioners have specific qualifications in additional needs or SEND?
Our senior practitioners have a very high level of training and numerous
qualifications including DPP SEN module .Many staff have additional training
in SEN areas.
Activities outside the setting including trips
7.1 How do you ensure children with additional needs or SEND can be included in
all activities and trips?
All outside activities are planned; risk assessed, discussed and managed to
ensure inclusion of all children.
7.2 How do you involve parent / carers in planning the support required for their
child to take part in activities and trips?
We involve parents and plan for any support required for trips and activities.
How accessible is the setting environment?
8.1 How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties / wheelchair
Both sites have full facilities for children with mobility issues and for wheel
chair users .We have good parking facilities ,ramps , slopes and everything iis
in one level .We have toilet facilities and access and each individual case will
be assessed and managed.
8.2 Have there been improvements made to the auditory and visual environment?
Our preschool is a communication friendly atmosphere with abundant natural
lighting and controllable artificial lighting .We use audio, visual and sensory
resources for all children and specific equipment can be arranged if needed.
8.3 Are there accessible changing and toilet facilities?
Both sites have separate toilet facilities for adults and children.
8.4 How does the setting communicate with parents / carers who have a
We communicate with all parents using written reports, email, newsletters,
home visits, face book and telephone .If necessary we are happy to put
additional support in place as per the requirement.
8.5 How does the setting communicate with parents / carers or whose first
language is not English?
We have many years of experience with EAL children and families .We
support them by links to PLA EAL workers and translators.
Preparing my child to join the setting or to transfer to a new school
9.1 What preparation will there be for both the setting and my child before he or
she starts?
Child and the family are invited for a show around and an open afternoon to
meet their key person and other new starters. Parents/ carers get a welcome
book and general information .Home visits are arranged according to
parents/carers choice or needs .We offer individual settling in plan .For
children with additional needs we will work with the previous setting to ensure
smooth transition
9.2 How will my child be prepared to move on to the next stage?
We support your child in preparing for next stage .We get the new setting in
and do transition visits supported by key person and documents .This
transition is tailored to individual needs (eg) photo books .We support and
use resources to ensure this is a positive transition.
9.3 How will you support a new setting or school to prepare for my child?
We work with new setting sharing strategies, current targets and sharing all
information through transition documents and arranging the TAC meetings
where all professionals involved share their inputs for next step.
9.4 What information will be provided to my child’s new setting or school?
We share any information with the parent consent with the next setting in
transition like IEP, progress reviews, transition document and learning
9.5 How will you support my child’s transition to a new setting or school?
We arrange TAC meetings where the SENCO from new setting,the teachers
and any other external professionals are invited and make a plan for smooth
transition .We accompany the children on visits to new school and make
photo books if needed.
10. Discussing concerns about my child
10.1 Who should I contact if I am considering registering for a place at the setting?
For contacting the setting please make a phone call to
Jocks Lane- 01344 862500
Memorial Hall-01344 862729 or
10.2 Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my
Your first point of contact would be the supervisor .If you have any specific
concerns or SEN requirements we will be happy to arrange a visit or meeting
to discuss.
10.3 Does the setting offer any specific support for parents / carers and families
(such as Family Support Workers?)
We will work with you and external agencies to ensure you receive any
support needed.
10.4 What arrangements does the setting have for signposting parents / carers to
external agencies which can offer support, such as voluntary agencies?
We signpost parents by providing and displaying information regarding external
10.5 What arrangements does the setting have for feedback from parents / carers,
including compliments and complaints?
Our preschool is run by committee of parents and they send annual
questionnaires to get feedback. Our open door policy encourages parents to
feedback at any time and we have a robust complaints policy and procedure.