Lime Kiln Middle School PTA Executive Board of Directors President – Preside at all meetings, board of directors and executive committees; coordinate the work of the officers and committees as needed; submit local unit’s forms to the state PTA office according to schedule provided; be a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committee; review and initial bank statements monthly; represent the PTA at all council meetings or send an alternate; perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the PTA or its board of directors; serve as a signatory on all bank accounts and contracts. 1st Vice President – Act as an aide to the President and performs duties of president in the absence of that officer; shall be responsible for the completion and submission of renewed bylaws within the mandated time frame; with the help of the President, will recruit persons for and oversee the following committees which include, but are not limited to: membership, direct donations, school directory, teacher appreciation and hospitality; and perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the PTA or its board of directors. 2nd Vice President – Act as an aide to the President and performs duties of president in the absence of 1st Vice President; will recruit persons for and oversee the following committees which include, but are not limited to: active fundraisers ( “Gotta Eat Nights”, magazine sale, spirit wear sales, passive fundraisers (such as Box Tops/Giant Bonus Bucks/EScrip/Target/Harris Teeter/Bloom), Reflections, Drama, Student Events and Family Programs/HC Drug Representative; and perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the PTA or its board of directors. Treasurer – Has custody of all of this PTA funds, keeping a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures including reconciliation of the bank statement each month; prepares annual budget upon completion of budget committee meeting held before the start of the school year; ensure bonding and insurance requirements are maintained; collect funds from fundraising activities and make disbursements as authorized by the president or board of directors of the PTA in accordance with the budget adopted by the PTA; present a written financial statement at every meeting of the executive committee, the board of directors, the general membership and at other times when requested by the board of directors; make a final report before the newly elected officers officially assume their duties; responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records as to conform to the requirements of the National, State and local PTA; responsible for remittance of funds to State and National PTA as scheduled; responsible for preparing all necessary tax forms; have the accounts examined at the close of the fiscal year and upon change of treasurer by an auditor or auditing committee of not less than three persons; and perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the PTA or its board of directors. Prepares a Treasurer’s report for the PTA monthly meeting. Recording Secretary – Record the minutes of all PTA meetings, board of directors, and executive committees; be prepared to read the minutes of the previous meeting; file all records; have a current copy of the PTA bylaws; maintain a current membership list; and perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the PTA or its board of directors. Corresponding Secretary – Maintain all required correspondence of the PTA, initiating correspondence as requested; performs the duties of the recording secretary in the absence of that officer; and perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the PTA or its board of directors. Send thank you notes to those people / companies that donate in some way to the PTA and miscellaneous cards to staff (congratulations, get well etc). Also send a birthday wish to the Lime Kiln staff members. Take candy bars once a month with a birthday tag to the office for the birthdays that month. PTA Council Delegate (2) – Shall represent the PTA in the work of the Howard County PTA Council; responsible to attend monthly meetings of the Howard County PTA Council and report back to Executive Board of Directors; shall vote as directed by the board of directors and are authorized to use their own judgment when the board of directors cannot be polled in a reasonable amount of time. PTAC Meetings are the first Monday of the month from 7:30pm – 9:30pm. Each PTAC Rep will attend both meetings every other month. Executive Committees (Committee Chairs provide a report/update to the Executive Board and attend monthly PTA meetings as needed) Adult Social – Coordinate a social event for adults. May include a silent auction fundraiser. Advertise event, get volunteers and collect money and work with the Treasurer to request reimbursements and manage budgets. PTA Fundraisers– Coordinate fundraisers to raise money for the PTA. May include Magazine Drive, Scrips gift cards, coupon book, candles, pizza or any other fundraising idea. Box Tops – Collect Box Tops sent in to the school; sort, count and send to General Mills in accordance with their guidelines. Cultural Arts – Coordinate assembly programs for students throughout the year. Work within budget set by PTA. Prepare check distribution requests and attend assemblies. Direct Donation – A letter is included in first week forms at the beginning of school year asking parents for direct monetary donations. Collect monies, deliver to treasurer and send letter for tax purposes to family donating. Drama – Act as liaison between Drama Company and PTA. Involved in play selection and contract negotiations. Once a play is selected, coordinate communications with drama company/parents/students/school for auditions. Work with the Drama Company and relay information back to parents. Coordinate parent volunteers for room reservations, costumes & make-up, set building, ticket sales and promotions, play program advertising and biographies, concessions, and pizza party and cast party. Family Events – coordinate events for students and their families. Advertise event, get volunteers and collect money and work with the Treasurer to request reimbursements and manage budgets. Family Programs/HC Drug Free Liaison – Coordinate parent/student programs on relevant topics of interest such as internet safety. Act as liaison between Howard County programs “HC Drug Free” and the school. Gotta Eat Night – Coordinate Gotta Eat night for LKMS students and their families. Select dates and coordinate with school administration and provide details to the PTA News Flash and Leopards Tale. Hospitality – This committee recognizes all teachers and administrative staff, custodians, food service personnel, and specialists by providing special tokens of appreciation throughout the school year. Includes, but not limited to, Welcome Back Breakfast for Staff in August and two dinners during Parent Teacher conferences in November and February. Newsletter – Compiles and edits articles and PTA news for publication in weekly PTA Newsflash e-newsletter. Send to School Secretary for distribution. Membership – Assist in recruiting members for the PTA: distribute membership forms and collect dues through mid- February. Work the Membership booth at the Open House in August and Back to School night in September. Attend the Teacher back to school breakfast and work with the President on Teacher memberships. Prepare membership cards and develop a spreadsheet of members. Work with Treasurer to count monies, report number of memberships sold to Maryland State PTA, and return any unused cards. Reflections – Assist with student entries in Reflections Program, a National PTA contest fostering student creativity through original works in literature, music, photography and visual art. Duties will include publicity, collecting the artwork, selecting judges, displaying the art, and coordinating the awards ceremony. School Rewards Program – coordinate the school rewards program with various grocery and retail stores such as Giant, Safeway/Escript, Harris Teeter, Wegmans and Target. Contact the stores website and ensure LKMS is among options. Distribute information to parents and to the Leopard’s Tale at the beginning of the year. Spirit Wear – Manage inventory for all items for sale; attend PTA functions including open house, back to school parent night and incoming 6th grade orientation to sell items; give money to treasurer for deposit and send order forms home at various times throughout the school year. Staff Appreciation – Coordinate staff appreciation activities during Teacher Appreciation Week held in May; provide a luncheon for staff, coordinating set up/clean up and purchase food items. Send information to school Secretary on gift card donations from parents for distribution during Staff Appreciation week. Manage the Staff Appreciation budget and submit any check requests for reimbursement to Treasurer. Student Directory/Advertising – Coordinate on-line Directory effort and directory advertisers. Manage database of information and format. Get directory printed by Outer Office and deliver to school for distribution. Student Events – Coordinate student events such as Lime Time picnic in May and 8th grade Dance in June. Advertise event, get volunteers and collect money and work with the Treasurer to request reimbursements and manage budgets. Teacher Allowances – Work with PTA Membership and purchase Target gift cards for teacher allowances. Teacher Allowances are for teachers to purchase classroom supplies. Full-time teachers get $75 and part-time teachers get $35. Gift cards are not for administration or non-teaching staff.