Quiet Storm Youth Advisory Council Teen Resources Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Southern Nevada 1-(702) 731-2227 Website: www.bbbssn.org Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Southern Nevada is a long-standing mentoring program that matches adult volunteers with kids from single parent homes. If you have an at-risk child who would be helped by having a positive role model in his/her life, this organization has a well-established reputation for good results. Boys & Girls Clubs of Las Vegas 2850 S. Lindell Rd. P.O. Box 26689 Las Vegas, NV 89126 1-(702) 367-2582 Fax 1-(702) 367-9522 Website: www.bgclv.org Boys & Girls Clubs of Las Vegas offers at-risk youth ages 6-18 with programs that assist them with cultivating positive skills and building self-esteem. Their most recent thrust is to help cut down gang violence. Child and Family Services 708 S. 6th St. Las Vegas, NV 1-702-387-1872 Child and Family Services provides resources to assist families and children. Call to see what services they currently provide and what the eligibility requirements are. Child Focus 4310 S. Cameron Street Suite 13 Las Vegas, NV 89103 702-436-1624 Child Focus offers services and a number of helpful resources and programs for children who live in foster care situations. Since kids who have been in the foster care system for awhile can suffer from selfesteem issues, utilizing this organization could be very positive for them. Clark County Social Service Parenting Program 1600 Pinto Lane Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 1-(702) 455-3299 Fax 1-(702) 455-5950 The Clark County Social Service Parenting Program offers a much-needed service, as it provides counseling, support, education, medical services and financial assistance for pregnant females or young mothers; ages 15-23 years. Clark County Family and Youth Services 601 N. Pecos Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 1-(702) 455-5210 1-(702) 455-5380 Fax 1-(702) 455-5216 The Clark County Family and Youth Services offers help for adolescents with delinquent behavior or for those who have been neglected or abused. Classroom On Wheels 2039 Lake Mead Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89030 1-(702) 870-7201 Website: www.classroomonwheels.org Classroom On Wheels offers, at no cost, a bilingual preschool education in renovated buses, which they drive into low-income neighborhoods to help preschoolers and their families. Clinic On Wheels 2039 Lake Mead Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89030 (702) 870-7201 e-mail: cowbuslv@aol.com Website: www.classroomonwheels.org Clinic On Wheels offers, at no cost, dental and medical screenings, treatment for minor medical concerns and healthcare information. Their goal is to assist those in under-served communities to be healthy and to refer them to places where they can receive adequate healthcare. Epicenter, Inc. Phone: (702) 732-8776 Epicenter, Inc. provides free medical and dental care to low-income, at-risk teenagers whose families don't have health insurance. Family Resource Centers The area Family Resource Centers offers information and resources for families and children. Programs may include baby clinics, parenting skills classes, GED preparation classes, tutoring, computer education, ESL, job readiness training, immunization and more, as well as assistance with food and clothing. A.D. Guy Boys and Girls Club FRCA. 817 North N Street Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-651-4996 Baker Park Family Resource Center 1020 East Saint Louis Las Vegas, NV 89104 702-733-6599 Cambridge Family Resource Center 3900 Cambridge Street, Suite 106 Las Vegas, NV 89119 702-455-7386 Clark Family Resource Center 4291 Pennwood Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-220-3163 Courtney Family Resource Center Freemont Villas 121 North 15th Street Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-215-2950 Eastside Family Resource Center 1870 North Lamont Las Vegas, NV 89115 702-799-3670 Ext 4087 Greater Las Vegas Family Resource Center 1200 North Eastern Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-657-6762 Martin Luther King Family Resource Center 2432 North Martin Luther King Blvd., Bldg. D North Las Vegas, NV 89032 702-455-0764 McCabe Boys and Girls Club Family Resource Center 2801 East Stewart Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-388-7343 Stupak Family Resource Center 300 West Boston Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-229-2432 Foster Grandparent Program 2420 Martin Luther King B, Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 647-1515 The Foster Grandparent Program helps match elderly mentors with at-risk youth. Juvenile Justice Services 601 N. Pecos Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 702- 455-5200 Juvenile Justice Services performs duties related to probation and detention for delinquent youths 18years-old and under, as well as counseling and intervention services. Nevada Homes for Youth 525 S. 13th St, Las Vegas, NV 702-380-2889 Nevada Homes for Youth offers transitional housing geared towards teens. Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth P.O. Box 20135 Las Vegas, NV 89112 1-(702) 383-1332 Toll-free: 1-(888) 907-7888 Email:info@nphy.org Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth provides resources to help homeless youths. This is a continuing issue in our city, so this organization is desperately needed. Nevada Youth Alliance 2125 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas, NV 89030-5824 702-647-0440 Website: http://www.nevadayouthalliance.org/index.php The Nevada Youth Alliance focuses on juvenile justice issues, mentoring, recreation, educational resources and other services to help at-risk youth and their families. Call or visit their website for more information. Olive Crest Homes and Services for Abused Children 6148 Sahara Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89146 702-221-6224, ext.1707 Olive Crest Homes and Services for Abused Children provides help for children, ages birth to 16-yearsold, who are in situation of neglect and abuse or who have been abandoned. Parenting classes, crisis intervention, an outreach program and other services are offered. Call for more information. Project Assist P.O. Box 70247 Reno, Nevada 89570-0247 Statewide: 1-800-522-0066 Fax:1-(702) 688-2558 Project Assist offers information about services available in Nevada for special-needs children and young adults. Project SOAR Email: marcie@co.clark.nv.us The goal of Project SOAR is to help stop the spread of truancy and juvenile delinquency in the Clark County area. Participants are generally young people with difficulties, such as drug abuse, deviant behavior, problems with respecting authority,alcohol abuse and getting in trouble with the law. The kids who need this type of program are in desperate need of something positive to help redirect their lives. If you're a parent or guardian of an at-risk child and believe he or she may benefit by being a part of this program, email to find out more information and about eligibility requirements. Ronald McDonald House 2323 Potosi Street Las Vegas, NV 891461- 702-252-4663 Fax: 1-702-252-7345 The Ronald McDonald House provides a temporary residence for families of seriously ill children being treated at area hospitals. Families members can sleep, eat and get some emotional support from others in like situations. Donation of $5.00 up to $20.00 per day are requested from families, but, if they cannot afford to make a donation, they are able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House at no cost. . Shriners Hospitals for Children and Shriners Burn Institutes Shriner Headquarters 2900 Rocky Point Drive Tampa, Florida 33607 1-800- 282-9161 Direct phone to Shriners Hospitals for Children: 1-800-237-5055 While this is not a local number, you can still call for information or help. The Shriners Hospitals for Children and Shriners Burn Institutes offer medical treatment for burn victims at three burn centers and medical services for children with spinal cord injuries and cleft palates through a network of 22 hospitals. Call to find out the nearest participating hospital nearest you. Street Teens PO Box 70478 Las Vegas, NV 89170-0478 1-702 809-3585 Fax: 1-702 215-4187 Website:http://www.streetteens.org Email:StreetTeens@Earthlink.net Street Teens assists at risk homeless youth with getting off the streets Call, email or visit their website for further information. Teen Challenge of Nevada-Las Vegas P.O. Box 13410 Las Vegas, NV 89112 Phone:1- (702) 314-1300 Fax: 1-(702) 314-0503 Email: lvtc@teenchallengenv.org Web Address: www.teenchallenge.net Male - Ages: 18+ Many of Teen Challenge centers offer a one-year residential program for young adults designed to help them become free of drugs. During their one-year stay at Teen Challenge, participants do not hold down outside jobs, as the program's goal is to get them to focus on being fully rehabilitated. Contact them to find out availability and eligibility requirements. WE CAN, INC. Nevada Chapter, National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse 5440 West Sahara Avenue, Suite 202 Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 (702) 368-1533 FAX (702) 368-1540 WE CAN, INC.is an area organization geared towards preventing child abuse and providing parenting skills and counseling. Westcare 900 Grier Drive Las Vegas, NV 89108 702-385-2020 Westcare offers several programs to help young people and their families in need in our community, including emergency shelter for runaways, help for adolescent females with delinquency and substanceabuse problems, also services and help for adolescent males. Call for more information or to get the appropriate extension number to answer your questions. Youth With a Mission 3375 S. Mojave Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89121 702-697- 0250 Website: http://www.ywamlasvegas.org/htdocs/cms/home.html Youth With a Mission is a faith-based organization that offers help, when available, for those in need. They have a Street Cafe for those who need food and someone to lend a listening ear. Call or visit their website for more information. YMCA Of Southern Nevada 702- 877-9622 The YMCA Of Southern Nevada offers recreational activities and other programs for youths and their families, regardless of their ability to pay.