Level Design Document Week 1 Team Earth Chris Diaz Patricia Gerard Jimmy Hurstel Kyle West 6/12/2011 Dark Earth Decent Overview of Level The majority of our level is set inside of a cave. The cave entrance is placed on the side of a mountain in the middle of a small island. This island is populated with trees, ruins, plains, hills, and tall grass. While players are exploring the island, everything is peaceful; danger is unexpected. Once the players enter the cave that peacefulness disappears. Once they enter the cave, there is no return. The player 2D Mockup The following is a 2D Mockup of the level. 2D Mockup of Encounters The following is a 2D Mockup with Encounters of the level. Important Items The following contains the important items for players to be successful in this level. Pic not available Rocket Launcher As part of encounter 2, the player has a rocket launcher available for pick-up. This weapon will greatly increase the player’s chances of defeating the enemies in encounter 3. Level Theme We are trying to capture a quick mood change from light to dark. The island will bring comfort and a sense of happiness. Once the player enters the cave the mood quickly changes; evil can be felt, which brings fear to the player. The island will give the player a, “living in paradise” feeling. The cave will have rugged walls and be extremely dark. We want the player to feel like they are minutes away from death. The cave is split up into different areas but is still part of the same level. The first area will contain a simple maze that the player will navigate through. At the end of the maze there is a portal leading to the boss encounter. The player can also shoot all five targets to open a special portal to the falling floor area of the cave. In the falling floor area, players cross what looks like a normal rocky floor. By crossing it, they can a weapon to help with the ensuing boss battle. Once the player gets the weapon though the floor to the area drops out, so the player will have to jump back across to exit the area. When the player completes this room, they will be sent to the Boss encounter, which is the same room they would have been sent to had they missed the more difficult target in the maze room. This room has stalactites and stalagmites and has a sense of cave that is falling apart. After defeating the enemy robots in this area players are sent back to the island area. This location is not as tranquil as the starting area but has the same look and feel to it, only slightly more militaristic, as the player needs to battle a helicopter to complete the level. Encounters The following encounters have been incorporated into this level. Target Trigger – PvObject The player encounters a simple maze when they first enter this encounter area. At the end of the maze, the player is presented with a precision shooting challenge. The player can proceed normally through the open portal to the Boss encounter or shoot all targets to open the portal leading to the falling floor encounter. The Falling Floor – PvEnviroment The player enters a low lit room. All they see is a faint light on the back wall pointing down on an object. When they approach the object they see that it is a rocket launcher. When the rocket launcher is picked up, the room becomes lit, the majority of the floor disappears, and a portal is presented on the other side. The player must successfully jump platform to platform in order to progress. Players can die from falling if they miss jumping on a platform. If they fail and die they will start at a spawn point located at the rocket launcher pick up location. Battle - PvAgent (AI) When the player enters the third encounter, 3 enemies and 1 boss are presented. In the room the player will find health pick-ups that will be needed in order to defeat the creatures. Once the creatures are defeated a portal presents itself. If the player dies during the encounter they will begin play at the original first level spawn point or the rocket launcher spawn point, depending on which path they have chosen. The player risks more time to complete the level if they die, as they will have to restart at a previous spawn point. Escape – PvEnvironment, PvAgent (AI), PvObject When the player enters the final area of the level, they must hurry past the PvEnvironment encounter, falling boulders. If he or she remains in the same area the player will be will be crushed. As the player enters the area, an enemy helicopter will attack him or her. This battle is the second encounter, the PvAgent(AI). The player must then try to destroy the helicopter. Doing this will be difficult, even with the Rocket launcher, so as the last encounter the player should use a vehicle to battle the helicopter. The vehicle serves as the final encounter for the level, the PvIObject. As with the other areas, the major risk for the players is time. On death, players will respawn near the cave exit. Asset List The following is a list of the assets used in this level. Name Package Type A_Character_Footstep_DefaultCue A_Character_Footsteps.FootSteps Sound A_Character_Footstep_DirtCue A_Character_Footsteps.FootSteps Sound A_Character_Footstep_DirtJumpCue A_Character_Footsteps.FootSteps Sound A_Character_Footstep_DirtLandCue A_Character_Footsteps.FootSteps Sound A_Character_BodyImpact_BodyFall_Cue A_Character_BodyImpacts.BodyImpacts Sound A_Character_RobotImpact_BodyExplosion_Cue A_Character_BodyImpacts.BodyImpacts Sound A_Character_RobotImpact_GibLarge_Cue A_Character_BodyImpacts.BodyImpacts Sound A_Character_RobotImpact_GibMedium_Cue A_Character_BodyImpacts.BodyImpacts Sound A_Character_RobotImpact_HeadshotRoll_Cue A_Character_BodyImpacts.BodyImpacts Sound A_Gameplay_ArmorHitCue A_Gameplay.Gameplay Sound A_Pickup_Ammo_Rocket_Cue A_Pickups.Ammo.Cue Sound A_Pickups_Health_Medium_Cue A_Pickups.Health.Cue Sound A_Pickups_Health_Respawn_Cue A_Pickups.Health.Cue Sound A_Pickups_Health_Small_Cue_Modulated A_Pickups.Health.Cue Sound A_Pickups_Health_Super_Cue A_Pickups.Health.Cue Sound A_Weapon_Link_AltFireCue A_Weapon_Link.Cue Sound A_Weapon_Link_AltFireImpactCue A_Weapon_Link.Cue Sound A_Weapon_Link_AltFireImpactFleshCue A_Weapon_Link.Cue Sound A_Weapon_Link_AltFireStartCue A_Weapon_Link.Cue Sound A_Weapon_Link_AltFireStopCue A_Weapon_Link.Cue Sound A_Weapon_Link_FireCue A_Weapon_Link.Cue Sound A_Weapon_Link_ImpactCue A_Weapon_Link.Cue Sound A_Weapon_Link_LowerCue A_Weapon_Link.Cue Sound A_Weapon_Link_RaiseCue A_Weapon_Link.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_AltModeChange_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_Fire_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_GrenadeFire_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_GrenadeFloor_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_Impact_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_Load_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_Lower_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_Raise_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_RocketLoaded_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_SeekLock_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_SeekLost_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound A_Weapon_RL_Travel_Cue A_Weapon_RocketLauncher.Cue Sound UT3MenuBackCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuCharacterBodyAppearCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuCheckboxDeselectCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuCheckboxSelectCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuErrorCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuMouseOverCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuMouseOverCue UDKFrontEnd.Sound Sound UT3MenuNavigateDownCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuNavigateUpCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuScreenSlideCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuScreenSpinCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuServerRefreshCue UDKFrontEnd.Sound Sound UT3MenuSliderBarMoveCue A_interface.Menu Sound UT3MenuStartGameCue UDKFrontEnd.Sound Sound UT3MenuStartGameCue A_interface.Menu Sound A_Pickups_Health_Super_Cue A_Pickups.Health.Cue Sound A_Pickups_Health_Medium_Cue A_Pickups.Health.Cue Sound A_Pickups_Health_Respawn_Cue A_Pickups.Health.Cue Sound A_Pickups_Health_Small_Cue_Modulated A_Pickups.Health.Cue Sound A_Pickups_Generic_ItemRespawn_Cue A_Pickups.Generic.Cue Sound A_Gameplay_PlayerSpawn01Cue A_Gameplay Sound P_FX_GeneralExplosion Effect FX_VehicleExplosions.Effects Particle P_FX_LinkGun_3P_Beam_MF Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_FX_LinkGun_3P_Beam_MF_Blue Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_FX_LinkGun_3P_Beam_MF_Gold Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_FX_LinkGun_3P_Beam_MF_Red Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_FX_LinkGun_3P_Primary_MF Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_FX_LinkGun_MF_Beam Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_FX_LinkGun_MF_Beam_Blue Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_FX_LinkGun_MF_Beam_Gold Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_FX_LinkGun_MF_Beam_Red Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_FX_LinkGun_MF_Primary Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_UDK_TorchFire01 Effect GenericFoliage01.Ruins.FX Particle P_UDK_PillarFire01 Effect GenericFoliage01.Ruins.FX Particle P_VH_Gib_Explosion Effect Envy_Effects.Particles Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Altbeam Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Altbeam_Blue Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Altbeam_Gold Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Altbeam_Red Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Beam_Impact Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Beam_Impact_Blue Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Beam_Impact_Gold Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Beam_Impact_HIT Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Beam_Impact_Red Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Connection_Beam Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Death_Gib_Effect Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Impact Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_PoweredUp Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Projectile Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_Linkgun_Skeleton_Dissolve Effect WP_LinkGun.Effects Particle P_WP_RockerLauncher_Muzzle_Flash Effect WP_RocketLauncher.Effects Particle P_WP_RocketLauncher_RocketExplosion Effect WP_RocketLauncher.Effects Particle P_WP_RocketLauncher_RocketTrail Effect WP_RocketLauncher.Effects Particle P_WP_RocketLauncher_Smoke_Trail Effect WP_RocketLauncher.Effects Particle P_WaterSplash_01 Effect FoliageDemo.Particles Particle P_WaterSplash_02 Effect FoliageDemo.Particles Particle P_WaterSplash_03 Effect FoliageDemo.Particles Particle SK_WP_Linkgun_1P Mesh WP_LinkGun.Mesh Skeletal SK_WP_LinkGun_3P Mesh WP_LinkGun.Mesh Skeletal SK_WP_RocketLauncher_1P Mesh WP_RocketLauncher.Mesh Skeletal SK_WP_RocketLauncher_3P Mesh WP_RocketLauncher.Mesh Skeletal SK_CH_IronGuard_MaleA Mesh CH_IronGuard_Male.Mesh Skeletal SK_CH_LIAM_Cathode Mesh CH_LIAM_Cathode.Mesh Skeletal SK_Crowd_Robot Mesh UTExampleCrowd.Mesh Skeletal ASC_Floor.BSP.Material s.M_ASC_Floor_BSP_Tile01 Material CH_Gibs.Material s.M_CH_Gibs_Corrupt01 Material Material ExamplesContent.M_BumpOffset Material Material CompendiumContent.M_Constant3Vector Material FoliageDemo.Material s.M_GroundMaster_01 Material HU_Floors.BSP.Material s.M_HU_Floors_BSP_Gray_Tiles Material FoliageDemo.Material s.M_MossDepthBiased_01 Material ASC_Floor.BSP.Material s.M_ASC_Floor_BSP_Tile01 Material ASC_Floor.BSP.Material s.M_ASC_Floor_BSP_Tile01 Material CH_Gibs.Material s.M_CH_Gibs_Corrupt01 Material Material ExamplesContent.M_BumpOffset Material Material CompendiumContent.M_Constant3Vector Material FoliageDemo.Material s.M_GroundMaster_01 Material HU_Floors.BSP.Material s.M_HU_Floors_BSP_Gray_Tiles Material FoliageDemo.Material s.M_MossDepthBiased_01 Material GDC_Material s.Meshes.S_RibbonSpawner Static Mesh GDC_Material s.Meshes.S_SimpleSphere_01 Static Mesh RockMesa_06 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_BananaPlant_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_CloverClump_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_CloverClump_02 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_CloverPlant_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_CloverPlant_02 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_GenericGrounds2_smallplant3 GenericGrounds2.SM Static Mesh S_GenericGrounds2_TreeVine1 GenericGrounds2.SM Static Mesh S_GrassClump_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh Mesh.S_GrassClump_02 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh Mesh.S_Ivy_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_LT_Clutter_SM_Rubble4 LT_Clutter.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_LT_Floors_SM_TileFloorBroken_4x4 LT_Floors.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_LT_Floors_SM_TileFloorBroken_4x4b LT_Floors.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_LT_Floors_SM_TileFloorBroken_D LT_Floors.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_PavingBlocks_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_PavingBlocks_02 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_PavingBlocks_03 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_PavingBlocks_04 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_PavingBlocksPile_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_PavingHole_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_PlantBig_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_Rock_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_Root_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_Root_02 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RootTile_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RuinsRoof_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RuinsRoof_02 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RuinsRoof_03 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RuinsRoof_04 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RuinsRoof_05 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RuinsRoofCorner_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RuinsShortWall_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RuinsTree_02 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RuinsWindow_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_RuinsWindow_03 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh Envy_Effects.Mesh.S_screw FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_ShanePlant_01 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_ShanePlant_02 FoliageDemo.Mesh Static Mesh S_Statue_01 FoliageDemo2.Mesh Static Mesh S_Terrain2Grass_High FoliageDemo2.Mesh Static Mesh S_Terrain2Grass2_High FoliageDemo2.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Foliage_SM_Mesh_Rootcluster_01 UN_Foliage.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Liquid_SM_Waterfall_01 UN_Liquid.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Liquid_SM_Waterfall_02 UN_Liquid.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Liquid_SM_Waterfall_02_1024 UN_Liquid.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Rock_SM_Blackspire01 UN_Liquid.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Rock_SM_Blackspire05e UN_Liquid.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Rock_SM_RockMesh03 UN_Liquid.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Rock_SM_RockMesh05 UN_Liquid.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Rock_SM_RubblePile01 UN_Liquid.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Tree_SM_BranchCluster01 UN_Trees.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Tree_SM_BurntTree01 UN_Trees.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Sky_SM_SkyDome05 UN_Sky.SM.Mesh Static Mesh S_UN_Sky_SM_SkyDome03 UN_Sky.SM.Mesh Static Mesh SM_Flower_01 SponzaNew_Resources Static Mesh SM_Flower_02 SponzaNew_Resources Static Mesh SM_Flower_Test02 GenericFoliage01.DayLilly Static Mesh SM_GEN_Foliage01_LargeTree01_Opt GenericFoliage01.Trees.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Foliage5_GroundCover_Flower01 GenericFoliage01.GroundCover.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Foliage5_GroundCover_Leafy01 GenericFoliage01.GroundCover.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Foliage5_GroundCover_Leafy02 GenericFoliage01.GroundCover.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Foliage5_GroundCover_Leafy03 GenericFoliage01.GroundCover.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Foliage5_GroundCover_Leafy04 GenericFoliage01.GroundCover.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Foliage5_GroundCover_Leafy05 GenericFoliage01.GroundCover.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Grounds01_MossLump01 GenericGrounds01.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Grounds01_MossLump02 GenericGrounds01.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Grounds01_MossLump03 GenericGrounds01.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Grounds01_MossLump05 GenericGrounds01.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Ruins_512Block01 GenericFoliage01.Ruins.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Ruins_512Block02 GenericFoliage01.Ruins.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Ruins_512Block03 GenericFoliage01.Ruins.Mesh Static Mesh SM_GEN_Ruins_512Block04 GenericFoliage01.Ruins.Mesh Static Mesh SM_Mountain01 GenericFoliage01.Mountains Static Mesh SM_ShaneTobacco_01 FoliageDemo.Speedtrees Static Mesh SM_UDK_Torch_Pillar GenericFoliage01.Ruins.Mesh Static Mesh SM_UDK_Torch_Pillar02 GenericFoliage01.Ruins.Mesh Static Mesh SM_UDK_Torch01 GenericFoliage01.Ruins.Mesh Static Mesh UTVehicleFactory_Cicada Vehicles Actor Class UTVehicleFactory_Manta Vehicles Actor Class UTVehicleFactory_Scorpion Vehicles Actor Class Works Used The following images were used while we were pulling this together. Top-view Island - http://www.walldesk.net/wallpaper/wallpapers-tropical-islands-17.asp?f=9180 Paradise - http://www.thinkphilippines.com/travel-guide/samal-island-paradise-island-beach-map.html Cave - http://reelornoreel.blogspot.com/2011/01/mondays-metal-over-credits.html Omaha Beach - http://www.aspecialdayguide.com/ryan06.jpg Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb Pictures (PC) image 14 of 83 http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/17460/indiana-jones-and-the-emperorstomb/images/indianajones_040103_008.html Stalagmite - http://home.fonline.de/rs-ebs/spiele/frac05.htm