GDT USER CONFERENCE GDT CALLABLE PROGRAMS PARTICIPANT HANDOUT GDT User Conference | GDT Callable Programs IBIS 2013 YADDCH01 using Function : adds "AddCh" to end of "InStr,(space delimited)" YADDLV01 using Function : adds LOW-VALUE to end of "InStr,(space delimited)" YB2H using Function : translates one byte to hexa-decimal format YCHKFN01 using Function : uses Merant's call-by-name routine SplitFileName YDATE01 using Function : returns current Date/Time in edited format YDATE02 using Function : returns 'WHEN-COMPILED' Date/Time in edited format YDATE03 using Function : returns SECONDS in edited format YDATE04 using Function : returns "InBuf:filedate" in edited format YDATE10 using Function : Validation of the Date and Time fields YEVNT01 using Function : 1 = Create Event with 'Id' name YEXPWD01 using Function : if 'Str' starts with ONE dollar sign a corresponding environment variable is searched. YEXPWD02 using Function : if 'InStr' contains .. it will be replaced by .. #_JOBDATE #_JOBTIME YYYYMMDD HHMMSSHS YGETENV using Function : returns contents of environment variables YGETENV2 using Function : returns contents of environment variables © Copyright 2013 InfoSol Inc. 3 GDT User Conference | GDT Callable Programs IBIS 2013 YH2B using Function : translates a two byte hexadecimal into one byte space or size delimited word is checked for GDT or MF program names. YISITGDT using Function : the 'InStr' in length 'InStrLg' is analyzed and the first YLCASE01 using Function : lower-case 'InStr'. YLCASE02 using Function : lower-case 'InStr'. YLIMIT01 using * Function : in development and internal use only. YLNG01 using Function : returns the length of 'InStr,space delimited' in This function searches backwards. YLNG02 using Function : returns the length of 'InStr,space delimited' in This function searches forwards. YRPLC01 using Function : searches 'SrchStr' in 'InStr' and if found 'SrchStr' is replaced by 'RplcStr'. The length of 'SrchStr' and 'RplcStr' must not be the same, 'RplcStrLg' may be zero. YRPLC02 using Function : searches any ':hvar' (HOST-VARIABLE) in InStr and replaces it by a single '?'. YSCR001 using (depends on function) Function : some screen handling routines, see below x"00" x"10" x"11" x"20" x"21" x"30" x"31" x"90" Func Func Func Func Func Func Func Func © Copyright 2013 InfoSol Inc. clear screen save screen save screen and cursor restore screen restore screen and cursor save screen, then clear screen save screen and cursor, then clear screen Row, Col set cursor 4 GDT User Conference | GDT Callable Programs IBIS 2013 x"91" Func set cursor to first empty line of whole screen, with no scroll up x"92" Func set cursor to first empty line of a 24 line screen, with no scroll up x"93" Func return the last saved screen x"94" Func set cursor to first empty line of whole screen, with scroll up YSETENV2 using Function : sets environment variable 'EnvVar' to contents of 'EnvVal'. Both strings are space delimited. YSLEEP01 using Function : lets the application sleep for 'MSec' milli seconds YSOUND01 using Function : sounds the beep with 'Hertz' for 'MSec' YSTAT01 using Function : returns the MF standard status in readable format YSTR01 using Function : modifies a string and handles the following GCOS specific codes [C = protect next char [R = repeat next char [X = hexa string YTIME01 using Function : returns current time in microseconds in edited format YTRIML01 using Function : string 'InStr' to the left YTRIML10 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr' YTRIML11 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr' YTRIML20 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr‘ YTRIML21 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr' YTRIML22 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr' © Copyright 2013 InfoSol Inc. 5 GDT User Conference | GDT Callable Programs IBIS 2013 YTRIML23 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr' YTRIML24 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr' YTRIML25 using Function : same as YTRIML24, except ";". The ";" is always detected as a command delimiter. Useful in JCL analysis YTRIML30 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr' YTRIML31 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr' YTRIML32 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr' YTRIML40 using Function : string 'InStr' to left target 'OutStr' YTRIMM01 using Function : string 'InStr' to the mid YTRIMR01 using Function : string 'InStr' to the right YUCASE01 using Function : upper-case 'InStr'. YUCASE02 using Function : upper-case 'InStr'. YVALNM01 using Function : validates a GCOS COBOL-PROGRAM-NAME YW2H using Function : converts two bytes to 4 hexadecimal digits. YWHEN01 using * Function : in development and internal use only. YXCASE01 using Function : returns a 1 in 'Flag' if 'InStr' in length 'InStrLg' is © Copyright 2013 InfoSol Inc. 6 GDT User Conference | GDT Callable Programs IBIS 2013 completely in upper case otherwise 'Flag' is set to 0. YYIELD01 using Function : yields time-slice under various OS. CTANPIC1 analyzes a picture clause and returns details like memory usage CTANVL01 analyzes a string for valid JCL value and optionally protects the string CTB2H convert 1 byte to 2 hexadecimal characters CTCBDIR1 locate a cobol directives file and analyze the settings inside CTCBDIR2 analyze a given string for a valid $SET statement CTCKBD check keyboard buffer for existing keystrokes CTCLRS clear screen with specific colors CTDEL01 delete files CTEXC01 search and replace window text title bar CTEXPFIL expand filenames from environment-variables and toggle "/" by "\" CTEXTSWI retrieve/update switches/severity/status settings CTFF file finder (picklist) CTFIL01 reading files in block mode CTGCOLOR change colors CTGETENV retrieve environment variables CTGETLFH retrieve current local file handler CTGETOS retrieve OS information CTGETRFH retrieve current remote file handler CTGETSW1 analzye environment variable GDTSW and update external area CTH2B convert 2 char hexadecimal to 1 binary byte CTH2O convert 2 char hexadecimal to 2 bytes octal CTH2W convert 4 char hexadecimal to 2 binary bytes CTJOB01 retrieve next RON from the system CTJOB02 change status of a RON CTJOB03 retrieve default class and priority from the system CTJOB04 check status of RON after plausibility checks CTLCASE change string to lower case characters CTPATH locate files thru various environment variables CTPATH02 validate paths CTPINIT1 program initialization and termination routine CTREG01 manipulation of registry entries CTRKBD read next keystroke from keyboard buffer CTSCR001 save and restore screens CTSCR002 cursor shape handling routines CTSHOWPR show program on screen CTSIO01 DISPLAY and ACCEPT handler for user programs CTSIO02 DISPLAY and ACCEPT handler for user programs © Copyright 2013 InfoSol Inc. 7 GDT User Conference | GDT Callable Programs CTSMEM CTSQL01 CTTID01 CTTRIML CTTRIMR CTUCASE CTUKBD CTUSER CTW2H CTXKBD IBIS 2013 return free memory general GDTSQL handling routines program to handle Terminal ID against User/IP mappings trim string to left trim string to right change string to upper case characters read next keystroke from keyboard buffer (UNIX only) save & restore user password in memory convert 2 binary bytes to 4 hexadecimal characters character/string mapping initiated by MAPKBD directive in GDTMON.PAR © Copyright 2013 InfoSol Inc. 8 GDT User Conference | GDT Callable Programs IBIS 2013 NOTES © Copyright 2013 InfoSol Inc. 9