FUNDAMENTAL PERFORMANCE ROLES: An Overview of Verbs for Outcomes and Course Learning Requirements (CLRs) Underlying each and all of the Dimensions of Living and their Performance Requirements are a broad range of technical and interpersonal performance roles that people need to master. This document terms them Fundamental Life Performance Roles, and they operate in every dimension. The content of performance varies and the level of complexity increases as the students grows, but the same roles are taught and practiced during every year of schooling, at every opportunity, in the context of every task because these roles are basic to all successful learning and living. Users and Performers Managing life is a matter of gaining mastery over a very broad variety of functional tasks and developing some to levels of proficiency that enable one to earn a living from them. Users and Performers can successfully apply basic ideas, information, skills, tools, and technologies to carry out and manage the essential tasks and responsibilities associated with all life roles. They readily grasp what particular situations demand and use the resources at their disposal to get things done. Typically, competent USERS AND PERFORMERS will be able to Complexity of Performance Low Act Perform Handle Use Medium Adopt Calculate Execute Operate High Anticipate Help Problem Finders and Solvers Life abounds with challenges, dilemmas, and problems that must be understood, researched, and resolved with sound decisions by using a variety of investigative, analytical, and decision making methods. Problem Finders and Solvers can successfully anticipate, explore, investigate, analyze, and resolve problems that arise in all dimensions of living. They instinctively look below the surface of issues to examine deeper underlying causes from a variety of perspectives and develop and decide on potential solutions consistent with their analyses. Typically, competent PROBLEM FINDERS AND SOLVERS will be able to: Complexity of Performance Low Discover Examine Explore Inquire Question Search Survey Medium Analyze Investigate Prioritize Solve Verify Used with permission: High Success Learning Network. High Argue Anticipate Criticize Derive Evaluate Predict FUNDAMENTAL PERFORMANCE ROLES: An Overview of Verbs for Outcomes and Course Learning Requirements (CLRs) Creators and Producers Many aspects of life require planning, inventing, and producing new things -- from meals at home, to smart ways of doing things, to new products for the market place. Creators and Producers can successfully devise, organize, and produce new ideas, products, results, and arrangements that change the operating environment in each dimension of living. They naturally seek ways to develop new possibilities for understanding or doing things and transform them into original, workable products or processes. Typically, competent CREATORS AND PRODUCERS will be able to: Complexity of Performance Low Cause Construct Evoke Fashion Initiate Make Produce Medium Compose Design Develop Modify Organize Plan Propose Revise High Create Devise Establish Formulate Innovate Institute Invent Learners and Thinkers Underlying the ability to successfully carry out these other three predominantly technical/ cognitive performance roles are two other roles that underline and bolster them. One of these roles is Learners and Thinkers - people who have the basic cognitive tools and strategies to translate new information and experiences into bases for sound action. Learners and Thinkers can successfully use their repertoire of knowledge and reasoning strategies to extend their capabilities for successful action by assimilating, analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing new experiences into new capabilities for further learning, thought, and action. Typically, competent LEARNERS AND THINKERS will be able to: Complexity of Performance Low Categorize Classify Define Describe Detect Explain Order Outline Rank Medium Assess Compare Contrast Decipher Diagnose Differentiate Estimate Extend Evaluate Used with permission: High Success Learning Network. High Critique Deduce Hypothesize Infer Justify Predict Recommend Validate FUNDAMENTAL PERFORMANCE ROLES: An Overview of Verbs for Outcomes and Course Learning Requirements (CLRs) Judge Prioritize Solve Summarize Listeners and Communicators The second of the two underlying the ability to successfully carry out the technical/cognitive performance roles involves the person at the heart of interpersonal contact: listening and communicating. Listeners and Communicators can successfully grasp the express ideas, information, intention, feeling, and/or concern from others in ways that are clearly understood and appreciated. They readily and accurately comprehend and use words, pictures, gestures, deeds, styles, symbols, emotions, and mannerisms and means for conveying and receiving thoughts and possibilities. Typically, competent LISTENERS AND COMMUNICATORS will be able to Complexity of Performance Low Convey Describe Discuss Explain Imitate Recite Recount Restate Show State Medium Acknowledge Clarify Correspond Depict Exhibit Express Relate Respond Speak Write High Argue Elaborate Paraphrase Persuade Portray Leaders and Organizers Virtually all forms of collective endeavors require the presence and active participation of individuals who can set direction and mobilize the support for whatever the issue or undertaking may be. Leaders and Organizers can successfully initiate, provide direction for, coordinate, and facilitate the accomplishment of collective tasks in all dimensions of interpersonal endeavour. They naturally perceive and define intended results, determine how they might be accomplished, anticipate potential roadblocks, and enlist, ensure, and support the quality participation of those involved in achieving the results. Typically, competent LEADERS AND ORGANIZERS will be able to: Used with permission: High Success Learning Network. FUNDAMENTAL PERFORMANCE ROLES: An Overview of Verbs for Outcomes and Course Learning Requirements (CLRs) Complexity of Performance Low Decide Direct Ensure Lead Organize Persist Praise Supervise Medium Arrange Coordinate Encourage Endure Enlist Establish Facilitate Implement Intervene Preserve Manage Systematize High Anticipate Engage Formulate Harmonize Initiate Inspire Team Members and Partners What some call "Getting along" and "Working together for common good" seem to be the cornerstones of civilized life and have within the past decade become issues of urgency within the world of work. Team Members and Partners can successfully contribute their best efforts to achieve success in collaborative endeavours in any dimension or arena of life. They readily seek agreement on goals, procedures, responsibilities, and rewards and set aside personal interests, preferences, and convenience to accomplish mutual aims. Typically, competent TEAM MEMBERS AND PARTNERS will be able to: Complexity of Performance Low Accept Agree Allow Connect Contribute Cooperate Help Offer Medium Assist Collaborate Demand Praise Protect Resolve Share Unite High Accommodate Defend Encourage Facilitate Persuade Support Teachers and Mentors Teaching, mentoring, and advising lie at the heart of close personal relationships, family life, and work roles and represent the core aspects of close interpersonal bonding, respect, and friendship. Teachers and Mentors can successfully change the thinking, skills, orientation, and motivation of others through the explanations they provide, the counsel they give, and the example they set. They readily share whatever information, time, Used with permission: High Success Learning Network. FUNDAMENTAL PERFORMANCE ROLES: An Overview of Verbs for Outcomes and Course Learning Requirements (CLRs) perspective, and skills are at their disposal to improve the understanding, affect, and performance capabilities of those with whom they work and relate. Typically, competent TEACHERS AND MENTORS will be able to: Complexity of Performance Low Explain Guide Suggest Teach Medium Advise Coach Educate Mentor Resolve T High Anticipate Counsel Empathize Expect Model Negotiate aken together, these eight performance roles represent the foundation for active, productive, quality living and the starting point for challenging, inspiring and relevant learning experiences for young people of any age. Those committed to Transformational Outcome-Based Education hope that they replace the Three R's and subject matter content as the true Basic for the Twenty First Century in North America's schools. Our society and its current and future children deserve nothing less. Used with permission: High Success Learning Network.