America Recycles Day 2012 Sample Radio Scripts Recycling

America Recycles Day 2012
Sample Radio Scripts
Recycling: Where we ALL can agree…
Talking Recyclables 1: The Bottles
(:30 seconds, up to 1 minute with local event info)
Narrator: Hey everyone, I’m a bottle. There’s LOTS of bottles like me out there.
Some of us are plastic, some of us are glass. And let me tell you a little secret, we
don’t always get along with each other! The glass guys are all like “hey, I’m all shiny
and fancy” especially those French wine bottles … but then the plastic ones are all
“hey, we’re lightweight and fit in your cup holder.”
We may not agree on much, but one thing we DO agree on is recycling. It saves
energy, creates jobs and…hey… who wants to spend eternity in a landfill?
Join all of us bottles on November 15th in celebrating America Recycles Day. But
don’t stop with just one day. Recycle EVERY day. Because once I get recycled, there
are a lot of other bottles, cans, newspapers, mobile phones and other things that are
counting on you!
Recycling… it’s where we ALL can agree. Visit AmericaRecyclesDay-dot-org to learn
<insert local event information>
Talking Recyclables 2: The Cans
(:30 seconds, up to 1 minute with local event info)
Narrator: Hey everyone, I’m a can. There’s lots of cans like me out there. Some of us
are aluminum, some of us are steel. Truth is, we don’t always get along with each
other. The aluminum ones usually get to hold the beer. The steel ones… they brag
that they’re more attractive. Yeah… to a MAGNET.
Look, we may not agree on much, but one thing we CAN agree on is recycling. Why
throw us in the trash when we could get turned into something great? I mean, any
one of us could come back as a formula one racer, or a suspension bridge, or even a
NEW can. Plus, recycling saves energy, creates jobs, and… hey… who wants to spend
eternity in a landfill?
Join all of us cans on November 15th in celebrating America Recycles Day. But don’t
stop with just one day. Recycle EVERY day. Because once I get recycled, there are a
lot of other cans, bottles, newspapers and other things that are counting on you!
Recycling… it’s where we ALL can agree. Visit America Recycles Day – dot- org to
learn more.
<insert local event information>
Talking Recyclables 3: The Papers
(:30 seconds, up to 1 minute with local event info)
Narrator: Hey everyone, I’m a newspaper. You know, the one you love to read
because I tell it like it is. Straight up, no nonsense. Then there are those OTHER
newspapers… arrrgh! They’re so slanted and biased. I mean, who reads that
garbage? Am I right?
The truth is, we newspapers and magazines don’t always get along with each other.
But one thing we CAN agree on is recycling. Why throw us in the trash when we
could get turned into something great? When it comes right down to it, we’re all
made of the same stuff. We’re all paper on the inside. Come to think of it, we’ve got a
lot in common with those cardboard boxes and legal pads. We all want to save
energy and create jobs, and… hey… who wants to spend eternity in a landfill?
Join all of us paper products on November 15th in celebrating America Recycles Day.
But don’t stop with just one day. Recycle EVERY day. Because once I get recycled,
there’s a lot of other papers and bottles and cans and other things that are counting
on you! Recycling… it’s where we ALL can agree. Visit America Recycles Day – dot –
org to learn more.
<insert local event information>
Talking Recyclables 4: The Electronics
(:30 seconds, up to 1 minute with local event info)
Narrator: Hey everyone, I’m fancy new tablet computer. You know the one. I’ve got
cool apps and 4G compatibility and this nifty HD video output jack. Yeah… check it
out. Nice, right? Go ahead… touch my screen.
But don’t you EVER ask me to talk to those OTHER tablets. They’ve got their own
apps and operating systems. They think they’re all superior. But you and me, we
know the truth, right?
Truth is, we tablets and computers and smartphones don’t always agree with each
other. But one thing we CAN agree on is recycling. When the next version comes
out, why hold on to us when we could get turned into something great? These
components have value! Plus, recycling saves energy and creates jobs… and hey…
who wants to spend eternity in the back of some junk drawer?
Join all of us electronics on November 15th in celebrating America Recycles Day. But
don’t stop with just one day. Recycle EVERY day. Because once I get recycled, there
are a lot of other electronics and papers, bottles and cans that are counting on YOU!
Recycling… it’s where we ALL can agree. Visit America Recycles Day – dot- org to
learn more.