DRAFT September 15, 2013 Priority Action Plan: Enterprise Architect Career Path and Competency Development Abstract The Career Path and Competency Development working group shall prepare four products, 1. Define the hierarchy and progression of different career branches and levels of the EA profession thereby creating an enterprise architecture career path structure and organizing framework. 2. Enterprise architecture role descriptions 3. Enterprise architecture competency dictionary and model 4. Develop certification and assessment “accreditation”/endorsement process The benefits to the organizations that hire or will hire enterprise architects are A guideline to help recruit and select employees to ensure organizational fit, Provides a set performance expectations and measure contributions objectively, Provides a roadmap for employee development and career planning. In addition, by assessing “competency gaps” in relation to individuals and groups, competency models become valuable inputs to creating highly targeted training initiatives. The career path and competency model will help practitioners to focus on what is critical to enhancing their contribution to employers and develop skills for career satisfaction. Status The work conducted by this working group is top priority for FEAPO as it will provide foundational information for other activities such as a FEAPO Certification/Academic/Training accreditation. Description The building blocks of an established profession are training, education , and certification. These building blocks depend on the skills, knowledge, measures and performance expectations that will be described in the competency dictionary, competency model and career path resulting from the work Page 1 of 5 DRAFT September 15, 2013 completed by the career path and competency development team. The first task of the group is to research and develop a description of enterprise architecture roles. The enterprise architecture role description activities will include researching those organizations that have EA roles and those who are advertising for EA resources and include survey questions for those organizations that are not aware of the EA role. A draft of the EA role descriptions will be created and vetted by the FEAPO organization. The EA role descriptions will be published by FEAPO and include webinars, presentations at conferences to socialize the roles. Competencies are behaviors that encompass the knowledge, skills, and attributes required for successful performance. A competency dictionary is a list of competency descriptions and categories. A competency dictionary will be created for the Enterprise Architecture job family The competency dictionary will include a list of competencies developed through research and review of best practices and the skills, knowledge and experience needed to be successful in the role. Each competency has a general definition, which provides the user with a general understanding of the type of behavior addressed by a particular competency. The behavioral indicators at each proficiency level are illustrative of the proficiency level as opposed to representing a definitive list of all possible behaviors at each level. The dictionary will have general job competencies (common across many jobs and demonstrate the key behaviors required for success regardless of position.) and job-specific competencies (these are required for success in particular functions or jobs.) The Approach for creating the competency dictionary: 1. Performance criteria - define the criteria for superior performance for each role in the EA job family 2. Criterion sample – choose a sample of people performing the role and organizations hiring EAs 3. Data collection - Collecting sample data about behaviors that lead to success from practitioners and those who hire EA. 4. Data analysis - Developing hypotheses about the competencies of outstanding performers and how these competencies work together to produce desired results. 5. Validation - Validating the results of data collection and analysis with FEAPO member organizations 6. Utilizing existing competency models (e.g. IIBA and SFIA) The approach for creating the competency model utilizing the competency dictionary and career path the following steps will be followed: Page 2 of 5 DRAFT September 15, 2013 1. Create straw models for various job roles, which include the role requirements, descriptions of activities and behaviours, key competencies for successful performance, career paths and learning/development requirements to move from one role to another. 2. Validated the straw models through reviews and one-on-one interviews with practitioners, including managers and expert performers. 3. Create a Learning, Development, and Career Planning Toolkit, comprised of role-specific competency models, competency inventory and gap analyses, learning opportunity In support of FEAPO member groups, the career path working group will create and validate a process for accrediting the member groups’ certification and competency assessment products. The approach for creating the accreditation process will include 1. Utilizing already existing and proven accreditation processes from other accrediting bodies, 2. Develop an application process, the assessment criteria and resulting acceptance logo/stamp of approval 3. . For those not approved, a letter of rejection including recommendations for changes will also be developed. A cost for the process will also be defined. 4. Develop renewal requirements List of Deliverables Deliverable Competency Dictionary Competency Model Description “Competencies are observable abilities, skills, knowledge, motivations or traits defined in terms of the behaviours needed for successful job performance. University of Guelph 2010 Competency Dictionary The dictionary lists the competencies for EA roles identified in career roadmap with a brief description of each competency by level The competency model defines the competencies needed for success across all EA roles and provides a professional development roadmap for EA leaders and practitioners. The model will emphasize: (1) foundational competencies, or those that are important to everyone in the field, and (2) the specific areas of expertise which are the specialized knowledge and actions required by specific roles. Page 3 of 5 DRAFT Enterprise Architecture Career Roadmap Accreditation Process September 15, 2013 A list of EA roles and respective levels and specialties, the list will include one-two paragraphs describing the role and its value to an organization, a list of skills, knowledge education, and years of experience A process, business rules to assess and FEAPO accredit a member organisation’s Certification and / or Competency Assessment. Acceptance documents including accredited logo for use by member groups Refusal documents that include remediation suggestions. Renewal process and business rules. Working Group Composition: Team Lead: Create and manage project plans, monitor deliverables, Communicate timelines and progress to the FEAPO board – Maureen McVey – IIBA Executive Support Mark Lane, CAEP • • • Support: Con Kenney – CAEAP, Lead SME Andy Chen – IEEE, SME David Lee – CAEAP, SME Researchers: Determine approach for research, prepare, conduct research and compile results – To Be Determined Analysts: Analyze the data received and produce results – To be determined Editor: Review the document for structure and grammar. – To Be Determined Graphics Designer: To create the logos and any other diagrams - To Be Determined Schedule : Preliminary schedule of activities. Page 4 of 5 DRAFT September 15, 2013 Deliverables Recruit members of working committee and have first meeting to create a plan. Research: plan, conduct, compile, analyze share – straw model career path Validate proposed career path framework Finalize Proposed Career Path framework Research and Write Job role Descriptions for validation Version 1 competency model and review with FEAPO membership Competency model mapped to job rolesreviewed and ratified by FEAPO members Estimated Date February 2014 Complete career path with any revisions based on job role and competency work and validate with board Finalize career path and publish Create Certification and Competency Assessment accreditation process straw model Share and revise accreditation process Publish accreditation process TBD Page 5 of 5 March 2014 June 2014 September 2014 Spring FEAPO meeting 2015 In parallel with Job Role Description activity September 2015 TBD TBD TBD TBD