Supplemental Information: Chemically resolved particle fluxes over tropical and temperate forests Delphine K. Farmer1*, Qi Chen2**, Joel R. Kimmel1,3,4, Kenneth S. Docherty1***, Eiko Nemitz5, Paulo A. Artaxo6, Christopher D. Cappa7, Scot T. Martin2, Jose L. Jimenez1 1. CIRES and Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA 2. School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA 3. Tofwerk AG, Thun, Switzerland 4. Aerodyne Research, Inc., Billerica, MA, USA 5. Center for Ecology and Hydrology, Penicuik, UK 6. Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 7. Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, USA * Now at Dept. of Chemistry, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA ** Now at Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA ***Now at Alion Science & Technology, US EPA Office of Research & Development, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA Corresponding Authors: Jose L. Jimenez ( and Delphine K. Farmer ( S1. BEARPEX-07 Calculation details S1.1 Partitioning flux due to thermal gradients In order to determine the organic aerosol flux due to gas-particle partitioning along the vertical thermal gradient, we assume a volatility distribution for total organic aerosol similar to that observed during the MILAGRO and SOAR campaigns (Cappa and Jimenez 2010). We also assume constant concentrations of SVOCs through the canopy profile; while these concentrations are subject to dry deposition, biogenic emission, and in-canopy formation from rapid oxidation, no observations of fluxes or gradients of semivolatile organic compounds are available to refine this assumption. The typical residence time for particles within the canopy and below the sensor plane is related to the measurement height (25 m) and aerodynamic resistance (Martens et al. 2004). The average mid-day aerodynamic resistance (Gallagher et al. 1997) was 3.5 s m-1, resulting in a canopy residence time of 90 s. Assuming a linear temperature shift from 28°C (ground level) to 26°C (canopy top) for 4 μg m-3 over 90 s, we estimate that particles moving from the bottom to the top of the canopy gained ~0.7%, or 0.029 μg m-3 of additional mass due to gas-particle partitioning (Cappa 2010). This mass change corresponds to a flux of -8 ng m-2 s-1, on the order of the estimated maximum dry deposition OA flux determined from sulfate deposition (10-12 ng m-2 s-1). However, we note that deposition and production of SVOCs and organic aerosol shifts the equilibrium partitioning and thus affects the organic aerosol concentration gradient. Predicting the resulting partitioning requires unavailable observational constraints on deposition and production rates of semi-volatile organic compounds (which are predominately produced from oxidation of VOCs and not from direct emission), which may vary with volatility and water solubility. We speculate that the net result of these effects would be an observed downward flux, but smaller in magnitude than calculated here. Finally we also note that some recent results suggest that evaporation of organic aerosol in this region may be kinetically limited and thus slower than assumed in our model (Vaden et al. 2011); in that case the influence of repartitioning within the organic aerosol residence time within the canopy (~90 s) may be smaller than estimated here. S1.2. In-canopy SOA yields from VOC emissions Using SOA yields for the organic aerosol mass concentrations observed in our study, we provide new estimates for the potential SOA flux from Blodgett Forest from typical VOC fluxes and SOA yields. The isoprene flux at Blodgett Forest is near-zero, but the daytime monoterpene and sesquiterpene fluxes are on the order of +4.1 and +0.41 µmol m-2 hr-1 (Holzinger et al. 2005; Holzinger et al. 2006). Based on estimates of rate constants and oxidant concentrations (Holzinger et al. 2005), we estimate that 10% of the monoterpenes react in the canopy to form organic aerosol with a 10% yield and a molecular weight of 180-250 g mol-1, resulting in an estimated monoterpene-derived organic aerosol upward flux of +(22.8) ng m-2 s-1 given a 10% SOA yield (Ng et al. 2007; Presto and Donahue 2006; Shilling et al. 2008). We also estimate that 70% of the sesquiterpenes react in the canopy with a 10% SOA yield (Chen et al. 2011; Ng et al. 2007), giving a sesquiterpene-derived SOA upward flux of +(1.4-2.0) ng m-2 s-1. Thus the total estimated upward flux from these SOA precursors is 3.4-4.8 ng m-2 s-1. Additionally, we estimate 10-50% of the 13-66 µmol m-2 hr-1 flux of “very reactive BVOC” (Holzinger et al. 2005) react with a 10-20% SOA yield. Given the observed sesquiterpene emissions at Blodgett Forest are relatively small (<0.5 μmol m-2 h-1), we ignore its contributions to ‘very reactive BVOC’. Assuming molecular weights of 180-250 g mol-1 (King et al. 2009; Li et al. 2011), the very reactive BVOC would cause a 7 to 229 ng m-2 s-1 flux of SOA. This suggests a total organic aerosol flux of 10-234 ng m-2 s-1 from in-canopy chemistry at Blodgett Forest. We note that this analysis assumes that the SOA yields are valid for the first few minutes of chemistry following biogenic VOC emission, and that oxidant concentrations and light availability are not limiting factors in VOC oxidation and SOA formation. S1.3. Difficulties measuring aerosol fluxes from gradient measurements We note that the small organic aerosol fluxes described in this paper correspond to small vertical gradients in concentration. For example, the upward organic aerosol flux of +(10-24) ng m-2 s-1 corresponds to production of ~(0.036-0.086) µg m-3 between the ground and sensor (25 m). Such a small gradient is difficult to detect with current aerosol instrumentation, consistent with the results of previous attempts at measuring chemically-resolved aerosol mass fluxes using the gradient method (Delia 2004). For example, uncertainty in losses of aerosol particles in sampling lines would cause substantial difficulties in interpreting observed gradients. In contrast, the eddy covariance method provides a direct measurement of the flux, and is substantially more sensitive to vertical fluxes than the indirect gradient approach. S1.4. Comparison between NR-PM1 mass fluxes and number fluxes (BEARPEX-07) The NR-PM1 mass flux at BEARPEX-07 shows deposition throughout the day (Farmer et al. 2011), and is the sum of the fluxes of all non-refractory organic and inorganic components, including local organic aerosol deposition, transported organic aerosol deposition, in-canopy SOA production, and deposition of transported inorganic aerosol components, such as ammonium sulfate. Vong et al. (2010) derived a parameterization for particle number fluxes during BEARPEX-07, finding that they are non-linearly dependent on friction velocity. Comparing the observed NR-PM1 mass flux to the parameterization developed for particle number fluxes highlights the differences between fluxes of particle number and particle mass. No significant correlation (r2 = 0.00) is found between the parameters derived by Vong et al. (2010) for 400 nm particles with the submicron NR-PM1 flux. This may be due to the limited signal-tonoise ratios in the HR-AMS flux measurements, or the nature of the measurement: the NR-PM1 mass flux is a bulk measurement of mass, integrated over all submicron size-ranges, while the Vong fluxes are a size-segregated particle number measurement. S2. AMAZE-08 S2.1. Partitioning flux due to thermal gradients We use the observed aerosol thermograms (Martin et al. 2010) to determine a volatility distribution for Amazonian organic aerosol (Cappa and Jimenez 2010). Average mid-day aerodynamic resistance is calculated (Gallagher et al. 1997) to be 10.6 s m-1, resulting in a canopy residence time of 5-6 minutes. Assuming that aerosol particles are subject to a linear thermal shift from 25 to 30°C within five minutes, the kinetic-equilibrium model shows a 12.8% loss in aerosol mass as the particle is warmed. Thermal gas-particle partitioning thus results in an upward flux of +8 ng m-2 s-1. As described above, this approach does not account for vertical concentration gradients in SVOC due to SVOC deposition and in-canopy BVOC oxidation, which will alter the calculated partitioning. The tower used in AMAZE-08 was surrounded by a gap of ~50 m2 cleared area for the instrument shed and work area, and thus the temperature gradient (-2°C) observed between the top and bottom of the tower is unlikely representative of the fetch (Miller et al. 2007). Thus we consider the +5°C gradient observed in multiple, similar field sites (Kruijt et al. 2000). S2.2 In-canopy SOA formation (AMAZE-08) In the tropical forest canopy, typical mid-day isoprene, monoterpene and sesquiterpene fluxes are 130, 10 and 1 µmol m-2 hr-1 (Karl et al. 2009). Based on oxidant and organic aerosol concentrations, we estimate that 10% of the isoprene and monoterpenes, and 70% of the sesquiterpenes, react in the canopy with SOA yields of 1% (Kroll et al. 2006), 10% (Ng et al. 2007; Presto and Donahue 2006) and 10% (Chen et al. 2011; Chen et al. 2012) to produce SOA (MW of 180-250 g mol-1). We note that the estimates for the proportion of sesquiterpenes that oxidize within the forest canopy are consistent with VOC observations in Amazonia (Jardine et al. 2011). We derive SOA flux contributions of (6.5-9.0), (5.06.9) and (3.5-4.9) ng m-2 s-1 for a total flux of 15.0-20.8 ng m-2 s-1. Considering instead the SOA yield derived from the BEARPEX-07 observations of 0.5-4.3%, we estimate an SOA flux from in-canopy chemistry of 3.7-43.9 ng m-2 s-1. We consider the lower SOA yields for the very-reactive BVOC, including sesquiterpenes, are more reasonable for the short residence times of air in the forest canopy. Further, considering that the canopy was closed during AMAZE-08 and thus darker, resulting in likely lower incanopy OH concentrations, and that O3 concentrations were an order of magnitude smaller than during BEAERPEX-07, we consider this calculation to provide an upper estimate of canopy SOA formation in the Amazon. S2.3. Comparison between NR-PM1 mass fluxes and number fluxes (AMAZE-08). The particle number fluxes correlate with friction velocity (r2=0.88) (Ahlm et al. 2009; Ahlm et al. 2010), but the NR-PM1 mass fluxes described herein do not (r2 < 0.1). We hypothesize that the correlation may be undetectable due to the low signal-to-noise ratios of the HR-AMS flux data. References Ahlm, L., Nilsson, E. D., Krejci, R., Martensson, E. M., Vogt, M. and Artaxo, P. (2009). Aerosol number fluxes over the Amazon rain forest during the wet season. Atmos Chem Phys 9:9381-9400. Ahlm, L., Krejci, R., Nilsson, E. D., Martensson, E. M., Vogt, M. and Artaxo, P. (2010). 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