5th Semester Course Outcomes

Semester: 5
Subject: Management & Entrepreneurship
Code: 10AL51
Course Outcome :
 Explain the meaning of Management, its characteristics and clarify management as science or art
or profession. Identify the role of managers and their functions.
 Describe the nature and importance of planning process, types of plans and steps in planning.
State the importance of decision making and planning.
 Describe the nature and purpose of organization. Differentiate centralization and decentralization,
authority and responsibility and finally MBO and MBE.
 Explain the meaning and nature of Directing, various types of leadership styles and various
motivational theories and at the end the need and importance of control.
 Describe the meaning and role of an entrepreneur and the functions. Classify the Types of
entrepreneurs Define SSIs and their need and characteristics. Explain the steps to start SSIs, to
tell the impact of LPG,effect of WTO/GATT on SSIs.
 Explain the important schemes of government through various agencies such as TECKSOK,
KIADB,KSSIDC, DIC, SIDBI and KSFC for technical and financial assistance.
 Identify and select a project and finally prepare a project report. Adopt the guidelines of planning
commission for developing a project.
Semester: 5
Subject: Digital signal processing
Course Outcome :
 Identify time domain and frequency domain sequences.
 Calculate the DFT of the time domain sequence.
 Apply the FFT algorithm to optimize the calculation process for DFT.
 Determine the type of Filter to be used.
 Apply the proper filter characteristics.
 Compute the filter coefficients.
 Design the filter structure.
Code: 10EC52
Semester: 5
Subject: Analog communication
Code: 10EC53
Course Outcome :
 Derive time domain and frequency domain equations for all forms of amplitude modulation
 Distinguish between different types of modulation techniques based on bandwidth Occupied and
power transmitted.
 Design a communication system and select an appropriate modulation technique for a particular
 Explain various methods of generating and detecting different forms of amplitude modulation.
 Formulate the basic equation of angle modulation. Compare the performance of communication
system by evaluating the figure of merit for different schemes of modulation.
Semester: 5
Subject: Microwave and radar
Code: 10EC54
Course Outcome :
 Recall time varying fields, electromagnetic plane waves. Apply Principles of electromagnetic to
explain microwave transmission lines. Express the microwave network theory and explain it in
terms of (scattering) Sparameters. Differentiate Sparameters from symmetrical Z and Y
parameters for reciprocal networks.
 Explain rectangular and circular waveguides. Establish wave equation solutions using distributed
circuit theory concept.
 Explain various microwave junctions and passive devices. Derive Smatrix for the devices.
 Distinguish between transfer electron devices from ordinary low frequency semiconductor
devices. Discuss various microwave semiconductor devices. Describe avalanche transit time
 Evaluate the performance of planar transmission lines in MMICs design scenario.
 Explain construction of four types of strip line. Illustrate the fundamental working parameters
such as characteristics impedance, quality factor and losses of strip lines.
 Describe working principle of basic RADAR. List RADAR terminologies. Derive the simple
form of RADAR range equation. Explain the block diagram of continuous wave RADAR.
 Assess the performance of basic pulse RADAR in the real world. Discuss Doppler and Moving
Target Indication (MTI) RADAR.
Semester: 5
Subject: Information Theory and Coding
Code: 10EC55
Course Outcome :
 Derive equations for entropy mutual information and channel capacity for all types of channels.
 Distinguish between different types error correcting codes based on probability of error and
 bit Energy to noise ratio.
 Design a digital communication system by selecting an appropriate error correcting codes for a
particular application.
 Explain various methods of generating and detecting different types of error correcting codes
 Formulate the basic equations of linear block codes.
 Compare the performance of digital communication system by evaluating the probability of
 error for different error correcting codes
Semester: 5
Subject: Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI
Code: 10EC56
Course Outcome :
 Describe Enhancement and Depletion mode transistors and describe the fabrication steps.
 Discuss the different types of inverters.
 Illustrate circuit diagrams, stick diagrams and layouts for nMOS, CMOS and BiCMOS circuits.
Explain design rules. Compare different technologies.
 Explain different CMOS logic structures and to describes basic circuit concepts and scaling of
MOS circuits. Design the circuit using different logic structures.
 Design CMOS subsystems and describe memory elements registers and clock.
 Describe the testing of VLSI circuits.