Association of IB World Schools in Italy – MYP Best Practice Committee. Focus: Assessment Date: 21st February 2014. 9am – 15pm Place: IS Bologna Chair: Jane Whittle Recorder: Jane Whittle Present: Jane Whittle (ISB), Dean Glorioso (IST), Helen Turner (ISC), Mark Edbury (Del.) Apologies: David Henrikson IS Treviso Agenda Item Explanation of how and why the committee was formed - Jane Conclusions (Actions Taken and Deadlines) Discussion of the constitution of AIBWSI and the need for a committee for MYP with time to feedback at the next AGM. Person(s) Responsible We discussed that assessment is an important area to focus on but as to are transitions (PYP – MYP1, MYP3 – 4, MYP 5- DP) Dean introduced us to Alan November ( who considers the concept of students being creators not consumers of learning. Introductions from each coordinator – teaching background, school background, why you love coordinating the MYP! All Discussion of the longevity of the committee: how can we continue this work? How will we disseminate our work? All We discussed how it was important to share experiences and understand who to contact within the group for different support with the MYP. We agreed these meetings were invaluable and we would aim to have two a year and develop links through Skype and email throughout the year. We felt it was important to spend days in each other’s schools, to compare our work on the Next Chapter, to compare ways of managing the Terza Media and ways of managing the MYP on top of a teaching load. Dean and Mark offered for us to visit their Personal Project Fairs: April 16th and May 20th/21st (TBC) MYP The Next Chapter – what are we excited about in general? What are the challenges for us? Are these challenges something we could work on together? Formulation of an action plan on how to work together as an Association on changes to the MYP – All Both Genova and Torino will use ManageBac to plan their Next Chapter and for assessment. Helen explained that at ISM teachers gave up a year of PD to put the money towards ManageBac instead. (FYI: Cambridge University Press are putting together their own version of ManageBac to be ready for 2015 and they promise to be cheaper!) We all agreed the new assessment criteria were a positive change to the MYP. We all plan to have our key and related concepts planned out by June. The Italian teachers from all our schools will Jane to create a contacts sheet for the Standardization process. Jane to email Heather Lapper and disseminate reply. meet in May to go through the Language B guide. We agreed that it would be interesting to have Standardization in November and February across our schools to support each other as we are relatively small schools. We had some questions regarding the new guides: 70 hours at MYP4 and 5, objectives over assessment criteria. Jane will approach Heather Lapper about these. We discussed the academic rigour of MYP4 and MYP5 and Mark explained a service learning project in MYP 4 they run in Genova to complement the programme. Sharing good practice on assessment – what does ‘good practice’ look like in the MYP? – each coordinator to share what works well in their school with MYP Assessment. Can we find similarities to create a document of what good practice looks like across our MYP schools in Italy – to be disseminated at the next AGM - All What does good practice in the MYP look like: Shared experiences of Standardization twice a year Internal Standardization Making criteria explicit through the TSC Students taking ownership of the learning process Across all our schools we do not accept dishonesty or plagiarism and an instant zero is given. We all help students to understand what plagiarism means. Mark explained the benefit of ManageBac as is ensures you use the MYP Criteria accurately. It takes the subjectivity out of the grades. Mark also runs two teacher workshops a year on ManageBac. Assessment in the MYP Next Chapter: what can we take from this good practice into the 2014 changes? E-Assessment and EPortfolios – feedback from Jane on the Association’s actions regarding Italian. Discussion of the small sample language group. How many of our students are affected? What can we do for them? – All We agreed the consistency in grading across subjects is the best part of the MYP changes – we can transfer all other best practice. NB: Jane will attend the Small Sample Language Group in the Hague on May 1st and will immediately feedback to the group on developments. We discussed that in terms of recognition of the MYP, the decision to not have Italian in the E Assessments has a huge and detrimental impact on the MYP in Italy. Mark suggested an idea which we were all very positive to trial. Following the meeting in the Hague when we know more about the IB Vision we will follow this up. Jane to feedback after May 1st meeting. AIBWSI to discuss Mark’s idea at the next meeting on June 22nd. Mark suggested the idea of a Language Certificate given from the Association. The assessment would be written by our teachers and standardised between us. This certificate would be valid within AIBWSI schools proving that students had a certain level of Italian. All students would sit this exam at the same time on the same day. We loved this idea from Mark and think this is a positive alternative which also helps to validate the Association. In responding to the IB on this point – the AIBWSI would be setting something up to make up for the deficit of the IBO in terms of Language A and Language B Italian. We agreed parents would also be positive about this certification. Status of the E Assessments – how many of us are going to trail them in 2015? What is our overall position on these as a committee? Are any of us going to be grading them for the IB? – Jane Bologna is trailing these in 2015 and Jane will feedback on the experience. IS Como will do the E Assessment when they reach the MYP 5 years. Terza Media – each coordinator to explain the logistics of their region on the Terza Media and how these impact on the MYP? Can we find similarities and ways to support each other? - All Each school shared their experiences: Dean explained he saw some screen shots of the E Assessments and they looked user friendly. Genova has a separate language policy for Terza Media year in terms of using Italian to teach elements of the curriculum. Students have 6 lessons of Italian a week. Torino have 10 hours of Italian and are taking a concept based approach to the Tessine to align with the MYP Como have a bilingual programme for Humanities, Science and Maths so have the possibility for team teaching Bologna have 4 x 50 mins of Italian and provide support after school but this is paid for by the parents Reporting – each coordinator to give a brief overview of their reporting system –are there commonalities across the schools? - All We agreed that students need to have ownership of their learning and who can help them to gain this independence. Dean to share Three Way Conference Planning Ideas Each school shared their reporting processes. Jane to send PPoint from her Consultant What else do we assess in We all agreed that the teaching ratio We agreed that part of our role is to spend time explaining to Italian parents about the out of seven grades and what this means –e.g. it is fine to achieve a 5 out of 7. Each coordinator to the MYP? Discussion between coordinators about how we assess Learner Profile and in particular the Approaches to Learning – how can we support each other with the changes to these in the Next Chapter? - All suggested by the IB for MYP Coordinators is unrealistic and puts a lot of pressure on the post holder. The new unit planners are quite dense and this will need unpicking. In terms of AtL each school will work with their staff on these. Dean shared his organisation of the AtLs where he writes when they will be introduced, practised and consolidated. In terms of the Learner Profile we discussed how do we really know if the students are just saying the words or if they really know what they mean? AOB The Regional Conference: do we want to ‘do’ anything as a committee during Conference to promote MYP? – Jane How can we promote the use of the AIBWSI website? Next Meeting: November 2014 – IS Como Torino and Bologna have put forward students for student involvement at Conference. Jane has spoken to Tania at RIS regarding our logins for the AIBWSI website – which we must try to use more frequently. We agreed we could add a link to the AIBWSI website through our school websites. Dean and Jane will make some badges for the RC saying – ask me about the MYP in Italy. AOB: Jane to share Vertical Planner, Dean to share student lead conference materials, Genova have offered for us to visit their school for DP experience also. The Chair Jane Whittle share their new AtL documents when they are completed