Lance Blanford Council for Exceptional Children. (2011). Retrieved

Lance Blanford
Council for Exceptional Children. (2011). Retrieved February 6, 2012, from
*This discusses typical patterns of disordered behavior and its educational implications.
Strategies for teaching students with Behavioral Disorders. (2007, April). Retrieved
February 6, 2012, from
*This includes different strategies on how to manage a student with EBD. It includes general
strategies, teacher presentation strategies, and group interaction/discussion strategies.
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. (1996). Emotional
Disturbance. Retrieved February 6, 2012, from
*Provides specific information regarding Emotional Disturbances such as characteristics, causes,
frequency, and help for school-aged children.
National Association of Special Education Teachers. (2007). Emotional and behavioral
disorders. Retrieved February 6, 2012, from
*Provides a wide array of information regarding emotional/behavioral disorders including
accommodations, assessment, classroom management, prevalence, etc. (2012). Emotional and behavioral disorders: cause and prevention.
Retrieved February 6, 2012, from
*Discusses EBD from a biological perspective and also talks about how to overcome challenges
EBD presents and how it affects those in the home, community, and school.
National Center for Learning Disabilities. (2010). Classroom management. Retrieved
February 6, 2012, from
*Provides links to top articles, recommended books, question and answers, and other links
associated with LD. Articles include Behavior Modification in the Classroom, and
Checklist for Teachers. (n.d.). Managing behaviors with learning disabilities.
Retrieved February 6, 2012, from
*Discusses classroom behaviors that are common with ADHD and Autism.
National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education. (2007). Learning
disabilities. Retrieved February 6, 2012, from
*Includes information on learning disabilities such as accommodations, modifications, assistive
technology, classroom management, transition services, etc.
Learning Disabilities Association of America. (2011). For teachers: understanding learning
disabilities and ADHD. Retrieved February 6, 2012, from
* Provides a list of articles that address subjects such as classroom management,
accommodations, modifications, school compliance and non-compliance, etc.
Teaching LD. (2012). Retrieved February 6, 2012, from
*This website includes an abundance of information pertaining to LD. Abstracts, lesson plans,
expert advice, and more. (2012). Primary characteristics of students with intellectual disabilities.
Retrieved February 7, 2012, from
*This site talks about the academic, social, and cognitive performance of individuals with a mild
mental disability.
Reynolds, T., Zupanick, C.E., Dombeck, Mark (2011). Effective teaching methods for
people with intellectual disabilities. 43-44. Retrieved February 7,
2012, from
*This is an online article that discusses effective teaching strategies for students with intellectual
Council for Exceptional Children. (2011). Retrieved February 6, 2012, from
*Discusses all the different levels of mental disabilities, causes, characteristics, educational, and
adult programs.
National Association of Special Education Teachers. (2007). Emotional and behavioral
disorders. Retrieved February 6, 2012, from
*Discusses accommodations, modifications, transition services, assessment, classroom
management techniques associated with mental disabilities.
Partnership for Accessible Reading Assessments. (2011). Reading and students with mental
retardation. Retrieved February 7th, 2012, from
*Addresses how to effectively teach reading to students struggling with a mental disability.
Cambium Learning Technologies. (2011). Creative ways of reaching students with physical
disabilities in an inclusive classroom. Retrieved February 7, 2012, from
*This article discusses ways to use technology to assist students with physical disabilities in the
Northeast Regional Education Cooperative. (n.d.). Types of academic accommodations.
Retrieved February 7, 2012, from
*This document lists different test accommodations for several different disabilities including
physical disability. It also tells why the accommodations would be helpful.
Bright Hub Education. (2012). IDEA accommodations for students with physical
disabilities. Retrieved February 7, 2012, from
*This article describes different types of physical disabilities, discusses resources for students
with PD, and addresses some suggestions for classroom accommodations for students
with PD.
Davis, B. (1993). Tools for teaching: Academic accommodations for students with
disabilities. Retrieved February 7, 2012, from
*This is a chapter from the book Tools for Teaching, and it talks about some general teaching
strategies for students with disabilities. It also talks about how to make sure that your
classroom is accommodating for students with physical disabilities.
Pizzi, J. (2008). Challenges of children with physical disabilities. Rivier Academic
Journal,Vol. 4, 1, 1-9. Retrieved February 7, 2012, from
*This journal article will help teachers understand how students are affected mentally by their
physical disability.