Verification of Fortescue’s Symmetrical Components Theorem for Four-Phase Unbalanced System with MATLAB Dr. Iranna Korachagaon Professor – Department of Electrical Engineering Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology, Ashta – 416301, Sangli, India Email: irannamk[at], Cell No.: +91 986 0088 339 Abstract – Symmetrical components concepts are developed for a typical four-phase unbalanced system. A systematic approach for building the symmetrical components transformation matrix has been discussed with the numerical example to make the concept clear. Further the MATLAB code is also provided for the verification of the results. This serves the purpose of additional experiment in power system course for undergraduate students in Electrical Engineering. This also invokes the interest in the reader, to think logically to extend the applications of various electrical engineering theorems to the near near vicinity of their application area. Key Words – Fortescue, Symmetrical Components, four-phase, I. INTRODUCTION Charles Le Geyt Fortescue (1876 – 1936) was an engineer with the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company in Pittsburgh, PA, where he spent his entire professional career. His classic paper ‘Method of Symmetrical Coordinates Applied to the Solution of Poly-phase Networks’ appeared in the Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) in 1918. This paper occupied 88 pages of the Transaction, with an additional 24 pages being devoted to discussions. This paper contained some 303 numbered equations and greatly facilitated the analysis of unbalanced poly-phase systems by converting problems into equivalent symmetrical systems. V. Karapetoff, suggested that the term ‘Symmetrical Components’ was a more correct and descriptive expression than ‘Symmetrical Coordinates’. Later in 1933, with C.F. Wagner and R.D. Evans, Fortescue, authored the book ‘Symmetrical Components’ [1]. From the literature, it was observed that, plenty of discussions and the numericals have been solved on the analysis of the concept of three-phase symmetrical components. Hence an effort to make a systematic analysis of the symmetrical components for four-phase systems was thought of. This paper is aimed at addressing the under-graduate students of Electrical Engineering, to present the parallelism and contrasts between the four-phase and the three-phase formulas may throw further light on the general theory and applications of symmetrical components. II. CONCEPT OF SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS Symmetrical components allow unbalanced phase quantities such as currents and voltages to be replaced by three separate balanced symmetrical components. Based on the C.L. Fortescue’s theory, three phase unbalanced phasors a–b–c, of a three-phase system can be resolved into three balanced systems of phasors as follows. 1. Positive (+ve) sequence components consisting of a set of three-phase components with a phase sequence a–b–c. 2. Negative (–ve) sequence components consisting of a set of three-phase components with a phase sequence a–c–b. 3. Zero (0) sequence components consisting of three single-phase components, all equal in magnitude but with the same phase angles. Considering the three-phase unbalanced currents [Iabc], with the ‘symmetrical components transformation matrix (SCTM), denoted as [A], which transforms [Iabc] into component currents [Ia012]. This can be represented in matrix notations as, [Iabc] = [A] × [Ia012] (1) where, π π 1 A = [ π ππ π ] (2) 1 π π2 And the operator ‘π’ is defined as, π = 1∠1200 = −0.5 + π0.866 π2 = 1∠2400 = −0.5 − π0.866 (3) 1 + π + π2 = 0 Therefore, for the symmetrical components of the currents, we have, [Ia012] = [A]-1 × [Iabc] (4) Similar expressions exist for voltages. Thus the unbalanced phase voltages in terms of the symmetrical components could be represented [2]. Those familiar with the three-phase technique will be interested in observing the resemblances and the differences between the three-phase and the four-phase techniques. 1 III. FOUR-PHASE SYSTEM REPRESENTATION The conventional concept of symmetrical components of three-phase systems – positive, negative and zero-phase sequence components, is peculiar to three-phase system and not very adaptable to a system with greater number of phases, because a four-phase system must have four components (n-phase system n components), and the concept of positive, negative and zero-phase sequence components offers no clue as to how to find an appropriate fourth component for the four-phase system [3]. To understand the similarities and the contrasts between a three-phase and four-phase system, a typical numerical is presented. Let, πΌπ 3∠310° [πΌπ ] = [5∠105°] (5) πΌπ 4∠012° Be a three-phase (n=3) unbalanced system and the 360° operator, π = = 1200 = 1∠1200 π On solving for the symmetrical components, using equation (4), with predefined symmetrical components transformation matrix as given in equation (2), we obtain, πΌπ012 1.8852∠36.4890° 3.3495∠ − 106.4364° 1.3761∠ − 8.6327° [πΌπ012 ] = [1.8852∠36.4890° 3.3495∠133.5636° 1.3761∠111.3673° ] 1.8852∠36.4890° 3.3495∠13.5636° 1.3761∠ − 128.6327° πΌπ012 On similar lines, Let, πΌπ 3∠310° πΌπ 5∠105° [ ]=[ ] πΌπ 4∠012° πΌπ 7∠230° Superscript ‘0’ indicates the zero-sequence. As there are only two sequences possible, ‘1’ indicates positive sequence, ‘2’ indicates negative sequence, ‘3’ indicates positive sequence and so on. The preparation of the symmetrical components transformation matrix is automatic. The element A[2,2] of the matrix shall have (n-1) as superscript to the operator element. This is seen as 2 for three-phase and 3 for four-phase system. The next element A[2,3] shall be the operator with superscript as 1. And the next element A[2,4] shall have the superscript as 2. Likewise the matrix A is constructed. IV. Implementation of MATLAB program for determining the symmetrical components for the threephase and four-phase unbalanced systems along with the results are given in Appendix –I, and II respectively. V. [1] [2] Be a three-phase (n=4) unbalanced system and the operator, 360° π = = 900 = 1∠900 = π1 (8) π On solving for the symmetrical components, using equation (4), we obtain, πΌπ0123 0.4999∠ − 88.6434° 6.7879∠ − 119.0536° 8.2125∠ − 12.9194° 6.5919∠115.0558° πΌπ0123 0.4999∠ − 88.6434° 6.7879∠150.9464° 8.2125∠77.0806° 6.5919∠ − 64.9442° ] =[ 0.4999∠ − 88.6434° 6.7879∠ − 29.0536° 8.2125∠167.0806° 6.5919∠25.0558° πΌπ0123 0.4999∠ − 88.6434° 6.7879∠60.0536° 8.2125∠ − 102.9194° 6.5919∠ − 154.9442° [πΌπ0123 ] (9) The symmetrical components transformation matrix for four-phase system is defined as, π π 1 1 π ππ π1 π2 A=[ ] (10) 1 π1 π2 π3 1 π2 π3 π1 CONCLUSION In this paper, the basic concepts of symmetrical components are discussed in brief to support the analysis of four-phase unbalanced system. A systematic logical approach for the construction of the symmetrical components transformation matrix is discussed. (6) (7) MATLAB PROGRAM AND RESULTS [3] REFERENCES James E. Brittain, ‘Scanning the Past: Charles L. G. Fortescue and Method of Symmetrical Components’, Proceedings of IEEE, Vol. 86(5), pp. 1020-1021, May 1998. Hadi Sadat, Power Systems Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, India, pp. 400-406, 2002. Boyajian A., ‘Symmetrical-Componenets Analysis of the FourPhase System, Transactions – Electrical Engineering, pp. 48-51, 1943. Authors Biography: Iranna Korachagaon, (B.Engg., 1991, M.Tech., 2001, Ph.D., 2012) has more than 20 years of experience in industry and academia. His research interests include – Power Systems, Renewable Energy Applications, Energy Management & Audit and Teaching-Learning Techniques. He has published more than 18 research papers in reputed International/ National Journals/ Conferences and authored one text book. He is life member of professional bodies such as MIE, MISTE, MSESI, MGMM. Presently he is serving as Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering & Technology, Ashta-416301, Sangli, India. Email Address: , Cell. +91 98600 88339. 2 Appendix - I % To find Symmetrical Components for 3-phase Unbalanced System Q=[3 310 5 105 4 12] i=sqrt(-1); n=3; % Number of Phases a=1.0*(cos((360/n)*pi/180)+i*sin((360/n)*pi/180)); a2=a^2; % Conversion from Polar to Cartesian Form of Matrix I Ia=Q(1)*(cos(Q(4)*pi/180)+i*sin(Q(4)*pi/180)); Ib=Q(2)*(cos(Q(5)*pi/180)+i*sin(Q(5)*pi/180)); Ic=Q(3)*(cos(Q(6)*pi/180)+i*sin(Q(6)*pi/180)); % Define symmetrical components transformation matrix A= [1 1 1 1 a2 a 1 a a2]; A012=inv(A)*[Ia;Ib;Ic]; % To check the results Add0=A012(1)+A012(2)+A012(3); % This is Ia Add1=A012(1)+a2*A012(2)+a*A012(3); % This is Ib Add2=A012(1)+a*A012(2)+a2*A012(3); % This is Ic % Symmetrical Components in Cartesian Form Symm3= [A012(1) A012(2) A012(3) A012(1) a2*A012(2) a*A012(3) A012(1) a*A012(2) a2*A012(3)]; % Symmetrical Components in Polar Form Sym3Abs=abs(Symm3) Sym3Angle=angle(Symm3)*180/pi % End of the Program Results Q = 3 5 4 310 105 12 Sym3Abs = 1.8852 1.8852 1.8852 3.3495 3.3495 3.3495 1.3761 1.3761 1.3761 Sym3Angle = 36.4890 -106.4364 -8.6327 36.4890 133.5636 111.3673 36.4890 13.5636 -128.6327 3 Appendix - II % To find Symmetrical Components for 4-phase Unbalanced System Q=[3 310 5 105 4 12 7 230] i=sqrt(-1); n=4; % Number of Phases a=1.0*(cos((360/n)*pi/180)+i*sin((360/n)*pi/180)); a2=a^2; a3=a^3; % Conversion from Polar to Cartesian Form of Matrix Q Ia=Q(1)*(cos(Q(5)*pi/180)+i*sin(Q(5)*pi/180)); Ib=Q(2)*(cos(Q(6)*pi/180)+i*sin(Q(6)*pi/180)); Ic=Q(3)*(cos(Q(7)*pi/180)+i*sin(Q(7)*pi/180)); Id=Q(4)*(cos(Q(8)*pi/180)+i*sin(Q(8)*pi/180)); % Define symmetrical components transformation matrix A=[1 1 1 1 1 a3 a a2 1 a a2 a3 1 a2 a3 a]; A0123=inv(A)*[Ia;Ib;Ic;Id]; A0123rho=abs(A0123); A0123theta=angle(A0123)*180/pi; % To check the results Add0=A0123(1)+A0123(2)+A0123(3)+A0123(4); % This is Ia Add1=A0123(1)+a3*A0123(2)+a*A0123(3)+a2*A0123(4); % This is Ib Add2=A0123(1)+a*A0123(2)+a2*A0123(3)+a3*A0123(4); % This is Ic Add3=A0123(1)+a2*A0123(2)+a3*A0123(3)+a*A0123(4); % This is Id % Symmetrical Components in Cartesian Form Symm4=[A0123(1) A0123(2) A0123(3) A0123(4) A0123(1) a3*A0123(2) a*A0123(3) a2*A0123(4) A0123(1) a*A0123(2) a2*A0123(3) a3*A0123(4) A0123(1) a2*A0123(2) a3*A0123(3) a*A0123(4)]; % Symmetrical Components in Polar Form Symm4Abs=abs(Symm4) Symm4Angle=angle(Symm4)*180/pi % End of the Program Results Q = 3 5 4 7 310 105 12 230 Symm4Abs = 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 6.7879 6.7879 6.7879 6.7879 8.2125 8.2125 8.2125 8.2125 6.5919 6.5919 6.5919 6.5919 Symm4Angle = -88.6434 -119.0536 -12.9194 115.0558 -88.6434 150.9464 77.0806 -64.9442 -88.6434 -29.0536 167.0806 25.0558 -88.6434 60.9464 -102.9194 -154.9442 4