Positive Negative Positive Negative What is dark is not light and what is light is not dark. This is the basis of all design and an important guiding principle of art. It seems so simple but an artist can spend a lifetime exploring the possibilities of light and dark. Positive and Negative Space A Stool The POSITIVE space Is black The NEGATIVE space Is black See how the negative space exists as objects that define the stool? In fact you can draw the stool simply by drawing the negative spaces alone! The positive space is white and the negative is black This use of light and dark translates shape and form into flat shapes on a twodimensional surface Notan The Japanese word for the relationship between dark and light Geometric and Organic Shapes SHAPE is an ELEMENT of art Geometric Shapes Organic Shapes Is this example mostly a Geometric or Organic shape Notan? Is this organic or geometric ? Symmetrical Balance BALANCE is a PRINCIPLE of Art SYMMETRY Symmetry means a mirror image -one side is the mirror image of the other. Asymmetry Asymmetry means without symmetry, There is no mirror image Is this Notan Design Symmetrical or Asymmetrical? Symmetrical or Asymmetrical? In this Notan Design what is POSTIVE space and what is NEGATIVE space? Here are some good examples: Jeff T Zucker http://www.jefftzucker.com/comm_3.html Where is this taking us?