FY10 Wildlife Diversity Fund Proposal Guidance



Wildlife Diversity Project Proposal

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Title: Rudolf Bennitt CA Savanna Restoration Project

Location (County): Howard, Boone, & Randolph

Project Centroid (UTM Coordinate):

Project Leader: Leon E. Borges & Kristen Goodrich Partner Match : $0

Total Amount Requested: $15,000.00 (EXP = $15,000.00, EQP=$0, HL=$0)

Explain the need and objective of the project: Rudolf Bennitt Conservation Area, located at the junction of Howard, Boone and Randolph Counties, is a 3500 acre area comprised of predominately a mix of forest, woodland and savanna natural communities. Most of the natural communities at Bennitt CA are intact. However, some of the woodland and savannas are degraded due to overstocking of trees, woody vegetation encroachment, and invasion of exotic species. Restoration work on some of these communities has begun; however, due to heavy invasions of woody vegetation some restoration work, particularly prescribed burning and exotic species control in the savanna sites are hampered. Funding is required to remove the invading woody vegetation from savanna sites so that remnant native grasses and forbs can be released and future prescribed burns can be used to better manage for the savanna communities. The objective of this project is to set back succession on around 50 acres of savanna habitat so other future management techniques (prescribed burning, invasive species control, etc.) can be used to recover the flora and fauna in the community.

List priority geographies (COA(s)) and targeted species and/or natural communities this project will affect: This project will enhance savanna communities on the area. This will provide a unique and uncommon (Ranked as S1 “Critically Imperiled” in the 2014 Missouri

Species and Communities of Conservation Concern Checklist.”) Savanna habitats provide open habitat and transition zones for dependent songbird species and other wildlife.

Describe the expected product, result, or outcome: Reducing the invasive woody vegetation and the presence of exotic plant species will allow the existing, suppressed native herbaceous vegetation to be expressed and will enhance the diversity and health of the savanna communities.

Removal of invading woody vegetation will also facilitate future management practices in these communities, including increased prescribed burns and more intensive exotic species control measures. Ultimately, the goal is to restore a rich savanna plant community and the associated wildlife species (mammals, birds, pollinators, etc.) that use this unique community.

Explain the approach/methodology that will be utilized to complete the project: Funding will be used to hire a contractor to remove woody vegetation from approximately 50 acres of savanna habitat. Woody vegetation will be removed using equipment such as a skid steer and tree shear/forestry cutter or heavy duty mower attachment. Contractors will also be required to treat any clipped or cut stumps to prevent re-sprouting. Sites that have woody vegetation removed will be maintained using prescribed fire and will be followed up with future exotic


species treatments. The total acreage treated will depend on bid rates that are received and the amount of available funding.

Budget Table:

Category Contract or


Non-MDC/Partner Match Amount


Personnel Service (Labor)


Value Entity






** In no circumstance can MDC staff or other MDC sources of funds be used for match to the WDF**

Provide justification for any labor and/or equipment in this proposal:

Indicate your willingness to accept less funding and describe the effect on the overall project if certain portions were reduced.

If fewer dollars are allocated towards this project then fewer acres would be impacted on Rudolf

Bennitt CA. However, merely a reduction in funding will still allow some additional acres to be treated.

