Name______________________________ SID __________________ Date _________ 2010-11 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES This worksheet is to be used for advising purposes only and does not replace the catalog. Students must also meet the following requirements: The UAA General University requirement (GUR) The General Education Requirements (GER) College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Requirements Important notes: All courses listed under Major Requirements must be completed with a grade of C or higher. All prerequisites for biology courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher. For a course with a lecture and laboratory component, students may not carry forward an individual lecture or laboratory grade from a previous semester in which the course was taken. Some major requirements may also be used to satisfy both the College of Arts and Sciences BS requirements. Complete these required support courses: _____CHEM A105 General Chemistry I _____CHEM A105L General Chemistry I Lab _____CHEM A106 General Chemistry II _____CHEM A106L General Chemistry II Lab _____CHEM A321 Organic Chemistry I _____CHEM A322 Organic Chemistry II _____CHEM A323L Organic Chemistry Lab _____MATH A200 Calculus I _____MATH A201 Calculus II 3 1 3 1 3 3 2 4 4 _____PHYS A123/L Basic Physics I _____PHYS A124/L Basic Physics II 4 4 OR _____PHYS A211/L General Physics I _____PHYS A212/L General Physics II _____STAT A253 Applied Statistics for Sciences 4 4 4 OR _____STAT A307 _____STAT A308 Probability and Statistics Intermediate Statistics* 3 3 *It is recommended that STAT A308 be taken. Students may substitute STAT A308 with 3 upperdivision biology credits. BS BIOL 2010-11 08/27/10 Complete _____BIOL _____BIOL _____BIOL _____BIOL _____BIOL _____BIOL biology core courses (32 credits): A115/L Fundamentals of Biology I A116/L Fundamentals of Biology II A242/L Fundamentals of Cell Biology A252/L Principles of Genetics A271/L Principles of Ecology A308 Principles of Evolution _____BIOL A310/L 4 4 4 4 4 3 Principles of Physiology 4 Intro to Plant Physiology 3 _____BIOL A415 Comparative Animal Physiology 3 _____BIOL A340 _____BIOL A492 General Microbiology Undergraduate Seminar 5 1 OR _____BIOL A316 OR Complete 11-12 credits of upper-division program electives from the following list: NOTE: Preprofessional students may substitute CHEM A441-A442 Principles of Biochemistry and A443 Biochemistry Laboratory for 8 upper-division biology credits. A. Recommended electives in Cellular and Molecular Biology: Cellular-Molecular _____BIOL A451 Applied Microbiology (3) _____BIOL A452 Human Genome* (3) _____BIOL A461 Molecular Biology (3) _____BIOL A461L Molecular Biology Laboratory (1) _____BIOL A462 Virology (3) _____BIOL/CHEM A471 Immunochemistry (4) _____BIOL A488 Developmental Biology (4) Zoology _____BIOL A327 _____BIOL A415 _____BIOL A487 Parasitology (4) Comparative Animal Physiology (3) Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates (4) Techniques _____BIOL A403 _____BIOL A495 Microtechnique (4) Instructional Practicum: Laboratory (1) B. Recommended elective Botany _____BIOL A316 _____BIOL A331 _____BIOL A333 _____BIOL A334 _____BIOL A479 BS BIOL 2010-11 courses in Organismal, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology: Introduction to Plant Physiology (3) Systematic Botany (4) Biology of Non-Vascular Plants (4) Biology of Vascular Plants (4) Physiological Plant Ecology (3) 08/27/10 Zoology _____BIOL _____BIOL _____BIOL _____BIOL _____BIOL _____BIOL _____BIOL A327 A415 A423 A425 A426 A427 A487 Parasitology (4) Comparative Animal Physiology (3) Ichthyology (4) Mammalogy (4) Ornithology (4) Invertebrate Zoology (4) Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates (4) Ecology-Systems _____BIOL A309 _____BIOL A373 _____BIOL A378 _____BIOL A430 _____BIOL A441 _____BIOL A445 _____BIOL A450 _____BIOL A477 _____BIOL A478 _____BIOL A479 _____BIOL A489 Biogeography (3) Environmental Biology (3) Marine Biology (3) Marine Mammal Biology (4) Animal Behavior (4) Herbivore Ecology (4) Microbial Ecology (3) Tudra and Taiga Ecosystems (3) Biological Oceanography (4) Physiological Plant Ecology (3) Population Genetics and Evolutionary Processes* (3) Techniques _____BIOL A403 _____BIOL A495 Microtechnique (4) Instructional Practicum: Laboratory (1) C. Special topics, independent study and individual research (credits vary): _____BIOL A456 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (3) _____BIOL A490 Selected Lecture Topics in Biology (1-3) _____BIOL A490L Selected Laboratory Topics in Biology (1-3) _____BIOL A497 Independent Study in Biology _____BIOL A498 Individual Research _____BIOL A999 Senior Thesis (3) *Integrative capstone courses A total of 122-125 credits is required for the degree, of which 42 credits must be upperdivision. BS BIOL 2010-11 08/27/10