Lesson Plan 6 - Australian Flora and Fauna

Tahnee Maynard
Institute of Early Childhood
Lesson plan 6
Class: Stage 3- Year 6
Duration: 50 minutes
Prior Learning and Rationale: This lesson is the final lesson in stage 3’s unit of work ‘Australian
flora and fauna’ where students have learnt about how Australia’s physical environment
impacts Australia’s flora and fauna.
KLA (s): Science and Art
-For students to express what they have learnt about Australia’s flora and fauna by completing
an artwork.
Outcomes & Indicators
ST3-10LW- Describes how structural features and other adaptations of living things help them
to survive in their environment (Board of Studies, NSW, 2012)
-Observe and describe the structural features of some native Australian animals and plants
ST3-11LW- Describes some physical conditions of the environment and how these affect the
growth and survival of living things
-Identify that growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their
-Make predictions about how changing the physical conditions of the environment impacts on
the growth and survival of living things
VAS3.1- Investigates subject matter in an attempt to represent likenesses of things in the world
(Board of Studies, 2001)
-Closely observes details of things in the world and seeks to make artworks about these using
various techniques such as proportion, perspective, composition, foreshortening
-Uses different artistic concepts (eg colour, tone, light, scale, abstract), and explores how
symbols may be used in their interpretation of selected subject matter
Key Scientific Knowledge:
Students will need to have sufficiently met outcome ST2-10LW being capable of recognising
that living things have life cycles and can group things into living things and non-living things
(Board of Studies, 2012).
To engage in this art experience students will also require a sound knowledge of concepts in
outcomes ST3-11LW and ST3-10LW. This previous knowledge includes being able to describe he
physical conditions that Australian flora and fauna adapt and survive. Structural features of
these flora and fauna will also be required to be known as students are required to replicate
Tahnee Maynard
Institute of Early Childhood
this through their art piece.
Resources & Equipment:
Classroom organisation:
Students will begin the lesson seated on the
 Fauna used in lesson 1
floor to listen to explicit instructions. They will
 Photos of flora used in lesson 1
then move to their desks to complete the art
 Class set of blunt carvers
 Class set of A4 Etching cardboard
 Class set of etching tools
 Magnifying lenses
 Pencils
 Coloured cardboard
 Computers and class blog
 Camera
Lesson Overview:
The lesson will begin with a brief class discussion identifying the main points of knowledge
attained over the previous 5 lessons by as a group filling out the mind map from lesson one.
Students will then be informed of the art they are going to produce in this lesson. They will be
required to etch a chosen flora or fauna out of their etching cardboard. Students can decide if
they will complete a flora or fauna one and which of these will also be decided by the student.
The fauna photos and the flora items used in lesson one will be displayed for the students to
use as their focus to copy using magnifying glasses to view the detail of these.
The final product will be multiple black and white lines where the student has etched out the
black revealing the white underneath.
Once students have finished their etching they will choose a coloured piece of cardboard to use
as a frame. This colour should represent the environment where their chosen flora or fauna
survives. For example light blue or green cardboard representing cool damp places.
When students have finished they will be asked to take a photo of their art work then post it on
the class blog page under their posting made in lesson 3.
The lesson will conclude with some students volunteering to present their art work to the class
describing what flora or fauna they have chosen as well as what they have used for the
To support students who require it I would
For fast finishers I would ask them to, as a
supply the with magnifying glasses to view the group write a short procedure to put in the
visual details more easily.
bog of how they did the art work.