What Are You Waiting For 9-27

September 27, 2015
Revolution Defined:
1. an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established
government or political system by the people governed.
2. Sociology. a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure,
especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence.
Compare social evolution.
3. a sudden, complete or marked change in something:
Copernican Revolution:
The paradigm shift from the Ptolemaic model of the heavens which described the
cosmos as having earth stationary at the center of the universe, to the
heliocentric model with the sun at the center of the solar system
Began with the publishing of the book De Revolutionibus Orbium
Coelstium by Nicolaus Copernicus – Polish mathematician and astronomer
(Feb. 19, 1473 – May 24, 1543)
Took a while to accept
WHAT’S AT THE CENTER? Shifted the conversation from what’s going around
my life to what is my life is going around
Bringing our lives into orbit around the Son
A life centered around Jesus
KEY POINT: Jesus has come to revolutionize our lives
NEXT 50 DAYS – an exciting journey and challenge
Baptism Service, Shark Tank, opportunity to make a difference
GOALS: identify with Christ, mobilize people to serve, impact our
community and release generosity
TEXT: Mark 1:14-20
Setting: Mark’s gospel – gospel of action and excitement
Disciple of Peter, writing for a Roman audience – Jesus has come to save
and transform lives
Jesus’ coming marks a dramatic shift
“The time has come…the Kingdom of God is near...”
TIME: not chronos but kairos – not chronological time but a decisive time
A new opportunity – something special
The Kingdom of God is at hand – OT worship marked by distance
His holiness, our unholiness
His magnitude, our smallness
His rule is within reach…near, at hand
Proximity determines impact
Jesus invites us to experience life around Him
“…Repent and believe the good news.”
Appropriate response:
Repentance: a new direction, a new perspective, a new way to live
“As Jesus walked…”
Finds us where we are at: in the midst of everyday life
“Come, follow me…”
FOLLOW: three parts to it
Attachment to the person of Jesus
Personal surrender to His calling
Acceptance of His leadership
Living life in community around Him
Mission: leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ
Jesus has come to transform our person and purpose
“…And I will make you fishers of men.”
Not just trying to make us a better person but also to enable to live for a higher
The life we were created for
EPH. 2:10
Jesus didn’t come to tweak our lives but TRANSFORM them
Across the whole: thinking, living, relating
In line with Him
KEY POINT: Jesus has come to revolutionize our lives
What are you waiting for?
Not only how we respond but when we should respond: IMMEDIATELY,
Not just for first timers, but even for us who have been following for years: when
will we respond?
If not now? When?
What we are waiting for has a way of revealing what has captured
our hearts, what our lives revolve around
DEBTS – what we want from the past
DESIRES – what we want today
DREAMS – what we want for the future
Uncertain if we’ll find what we want if we follow Him
KEY POINT: Jesus has come to revolutionize our lives
Embracing Him NOW
1. It’s time to say “Yes” to Jesus’ calling
“I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”
One more night with the frogs
2. It’s time to trust His love
Dealing with uncertainty: can He be trusted?
GOSPEL MESSAGE: He gave His life for me…
3. It’s time to surrender to His leading
I have decided to follow Jesus…
KEY POINT: Jesus has come to revolutionize our lives
Revolution: a marked change
Imagine: devoted followers of Christ
A transformed person, a transformed purpose
What are you waiting for?