On p - NYU Steinhardt

Judith L. Alpert
Current Positions:
Professor of Applied Psychology
New York University
Co-Director of Trauma Specialization and Faculty and Supervisor
New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
Post-Doctoral Training Program
Certificate in
and Psychoanalysis
New York, New York
School Psychology Program
Medford, Massachusetts
1973 Ph.D.
1966 B.A.
Experience (abbreviated)
Co-Director, Trauma and Violence Transdisciplinary Studies
Program, New York University
Professor of Applied Psychology, New York University
(Associate Professor 1976-1983; Assistant Professor 19731976).
Professor and Supervisor, New York University Postdoctoral
Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
Co-Director, Trauma Specialization, New York University
Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
Co-Director and Member of Advisory Committee, Trauma and Violence
Transdisciplinary Studies, New York University
Professional Affiliations
American Psychological Association; Fellow, Divisions 16, 35, 39 (sections 1,3,5), 56
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
New York State Psychological Association
School Psychology Educators Council of New York (Charter Member)
Certified Psychologist, New York State 1975
School Psychologist Certificate (Permanent Form), N.Y. State, 1970
Member, National Registry of Health Service Providers in Psychology, 1977 - present
Honors (abbreviated)
Recipient of “influential Author” award (one of top downloaded authors of 2012) (PEP).
Recipient of Florence Floy Washburn Award, New York State Psychological Association,
Division of Women’s Issues (2008).
Recipient of Award as Founder, Division 56 (Trauma Psychology), American Psychological
Association (2008).
Recipient of Service Award, Division 56 (Trauma Psychology), American Psychological
Association. (2007).
Recipient of Scholarship Award , Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological
Association. (2005).
Recipient of Distinguished Service Award, Division 16 (School Psychology), American
Psychological Association, 1989;
Elected Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division 16 (School Psychology),
Division 35 (Psychology of Women), Division 27 (Community Psychology); Division 56
(Trauma Psychology);
Recipient of Award for Outstanding Contribution to School Psychology, New Jersey Association
of School Psychologists, 1984;
Recipient of Lightner Witmer Award for Outstanding Young Professional, Division 16 (School
Psychology), American Psychological Association, 1976.
Elected Offices (abbreviated)
President, Division 56 (Division of Trauma Psychology), American Psychological Association,
Member, Council of Representatives, American Psychological Association (representing
Division 39), 2009-2011, 1999-2002; 2002-2005; 2009-2012; 1984-1987.
Member, APA Board of Directors Task Force on Developing Resilience in Time of Terrorist
Threat, 2002-2004.
Member, Executive Board, Division 39, American Psychological Association, 1009-1011, 19992002; 2002-2005.
Member, Executive Committee of Executive Board, Division 39 of the American Psychological
Association, 1999-2002, 2002-2005.
Chair and Member of Steering Committee, APA Trauma Interest Group, 1999-2005.
Member-At-Large, Section V (Psychologist-Psychoanalyst Clinicians) of Division 39
(Psychoanalysis), American Psychological Association, 1995-1998;
Member-At-Large, Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological Association, 19911993;
President, Section III (Women) of Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological
Association, 1990-1991;
Executive Board, Section III (Women) of Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), American Psychological
Association, 1988-1992
Member, Board of Professional Affairs, (BPA), American Psychological Association, 19871990; Member of Executive Board of Professional Affairs, 1988-1990
Member, Committee on Professional Practice and Standards, (COPPS), American Psychological
Association, 1988-1990, Member of COPPS Executive Committee, 1989-1990
Member-At-Large, Section III (Women) of Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), American
Psychological Association, 1988-1989
Member-At-Large, The Psychoanalytic Society of the NYU Postdoctoral Program, 1989-1990;
Member, Task Force on Psychology in the Schools, American Psychological Association, 19881989
Member, Committee on Structure and Function, American Psychological Association, 19861988
Executive Board, Division 16 (School Psychology), American Psychological Association, 19781987
President, Division 16 (School Psychology), American Psychological Association, 1982-1983
Member, Fellows Committee, Division 35 (Psychology of Women), (elected office), American
Psychological Association, 1979-1982
Member, Board of Social And Ethical Responsibility in Psychology (BSERP), American
Psychological Association, 1980-1983; Administrative Committee on BSERP, 1980-1981;
Monitor to Board of Professional Affairs, 1988-1991; Monitor to Board of Professional Affairs,
1980-1981; Monitor to Committee on Women in Psychology, 1980-1981; Liaison to APA/NASP
Task Force, 1980-1981
Treasurer, Division 16 (School Psychology), American Psychological Association, 1979-1981
Secretary, School Psychology Educators Council of New York State, 1978-1980
Professional Service (abbreviated)
Co-Chair, Psychoanalysis and Community. A committee of Division 39, American
Psychological Association, 2012- ;
Co-Chair, Psychoanalysis and Health Care, Co-Chair. A committee of Division 39, American
Psychological Association, 2010- ;
Working Group on Investigation of Memories of Childhood Abuse, American Psychological
Association, 1993-1995;
Chair, Child Abuse Treatment Working Group, American Psychological Association,1991;
Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Child Abuse Policy, American Psychological Association,
Chair, Committee on Women in School Psychology, American Psychological Association, 19841989;
Member, Committee on Professional Practice and Standards, American Psychological
Association, 1988-1989;
Advisory Committee, Board of Director’s Child Abuse Project, American Psychological
Association, 1989-1990;
Chair, Planning Committee for the Task Force on Children, Youth, Families, American
Psychological Association, 1982;
American Psychological Association Accreditation Visitor, 1982-1997;
Editorial Service (abbreviated)
Consulting Editor, Journal of Psychological Trauma , 2008- .
Editorial Board, Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 2007- ;
Editorial Board, Journal of Trauma Practice, 2002- Present ;
Editorial Board, Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 2001- 2006, 1987-1997;
Advisory Editor, Journal of School Psychology, 1992-1998;
Editorial Board, Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1991-1998;
Associate Editor, Applied and Preventive Psychology: Current Scientific Perspectives, 19911996;
Associate Editor, Trends in Preventive Psychology, 1991-1996;
Editorial Board, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse: Research, Treatment, and Program Innovations
for Victims, Survivors and Offenders, 1991-1996;
Advisory Editor, School Psychology Quarterly (formerly Professional School Psychology),
Alpert, J. L. and Goren, E. (Eds.) (expected date of publication 2015; contract with
Routledge). Psychoanalysis, Trauma, and Community Intervention. (In addition
to editing the book, I will co-author 3-4 chapters in the book).
Alpert, J. L. (1995). Sexual Abuse Recalled: Treating Trauma in the Era of the Recovered
Memory Debate. N.J.: Analytic Press.
Alpert, J. L.(Ed.) (1986).Psychoanalysis and Women: Contemporary Reappraisals. N.J.:
Erlbaum Publications.(Translated to German; publisher: Springer-Verlag, 1992; Reprinted in
paperback, Analytic Press, l994.)
Alpert, J. L. & Meyers, J. (Eds.) (1983). Training in Consultation: Perspectives from Behavioral,
Mental Health, and Organizational Consultation. Springfield, IL: Charles, C. Thomas, Publisher.
Alpert, J. L. (1982). Psychological Consultation in Education Settings. San Francisco, CA:
Jossey Bass, Inc., Publishers. (Reprinted in 1995)
Alpert, J. L. The witnessing gaze turned inward. Legacies of Sexual Violence. In
S. Grand and J. Salberg (eds.) . In D. Goodman and E. Severson (Eds.) The
ethical turn: Otherness and subjectivity in contemporary psychoanalysis.
Routledge (in press).
Alpert, J. L. (2011). Mazel Tov. In B. Greene & D. Brodbar (Eds.) A Minyan of Women:
Family Dynamics, Jewish Identity and Psychotherapy Pracice.. London: Routledge
Alpert, J. L. (2006). Childhoods driven wrong. In E. Toronto (Ed.), Into the void: Agenda-free
case in light of current psychoanalytic theory. Brunner Routledge.
Dale, K. A. & Alpert, J. L. (2006). New York University and 9/11: Viewing terrorism through a
dormitory window. . In L. Barbanel & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.) Psychological interventions in
times of crisis. N.Y.: Springer, pp119-132. (Invited chapter).
Mukherjee, P. P. & Alpert, J. L. (2006). Overview of psychological Interventions in the Acute
Aftermath of Disaster. In L. Barbanel & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.) Psychological Interventions In
Times of Crisis. N.Y.: Springer, pp.3-37. (Invited chapter).
Alpert, J. L., Brown, L., and Courtois, C. (2004). Adult Recollections of Childhood Abuse. In
M. Mason (Ed.), Taking sides: Cognitive science. (Reprinted from Psychology, Public Policy,
and Law (Dec. 1998)).
De La Cancela, V., Alpert, J. L., Wolff, T. & Dachs, S. (2004). Psychological Approaches to
Community Health Psychology. In Rozensky, R. H., Johnson, N. G., Goodheart, C. D. &
Hammonds, W. R. (Eds.). Psychology Builds a Healthy World: Opportunities for Research and
Practice. Washington, D.C.: APA, pp. 155-184 (Invited chapter).
Alpert, J. L. (2003) Beastly memories live in beastly memory land. In B. Ulanov, A. Roland,
C. Barbre (Eds.) Creative dissent: Psychoanalysis in evolution. CT:Praeger/Greenwood.
Alpert, J. L. (1997). Sibling child sexual abuse: Research review and clinical implicatons. In R.
Geffner, S. Sorenson, & Lundberg-Love, P. (Eds.) Violence and sexual abuse at home: Current
issues, interventions, & research in spousal battering and child maltreatment. N.Y.: Haworth
Alpert, J. L. (1997). Story-truth and happening-truth. In R. B. Gartner (Ed.), Memories of sexual
betrayal: A psychoanalytic discourse on truth, fantasy, repression and dissociation. N.J.: Jason
Gerson, M.J., Alpert, J. and Richardson, M. S. (1997). Mothering: The view from psychological
research. In Roberts, T. (Ed). The Lanahan Reading in the Psychology of Women. Baltimore,
Alpert, J. L. (1996). Psychoanalysis and women: Contemporary perspectives. In Women’s
Studies Encyclopedia. (Also reprinted in 1999 encyclopedia).
Alpert, J. L. (1995). Criteria: Signposts toward the sexual abuse hypothesis. In J. L. Alpert (Ed.),
Sexual abuse recalled: Treating trauma in the era of the recovered memory debate. N.J.:
Aronson, 363-396.
Alpert, J. L. (1995). Professional practice, psychological science, and the delayed memory
debate. In J. L. Alpert (Ed.), Sexual abuse recalled Treating trauma in the era of the recovered
memory debate. N.J.: Aronson, 3-28. (Reprinted in K. Pezdek and W. P. Banks (Eds.), (1996).
The recovered memory/false memory debate. Academic Press: San Diego, CA: 18, 325-340.)
Alpert, J. L. (1990). Women treating men: An analyst views the case. In D. Cantor (Ed.),
Women as therapists: A multi-theoretical casebook. N.Y.: Springer.
Alpert, J. L. (1986). Epilogue. In J. L. Alpert (Ed.), Psychoanalysis and women:
Contemporary reappraisals. N.J.: Erlbaum publications.
Alpert, J. L. (1986). Introduction. In J. L. Alpert (Ed.), Psychoanalysis and women:
Contemporary reappraisals. N.J.: Erlbaum Publications.
Alpert, J. L. & Spencer, J. B. (1986). Morality, gender, and analysis. In J. L. Alpert (Ed.),
Psychoanalysis and Women: Contemporary reappraisals. N.J.: Erlbaum publications.
Alpert, J. L. & Silverstein, J. (1985). Theoretical foundations of mental health consultation. In
Bergan, J. (Ed.), School Psychology in Contemporary Society. Merrill Publishers.
Alpert, J. L. & Spencer, J. (1985). Issuend in Mental Health Consultation. In Tyron, G. (Ed.),
The professional practice of psychology. N.J.: Aplex Publishing Corp.
Alpert, J. L. (1984). School consultation. In The national school psychology inservice training
network (Ed.), School psychology: The state of the art.
Alpert, J. L., Feit, D. & Grant, C. (1983). Supervisory models. In J. L. Alpert & J. Meyers (Eds.),
Training in consultation. I.L.: Charles C. Thomas, 221-232.
Meyers, J. & Alpert, J. L. (1983). So that’s what happened to consultation training. In J. L.
Alpert & J. Meyers (Eds.), Training in consultation. I.L.: Charles C. Thomas, 221-232.
Meyers, J., Alpert, J. L. & Fleisher, B. (1983). Models of consultation. In J. L. Alpert & J.
Meyers (Eds.), Training in consultation. I.L.: Charles C. Thomas, 5-16.
Alpert, J. L. (1982). Assessing problems and needs in an elementary school. In J. L. Alpert &
Associates (Eds.), Psychological consultation in education settings. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,
Inc. Publishers.
Alpert, J. L. (1982). Introduction: Psychological consultation in education settings. In J. L.
Alpert & Associates (Eds.), Psychological consultation in education settings. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, Inc. Publishers.
Alpert, J. L. (1982). Conclusions: Issues and similarities across cases. In J. L. Alpert &
Associates (Eds.), Psychological consultation in education settings. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,
Inc. Publishers.
Alpert, J. L. Consultation and collaboration. In Task force on psychology in the schools (Ed.).
Educators guide to school psychological services.
Special Journal Issue:
Alpert, J. L. and Steinberg, A. (Eds.) Psychoanalytic Psychology. Special issue on boundary
violations in treatment. (Expected date of publication, Fall, 2016.
Alpert, J. L. and Goren, E. (Eds.) (2013). Psychoanalysis, Culture, & Society.
Special issue on psychoanalysis, trauma, and community. 18 (2).
Alpert, J. L., Patell, S., and Ronell, A. (Eds.) Traumatology (2012)). Special Issue on 9-11 and
NYU. Alpert, J. L. & Taufique, S. Consultation Training. (Guest Eds.). (2002). Journal of
Educational and Psychological Consultation, 13, (1,2).
Alpert, J. L. & Conoley, J. L. (Guest Eds.) (1998). Miniseries: Women and School Psychology:
Issues Through the Professional Life Cycle. Professional School Psychology, 3, (1), 1-32.
Alpert, J. L. (Guest Editor) (1990). Special section: Clinical intervention in Child Sexual Abuse.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 21, (5), 323-371.
Articles (Abreviated List):
Alpert, J. L. and Steinberg, A. (Eds.) Review of research on sexual boundary violations in
analytic treatment. Psychoanalytic Psychology. In J. L. Alpert and A. Steinberg. Special issue on
boundary violations in treatment. (Expected date of publication, Fall, 2016.
Alpert, J. L. and Steinberg, A. (Eds.) Sexual boundary violations: Next steps. Psychoanalytic
Psychology. In J. L. Alpert and A. Steinberg. Special issue on boundary violations in treatment.
(Expected date of publication, Fall, 2016.
Alpert, J. L. (in press). Jewish women in the Holocaust. Contemporary Psychoanalysis.
Alpert, J. L., Goren, E. & Rihm, A. (2013). Expanding our Analytic Identity: The
inclusion of a larger social perspective. In Alpert, J. L. and Goren, E. (Eds.)
(2013). Psychoanalysis, Culture, & Society. 18 (2), 113-127.
Goren, E. & Alpert, J. L. Psychoanalysts out of the office: Conclusion to the
special issue. In Alpert, J. L. and Goren, E. (Eds.) (2013). Psychoanalysis,
Culture, & Society. 18 (2), 217-221.
Goren, E. & Alpert, J. L. The analyst as witness, historian, and activist: A
conversation with Robert Jay Lifton. . In Alpert, J. L. and Goren, E. (Eds.) (2013).
Psychoanalysis, Culture, & Society. 18 (2), 199-216.
Gordon, N. & Alpert, J. L. (2012) Psychological Trauma. In Encyclopedia of Trauma.
Alpert, J. L., Ronell, A., & Patell, S. (2012) . Enduring September 11 in New York: Lessons
Learned by the NYU Community. . Traumatology.
Alpert, J. L. (2011 ). To Tame This Feral Man: Dissociation as an Antidote for Terror.
Alpert, J. L. 2011.Mazel Tov. Women & Therapy, 33, (3 and 4).
Alpert, J. L. (2009). Witnessing and Passing: The Paradox of Memory and Passing. The
American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 291-298
Alpert, J. L. (2007). I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. Trauma Psychology, 2007,
2(1) (president’s column).
Alpert J. L. Falling Short. Trauma Psychology, 2007 2(2). (president’s column).
Alpert, J. L. Trauma of Illness. Trauma Psychology, 2007 2,(3) . (president’s column).
Dale, K. & Alpert, J. (2007). Hiding behind the cloth: Child sexual abuse and the Catholic
Church. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse.
Alpert, J. L. (2006) Nightmares, Traumas, and Jumping Over Hurdles. 1 (1). ( president’s
Santo, L. & Alpert, J. L. (2003). Caring costs but can be treated. Book review of C. Figley’s
Treating Compassion Fatigue. Invited review for Journal of Trauma Practice, 3, (2).
Alpert, J. L. & Smith, H. D. (2003). Terrorism, Terrorism Threat, and the School Consultant. .
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 14, (3, 4), 369-386.
Paley, J. and Alpert, J. L. (2003). Memory of infant trauma. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 26,
(2), 329-347.
Alpert, J. L. & Taufique, S. (2002). Consultation training: A field in need of review, revision and
research. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 13, (1,2), 7-12.
Alpert, J. L. & Taufique, S. (2002). Consultation training: Twenty-six years and three questions.
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 13, (1,2), 13-24.
Alpert, J. L. (2001). No escape when the past is endless. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 18, (4).
Mai, R. Y. and Alpert, J. L. (2000). Separation and socialization: A feminist analysis of the
school shootings at Columbine. Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, 5, (2), 265276.
Sandler, P., & Alpert, J. L. (2000). Violence and group dynamics in the high school: The
Columbine school shootings. Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, 5, (2), 248265.
Spiegel, D. and Alpert, J. L. (2000). The relationship between shame and rage: Conceptualizing
the violence at Columbine high school. Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, 5,
(2), 265-276.
Alpert, J. L. (1999). Nonissues, real issues and bias: Comments on C. Brooks Brenneis’s
commentary. Psychoanalytic Psychology.
Alpert, J. L. (1999). Feminist psychology: Our nonpsychoanalytic sibling. Psychoanalytic
Psychology. Book review of J. Worell and N. G. Johnson (Eds.) Shaping the future of feminist
psychology: Education, research, and practice, 16, (2), 326-330.
Alpert, J. L. & Collier, C. J. (1999). Professional practice, professional nicknames and
professional diversity: A prognosis for school psychology. In E. Gaughan (Ed.), Children and
families and schools. N.Y.: Alfred.
Alpert, J. L., Brown, L., Ceci, S. & Courtois, C. (1998). Comment on Ornstein, Ceci, and Loftus:
Adult recollections of childhood abuse. Journal of Psychology, Law, and Social Policy, 4, (4).
Reprinted from J. L. Alpert et al. Report of the APA Working Group on the Evaluation of
Memories of Childhood Abuse. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.
Alpert, J. L., Brown, L., Ceci, S. & Courtois, C. (1998). Reply to Ornstein, Ceci, and Loftus: The
politics of memory. Journal of Psychology, Law, and Social Policy, 4, (4). Reprinted from J. L.
Alpert et al. Report of the APA Working Group on the Evaluation of Memories of Childhood
Abuse. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.
Alpert, J. L., Brown, L., Ceci, S., Courtois, C. (1998). Symptomatic clients and memories of
childhood abuse: What the trauma and child sexual abuse literature tells us. Journal of
Psychology, Law, and Social Policy, 4. Reprinted from J. L. Alpert et al. Report of the APA
Working Group on the Evaluation of Memories of Childhood Abuse.
Alpert, J. L. (1997). Unsubstantiated claims of false memory and essential responsibilities.
American Psychologist, 52, (9), 987.
Alpert, J. L. (1997). Forensic evaluation of child sexual abuse allegations: A call for impartial
scientists. Contemporary Psychology, 42, (8), 744-845. Book review of Kuehnle, K. (1996)
Assessing allegations of child sexual abuse.
Alpert, J. L. (1997). Sibling child sexual abuse: Research review and clinical implications.
Journal of Emotional Abuse, 1, (1), 263-275.
Alpert, J. L. (1995). Dreams, trauma, and clinical observation: comments on C. Brooks
Brenneis’ article. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 12 (2).
Alpert, J. L. (1995). Trauma, dissociation, and clinical study as a responsible beginning.
Cognition and Consciousness, 4.
Becker, J. V., Alpert, J. L., Bigfoot, D. S., Bonner, B. L., Geddie, L. F. Henggeler, S. W.,
Kaufman, K. L., & Walker, C. E. (1995). Empirical research on child abuse treatment: Report by
the Child Abuse and Neglect Treatment Working Group, American Psychological Association,
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 24, supplement, 23-46.
Carner, L. & Alpert, J. L. (1995). Some guidelines for school consultants revisited. Journal of
Educational and Psychological Consultation, 6, (1), 47-57.
Committee on Professional Practice and Standards, A committee of the Board of Professional
Affairs, American Psychological Association. (1995). Twenty-four questions (and answers)
about professional practice in the area of child abuse. Professional Psychology, 26, (4), 377-385.
Cosentino, C., Heino, F. L., Meyer-Bahlburg, Dr. Rer. Nat., Alpert, J. L., Gaines, R. (1995).
Sexual behavior problems and psychopathology symptoms in sexually abused girls. Journal of
the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Alpert, J. L. (1994). Analytic reconstuction in the treatment of an incest survivor. The
Psychoanalytic Review, 81 (2), 217-235.
Cosentino, C., Hein, F. L., Meyer-Bahlburg, Dr. Rer. Nat., Alpert, J. L., & Gaines, R. (1993).
Gender role behavior in sexually abused girls. Journal of the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, 32, (5), 940-947.
Grand, S. & Alpert, J. L. (1993). The core trauma of incest: An object relations view.
Professional Psychology 24, (3).
Alpert, J. L. (1992). An outstanding volume needs change in format. (Book review of A. J.
Solnit, P. B. Neubauer, S. Abrams & A. S. Dowlings (Eds.), (“The psychoanalytic study of the
child.” 45) Contemporary Psychology.
Alpert, J. L. (1992). Important resources for survivors of child sexual abuse. Book reviews of (1)
E. Bass & L. Davis. (1998). The courage to heal: A guide for women survivors of sexual abuse
and (2) L. Davis. (1998). The courage to heal workbook for women and men survivors of child
sexual abuse. Psychotherapy.
Alpert, J. L. (1992). Looking back and ahead. The School Psychologist, 46, (4), 5. (Division 16
newsletter; Invited column for distinguished fellow contribution).
Alpert, J. L., & Green, D. (1992). Child abuse: Perspectives on a national emergency. Social
Distress, 1, (3) 223-236.
Alpert, J. L. (1991). It makes sense: Primary prevention research and intervention in schools.
(Book review of L. A. Bond & B. E. Compas. “Primary prevention and promotion in schools.”)
Contemporary Psychology, 36, (9), 777-778.
Alpert, J. L. (1991). Juvenile sex offenders. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice,
22, (4), 267-268.
Alpert, J. L. (1991). Retrospective Treatment of Incest Victims: Suggested Analytic Attitudes.
The Psychoanalytic Review, 78, (3), 425-435.
Wolf, E. & Alpert, J. L. (1991). Psychoanalysis and child sexual abuse: A review of the postFreudian literature. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 8, (3), 305-327.
Alpert, J. L. (1990). Introduction: Clinical Intervention in Child Sexual Abuse. Professional
Psychology: Research and Practice, 21, (5), 323-324.
Alpert, J. L. (1990). Consultation and collaboration. In Task Force on Psychology in the Schools
(Ed.), Educators guide to school psychological services.
Alpert, J. L. (Ed.), (1990). Clinical intervention in child sexual abuse.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.
Special section in
Alpert, J. L. & Paulson, A. (1990). Graduate level education and training in child sexual abuse.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 21, (5), 366-371.
Alpert, J. L. (1989). Contemporary psychoanalytic developmental theory. In H. Tierney (Ed.)
Women's Studies Encyclopedia. vol. 1. Views from the Sciences. Connecticut: Greenwood Press,
Alpert, J. L. (1988). Prevention planning in mental health: “Not now; maybe later.” (Book
review of J. Hermalin & J. Morrell, Eds., “Prevention planning in mental health”).
Contemporary Psychology, 33, (10), 898-899.
Alpert, J. L. (1988). Systemic thinking applied to practice in the schools: Potentially renewing.
(Book review of J. M. Plas “Systems psychology in the schools”). Contemporary Psychology,
33, (8), 698-699.
Alpert, J. L. & Conoley, J. C. (1988). Mainstreaming psychology of women with school
psychology. Professional School Psychology, 3, (1), 1-2.
Alpert, J. L., Genshaft, J. & Derevenco, M. (1988). Women and school psychology: Professional
training, practice and affiliation. Professional School Psychology, 3, (1), 3-11.
Alpert, J. L. (1985). Change within a profession: Change, future, prevention and school
psychology. American Psychologist, 40, (19), 1112-1121.
Alpert, J. L. (1985). Implications of psychoanalytic theory for classroom practice. (Book review
of I. Salzberger-Wittenberg, G. Henry and E. Osborne. “The emotional experience of human
learning and teaching”). Contemporary Psychology, 30, (5), 398-399.
Alpert, J. L., Goldklang, S. & Vesci, L. (1984). Parent problem solving: Analysis of problem
solving in parenthood transition. Academic Psychology Bulletin, 6, (2), 141-156.
Gerson, M. J., Alpert, J. L. & Richardson, M. S. (1984). Mothering: The view from
psychological research. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 9, (3), 434-435. Article
reprinted in J.F. O’Barr, D. Pope & M. Wyer (Eds.), (1991). Ties that bind: Essays on mothering
and patriarchy. I.L.: The University of Chicago Press, 15-34.
Alpert, J. L. (1983). Book review of C.L. Heckerman, Ed. “The evolving female: Women in
psychosocial context”. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 7, (4).
Alpert, J. L. (1983). Women in private practice. The Journal of Independent Practice, 1, 39-41.
Alpert, J. L. & Yammer, M. D. (1983). Research in school consultation: A content analysis of
selected journals. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 4, (5), 604-612.
Alpert, J. L., Richardson, M. S. & Fodaski, L. (1983). Onset of parenting and stressful events.
The Journal of Prevention.
Alpert, J. L. (1982). Synthesis at Olympia Conference. School Psychology Review, 11, (2), 189191.
Alpert, J. L. (1981). Theoretical perspectives and the family life cycle. The Counseling
Psychologist, 9, (4), 25-34.
Alpert, J. L., Ballantyne, D. & Griffiths, D. (1981). Characteristics of consultants and consultees
and success in mental health consultation. Journal of School Psychology, 19, (4), 312-322.
Alpert, J. L., Kaufman, J. & Gottsegen, G. (1981). Prejudice and discrimination within the
school psychology profession: Survey results from the Committee on Prejudice and
Discrimination, Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association. Journal of
School Psychology, 19, (1).
Alpert, J. L. & Rosenfield, S. (1981). Consultation and the introduction of social problem solving
groups in schools. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 60, (1), 37-41.
Alpert, J. L. & Trachtman, G. (1980). School psychological consultation in the eighties.
Relevance for the delivery of special services. School Psychology Review, 9, (3), 234-238.
O’Connell, A., Alpert, J. L., Bredemeier, M., Richardson, M., S. Rotter, N. & Unger, R. (1980).
The academic game. Tuscaloosa, A.L.: University of Alabama, Institute of Higher Education
Research and Services. (Nominated for the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of
Business Award, 1980).
Richardson, M. S. & Alpert, J. L. (1980). Role perceptions: Variations by sex and roles. Sex
Roles, 6, 783, 793. (Copy of our role perception scale reprinted in K. J. Corcoran & J. Fischer.
(1993). Measures for Clinical Practice. N.Y.: Free Press.)
Alpert, J. L., Richardson, M. S., Perlmutter, B. & Shutzer, F. (1980). Perceptions of major roles
by college students. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 4, (4), 581-586.
Alpert, J. L., Silverstein, J. & Haynes, R. (1980). Utilization of groups in training for school
consultation. Journal of School Psychology, 18, (3), 240-246.
Alpert, J. L. (1979). School consultation and the analysis of faculty meetings. Professional
Psychology, 703-707.
Alpert, J. L. (1979). The topic is fertile. (Book review of J. W. Ballou, “The psychology of
pregnancy: Reconciliation and resolution”) Contemporary Psychology, 8, 80.
Alpert, J. L.,Ludwig, L. & Weiner, L. (1979). Selection of consultees in school mental health
consultation. Journal of School Psychology, 17, (1), 59-66. Reproduced in M. J. Curtis & J. E.
Zins, Eds. (1981). The theory and practice of school consultation. I.L.: Thomas.
Alpert, J. L., Weiner, L. & Ludwig, L. (1979). Evaluation of outcome in school consultation.
Journal of School Psychology, 17, (4), 69-84. (Received Journal of School Psychology award for
one of the best articles in Volume 17.)
Alpert, J. L. (1978). The psychology of women: What should the field be called? American
Psychologist, 33, (10), 956-996.
O’Connell, A., Alpert, J. L., Richardson, M. S., Rotter, N., Ruble, D. N. & Unger, R. K. (1978).
Gender-specific barriers to research in psychology. Psychological Documents, 8, 80.
Alpert, J. L. & Richardson, M. S. (1978). Conflict, outcome and perception of women’s roles.
Educational Gerontology: An International Quarterly, 3, 79-87.
Alpert, J. L. & Richardson, M. S. (1978). Essence, origin and the naming controversy in
psychology of women. The Society for Advancement of Social Psychology Newsletter, 4, (4).
Alpert, J. L. & Richardson, M. S. (1978). Internal barriers to women doing research. In Task
Force on Women Doing Research, American Psychological Association, Division 35 (Ed.),
Gender-specific barriers to research in psychology, JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents, 8, 80.
Alpert, J. L. (1977). Some guidelines for school consultants. Journal of School Psychology, (4),
Richardson, M. S. & Alpert, J. L. (1977). Unisex versus androgyny: A direction for change.
Education Quarterly, 8, (4), 29-32.
Alpert, J. L. (1976). Mental health consultation. Professional Psychology, 7, (4), 619-625.
(Reproduced in M.J. Curtis & J. E. Zins, Eds., (1981). The theory and practice of school
consultation. I.L.: Thomas.
Alpert, J. L. (1976). The school psychologist as a consultant to the schools. In B. B. Wolman
(Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology.
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
Alpert, J. L. (1976). The school psychologist’s impact on sexism in schools. In B. B. Wolman
(Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology.
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
Alpert, J. L. & Hummel-Rossi, B. (1976). Differences in teacher behavior with boys and girls in
third grade classrooms. Educational Research Quarterly, I, (3), 29-39.
Richardson, M. S. & Alpert, J. L. (1976). Role perceptions of educated adult women.
Educational Gerontology: An International Quarterly, 1, 171-185. (Reprinted in B. Perlmut, M.
Straus & J. Touliatos (Eds.), Handbook of family measurement. C.A.: Sage.
Alpert, J. L. (1975). Abbreviated scoring manual for the Rorschach. JSAS Catalog of Selected
Documents in Psychology, 5, 239.
Alpert, J. L. (1975). Do teachers adapt methods and materials to ability groups in reading?
California Journal of Educational Research, 26, (3), 120-123.
Alpert, J. L. (1975). Teacher behavior and pupil performance: A reconsideration of mediation of
the pygmalion effects. Journal of Educational Research, 69, (2), 53-57.
Alpert, J. L. (1974). Teacher behavior across ability groups: A consideration of the mediation of
Pygmalion effects. Journal of Educational Psychology, 66, 348-353.