OSEHRA Immunization Work Group Meeting Minutes MEETING DETAILS DATE: Thursday, October 1, 2015 MS LYNC: 650-479-3207 & Online Meeting MEETING LEAD: Nancy Anthracite TIME: 4:00 PM EST ACCESS CODE(S): 660 146 910 FACILITATOR: Liz Badt SCRIBE: Jacquie Marian INVITEES: See below. ATTENDEES & ROLES ATTENDED X LAST NAME FIRST NAME ROLE Anthracite Nancy President, CMO & Director, WorldVistA Arzt Noam HLN Consulting Avery Keith VIMM PMO MUMPS Developer Avila Rick VA Senior Advisor to CIO X Badt Liz OSEHRA Admin X Chertcoff Daryl HLN Consulting Davis Shelita VIMM PMO Technical Writer Groom Amy IHS OIT Habiel Sam Director of Technology, VistA Expertise Network Hebert Linda VA Immunization SME X Page 1 of 7 Henderson Mike OSEHRA Director Open Source Product Management Johnson Brett Chief Integrator, One Million Solutions in Health Kemp Dennis VIMM PMO Project Manager X Li Peter OSEHRA CISSP Director, Engineering X Lilly George VistA Expertise Network & CIO, WorldVistA Love Tom Cimarron Infomatics X Magoon Keith VA VIMM Project Manager X Marian Jacquie VIMM PMO Business Analyst Montali Michael VA Developer Competency Manager Morgan Brian VIMM PMO SME Puleo Anthony VA CPRS Peterson Dennis VA VLER Health Project Manager Redington Patrick VA M Developer Remillard Mike IHS Software Developer Rhodes Chris Director, Open Source VHA Richards Susan IHS Office of Information Ruslavage Michelle IHS OIT Schlehuber Cameron Community volunteer, Former DBA for VistA Silverman Rob VA Immunization SME Steele Kathy VIMM PMO Technical Writer Suralik Mike HLN Volpp Bryan VA Informatics SME X Page 2 of 7 X – Present. O – Excused absence. Blank – no report. MEETING TOPICS PRESENTER: Keith Magoon / Rob Silverman TOPIC: Update on Immunization Project DISCUSSION: Keith stated PX206 and PX209 have been installed in over 100 facilities. The compliance date is October 4th. Completed PX210 and submitted to IOC Entry; just polishing up documentation. Hopefully, within 10 to 12 business days IOC will begin. o Keith stated the last defect was not a defect. When it was tested with the test engineers and developers, the results were as expected and defect 14 did not need remediated. Keith stated the acquisition for ICE and CAT is still moving forward; kickoff meeting for the acquisition was held today. 508 conformance testing of CAT is still in progress; the latest report was sent to Noam and Mike Suralik as informational only so they can review and understand what the government needs for 508. o Nancy asked in general how long it takes to complete meetings on these sorts of acquisitions. o Keith stated The Acquisition Center (TAC) is very busy at this time of the year and has notified them he would like the acquisition as soon as feasible. No date can be provided at this time. Rob stated there are a couple of requirements from the original VA and DOD discussions that he is looking for input on what we want to do with them from a VA, VistA, and open source standpoint. o “The system SHALL render a list of vaccine noted to be ineffective for the patient in the past (e.g. Hepatitis B)” and “The system shall provide the ability to render a notification when a titer is required after the completion of an immunization series (e.g., hepatitis B)”. o Rob stated he remembers the discussions that lead to this and it was not just Hepatitis as an example. This was a DOD request very specific about Hepatitis that sometimes even after completing the series the result is a low titer and insufficient evidence of immunity. o Rob asked from a VA, VistA, open source, and IHS standpoint what we might want to do about that original requirement request. Nancy stated that it would have a broader potential interest because of the healthcare worker screenings for measles, mumps, and rubella immunity for example and whether they need boosters. It would be smart to approach it from a more generalized point of view and this could just be a specific example. For example, healthcare workers that got immunized for hepatitis back 20 years ago and a titer is done and it looks like they don’t Page 3 of 7 have a protective titer; they do very well when you give them a booster shot. o Rob asked if there are specific immunizations that were more commonly used for than others; Nancy stated rabies, measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B. Potentially, Pertussis which is not being done right now, but know that the immunity tends to wane and there is always discussion as to whether T-dap should be done again or just one time. Also rabies vaccine for those in situations where they need to be immunized. Nancy asked if Keith had any updates or information about the meeting between George, Anthony, and the VA developer about the code from open source. Keith stated he did not attend and it was strictly a developer to developer meeting. o Keith stated it will probably be a situation where once Keith Avery understands the code, it will be put into our development and testing environment and see how it functions. It might not be the best way to proceed, but it would be better than trying to review over 8,000 lines of code. o George stated he felt the meeting went well and believes Keith Avery understands a lot and asked some very good questions. Keith A. left the door open for them to have another meeting where he could go deeper into the code. George was able to provide information beyond what was in the code; he pointed Keith A. to some Kernel routines that could be used instead of what he used. o George agrees that nothing speaks louder than working code and believes Keith M.’s approach to getting some code working and installed in order to see where we stand is great. o Keith M. stated the support from George and Anthony has been outstanding; this is the type of collaboration he has looked forward to for moving forward not just for VIMM, but any other project. This is what Keith has worked for over the past 2 years in order to ensure collaborations are benefitting everybody o Nancy stated this marks another milestone in the effort to collaborate because we are not only having these meetings but we actually have developers talking to developers; this is very good that this has finally happened. Nancy asked for a status of eHMP v1.3. o Keith stated VIMM is in meetings with them and have been asked to provide them with API(s) and RPC(s) they requested in order to extract immunization information from the PCE package by October 9th. That coding is more than 50% complete. o Keith stated Anthony is reviewing the requested eHMP API(s) and RPC(s) to see if those would be sufficient for CPRS v32. o Nancy stated she assumed the forecasting is not part of what they are asking for right now. Keith stated eHMP is asking for the information to display to the clinician. If you mean the Clinical Decision Support system when you are asking about forecasting, then that is the code that Keith Avery is reviewing and working on. eHMP has not asked for the Page 4 of 7 integration software between VistA and ICE yet. Keith stated he hopes to have that in our development environment for testing before they request it. o Nancy asked what the status of whether Clinical Decision Support software is going to be used in CPRS and when that will be needed. Keith stated the outputs of ICE will also be provided to CPRS and he has already discussed this with that team and their project manager. o Keith stated VIMM is working on the inputs to ICE; the outputs of ICE would be eHMP coding that will also be provided to CPRS. o Keith explained eHMP is responsible for hosting the solution as well as the interfaces and will be providing the outputs of ICE to CPRS. CPRS v32 is aware they will need to do some coding to take those outputs from ICE and display them to a clinician. CPRS v32 is well behind eHMP v1.3 so eHMP will have it first. o Keith stated eHMP v1.3 is supposed to be deployed in March 2016. CPRS v32 is to be in beta testing in March 2016 and go to National Release in July 2016. o Keith stated he could provide the data points since the outputs are on HLN’s website, but he could not provide the IP address or port. It cannot be tested right now since it is not available on an environment yet. Nancy stated there is one aspect that has not been discussed is if a vaccine is determined to be “bad” and would invalidate the immunization as being given and prevent it from being sent to ICE. o Rob stated the question is on which side the recommended business logic takes place. Does the logic take place on the VistA side by suppressing it on the build for the VMR or does it take place on the ICE side by looking at it and treating as an invalid dose like you would one too early or too late? Nancy stated she did not believe we had a place on the VistA side to record that sort of information. Rob agreed and asked if this is a good finding and discussion that we will make a business requirement for it. o Sam stated it was the Dose Override (#.08) was ported over to the V IMMUNIZATION data dictionary and noted as not used for VA. o After Rob reviewed the data dictionary, he suggested asking Mike Rumillard what the ‘0’ FOR @ means for this field. Sam stated he could ask Mike. o George stated from a programmer’s point of view the @ is to delete; so a zero would delete the entry. PRESENTER: All TOPIC: Open Forum DISCUSSION: Page 5 of 7 Nancy stated she is working on getting 508 training accessible to the open community again. Nancy stated Chris Rhoades would see what she can find out about getting access to the 508 training available outside the VA. o Keith stated just like we make PMAS and ProPath available to vendors on the Virtual Office of Acquisition (VOA) site we should make any Section 508 documentation or training available. Sam stated he wanted to ask about the Vaccine Series information and it is being pushed out by the Master File Server (MFS). From the last that he heard, the MFS is not pushing out to the FOIA instance yet. o George stated the August FOIA is up to date with the MFS and might include updates to the immunization files, but anything after the August FOIA was released would not be included. o Sam confirmed the vaccine series information is there. Sam stated he has gotten 2 more of the reports to work and demonstrated them to the group. The system can now run through all the adults on the system and determine who has had their pneumovax and who has not. He is focusing on working on the documentation. o Also wants to write a paper on his experience of porting a full RPMS application to VistA in addition to the installation and configuration guide. o He has a release and has tested it and will be writing the manual based on it. o Keith stated if the KIDS build and documentation is sent to him in an email is acceptable. Nancy stated it used to be that developers were not allowed to provide code to the VA, but the VA developers can be provided a website address to access it. Sam stated he has a URL for the porting code. Nancy asked Sam to send the URL to Keith Magoon and let them download it at their convenience. o Nancy asked if a report could be executed to display all the patients that were given a specific lot number. Sam stated yes and demonstrated how to execute the report. o Sam demonstrated how to document a lot as expired or “invalid” for a patient using the Dose Override field, which would then tell the forecaster that this immunization is invalid and to not count it towards the immunization history; this made the immunization due for the patient. ACTION ITEMS ASSIGNED TO ASSIGN DATE DUE DATE ACTION ITEM Page 6 of 7 DISPOSITION / STATUS Page 7 of 7