AP Physics 1 Syllabus

AP Physics I Course Syllabus
Blue Springs South High School
Instructor: Nathan Dorsch
Course Overview:
The Advanced Placement Physics I course is a two-semester, weighted-credit course that
includes topics of Classical and Modern Physics. Topic areas include Kinematics, Dynamics,
Gravity, Harmonic Motion, Impulse, Rotational Motion, Waves, and Electric Charge. These
topics will be explored through lectures, demonstrations, laboratory activities, and independent
student research. This course is non-calculus based. However, a deep understanding of
Trigonometry and Algebra is required for the extensive study and complex problem-solving seen
in this course. Classes will meet 5 days a week and laboratory experiences will account for at
least 25% of the course. There will be at least 14 full laboratory sessions as well as a number of
opportunities to explore physical phenomena through demonstrations, interactive software, and
select media.
Laboratory Notebooks: (Curriculum Requirement 6)
Students are required to maintain a lab notebook including evidence of their lab work.
Specifically, students will be asked to include questions driving the experiment, a hypothesis,
data collection, data analysis, error analysis, explanation of phenomenon, and conclusion
supported by the data.
NOTE: Upon the completion of each laboratory session, students will be asked to summarize
their observations, reach a conclusion, and relate that conclusion to the pertinent concepts or
theories covered in class. In the event that two or more students reach opposing conclusions,
each student or party will be asked to engage in a dialogue where they provide evidence for their
claims and provide rationale for refuting the claims of their opponent(s). This dialogue may take
the form of peer critiques or the form of class-wide discussions.
Enduring Understanding Assignment: (Curriculum Requirements 3 and 4)
During the course of the year, students will be asked to complete one task that strives to
connect multiple learning objectives to real-world context to create deeper understanding. For
this course, students will collect simulated data on the orbital positions of the Galilean moons of
Jupiter to determine experimentally the mass of Jupiter. This task will connect Learning
Objectives 3.A.1.3, 3.A.3.1, 3.A.3.3, and 3.C.1.2 to the real world context of accurately
determining the physical measurements of celestial bodies based on observable phenomena.
Course Textbook: (Curriculum Requirement 1)
Etkina, Eugenia, Michael Gentile, and Alan Van Heuvelen. College Physics: AP Edition. San
Francisco, CA: Pearson, 2014.
Grading Policy:
Tests will account for 65% of the course grade, labs for 25%, and homework for 10%.
Percentage Breakdown:
A – 90%
B - 80%
C – 70%
D – 60%
F < 60%
Major Areas of Study: (Curriculum Requirement 2)
Foundational Principles
of 1-D and 2-D
Foundational Principles
of Dynamics and
Newton’s Laws
Universal Law of
Simple Harmonic
Motion and MassSpring Systems
Impulse, Momentum,
and Conservation of
Principles of Energy,
Work, Power, and
Conservation of Energy
Principles of Rotational
Motion Including:
Torque, Rotational
Kinematics and Energy,
Rotational Dynamics,
and Angular
Principles of
Electrostatics, Electric
Charge, Electric Force,
and Conservation of
Principles of Simple
DC Circuits Including
Ohm’s Law and
Kirchhoff’s Rules
Mechanical Waves
and Sound
Big Ideas Associated with
Foundational Principle(s)
Big Idea 1
Big Idea 3
Big Idea 4
Big Idea 1
Big Idea 2
Big Idea 3
Big Idea 1
Big Idea 2
Big Idea 3
Big Idea 4
Big Idea 3
Big Idea 5
Big Idea 6
Big Idea 1
Big Idea 3
Big Idea 4
Big Idea 5
Big Idea 3
Big Idea 4
Big Idea 5
Big Idea 3
Big Idea 4
Big Idea 5
Enduring Understanding Associated
with Foundational Principle(s)
Enduring Understanding 1.C
Enduring Understanding 4.A
Enduring Understanding 1.C
Enduring Understanding 2.4
Enduring Understanding 2.A
Enduring Understanding 2.B
Enduring Understanding 3.C
Enduring Understanding 6.B
Enduring Understanding 1.A
Enduring Understanding 3.D
Enduring Understanding 4.B
Enduring Understanding 5.D
Enduring Understanding 3.E
Enduring Understanding 4.C
Enduring Understanding 5.B
Enduring Understanding 3.G
Enduring Understanding 4.D
Enduring Understanding 5.E
Big Idea 1
Big Idea 2
Big Idea 3
Big Idea 4
Big Idea 5
Big Idea 1
Big Idea 5
Enduring Understanding 1.B
Enduring Understanding 2.A & 2.C
Enduring Understanding 3.G
Enduring Understanding 4.E
Enduring Understanding 5.B & 5.C
Enduring Understanding 5.C
Big Idea 6
Enduring Understanding 6.A-6.D
Scientific Argumentation Assignment: (Curriculum Requirement 7)
During the study of DC circuits, students will be assigned one type of simple circuit
(series or parallel). Each student will be asked to make a scientific argument for the benefits of
the circuit they are assigned. Focus for their arguments may include, but is not restricted to,
safety concerns, efficiency, and the applications of the circuit in the real world.
Laboratory Sessions: (Curriculum Requirement 5)
The following laboratory sessions will be conducted during this course and will account
for no less than 25% of the course. However, lab sessions are not limited to those listed below.
Introduction to Motion Lab
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 1.2: describe distance-time and velocity-time models
of Kinematics
1.4: analyze models to solve problems/answer questions
1.5: re-express key elements across multiple graphs/representations
2.3: estimate numerical quantities to describe the motion
3.1: pose scientific questions
3.2: refine scientific questions
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
5.1: analyze data to find relationships
7.1: connect models across spatial scales
Finding G Lab [Guided-Inquiry Lab]
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 2.1: justify the selection of mathematical routines to solve problems
of Kinematics
2.3: estimate numerical quantities that describe natural phenomena
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.1: justify the kind of data needed to answer a particular question
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
5.3: evaluate the evidence provided by the data in regard to questions
6.1: justify claims with evidence
Force Table: Adding Vectors
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 1.1: create representations of natural phenomena
of Dynamics
1.4: use representations to analyze situations and solve problems
2.1: justify the selection of mathematical routines to solve problems
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
4.4: evaluate sources of data sets in relation to a particular question
6.1: justify claims with evidence
Atwood’s Machine: Newton’s Second Law [Guided Inquiry Lab]
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 2.2: apply mathematical routines to quantities describing phenomena
of Dynamics
2.3: estimate numerical quantities that describe natural phenomena
3.1: pose scientific questions
3.2: refine scientific questions
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.1: justify the selection of the kind of data needed to answer questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer particular scientific questions
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
6.1: justify claims with evidence
6.4: make predictions about natural phenomena
Friction Lab [Guided-Inquiry Lab]
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 2.1: justify the selection of mathematical routines to solve problems
of Dynamics
2.3: estimate numerical quantities that describe natural phenomena
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
5.2: refine observations or measurements based on data analysis
6.1: justify claims with evidence
6.4: make predictions about natural phenomena
Centripetal Force: The Center-Seeking Force
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 2.2: apply mathematical routines to quantities describing phenomena
of Universal Law of
2.3: estimate numerical quantities that describe natural phenomena
3.1: pose scientific questions
3.2: refine scientific questions
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
6.1: justify claims with evidence
6.2: construct explanations of phenomena based on evidence
6.4: make claims and predictions about natural phenomena
Ballistic Pendulum Lab
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 2.1: justify the selection of mathematical routines to solve problems
of Conservation of
2.2: apply mathematical routines to quantities describing phenomena
Energy and Momentum 2.3: estimate numerical quantities that describe natural phenomena
3.1: pose scientific questions
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.1: justify the selection of the kind of data needed to answer questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
5.2: refine observations or measurements based on data analysis
6.1: justify claims with evidence
6.2: construct explanations of phenomena based on evidence
6.4: make claims and predictions based on scientific evidence
Conservation of Energy in a Pendulum [Guided-Inquiry Lab]
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 1.1: create graphical representations of natural phenomena
of Simple Harmonic
1.3: refine graphical representations of natural phenomena
2.1: justify the selection of mathematical routines to solve problems
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
5.2: refine observations and measurements based on data analysis
6.1: justify claims with evidence
6.4: make claims and predictions based on scientific evidence
Hooke’s Law Lab [Open-Inquiry Lab]
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 1.1: create graphical representations of natural phenomena
of Mechanical Waves 1.3: refine graphical representations of natural phenomena
and Sound
1.4: use graphical representations to analyze the situation
2.2: apply mathematical routines to quantities describing phenomena
2.3: estimate numerical quantities to describe the phenomena
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
4.4: evaluate the source of data to answer a scientific question
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
6.1: justify claims with evidence
Rotational Inertia Lab [Open-Inquiry Lab]
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 2.2: apply mathematical routines to quantities describing phenomena
of Rotational Motion
3.1: pose scientific questions
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
5.3: evaluate the evidence provided by the data in regard to questions
6.1: justify claims with evidence
6.2: construct explanations of phenomena based on evidence gathered
6.4: make claims and predictions about natural phenomena
Electric Field Mapping
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 1.1: create representations to model the phenomena
of Electrostatics and
1.3: refine representations of the natural phenomena
Electric Charge
1.4: use representations to analyze situations and solve problems
3.3: evaluate scientific question
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
5.3: evaluate the evidence provided by the data in regard to questions
6.1: justify claims with evidence
6.2: construct explanations of phenomena based on evidence
Batteries in Bulbs Lab [Guided-Inquiry Lab]
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 2.2: apply mathematical routines to quantities describing phenomena
of Simple DC Circuits 2.3: estimate numerical quantities that describe phenomena
3.1: pose scientific questions
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
5.3: evaluate the evidence provided by the data in regard to questions
6.2: construct explanations of phenomena based on evidence gathered
6.5: evaluate alternative scientific explanations offered by peers
Resistance in Series and in Parallel [Open-Inquiry Lab]
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 2.1: justify the selection of mathematical routines to solve problems
of Simple DC Circuits 2.2: apply mathematical routines to quantities describing phenomena
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.1: justify the selection of data needed to answer a question
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
5.3: evaluate the evidence provided by the data in regard to questions
6.1: justify claims with evidence
6.4: make claims and predictions about natural phenomena
Multi-loop Circuits: Kirchoff’s Rules
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 1.1: create representations of natural phenomena
of Conservation of
1.4: use representations to analyze situations and solve problems
Electric Charge
2.1: justify the selection of mathematical routines to solve problems
2.2: apply mathematical routines to quantities describing phenomena
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
5.2: refine observations or measurements based on data analysis
5.3: evaluate the evidence provided by the data in regard to questions
6.2: construct explanations of phenomena based on evidence
Waves: Strings and Sound [Open-Inquiry Lab]
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 2.1: justify the selection of mathematical routines to solve problems
of Mechanical Waves 2.2: apply mathematical routines to quantities describing phenomena
and Sound
2.3: estimate quantities that describe natural phenomena
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
4.3: collect data to answer a particular scientific question
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
5.3: evaluate the evidence provided by the data in regard to questions
6.4: make claims and predictions about natural phenomena
Speed of Sound and Resonance
Primary Foundational
Science Practices engaged in the Lab
In this lab, students will…
Principle of Lab
Foundational Principles 2.1: justify the selection of mathematical routines to solve problems
of Mechanical Waves 2.2: apply mathematical routines to quantities describing phenomena
and Sound
3.3: evaluate scientific questions
4.2: design a plan for collecting data and answering questions
5.1: analyze data to identify patterns/relationships
5.2: refine observations or measurements based on data analysis
5.3: evaluate the evidence provided by the data in regard to questions
6.1: justify claims with evidence
Equipment Needed:
Scientific calculator (TI-83 or higher)
Students should be serious about taking and passing the AP Physics I Test. You MUST obtain a
copy of one of the commercially available AP Physics help books such as the Princeton Review
or Kaplan’s AP Physics for individual study.
Lab Journal
Students should acquire a 3-ring binder or spiral notebook that can be used exclusively for
recording laboratory sessions, data, and conclusions.
If you wish to pass the AP Physics I test, classwork alone will NOT get you there!!!!!! You
MUST be able and willing to commit 3-5 hours a week during the year to do additional studying,
reviewing, and self-quizzing to prepare yourself for the test.