Title: Holocene uplift and active tectonics at the southern margin of

Title: Holocene uplift and active tectonics at the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau
(southern Turkey)
Leaders with affiliation (max3)
D. Cosentino (Univ. of Rome3), E. Gliozzi, (Univ. Of Rome3), and C. Yildirim (Technical University of Istanbul)
Itinerary: Rome Adana Cyprus Rome
(flight and bus)
Figure label (max 10 words)
Holocene Tidal notch at 3.5m above s.l.
Duration: 5
Cost: 600€
(all included)
Pre-post-or sin-congress
Pre or Post
Text (120-180 parole di descrizione,) The Central Anatolian Plateau
(CAP), at the overriding plate of the Cyprean subduction zone,
underwent strong tectonic uplift starting from late Messinian.
Participants will visit the uplifted Calabrian shallow marine deposits at
the southern margin of the plateau, which show a coastal onlap at
1200 m a.s.l. pointing to a mid-term uplift rate of 0.72 to 0.74 mm/yr.
The field trip will move toward the Mediterranean coast, driving
through the Göksu River valley, where late Pleistocene fluvial strath
terraces show erosional rates similar to the mid-term uplift rate. The
field trip will continue along the Mediterranean coast of southern
Turkey where a series of tidal notches and tidal abrasion platforms, at
different elevations above sea level (from 0.50 m up to 7.2 m a.s.l.),
testify the uplift of the CAP southern margin is still going on with higher
Holocene uplift rates (1.2 mm/yr for the last 1000 yrs). Finally,
participants will have the opportunity to observe some extensional
faults affecting Holocene tidal abrasion platforms.
Indicazioni al comitato organizzatore (se necessario)