
Animal welfare: How and why we measure the welfare of
livestock and wildlife
Author: Prof Cheryl McCrindle
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
killed in a way that minimized suffering. In North
Animal welfare is a concept that means many things to
America and parts of Africa, wild animals were
many different people. It inspires passion and altruism
depicted on totems or cave paintings and hunted with
in those who see animals as sentient beings; but in
respect for their contribution to the health and well-
contrast, has also been vilified as a concept contrary to
being of humans. In the Middle East codes were
the ideal of human rights and dignity, particularly in
developed for the humane slaughter of animals and
Africa. Understanding the value systems and ethics
fowls that remain with us today as Kosher and Halaal
involved and monitoring livestock and wildlife welfare,
slaughter. The Old Testament teaches that livestock
using science-based, objective criteria (welfare audits)
should be treated with compassion (Proverbs 12:10
will be discussed in this module.
beast”).Muslims believe that animals exist for the
Value systems and ethics
benefit of humans, but must be treated with kindness
Value systems are very powerful motivators of ethical
(Qur’an 6: 38 There is not an animal on earth, nor a
human behaviour. In sociology, value theory describes
bird that flies on its wings, but they are communities
personal values which are popularly held by a
like you..).
community, and how those values might change under
particular conditions. Different groups of people may
In 2003, Hewson defined animal welfare as “the
hold or prioritize different kinds of values influencing
physical and psychological wellbeing of non-human
social behaviour. Value systems can be linked to
animals”. The core of animal welfare is that animals are
ethical and moral codes, or to economic values. Those
sentient beings, able to feel pain and to suffer. It is
linked to ethical or moral behaviour can inspire selfless
seen as morally acceptable for humans to utilize
dedication to a cause, such as the welfare or rights of
animals, provided that there is no unnecessary
suffering. In contrast, “Animal Rights” have been
defined as a “philosophical concept” that allocates
Historically concern for the welfare of animals was
probably first linked to religion. In India, there was a
belief that humans returned to earth as animals and
thus animals deserved respect and good treatment.
Egyptians, Greeks and Romans sacrificed animals to
their gods and surviving texts indicate that sacrificial
cattle were handled humanely prior to slaughter and
equal rights to humans and animals.
Management of dairy cows is likely to promote foot problems.
Is this a welfare issue?
The five freedoms
Chronic severe malnutrition. A cow that has calved is getting
very little food and is even sharing it with the goats.
Find out more
The five freedoms were drawn up by the United
The module contains not only detailed descriptions of
Kingdom’s Farm Animal Welfare Council, a body
the ethical background, the five freedoms and welfare
comprising the scientific advisors to the Ministry of
Agriculture. They include: freedom from thirst and
hunger; discomfort, pain, injury and disease; fear and
distress; and, freedom to express normal behaviour.
The five freedoms have been incorporated into the
1999 Animal Welfare Act in New Zealand and the 2006
Animal Welfare Act in the UK. In South Africa, they are
listed on the website of the National Council of
Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The
audits, but also explains them within context and gives
practical applications in everyday practice. The history
as well as intrinsic moral and ethical aspects of
livestock production and wildlife management are
discussed. The module also describes how to use
these documents to develop systems and checklists for
the scientific, rather than emotional, assessment of the
welfare of livestock and wildlife at the interface with
OIE Resolution in support of the development of a
Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare, which
recognizes the five freedoms, was passed in 2007.
The videos on the playlist “Welfare on Hub” can be
viewed, and will be discussed in the Welfare
Measuring animal welfare objectively
Animal welfare may be measured in terms of animalbased criteria (e.g. behaviour, body condition scoring,
Other relevant information
 Animal
or even physiology and serum levels of stress
hormones) or resource-based criteria (e.g. enough
water, enough space, enough food). The latter are
probably much easier to measure objectively; however,
animal-based criteria are increasingly being seen as a
better measure of wellbeing. Animal welfare auditing is
becoming increasingly important to veterinarians and
others involved in livestock and wildlife welfare.
 Animal welfare: Infectious and production diseases
that compromise livestock/wildlife welfare
 Animal
livestock/wildlife welfare standards
 Animal welfare: Livestock and wildlife welfare during
handling transport and slaughter.