Identification of target groups of traditional health practitioners for

Identification of target groups of traditional health practitioners for
training, development of training methodology, and identification of
training materials
2.3.1 Efforts should be made to train all categories of traditional health practitioners
in AIDS prevention and control, whether or not they are part of the
Conventional formal health system. They will, in turn, become trainers for their client
population, thus promoting a multiplier effect.
2.3.2 Prior to the development of the methodology and content of such training, it is
imperative that the background and learning needs of the
practitioners be determined. Furthermore, it is essential that extreme care be used in
identifying “trusted intermediaries” who will act as training
providers (educators and modern medical health practitioners and workers who
believe in traditional medicine as well as in modern medicine) to
ensure that the trainees have maximum confidence in their trainers.
2.3.3 The very first step in training must be the establishment of good rapport
between the educational providers and the recipients by: (a) emphasizing
that “AIDS” is a new disease, for which neither modern nor traditional medicine has
yet discovered a cure and (b) by informing the traditional health
practitioners that they can play a vital role in the prevention and control of AIDS and
in patient care. Training programmes organized at community
level should emphasize that all kinds of health professionals (modern and
traditional) should work together against a major, serious health problem
that is not only of local, but of national and global concern. It must be stressed that
cooperation on AIDS between traditional health practitioners and
modern medical practitioners is very important and could be of mutual benefit. While
modern medicine is needed for the accurate diagnosis of AIDS,
it is the traditional health practitioners who would probably be the primary care
providers and in the front line in the prevention and control of the
spread of this disease.
2.3.4 Once rapport and confidence have been established, modern and traditional
health practitioners should share their perceptions of AIDS and
Physical addres:
Level 3; Zionist Centre,
Cnr. 16 Banket & Devilliers Street,
Johannesburg 2001
Tel: (011) 337 6177
Fax: (011) 337 2589
Postal Address:
3722 Johannesburg 2001
E-Mail: thohealth@gmail
AIDS-related diseases. Where possible, national/provincial traditional health
practitioner leaders should be included as members of the training team.
The trainers should then proceed with a seminar/workshop to present relevant
information on AIDS transmission, prevention, control, and patient
care in a way that minimizes resentment and resistance among the trainees.
Appropriate curricula on the subject of traditional medicine in general,
and AIDS in particular, should be developed in collaboration with traditional health
practitioners and taught at medical schools and at other schools
of health sciences. Examples of possible training methods include:
- group discussion rather than a lecture approach at both national and local levels;
- a problem-solving and case-study approach in small working groups;
- use of audiovisual aids, such as films and slides on specific AIDS cases, in the
language of the trainees;
- demonstrations of beneficial therapeutic practices;
- role-playing (dramatization, etc.).
2.3.5 The development of training materials for traditional health practitioners should
(a) motion pictures, audiovisual aids, pamphlets, posters, cartoons, and leaflets with
drawings illustrating basic facts on AIDS and AIDS-related diseases;
(b) for the education of the general public by the trained traditional health
practitioner, the following materials could be made available: scripts of theatrical
plays, songs, radio jingles, short stories, poems, well-known myths, legends, and
folklore (adapted as needed); posters, cartoons, and audiovisual aids (where
Physical addres:
Level 3; Zionist Centre,
Cnr. 16 Banket & Devilliers Street,
Johannesburg 2001
Tel: (011) 337 6177
Fax: (011) 337 2589
Postal Address:
3722 Johannesburg 2001
E-Mail: thohealth@gmail