Grade 2: Winter Landscape D1.1 create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express feelings and ideas inspired by activities in their community or observations of nature D1.2 demonstrate an understanding of composition, using principles of design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic Knowledge & Understanding -Student uses space by overlapping objects to create depth. Level 1 The student overlaps very few objects and all the objects are the same size. Thinking -Student plans and designs a winter scene. With very few details, the student designs a winter scene. Application -Student applies a variety of techniques (i.e., different sized objects and overlapping to show depth). With very few details, the student forgets to apply a variety of techniques (i.e., overlapping and drawing different sized objects) to show depth. With very few details, the student minimally describes the feelings evoked from the colours and shapes within the winter scene. Communication -Student describes the activities displayed in their winter scene. Level 2 With a few details, the student overlaps objects and forgets to draw a variety of different sized objects to create depth. With a few details, the student designs and arranges a few different sized objects to create a winter scene. With a few details, the student applies a few of the techniques (i.e., overlapping and drawing different sized objects) to show depth. Level 3 With some details, the student overlaps objects and draws some different sized objects to create depth. Level 4 With several details, the student overlaps a variety of objects and draws different sized objects to create depth. With some details, the student designs and arranges some different sized objects to create a winter scene. With some details, the student applies some of the techniques (i.e., overlapping and drawing different sized objects) to show depth. With several details, the student designs and arranges different sized objects to create a winter scene. With a few details, the student describes the feelings evoked from the colours and shapes within the winter scene. With some details, the student describes the feelings evoked from the colours and shapes within the winter scene. With several details, the student describes the feelings evoked from the colours and shapes within the winter scene. With several details, the student applies a variety of techniques (i.e., overlapping and drawing different sized objects) to show depth. Next step(s): ________________________________________________________________ Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature: ______________________________________ Success Criteria: O I can overlap objects to create depth. O I can draw shapes and lines to create a winter scene. O I can describe the activities in my picture. O I can identify objects that are close and far away.