Winter Cheer Explosion February 20, 2016 Mifflin County School District Sponsored by Supreme Spirit All Stars, LLC Rules / Guidelines Squad Divisions and Regulations Supreme Spirit All Stars, LLC sponsored competitions will follow AACCA rules for high school and recreational teams. These teams will have 2 1/2 minutes to perform their routines. All-star cheerleading and dance teams will follow the USASF guidelines. Cheer teams will have 2 ½ minutes to perform their routines and dance teams will have 2 minutes and 15 seconds to perform their routines. All divisions will be offered; however, Supreme Spirit All Stars, LLC reserves the right to add, combine, or delete divisions as needed. Stunt Group and Individual Competitions Stunt groups must consist of no more than 5 female members. Partner Stunts may consist of no more than 2 individuals and an extra spotter. Each group will have 1 ½ minutes to perform their routine. Stunt regulations will be the same as listed above for the team competitions. All-star teams may not exceed level 5 guidelines. Individuals will have 1 ½ minutes to perform their routine, which must consist of both dance and cheer. Jump-off , Power Tumbling, Toss Off Competitions Registration for the jump-off, tumble-off and toss-off will take place the day of the event. The cost is $5 per cheerleader. Rules for this event are posted on the Supreme Spirit Allstars, LLC website. Awards All teams in every division will receive a trophy. The top three stunt groups and the top three individuals in each division will receive awards. Grand Champion trophies will also be given as well as a division champs and specialty awards for best dance, best music, loudest and proudest fans, and sportsmanship. Weather Policy Supreme Spirit All Star, LLC will only cancel if we are under a State of Emergency, severe weather, or the facility will not open. A cancellation will not occur until 6 AM the morning of the event. A snow date of Saturday, February 27, 2016 is set. Refund Policy Refunds will only be issued if Supreme Spirit All Star, LLC is the one that cancels the event. If you chose not to attend on your own, you will not receive a refund. Questions A tentative schedule will be emailed to the email provided on your registration form Wednesday before the competition. A final schedule will be emailed Friday morning. If you have any questions, please email Winter Cheer Explosion February 20, 2016 Mifflin County School District Sponsored by Supreme Spirit All Stars, LLC REGISTRATION Squad Name _________________________________________________ Contact Person _______________________________________ Email (required to receive schedule) ________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________ Phone Number ___________________ ___________________________________________ Website ________________________ Color / Mascot __________________________________________________________ Divisions Number of Members Females Males All Star Levels Number of Coaches Additional Coaches Each team receives two coaches free; additional coaches is $8 A roster of teams is required upon request Recreational and School Divisions Youth I (2nd grade and below) Youth II (4th grade and below) Youth III (6th grade and below) Youth IV (8th grade and below) Senior Rec (12th grade and below) Junior High (9th grade and below) Freshman (all members 9th grade) JV (11th grade and under) Varsity (9th – 12th grade) (varsity division will be divided into small, medium, and large depending on number of teams registered) Coed Varsity (one or more males) All-Star Divisions Dance Divisions – Hip Hop – Follow USASF guidelines. Divisions will be split into small and large if there are teams in each category. Other divisions will be added as needed (pom, jazz, variety, etc.) Teams having one or more males must register in the coed division. Ages are as of August 31, 2015. Tiny (6 and under) Mini (8 and under) Youth (11 and under) Junior (14 and under) Junior Coed (14 and under) Senior (18 and under) Senior Coed (18 and under) International Open (ages 14 and older) Open (17 and older) Tiny (6 and under) Mini (8 and under) Youth (11 and under) Junior (14 and under) Senior (18 and under) Open (15 and over) Winter Cheer Explosion February 20, 2016 Mifflin County School District Sponsored by Supreme Spirit All Stars, LLC Individuals Cost $30 Name Division Name Division Name Division Stunt Groups Cost $50 Stunt Group Name Division Team Member’s Names Stunt Group Name Division Team Member’s Names Stunt Group Name Division Team Member’s Names Partner Stunting Cost $40 Stunt Group Name Division Team Member’s Names Stunt Group Name Division Team Member’s Names Stunt Group Name Team Member’s Names Division Winter Cheer Explosion February 20, 2016 Mifflin County School District Sponsored by Supreme Spirit All Stars, LLC Payment Form Team Registration – Early Bird Before January 15, 2016 Team Registration – On Time January 16 – February 12, 2016 Individuals Number of Teams Number of Participants Number of Individuals Amount Per Team $150 Amount Per Participants $15 Amount Per Participants $30 TOTAL DUE Team Subtotal TOTAL DUE Number of Crossovers Stunt Groups Amount Per Crossover $6 Number of Participants Crossover Subtotal $ Amount Per Participants $50 TOTAL DUE TOTAL DUE TOTAL OVERALL DUE SUPREME SPIRIT ALL STAR, LLC USE ONLY Partner Stunts Check Number __________ Date Received _____________ Number of Participants Number of Coaches Bands _______ Number of Coaches Gifts ________ Amount Per Participants $40 Coach’s Signature __________________________________________ DO NOT SIGN UNTIL AT THE COMPETITION TOTAL DUE Squad Name ________________ School / Organization Checks should be made payable to Supreme Spirit All Star, LLC and mailed to: Supreme Spirit All Star, LLC C/O Nicole Singer 717 South Wayne Street Lewistown PA 17044-2552 Winter Cheer Explosion February 20, 2016 Mifflin County School District Sponsored by Supreme Spirit All Stars, LLC WAIVER FORM Must be filled out be EACH participant Participants will not be able to compete without a signed waiver. Please mail or hand in waivers at the registration table on the day of the event. I give my daughter/son ______________________ permission to participate in the Winter Cheer Explosion hosted by Supreme Spirit Allstar, LLC. I understand that with any competitive sport there are inherent risks involved, including catastrophic injuries. I agree to hold Supreme Spirit Allstar, LLC and the Mifflin County School District harmless for any injuries/illnesses to my child. In case of injury, parent/guardian(s) are responsible for all medical treatments and expenses. By signing below both the participant and I verify that I am the parent or guardian of the participant named above, that I have read and understand the conditions of this medical release. I further acknowledge that I am fully aware of the dangerous nature of the sport my child is partaking in and will hold only myself liable for any resulting illness or injury (minimal, serious, or catastrophic). I do allow my child’s photograph to be taken for the sole purpose Supreme Spirit Allstar, LLC promotional material (including their web site). Participant’s Printed Name _______________________________ School/Team __________________________________________ Participant’s Signature __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________ Date ______________________