Objectives Q2w7 Nov 15-19, 2010 M T W R F Per 1 (8:40-9:35) Fri-9:40-10:25 Obj: Use vocab in context; Write a new ending to a story; write a friendly letter Activities: Whole group- review game Group 1- write new solution; Group 2- write letter requesting FS exchange Assess: observ.; written ending; letter HW: make flat self 9:40-9:50 Library/Silent reading 4th & 6th Obj: Contribute to a shared writing Activities: TPRS prompt- “Enough is Enough! I don’t want to be hot anymore!” shouted the sun. Q/A details of the story Assess: verbal responses; retelling HW: Study for quiz Obj: Correctly use words in context; collect and share SS info. Activities: Quiz-Vocabulary Chiara- Reading project Grade 4- SS poster Assess: Quiz, poster Obj: Read & discuss details of a story; Tell a story from various points of view Activities: In turn, orally read story aloud; Q/A details In turn, retell story from diff. POV Assess: Write 3 questions about story Obj: Read and spell words using word families patterns; Use oral clues to guess common vocabulary Activities: Logo Phonics: -oke, -ite, -ape 20 questions with classroom words Assess: observation Objectives Q2w7 Nov 15-19, 2010 M T W R F Per 2 (9:35-10:30) Fri-10:25-11:12 Dir poster: Stickers; returned work Obj: Summarize story events in writing; use vocabulary in context Group 1-The Choc. Touch (ch.7, 8) Group 2- Flat Stanley (ch.5) HW: Choc. Touch- Read ch. 9, 10 Dir poster: Obj: Summarize story events in writing; use vocabulary in context Group 1- Choc. Touch (ch. 9, 10) Group 2- Flat Stanley (whole bk) HW: study for quiz Dir poster: Obj: Correctly use words in context; collect and share SS info. Activities: Quiz- Vocabulary Grade 4 & 5- SS poster Grade 6- poster/reader’s theater Assess: Quiz, poster; reader’s theater 5th to Library Dir poster: Obj: Summarize story events in writing; use vocabulary in context Group 1- Choc. Touch (ch. 11, 12) Group 2- Flat Stanley (whole bk)begin writing scripts for projectmovie trailer HW: Choc. Touch- vocab. Ch 11, 12 Dir poster: Obj: Summarize story events in writing; use vocabulary in context; write persuasively Group 1- Choc. Touch (whole bk.) Discuss lessons learned Group 2- Flat Stanley (whole bk.) write scripts for project- movie trailer Objectives Q2w7 Nov 15-19, 2010 Per 3 (10:40-11:35) Fri-11:17-12:04 Obj: Define vocabulary; Summarize reading; review vocabulary Read “The Crow and the Pitcher” & M discuss the moral of the fable respond to “moral” p. 10 Assess: discussion; written response HW: Write “handy summary” of fable Obj: Spell words based on context; Identify parts of a friendly letter; Write complete sentences T Spelling/ clue game Writing Skills-2 p. 6 Assess: observation; p. 6 HW: study for quiz Obj: Correctly spell high-frequency words; collect and share SS info. Activities: W Quiz- spelling; parts of a letter SS poster Assess: Quiz, poster Obj: Connect literature with content; write sent. with proper word order Do experiment to try to raise the water in a glass R Write about experience in journal Writing Skills-2 p. 8 Assess: journal; p. 8 Reading/Vocab: (Computer Lab) F RAZ-Kids, Brain Pop, or Scholastic I Spy Social Studies 4 Social Studies 5 Social Studies 6 Science 7 Science 8 China Explorers Ancient Greece Exploring Habitats Biology M- M- M- M- Watch Mountains DVD W- Matter exchange cycles (Thur. Review for test) T- F- R- T – Debrief Mountains; compare/contrast w/ deserts Follow-up- TF- TEST F- Lap books all week RF-